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Chapter 290 The Show Begins

Chapter 290 The Show Begins


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 290 The Good Show Begins

  He Yu asked in confusion, “Xiu Wen, why don’t you leave?”

  Xu Xiu Wen smiled, “Don’t worry, I’ll treat you to a good show.”

  He Yu was stunned when he heard this.

  Xiao You Ran also cast a puzzled look. Xu

  Xiu Wen’s attention has been on the gate of Tongqing Building.

  Soon, two people walked out of the restaurant.

  Among the two, the older one wore a gray jacket commonly seen by old cadres, with a white shirt and wool sweater inside. The collar of the white shirt was exposed outside, and he had a black belt tied around his waist. He wore black casual trousers and black leather shoes. The

  older man had a slicked-back hairstyle and a tough look. Even at his age, he was still handsome between his eyebrows.

  The young man next to the older man had shiny hair and a close-fitting black suit.

  The clothes were decent, but the young man’s appearance was not flattering.

  Xu Xiu Wen recognized the identities of the two at a glance.

  Cao Ye and his son Cao Yu.

  A black Mercedes was parked at the entrance of Tongqing Building.

  After Cao Ye and his son came out of Tongqing Building, they got into a black Mercedes-Benz.

  Xu Xiuwen noticed that Cao Ye got into the back seat where the leaders usually sat, while Cao Yu got into the driver’s seat.

  The black Mercedes-Benz started slowly and drove away from the entrance of Tongqing Building.

  But the car did not drive far, but drove to the corner of the road and stopped on the side of the road.

  Soon, more teachers appeared at the entrance of Tongqing Building.

  Xu Xiuwen even recognized a few of them.

  The teachers left in twos and threes.

  Xu Xiuwen saw a female teacher in black silk uniform supporting another young female teacher and walking along the road.

  The female teacher who was supported was so drunk that she could not walk steadily and could only walk with the support of the female teacher in black silk.

  The two soon walked to the corner of the street, which happened to be next to the car of Cao Ye and his son.

  The female teacher in black silk sent the young female teacher to the back seat, then walked around to the co-pilot, opened the car door, and got in.

  After the two female teachers got in the car, Cao Yu immediately drove the car away from here.

  The Mercedes-Benz was speeding on the road, but it was heading away from the city and towards the eastern suburbs.

  Inside the car.

  Cao Ye looked at the young female teacher next to him who had a good figure, high appearance and fair skin, and felt itchy.

  But considering that his son was still driving, he had to hold back.

  Cao Ye turned his head and looked at Dai Qin in the passenger seat, “Thank you for your hard work tonight. I will take you to buy a bag later.”

  Dai Qin sat in the front seat, crossing her legs.

  After getting in the car, she took out a makeup mirror from her bag and began to touch up her makeup.

  After hearing what Cao Ye said, she didn’t turn around and said lightly, “When?”

  Cao Ye perfunctorily said, “Wait for my notification.”

  Hearing this, Dai Qin curled her lips and said, “Since you have a target tonight, I won’t go over. Drop me off in front and I’ll go home.”

  Cao Ye immediately shook his head and said, “That won’t do. I’m counting on you to send her back tomorrow morning. If she can’t get over it, you have to help me persuade her.” Dai Qin said speechlessly,

  ”You sleep with a woman, and I have to help you clean up your ass. Mr. Cao, this time I helped you get Yin Xin drunk, but only this time, there will be no next time. I’m not a pimp.”

  Hearing this, Cao Ye thought to himself, you bitch is worse than a pimp!

  But on the surface, he smiled and said, “Haha, I know what you have done for me. Don’t worry, I’ll take you shopping another day and I’ll definitely compensate you well.”

  ”That’s more like it.”

  Seeing that she finally smiled, Cao Ye sighed and said, “Alas, it’s a pity that Ning Wanqiu didn’t come tonight.”

  Thinking of Ning Wanqiu, he almost drooled.

  Dai Qin snorted, “Ning Wanqiu is not so easy to get drunk. Not to mention you treat her, even if the principal treats her, she may not go.”

  Cao Ye looked down at Yin Xin beside him and smiled, “Fortunately, this one is not bad.”

  Dai Qin glanced at Yin Xin and sneered, “This little girl just graduated and has no vigilance at all. After this experience, she should learn a lesson next time.”

  While Cao Ye and Dai Qin were talking, Cao Yu had been driving seriously.

  He didn’t say a word, as if he was an invisible man.

  But if you look closely, you will find that his peripheral vision drifted to the co-pilot from time to time, and stayed on Dai Qin’s black silk legs for a second or two.

  The car drove towards the eastern suburbs of the city.

  The air conditioning vents of the Mercedes-Benz blew warm air.

  The warm air blew on Yin Xin’s face.

  Yin Xin, who fell asleep as soon as she got in the car, was awakened by the wind.

  She woke up, but not completely.

  Because her mind was too confused and her body was soft and weak.

  She didn’t open her eyes, but she felt someone beside her.

  She gradually remembered that after she got drunk, it was her senior, Teacher Dai, who helped her out of the restaurant and said he would take her home.

  Yin Xin reluctantly opened her eyes. She quickly figured out that this car was not a taxi. She also saw Teacher Dai sitting in the passenger seat. Who was

  the person next to him?

  Yin Xin was startled. She tried to turn her head and look to the side.

  She actually saw Mr. Cao!

  How could Mr. Cao be in the car?

  Didn’t he leave early?

  Yin Xin’s mind was full of questions.

  Then she thought, where did Mr. Cao and Teacher Dai want to take her?

