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Chapter 29 Sweet and Heartwarming

Chapter 29 Sweet and Heartwarming

2024-03-16 作者: 枚可

  Chapter 29 Sweet and Heartwarming

  The two of them went all the way to Qingyue Tower to get the account book, and stopped along the way to buy a lot of things. When the sun gradually set, they returned to Luo Mansion.

  ”——Let’s say goodbye here.”

  Tan Xiang stopped in front of the Luo Mansion and glanced at him: “You’d better stay at home more these days. After all, Xiang Tianlin has not been arrested and brought to justice, and his whereabouts are unpredictable.”

  Yang Shifei nodded slightly: “Don’t worry, if there is nothing, I will practice at home with peace of mind.”

  Tan Xiang was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: “Three meals will continue to be delivered.”

  After that, the maid turned around and walked into Luo Mansion, closing the door gently.

  Yang Shifei couldn’t help but smile.

  Although his attitude was still cold, his heart was warm.

  Not long after, Yang Shifei returned home.

  He put the newly bought bedding in the house, and was struggling with which guest room to sleep tonight, when his shoulder was suddenly poked.

  Yang Shifei hurriedly turned around and met Yue Rui’s watery and smiling eyes.

  ”You, have been out for a long time.”

  ”I spent most of today wandering around the city.”

  Yang Shifei smiled with interest: “But you, didn’t you take a nap?”

  This is the first time since they met.

  Look at the little girl, she has changed her clothes today. The plain white gauze skirt fits her slender figure, her shoulders are slightly exposed, and the purse under her delicate collarbone supports her chest with a slight arc. With her flawless face like porcelain jade, she is really lovable.

  ”I don’t want to sleep.” Yue Rui shook her little head, and the tuft of hair on her head also shook: “I can’t sleep today.”

  ”You also have insomnia at your age?”

  Yang Shifei was amused for a while: “Why?”

  This girl sleeps all day, and likes to look at the moon when she wakes up. Her mind is clear and clean. I didn’t expect that she would have little troubles?

  ”You, are not here.”




  The little girl’s straightforward words made Yang Shifei’s smile suddenly stiff.

  Facing the girl’s direct gaze, he inexplicably felt as if he had done something unfaithful.

  ”Well, I was running around outside before, so why do I feel uncomfortable today?”


  Yue Rui tugged at the hem of her skirt, lowering her head slightly.

  She didn’t care at first.

  As long as she could stay here and sleep peacefully every day, practice “double cultivation” with Yang Shifei before going to bed, and occasionally eat something delicious, she would be satisfied.

  But she listened for a long time last night. Although she didn’t understand what was so fun about rubbing lips together, she gradually felt unhappy and a little angry when she heard the strange noises coming from the room.

  Of course, she didn’t speak out to stop him willfully, and she didn’t stop Yang Shifei from going out today. She just couldn’t help asking after she got home,

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Yang Shifei bent down slightly and said half-jokingly, “Is it because I’m not at home, so it’s a bit lonely?”

  Yue Rui suddenly came closer, leaned in front of him and shrugged her little nose, as if she was smelling something.

  Yang Shifei quickly raised his sleeves to smell it himself, and there shouldn’t be any strange smell.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”The smell of a woman.” Yue Rui’s face bulged slightly, and she muttered, “It’s that woman again.”

  Yang Shifei: “.”

  This nose is really sharp, is it really a cat?

  Yang Shifei quickly smiled helplessly: “I work under the Luo Mansion, and I am Miss Luo’s fiancé. It’s normal to have some rouge.”

  As he said, he pressed Yue Rui’s shoulders and went out of the house together: “If you don’t want to sleep today, why don’t I make you a dinner?”


  Yue Rui’s beautiful eyes lit up: “I also want noodles, a little sour and spicy is better!”

  Sure enough, the simple-minded little girl is easy to coax, and her mood changes like a weather forecast.

  Looking at the girl’s pure and bright smile, Yang Shifei couldn’t help but smile,

  ”Okay, I’ll give you the food

  right away.” The two of them went to the kitchen happily, and when the smoke gradually rose, a bowl of hot soup noodles was brought out soon.

