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Chapter 289: Heart Poison, Disrespectful Behavior

Chapter 289: Heart Poison, Disrespectful Behavior


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 289: The poison of the tattooed heart, rude behavior

  Yang Shifei hurriedly helped Yunqin to sit aside and examined her wrist carefully.

  ”The pulse is a little disordered, and so is the internal breath.”

  ”It is indeed a sign of poisoning.

  Tan Xiang half-knelt beside to help take the pulse, and whispered: “I think the moves performed by the man just now were different, and there was some hidden poisonous fog hidden in it, and Miss Yunqin accidentally inhaled it into her body.”

  Yang Shifei frowned: “Do you have such a skill?”

  ”The Nine Sects of Xu Kingdom are called Wuyun Valley. This sect is very good at using medicine to poison, and there are many strange and colorless and odorless poisons.”

  Tan Xiang carefully felt Yunqin’s internal breath and murmured: “Xu Kingdom’s martial arts are not prosperous. Those who can have such a level of cultivation are most likely the elders of Wuyun Valley. Even if they are corroded into madness, they will definitely not forget these housekeeping skills.

  Moreover, there is still filth flowing in Miss Yunqin’s body, which is obviously three times more vicious than the previous poison.”

  Hearing this, Yang Shifei’s face became more solemn: “First absorb the filth in her body, and then we will take her back to the barracks and let the doctor take a look?”

  ”It’s too late. Let me test it first.”

  Tan Xiang had a guess in mind. She scratched Yun Qin’s wrist with her fingernails. A trace of blood soon oozed out of the tiny wound.

  Yang Shifei took a closer look and found that the blood had turned black and emitted a chill.

  ”What kind of poison is this? It works so quickly.”

  ”It’s ‘Heart Blood’, one of the unique poisons of Wuyun Valley.”

  Tan Xiang’s eyes flickered and his tone became heavier: “The poisoned person’s internal breath is disordered and his consciousness is blurred. Black lines will appear on his chest. Once the lines are full of black, it means that his internal organs will rot and turn into water.

  Fortunately, Miss Yun Qin has a profound skill. Her internal skill is spontaneously resisting the spread of the poison, and she has closed several acupuncture points around her body in time to forcibly block the blood from entering the brain. Otherwise, she would have lost half her life at this moment.”

  Yang Shifei was shocked when he heard it.

  If the means of the Five Elements Valley are really so amazing, then nine out of ten countries in the world would be unstoppable.

  ”In my memory, the smell of the tattooed heart blood is extremely pungent, and the smoke is dark yellow. With Miss Yunqin’s skills, she should be able to avoid it.”

  Tan Xiang bit her lower lip lightly: “I think these poisons are combined with filth, and there are many unknown changes.”

  Yang Shifei said in a deep voice: “How should we treat it now?”

  ”We can only try the old method.”

  Tan Xiang pointed to Yunqin’s chest: “This tattooed heart blood poison will gradually condense in her heart, then corrode the pericardium and merge into the internal organs, and then be transported to all parts of the body.

  As long as the pericardium is not corrupted and it is forced out of the body with profound internal force, the poison can be greatly alleviated. With Miss Yunqin’s cultivation background, she is enough to adjust her breath and recover by herself.”

  As she said, she cast a serious look: “Young Master, this girl can’t hold on for too long, she can only detoxify here as soon as possible. The two of us will do it together.”


  but before the voice fell, there was another strange sound in the forest, and the footsteps became clearer.

  Tan Xiang’s pretty face turned cold, and she glanced at the dark forest: “There are indeed reinforcements from the Xu Kingdom here.”

  She drew the soft sword from her waist and whispered: “Young Master, I will go to deal with those ambushes, you help this girl absorb the filth in her body first.”

  ”Okay, you must be careful.”

  Yang Shifei said calmly: “If there is any strong enemy, we must act according to the situation.”

  Tan Xiang nodded slightly, and immediately flew into the forest. After several moves, she disappeared.

  Not long after, the sound of weapons colliding came from the distance, and it was obvious that there was a battle.


