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Chapter 294 Beta02 version! Trading platform is online!

Chapter 294 Beta02 version! Trading platform is online!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 294 Beta0.2 version! Trading platform is online!

  [Announcement of Beta0.2 version update of “Wasteland OL” closed beta service! ]

  [Major update:

  1. “Official Silver Coin Trading Platform” is online!



  1. New NPC: Professor Sun Zewen from the pre-war era. As an expert in “resonance field theory” and “mind interference technology”, his technology will help the survivor settlements of the New Alliance stay away from alien invasions.

  2. New NPC: Zhao Yuan, a survivor of Shelter No. 117. As an expert in bionic prosthesis, his arrival will fill the gap in this field of the New Alliance.

  3. Unlock a new gathering point: Shelter No. 401.

  4. Fix a few bugs.



  Beta0.2 version update announcement released!

  The official forum of “Wasteland OL” exploded instantly!

  Beta0.1 version was online for only a week, and new players only came in four rounds, and the production team released Beta0.2 version!

  This caught the players who were used to the pace of A Guangyue’s updates off guard.

  When did the dog planner become so diligent? !

  Especially the explosive news released in this update shocked all the players and cloud players.

  The official silver coin trading platform is online!

  Silver coins can be sold for money? !

  Tail: “giao! Can I buy silver coins now?!!! ∑(Дノ)ノ”

  Crow: “I have been waiting from the Alpha version to now, and finally developed this function! Thanks to the planner tyrant! (T▽T)”

  Quit Smoking: “Official silver coin trading platform!? Brother Guang is awesome! (broken voice)”

  Silver Dad: “Hahahaha, I finally waited for this function! The Silver Family purchases silver coins online! 2 yuan per coin! Sell as soon as possible!”

  Irena: “You are dreaming! (funny)”

  Flying Dragon Rider: “Buy silver, buy silver, is there any brother to place an order ? I’ll pay 4 dollars! ”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “Do you have the qualification for the closed beta test?” ”

  Flying Dragon Rider’s Face: “Look at the description of the trading platform yourself. It says that you can trade even if you don’t have the qualification for the closed beta test!” ”

  Wang Ba Zhi Qi: “I’ll pay 100 RMB, and buy 1,000 of them first! If nothing else, I just want to support my dream. Anyway, I’m cutting leeks anyway, at least the game PV of Wasteland OL is fun for me to watch.” ”

  Riding a donkey to go to the market: “I’ll pay 1,000! !” ”

  Ye Shi: “Fuck, are you guys going to roll up your sleeves? !”

  Unlike the previous updates.

  This time, A Guang did not write any “Developer Log” after the version update, but only posted the usage guide of the official website’s silver coin trading function on the forum.


  1. Silver coins (NF coins) can be transferred in the forum private message interface, and can be listed in the forum [Trading Section] with any currency or virtual asset price, whether it is digital currency or sovereign state currency, or other forms of assets. As long as both parties have no objection, Q coins can be used for settlement.

  2. The operator of “Wasteland OL” only provides trading channels and recognizes the legitimacy of official transactions. Specific payment requires the use of third-party payment tools. It can be a bank card or a Bitcoin wallet. For specific operations, see Article 4.

  3. Silver coin transactions will be conducted in the form of listed transactions, with a minimum amount of 1 silver coin. Players can freely set the price and currency, and provide a clear payment account. The pending order will be classified and displayed in the [Transaction Section] of the forum. The silver coins in the listing will be temporarily frozen until the order is withdrawn or the pending order is completed.

  4. After the buyer takes the silver coin, the payment must be completed as soon as possible. The recipient provides the transaction account and confirms the receipt of the payment, which is considered a transaction. If the recipient does not make a disciplinary action on the transaction within 24 hours or there is a dispute, the payer can upload the payment voucher and apply for official intervention in arbitration. The official will verify it through “special means” and determine whether the transaction is successful.

  5. Players who have not obtained the closed beta qualification can also participate in the transaction, but only after the closed beta qualification and unlocking the VM can the forum assets be synchronized to the game, otherwise the silver coins obtained can only be traded on the forum.

  6. A reputation system will be added to the forum account homepage. Reputation will be deducted for breach of contract, false orders and other behaviors. If the reputation is less than 80, you will not be able to participate in the transaction. This forum implements a one-person-one-number system. Please cherish your account and do not try to be clever.

  7. A 5% transaction tax will be charged unilaterally for transactions. This tax is only for the listing party and will be collected in the form of silver coins after the transaction. For example: Player A places an order for 1 silver coin, then 1.05 silver coins are actually frozen. After the transaction, player B receives 1 silver coin, and 0.05 silver coins are taken back by the game official as transaction tax.


  101. Transactions must be carried out in accordance with the principle of public order and good customs. The operator of “Wasteland OL” has the final right of interpretation of each clause and will resolutely punish any illegal operations.


  There are many specific trading rules.

  Like the user terms of most games, whether it is useful or not, all the counter-evidence that can be written is written.

  But in fact, most players only need to understand the first seven clauses, and the rest are supplements to the rules and lists of violations.

