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Chapter 291: Poison in the Heart, Big Fish in the Cage

Chapter 291: Poison in the Heart, Big Fish in the Cage


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 291: The poison remains in the heart, and the big fish

  is in the cage. Although Tan Xiang was puzzled,

  she could not ask too much at the moment. After confirming that Yun Qin’s physical condition had improved, she withdrew her thoughts.

  ”Young Master, you are sweating all over. Sit down and rest for a while.”

  Tan Xiang pushed Yang Shifei back to his original position and said softly, “After you recover some strength, you can take Miss Yun down the mountain together.”

  ”If a strong enemy appears, you can’t deal with it alone.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly: “Since you have to stay here for one night, I will accompany you.”

  ”But Miss Yun…”

  ”I’m fine.” Yun Qin pulled down her veil and said, “Now the poison of the tattoo has been eliminated. I will rest for a while, and it’s okay to fight the enemy.”

  Tan Xiang thought for a while: “That’s good.”

  Immediately, her sight finally stopped on the fairy mother, and a bit of strangeness appeared in her eyes.

  Although she only saw it briefly at the beginning, this strange dress was naturally impressive.

  But how could the fairy mother become so small?

  Moreover, it seems that she has become quite close to the young master.

  ”We experienced some things in Zhou State, and we talked a lot on the way back. We have become formal allies.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “As for her appearance, you can just treat her as a clone without power.”

  ”Yes.” The Fairy Mother said softly: “Little girl, how are you?”

  Tan Xiang nodded in response, and quickly accepted it calmly.

  ”What have you experienced in just a few days?”

  ”Sit down first, I will tell you slowly.” Yang Shifei pulled her to sit aside and told her about the experience of the trip to Zhou State.

  The Fairy Mother only listened for a moment, then turned into flesh and blood and returned to her arms.


  After a long while, Tan Xiang’s face became more and more solemn.

  The situation inside Zhou State was really incredible. The people broke into the army one after another, but they were safe.

  But what surprised her most was

  ”The Fairy Mother didn’t know the true origin of these so-called “Fairy Countries”?”

  Tan Xiang looked surprised: “As the incarnation of Qi State, why is it the same?”

  ”I also felt strange at the time.”

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly.

  When everyone first came into contact with the Fairy Mother, he had speculated that she was hiding something or had some unspeakable secret that she could not tell others.

  However, after repeated questioning, he was convinced that the Fairy Mother was not unwilling to talk, but had “nothing to say”.

  ”These great demons have just recovered their spiritual intelligence. Their powers are also incomplete, and their memories are even more vague. They can only vaguely remember some events of the past thousand years and know that the countries are’enemies’ of each other.”

  Yang Shifei spread his hands and said, “The Fairy Mother said that she would need to sleep for at least ten years before she could regain all her memories and powers. The great demons of other countries will not be much faster. And everything they do now is just following instinct.

  The only thing we can be sure of is that these great demon immortals are indeed from the distant past, and the so-called fairy kingdoms also existed thousands of years ago.”


  Tan Xiang was silent and thought for a while, then spoke again: “What is the’instinct’ that the Fairy Mother mentioned. Devour all mortals? Or occupy the land of the world?”

  ”The Fairy Mother said that this is a dispute over’Taoism’.”

  ”Taoism?” Tan Xiang was stunned when he heard it: “What does this have to do with Taoism?”

  Yang Shifei pinched his eyebrows and said helplessly: “They all claim to be fairy kingdoms. Naturally, the Taoism disputes between these fairy families are disputes.”

  ”.It’s really confusing.”

  Tan Xiang had a strange look on his face: “But if it is true, could these fairy kingdoms really have existed thousands of years ago…”

  ”Even the Fairy Mother herself can’t say for sure, so let’s not guess.”

  Yang Shifei waved his hand: “No matter what, it’s enough for us, the three kingdoms of Liang, Yan and Shu, to survive in this world.”

  Tan Xiang nodded and was about to ask about the situation of the young lady and the others when he heard some footsteps in the distance.