  Yang Shifei turned his gaze back to Yun Qin and patted his chest.

  ”Fairy Mother, do you have any solution?”

  ”The little girl’s method is fine, you can try it.”

  A ball of flesh and blood came out of his arms and turned into a small and exquisite fairy mother who climbed onto his shoulder.

  She carefully looked at the unconscious Yunqin and whispered in her ear: “However, this woman can be considered an expert among mortals. You should be careful when forcing out the poison and healing her wounds, so as not to be injured by her internal energy.”

  ”It’s okay, we know each other.”

  Yang Shifei held Yunqin’s cold hands and absorbed the filth in her body.


  Yun Qin let out a faint moan, her body trembled slightly, and her breathing became more rapid.

  Although she was wearing a loose robe, the rise and fall of her chest was still clearly visible.


  Yun Qin suddenly pressed her legs together, tilted her head back, and rubbed and kicked her toes back and forth on the ground as if helpless.

  This sudden movement caught Yang Shifei off guard, and he hurried to stabilize her twisting body.

  ”Miss Yun, bear with it for a while!”

  After the last bit of filth was completely sucked out, Yun Qin seemed to let out a hoarse groan from the bottom of her throat, and her whole body spasmed violently twice before she completely collapsed.


  Yun Qin was so weak that she could hardly sit still, and it was Yang Shifei who reached out to help support her shoulders.

  ”Miss Yun, are you awake?”

  ”A little more awake.”

  Yun Qin slightly opened her eyes and murmured weakly, “What were you doing just now?”

  Yang Shifei looked calm and explained, “You were poisoned by the blood of the veins that was mixed with filth. I just helped you suck out the filth. But the poison of the veins of the heart is still accumulated in the heart, and I was just about to help you force the poison out.”

  Having said this, he carefully helped her limp body up: “Can you mobilize your internal energy now and actively force the poison out?”


  Yun Qin closed her eyes and tried for a moment, only to feel that her chest was extremely dull, and her internal energy turned into a quagmire and was difficult to mobilize.

  ”No. Now I have done my best to protect my heart and internal organs. If I rashly use my energy again… cough.”

  ”Don’t worry, miss, let me continue to help.”

  Yang Shifei was about to sit behind her, put his palm on her back, and use his energy to force the poison out again.

  But the Fairy Mother touched her earlobe and whispered, “The poison is gathered in the chest. If you use your internal force to push it from behind, it will hurt the heart. The poison will not be forced out, but will flow into the wound.”

  Yang Shifei paused and said, “Do you need to use palm power from the front to suck out the poison?”

  ”Yes.” The Fairy Mother nodded slightly, “With your current skills, you can do it.”

  Yang Shifei grinned secretly and took a breath, then sat back in front of Yunqin.

  If I had known this, I shouldn’t have acted separately from Xian’er and the others. Now the two sides are dozens of miles apart, and they can’t even shout to each other.

  ”Miss, human lives are at stake now. Please forgive me for being a little rude.”

  ”What are you going to do?”

  Yunqin slightly widened her eyes and panted weakly, “If you want to force the poison, let Tanxiang do it.”

  ”She is now fighting with the ambush troops of the Xu Kingdom and can’t spare her hands.”

  Yang Shifei gritted his teeth and said, “And there is still filth hidden in this poison. She can’t touch it casually. Only I can do it.”


  Yunqin was silent for a moment, and her complicated heart turned into a weak sigh.

  She was not an unreasonable person. She knew that Yang Shifei was thinking about her life now.

  However, thinking that she had been in the martial arts world for decades, she would fall into this field because of a momentary negligence.

  Now she even has to be treated by the junior in front of her

  ”Miss, I’m sorry.”

  Yang Shifei didn’t delay any longer and carefully unbuttoned the collar of her robe.

  Yunqin bit her lips tightly under the mask, and said with a faint breath: “You can’t look or touch anything you want.”

  ”I understand, healing is important now, I won’t take advantage of you–”

  But before Yang Shifei finished speaking, two white giants suddenly jumped out of the silk cloth, like waves, filling the entire field of vision.


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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