  Judging from the usage rules, the official silver coin trading platform launched by “Wasteland OL” only provides players with a channel to trade virtual assets.

  Analogous to other MMOROGs, it is equivalent to the “silver coin consignment” function.

  The only difference is that “Wasteland OL” does not have a krypton gold function, nor does it have a “point card” setting. Players need to decide for themselves what kind of out-of-game assets to exchange with silver coins.

  As long as someone is willing to pay.

  The operator of “Wasteland OL” does not seem to intend to have any financial transactions with the players at all, let alone point cards, even the handling fees are paid in silver coins.

  Many onlookers were confused.

  Has the operator of this game never considered the issue of making money?

  Let the players take all the benefits away.

  Is this what a serious company does?

  What shocked the spectators was still to come.

  Less than five minutes after the Beta0.2 version was launched, the first pending order quickly appeared at the top of the trading interface.

  [Sell order: 1 silver coin]

  [Price: 1BTC]

  Sisi: “…By the way, how much is one Bitcoin? (Nervous)”

  Kuangfeng: “When it’s high, it’s tens of thousands of dollars, and when it’s low, it’s only a few thousand? I’m not very interested and I haven’t learned about it. Fang Chang knows more about that, you can ask him.”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “This is crazy! One silver coin for one BTC?! Only a fool would buy it!”

  Although Professor Yang has never entered the game, as a senior cloud player, his understanding of the game is much higher than those newbies who have just obtained the closed beta qualification.

  Some newbies still haven’t figured out what the map of the new alliance looks like, but Professor Yang remembers clearly how many towers were built and how many cannons were placed in the north of Yuanxi Town in the borderland.

  Whether it is the battle report of a large-scale battle or the gossip of the manager and the owner of the weapon store, this guy talks about it in a set way.

  After all, he is a man who spends 16 hours a day on the forum.

  If there is no mark behind the account, ordinary newbies really can’t tell whether this guy is a cloud or not.

  Those spectators may not know the value of a silver coin, but Professor Yang knows it very well.

  This thing can’t even buy a bowl of ramen!

  To be more precise, it can only buy one-sixth of a bowl!

  A newbie who has just entered the game for a short time will be given a novice gift package of 5 silver coins at the beginning, and 3 silver coins and 5 silver coins for completing two tasks.

  One silver coin for one BTC? !

  What a joke!


  something happened that Professor Yang could never have imagined.

  The label [Trading] suddenly appeared behind the pending order. Then, before anyone could react, the label [Trading] changed to [Completed].

  The whole process was as smooth as breathing.

  It wasn’t just Professor Yang.

  Countless people were stunned on the spot.

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “What the hell?! It must be fake!”

  ”One silver coin bought one BTC?! How is that possible!”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “It’s a conspiracy! It must be a conspiracy!”

  ”No way, no way, does anyone really believe that broken game coins can be exchanged for money? I’ve said it a long time ago that the operator of this game is just a leeks cutter! Now they just hired a shill to cooperate with their harvest. A fully immersive virtual reality game? Haha! My uncle is a big boss in the VR industry. Is there any game like that that I don’t understand? I spent some money to shoot a few CG movies and fooled you around. It really made me laugh!”

  Although the version pets will be late, they will never be absent.

  Brother Ye Ao, who had been dormant before, finally seized the opportunity this time and jumped out to start the group ridicule.

  However, at this moment, everyone was shocked by the sky-high transaction order of “one silver coin for one BTC”, and no one had time to pay attention to him.

  Since the IDs of both parties in the transaction are anonymous by default, they will only be displayed on the transaction page if the players voluntarily disclose them, so no one knows who the buyer and seller are.

  Everyone speculated that which big guy offered the sky-high price and bought one-sixth of a bowl of ramen with a BTC worth tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

  However, it is not known whether it was because of low-key or because he realized that he had lost money, the big guy refused to show up.

  But at this moment, the seller took the initiative to stand up.

  Ya Ya: “That… I put up the consignment order just now because I thought it was fun. Sorry, I just wanted to try the function of the new version, and I didn’t think it would really be a deal… Brother, can you remove the anonymity and I will give it back to you? QAQ”

  A silver coin was sold for tens of thousands of yuan!

  This is too much!

  Especially when she saw everyone posting about “shady dealings”, “the boss is confused”, and “the bad planner hired a helper”, the kind-hearted Ya Ya felt really bad.

  However, what she didn’t expect was that it would be fine if she didn’t come out, as soon as she came out, the “firepower” was instantly concentrated on her.

  Quit Smoking: “Damn! The lucky guy is actually Boss Ya?!”

  Silver Sword: “Woo woo woo! Rich woman, hungry!”

  Irena: “Spread it on! Boss Ya was adopted by big brother! (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “Spread it on! Big brother is a helper hired by the planner! (Slant eyes)”

  WC really has mosquitoes: “What?! Boss Crow was adopted by the dog planner???”

  Tail: “Oh! Si, this game is too real! (ω)”

  Crow: “Go away! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻”

  Until the end, the mysterious buyer who spent a lot of money did not show up, and various rumors became more and more mysterious, but none of them sounded reliable.