  Yue Rui sat at the table with chopsticks in her hands, her eyes seemed to be shining with stars, her little feet swayed under the table, and her little fleshy legs were looming.

  When a bowl of beef noodles was brought to her, she was immediately surprised: “So rich!”

  ”Isn’t it?”

  Yang Shifei brushed off the oil smoke on his sleeves and sat opposite with a happy face. “There wasn’t much food at home before, but today I bought a lot of seasonings and side dishes, so the noodles are naturally more fragrant. For example, the freshly boiled lard… uh.”

  Before he could introduce a few words, Yue Rui put down the bowl of noodles with a happy face – it was already clean.

  The corners of the girl’s mouth were stained with oil stains, and her little face was slightly red because of the spicy oil, and she was very cute.

  ”It’s delicious!”

  ”.It’s OK if you like it.”

  Yang Shifei’s face was slightly relaxed, and he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  This girl ate so fast that it was unbelievable. I really don’t know how her stomach grew.

  But seeing that the other party ate so deliciously, he was also quite satisfied.

  ”Your mouth is full of oil, don’t forget to wipe it off.”

  ”Um, help me wipe it off~”

  Yue Rui suddenly came over and sat up obediently.

  The petite body leaned forward slightly, and at the same time raised her flushed face, her eyelashes half closed, and she looked submissive and ready to be picked.


  Seeing the girl deliberately pouting her tender lips, Yang Shifei’s heart trembled, and he secretly said guilty twice. He couldn’t help but be curious, this girl seemed to be particularly close to him today?

  ”When did you become a child and ask me to help wipe your mouth.”

  Yue Rui tilted her head and pointed at her lips: “Then suck it?”

  Yang Shifei quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped her mouth: “Don’t mess around next time, I can’t stand these stimulations.”

  Yue Rui then let out a sweet and innocent laugh, and was very obedient to let her wipe.

  But just as Yang Shifei was about to withdraw his hand, the girl grabbed his wrist.


  The soft cherry lips suddenly wrapped around his index finger.

  Yang Shifei’s breathing stagnated, and his eyes couldn’t help but widen.

  Yue Rui gently held his palm, raised her moist eyes like a small animal, and nodded her lips.

  Looking at the girl’s innocent eyes, Yang Shifei suddenly felt a little dry in the mouth. It was the first time he discovered that this little girl who had lived with him for several days had such a seductive and charming side, just like a seductive and depraved little demon girl.

  He soon felt that his fingertips seemed to be gently tickled by a cat, as if tickling his heart.

  ”Wait, girl.”

  Before he finished speaking, Yang Shifei’s face twitched in pain.

  A chill suddenly surged along his fingertips, and the familiar soreness and numbness spread throughout his arm, completely waking him up from the enchantment.

  Damn, it turns out that the cold air can be absorbed not only with my own mouth, but also in this girl’s mouth? !

  The circulation of the cold air only took a few breaths this time.

  Yue Rui stole a glimpse of the lingering fear on Yang Shifei’s face, and could not help but gently move the tip of her tongue, as if trying to soothe the pain.

  ”Okay, okay.”

  Yang Shifei withdrew his right hand with a subtle expression.

  When did he become so charming? Does this girl like him so much?

  Could it be that she really regarded him as a ‘double cultivation partner’?

  Yue Rui pursed her cherry lips, and her beautiful eyes were full of mischievous smiles.

  Seeing the girl’s delicate and innocent appearance, Yang Shifei couldn’t help but reach out and touch her head.

  ”Are you satisfied now?”

  ”Yeah~” Yue Rui smiled sweetly: “You go and get busy~”

  Seeing Yang Shifei return to the kitchen with a strange look on his face, she touched the top of her head that had just been rubbed, her smile faded slightly, but her little face was flushed without knowing when.

  ”So this is how it feels.”

  The night was getting darker, and the cold wind was blowing gently.

  Yang Shifei practiced the Mountain Stepping Kung Fu alone in the yard for more than an hour, and then practiced several sets of the Forest Crossing Kung Fu.