  It couldn’t be home!

  Because Teacher Dai didn’t know where her home was.

  She didn’t tell her the address before she fell asleep.

  Yin Xin had a bad feeling in her heart. She suddenly asked, “Where are you taking me? I want to go home.”

  She tried her best to sit up and get rid of Cao Ye’s hand.

  Cao Ye and Teacher Dai were both startled to see Yin Xin wake up.

  Cao Ye reacted very quickly and said immediately: “Teacher Dai and I are about to take you home. You can sleep a little longer and we will be at your home soon.”

  ”How do you know where I live?”

  Dai Qin said hurriedly, “You said before that you don’t remember. You may be drunk. Go to sleep. I will call you when we get there.”

  Yin Xin did not believe Dai Qin’s explanation.

  She felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

  She said weakly, “Stop the car, I want to get off, I don’t need you to take me there.”

  At this time, the car had already driven to the east of the city. There were few cars on the road, and no one on the road.

  Going further would be more remote.

  In Cao Ye’s view, Yin Xin was already a bird in a cage and a fish in a net, and she could not escape.

  So he stopped pretending and said to Cao Yu in front of Yin Xin, “Xiao Yu, drive faster.”

  Cao Yu nodded, still didn’t say anything, just stepped on the accelerator silently.

  If Yin Xin didn’t know that Cao Ye had bad intentions at this time, she would be a fool.

  She shouted, “What are you doing? Let me out of the car!”

  Cao Ye completely ignored her and was about to go to his house in the suburbs.

  Yin Xin woke up at this moment.

  This is better.

  Yin Xin was shocked and scared.

  Although the car door was right next to her, she didn’t dare to jump out of the car. But

  except jumping out of the car, she had no other choice! In

  a blink of an eye, they arrived at the house in the suburbs.

  There were no residents within dozens of meters around this house, so Cao Ye was not worried that Ning Wanqiu would shout and attract others.

  This house has a yard. The car stopped in front of the door, and Dai Qin took the initiative to get out of the car to open the door.

  The gate of the yard was not locked, but the bolt was inserted. From the outside, if you don’t look closely, you will think the gate is locked, but it is not.

  Dai Qin unbolted the door, pushed open the iron gate, and then stood aside to let the car drive in.

  Cao Yu drove into the yard.

  After the car stopped in the yard, Cao Ye immediately pulled the limp Yin Xin down from the back seat and helped her into the house.

  After entering the house, he immediately took the mobile phone from Yin Xin and turned it off.

  Yin Xin was fully awake at this moment, but her body was limp.

  She was very clever in pretending to be drunk, but she was secretly accumulating strength.

  She seized an opportunity, gathered all her strength, and tried to push Cao Ye away.

  Because Cao Ye was blocking the door and there were people in the yard, Yin Xin’s first reaction was to run into the room.

  In a panic,

  Yin Xin ran into the bedroom.

  She immediately locked the bedroom door from the inside.

  This series of actions almost consumed all her strength.

  After hiding in the bedroom, she fell limply behind the door.

  But soon, she slowly stood up again, holding the door.

  She held onto the wall, barely walked to the window, and shouted out of the window.

  This was the only way she could think of to escape.

  Cao Ye, who was outside the door, heard her shouting through the door, and instinctively tensed for a moment, but immediately relaxed.

  He reacted.

  This is the suburbs, and there are no residents within dozens of meters around.

  Yin Xin’s mobile phone was just taken away by him.

  Even if she shouted for help at the window, who could hear it?

  He felt that things had become more interesting at this time.

  In his eyes, Yin Xin was a lamb to be slaughtered.

  As for the door blocking him, he chuckled and turned to get the key.

  Cao Ye found the key, walked back, and inserted the key into the door hole.

  Gently turning the key, the lock was opened.

  He pushed lightly, and the bedroom door opened.

  He walked in with a smug smile on his face.


  There was a lot of noise in the bedroom.

  In the living room.

  Dai Qin was sitting on the sofa, and Cao Yu was standing at the door of the bathroom. He had just come out of the bathroom.

  Cao Yu looked at Dai Qin’s dress from a distance, especially when he saw the black stockings on her legs, his eyes began to wander.

  Cao Yu walked over to Dai Qin and sat down.

  He was very close.

  Dai Qin wanted him not to get so close.

  At this time, there was a louder noise in the bedroom.

  It was Cao Ye’s roar.

  He shouted insults at Yin Xin.

  Then there was the sound of a belt swinging.

  Dai Qin in the living room heard the sound in the bedroom, and her eyes flickered.

  Cao Ye suddenly said something.

  Dai Qin turned her head and looked at him, but didn’t say anything.

  In fact, this was the first time she was alone in a room with Cao Yu.

  Although she didn’t care about what she did, she didn’t think it was glorious.

  So she didn’t want to pay attention to Cao Yu.

  As she spoke, she stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

  Cao Yu looked at her back, and a light flashed in his eyes.

  Dai Qin walked to the bathroom, but she didn’t use it.

  She just used this way to avoid Cao Yu.

  After a minute, she pressed the button on the flush toilet, opened the door and walked out.

  As she walked out of the bathroom, a dark shadow suddenly rushed over.


  Dai Qin looked at Cao Yu uneasily and asked nervously, “Cao Yu, what do you want to do?”

  Maybe it was because of what Cao Yu said just now.

  Dai Qin’s voice was not loud this time, and it could even be said to be very light.

  She deliberately lowered her voice.

  Seeing this, Cao Yu laughed triumphantly.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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