  However, thanks to the silver coin that was sold at a sky-high price, under the stimulation of real money, countless players followed suit and placed sell orders. A large wave of void silver coins instantly poured into the forum outside the game from the “game world”, and the trading interface, which was originally stagnant, was also flooded with screens.

  Although some people were joking and marked the price of a house for 1 silver coin, the vast majority of people were still rushing to make a deal and posted a relatively “normal” price.

  In short, after a series of violent ups and downs, the transaction price of silver coins finally stabilized in the range of 50~60RMB.

  Above this range The orders above this range are rarely traded, while the orders below this range are almost sold out as soon as they appear, and then they are sold at a high price. Under the interaction of buying and selling, a “dynamic balance” is formed.

  Although a small number of players choose to settle in US dollars or other currencies or cryptocurrencies, the vast majority of players still use RMB as the main currency.

  It’s not just the players who are buying, but the cloud players are buying even more fiercely.

  I don’t know who spread the rumor that the more silver coins you hold, the higher the probability of winning the closed beta qualification, which has led to a large number of pre-order players who have not yet qualified for the closed beta to follow suit and buy.

  Some people are simply optimistic about the future of “Wasteland OL” and have optimistic expectations for the appreciation of silver coins. Or simply don’t think so much, just treat it as a zero-sum game and buy low and sell high to make a profit.

  There are also a very small number of people who are not short of money at all, there is no special reason, they just buy for fun.

  In any case, this wave can be regarded as output inflation.


  A certain university.

  A corner of the computer room.

  Sitting in front of the computer, Ye Wei browsed the official forum of “Wasteland OL”, and he felt itchy.

  Looking at those orders of 5 silver coins and 10 silver coins floating up, Ye Wei finally couldn’t help it, and put up 800 silver coins with the mentality of giving it a try.

  ”One silver coin… just mark it at 50 yuan.”

  Ye Wei, who had set the price, just clicked OK, and he felt uneasy.

  Forty thousand yuan!

  Is it too much?

  800 silver coins are equivalent to four LD-47 assault rifles. Players around LV10 normally need to grind for a week.

  Unless they deliberately save money, ordinary players really can’t come up with so many silver coins. After all, this game not only costs money to buy equipment, but also pays for taking a shower in the shelter by time.

  However, for a hardcore player like him who has been working in the game since the server was launched, this amount of silver coins is just average.

  The scientific expedition team paid them a one-time amount of silver coins for the task chain related to “Shelter 401” that they had completed before, and each person had a four-digit amount of silver coins.

  Ye Wei never thought that such a large sell order could be completed. Spending tens of thousands of dollars to play a closed beta server was beyond his imagination.

  However, what Ye Wei didn’t expect was that just when he had just thought about whether to “open” this large order, the sell order he had posted could no longer be found in the blink of an eye. At

  the same time, a system prompt popped up in the lower right corner of the forum.

  [System: Please enter the “payment method” and “receiving account” again to confirm the transaction. ]

  Seeing the message sent by the background, Ye Wei, sitting in front of the computer, felt as if his heart had stopped.

  ”Fuck…are you serious?!”

  He swallowed unconsciously.

  Just like when he first clicked the “YES” button that opened the door to a new world, Ye Wei clicked on the link and entered the account number and the information needed for the transfer.

  This time, he still chose to believe it.

  In fact, there was no reason to doubt it.

  He had been playing for so long, and no one knew better than him that the game was real.

  What’s more…

  there was not much money in the card.

  As soon as the living expenses and tuition were received, he deposited them all into Yu Ebao.

  The backstage was quiet for a while.

  These long five minutes seemed like years.

  Ye Wei’s palms were sweaty with nervousness, and he could almost feel his heartbeat. This uneasy throbbing made him more nervous than facing the surging waves. The

  screen of the mobile phone on the table suddenly lit up.

  Almost reflexively, Ye Wei picked up the phone and unlocked the screen immediately.

  At the same time, the bank’s text message appeared in front of him.

  [… 40,000.00 yuan has been received. ]

  For a moment, Ye Wei even forgot to breathe, and without any hesitation, he immediately logged into the bank APP.

  The text message might be sent to the wrong person.

  But the numbers in the account can’t be an illusion.

  Account balance –

  40,000.23 yuan!

  He was stunned.

  ”It’s really converted into money…”

  Holding the mouse, Ye Wei clicked the confirmation button like a sleepwalker.

  A small window popped up in the lower right corner of the webpage.

  [Buyer (anonymous): Oh! A huge sum of money has arrived! Thank you, it helps a lot! (Sunglasses)]

  [(Transaction closed, thank you for your support)]

  Thank you –

  I am the one who should say this.

  Ye Wei swallowed his saliva again, looked at the balance on the mobile phone screen, and felt his whole arm shaking.

  His monthly living expenses are only 2,000 yuan.

  40,000 yuan…

  This huge sum of money is equivalent to his living expenses for twenty months! –

  (I got up late today… I didn’t finish writing the rest, so I’ll take half a day off QAQ)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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