  After sweating all over, he stopped his homework tonight with satisfaction.

  Although he experienced a little “small accident” after returning home in the evening, as Yue Rui went back to the room to sleep, he calmed down his restless mind and put his attention back on his own practice.

  In his opinion, since he had the golden finger of absorbing filth, he naturally had to seize the opportunity to practice well.

  Dongcheng seems to be calm now, but there may be turmoil behind the scenes. Moreover, if he wants to marry into the Luo family in the future, he must have the ability to protect his life, and he can’t be lazy and lazy just because of a little talent.

  Yang Shifei quickly washed and changed his clothes, picked up the candle, and prepared to stay in the guest room next door for the night.

  Walking in the deserted courtyard, he shook his arms from time to time, raised his hands and gestured a few times, and recalled the essence of the Mountain Stepping Kung Fu in his mind.

  Although this martial art is for health preservation and body building, the more you think about it, the more you can feel its exquisiteness, which contains profound martial arts principles.

  In comparison, the Forest Crossing Kung Fu is superficial, and only the power-generating technique is worth studying more.

  While thinking, Yang Shifei pushed the door into the room, took off his outer robe, blew out the candle, turned around and sat on the bed, while reciting martial arts in his mind, gradually fell asleep due to sleepiness.

  But in his dream, he vaguely felt as if a soft and heavy object was pressing on his body.

  The sweet smell lingered in his nose, as if he was trapped in a veritable gentle country, his neck was gently hugged, and he could faintly hear the sweet and mischievous laughter like a cat in his ears.

  Unconsciously, the sunlight outside the window shone on the bed, bringing a hint of warmth.

  Yang Shifei woke up as usual, feeling that he had slept very comfortably last night. Just as he was about to turn over and get out of bed, his movements suddenly stopped.


  He looked to his left in a daze, and there was a petite girl lying on her side, her nightgown slightly messy, sleeping very well and peacefully.

  Yang Shifei almost thought that he had made a big mistake because of drunkenness.

  But then he thought, he didn’t drink at all last night, and there was no one else in the room!

  He took a closer look and found that it was Yue Rui who was supposed to sleep next door.

  ”When did this girl come here?”

  After confirming that both parties’ clothes were intact, Yang Shifei breathed a sigh of relief, but his expression was a little complicated.

  Although this girl is mysterious, she is indeed well-behaved and cute in the past few days with him, which always makes people feel good about her.

  ”.It’s better to say that I’ve raised a cute kitten than to say that I’m here to be a maid.”

  Yang Shifei shook his head and chuckled twice, then got out of bed carefully and covered the girl with the quilt again.

  He hurriedly changed his clothes and left the house, but saw a beautiful figure sitting in the yard, and his heart tightened immediately.

  ”Miss Luo?”

  Yue Rui was still lying on the bed.

  ”Sir, good morning.”

  Luo Xian’er sat dignifiedly at the stone table, her waist-length hair swaying in the wind.

  Her fair face was still without makeup, but the blue-and-white porcelain flower skirt made her even more beautiful.

  Yang Shifei closed the door with his backhand: “Miss Luo came really early today, why didn’t you call me earlier.”

  ”Sir, you’ve been practicing martial arts diligently these days, you need to have a good rest.”

  Luo Xian’er raised her hand and placed it on the bamboo basket beside her: “Tan Xiang has prepared breakfast for you today.”

  ”Okay, I’ll go wash my face first.”

  Yang Shifei ran to the well to get a bucket of water and washed himself thoroughly.

  ”Sir, I have something to discuss with you.”

  Seeing him wipe his face and turn back, Luo Xian’er said softly, “This matter is of great importance.”

  Yang Shifei was about to pick up the food with his chopsticks when he heard this, and he looked puzzled: “Did something unexpected happen in the city?”

  ”Not in the city.”

  Luo Xian’er took out a letter from her sleeve: “According to the secret letter from Chief Constable Tie, they have discovered Xiang Tianlin’s movements and the location of the enemy’s ambush.”

   ​​I hope everyone can follow the update, vote and post, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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