  ”It looks like there are reinforcements.”

  Yang Shifei stood up on his knees: “That’s right, let me go and help too.”

  He stretched his muscles and bones twice, turned back to look at the silent Yun Qin: “Miss Yun, you can rest here and take a rest, I’ll be back soon.”


  Yunqin opened her eyes slightly and watched the two people run into the deep forest.

  She subconsciously touched her chest again, as if the hot and powerful touch still remained, and the heat was hard to dissipate.

  ”Sure enough, the poison has not been eliminated.”

  Yunqin sighed softly and practiced the energy to recuperate again.

  When the sky was dawning, the battles in various parts of Qingya Mountain had gradually ended. The troops of Xu State retreated in a hurry, and the Shu State won a great victory.

  Not long after, everyone returned to the local military camp and was able to see each other again.

  Yang Shifei settled Yunqin properly, and upon hearing the news, he rushed to the main tent of the military camp to listen to the battle situation.


  As soon as Yang Shifei opened the tent, a beautiful figure rushed over quickly and hugged him tightly.


  Her face was soft like waves, and there was a charming fragrance lingering.

  Yang Shifei took two steps back, subconsciously hugged the soft and slender waist in his arms, and quickly raised his face from the peaks.

  Qiu Buhuan’s face was slightly red, and her eyes were filled with joy.

  ”Sister Qiu,”

  Yang Shifei quickly showed a helpless smile: “It’s only been ten days since we last met, why are you so excited?”

  ”I haven’t seen you for a while, so I naturally miss you very much.”

  Qiu Buhuan touched his face and said with a smile: “Looking at your face, I feel more at ease.”

  Looking at the young woman’s coquettish and innocent appearance, Yang Shifei was also amused.

  He was about to say something else, but he glanced out of the corner of his eye and found that the tent was full of people.

  Not only Ji Shang and others were here, but there were also many strange soldiers in armor, and almost everyone was staring at this side.


  Yang Shifei let go of the beauty in his arms with a little embarrassment: “Excuse me, everyone.”

  Qiu Buhuan smiled softly: “They are all local generals, and they are discussing important matters with Palace Master Ji and others.”

  ”Son of Yang, I have heard of your great name for a long time.”

  A rough man hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully with a fist: “I am the general of the garrison at this pass, my name is Xie Changfeng.”

  ”Son of Yang, your help this time is really timely.”

  Several other generals beside him also reported their names, all of them were very enthusiastic.

  Yang Shifei smiled and bowed in return: “No need to be so polite, now is the business that matters.”

  ”Son of Yang is right.”

  The soldiers nodded quickly in response, still a little surprised in their hearts.

  This Sect Master Qiu led troops to support two days ago, which can be said to be a display of the power of heaven and man. With a wave of his hand, he repelled the demons and villains, and no one dared to approach easily.

  But now, she showed this little woman’s attitude in front of Son of Yang.

  As expected of His Highness the Son of Yang, she can even conquer the Heavenly Man and Black Tortoise!

  ”The Holy Son has arrived at the right time.”

  Ji Shang gathered his sleeves and smiled faintly: “We have captured many prisoners from the Xu Kingdom on the front line this time, including a big fish. We are thinking of bringing him in for personal interrogation.”

  As the two soldiers clapped their hands, a group of soldiers pushed an iron cage into the tent.

  In the cage, there was a middle-aged man with locks all over his body, and he could hardly move even a finger.

  ”Who is this person?”

  ”Prince Nan of the Xu Kingdom is the leader of this attack.” Qiu Buhuan whispered beside him: “However, our real target is…”

  Before he finished speaking, the face of the Prince of Xu in the cage squirmed and twisted, turning into a completely different old man’s face.

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “Can this person change his appearance at will?”

  ”It’s not his own ability, but the property of the Great Demon of the Xu Kingdom.”

  Qiu Buhuan frowned and pondered: “This old man is the Great Demon of the Xu Kingdom.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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