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Chapter 294 Brother and sister team up, clinging kitten

Chapter 294 Brother and sister team up, clinging kitten


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 294 Brother and sister team up, clingy kitten

  Hanyin City, located on the west side of Shu, is an inconspicuous small county town.

  After a day of running around, Yang Shifei rushed into the city before nightfall, ready to find an inn to stay in first.


  A faint whisper came from his arms, and his delicate body was twisting gently.

  Yang Shifei looked down and couldn’t help but chuckled twice: “Girl, how long do you want to sleep?”

  When he set off, the girl was indeed full of energy.

  But unexpectedly, her “lively” state only lasted for a few hours, and in the end she couldn’t stand the sleepiness, and lazily curled up in his arms and continued to sleep. The

  petite body is now even softer, as if it has really become a clingy and sleepy little lazy cat.

  ”Brother, are we here?”

  Yue Rui rubbed her sleepy eyes, and was soon startled by the noise around her, and the whole person was three points awake.

  Looking at the huge crowds of people on both sides of the street, Yue Rui gradually showed some surprise: “There are so many people.”

  ”It’s really a bit unexpected.”

  Yang Shifei rode on the horse and paced forward on the street, and said with interest: “Maybe it was the influence of the holy soldiers that caused the people to move here.”

  Moreover, as the Shu Kingdom’s holy soldiers have regained their power and are able to suppress the demons in various

  places, the local people will naturally be able to live a stable life. Yue Rui looked around for a while: “Where is the seed?”

  ”I don’t know yet, I have to ask the locals about the situation.”

  Yang Shifei soon found an inn with people coming and going, dismounted and walked over with the reins.


  A waiter hurriedly came up and said with a simple smile: “Let me lead the horse to the backyard, you just go in.”

  ”Thank you.” Yang Shifei handed him the reins and pulled Yue Rui into the inn.

  This is a mare selected in the military camp, so there is no need to be too careful.

  ”Fenghua Pavilion on the second floor, quickly bring us some good wine!”

  ”Hurry up and serve the dishes to Mr. Li over there!”

  The noisy shouts came one after another, and there was even more smoke and the aroma of wine.

  At the same time, a middle-aged woman in front of the counter shook her handkerchief and said with a sweet smile: “Are you two guests going to stay in the hotel, or eh?”

  After getting closer and taking a closer look, a hint of surprise quickly flashed in her eyes.

  This man is so handsome!

  She has been running the inn for so many years and has seen all kinds of men, but this is the first time she has seen such a handsome and eye-catching man.

  Moreover, the girl walking with him is even more stunning and charming, and she is so tender that she doesn’t look like an ordinary woman.

  ”Are there any clean rooms?”

  Yang Shifei took out the purse in his arms: “We want to stay for two days, and the price is negotiable.”

  The proprietress took the purse and took a look, and her hands trembled immediately, and she almost lost her grip.

  Which clan child is this, who is so generous?

  The smile on her face froze a little: “Sir, we do have good guest rooms here, but business has been so prosperous recently that they have been booked in advance.”

  ”Just clean, no need to be so particular.” Yang Shifei waved his hand: “One room will do.”

  ”Thank you for your understanding, there are a few rooms on the third floor.”

  The proprietress was relieved: “Please go upstairs and take a look first.”

  She hurriedly called the waiter to help set up the table, and she personally led the way to the third floor.

  ”Two guests, this is it.”

  As the window opened, the warm sunlight shone into the room, making it extremely bright.

  Although the guest room is small, it has everything inside, and it looks clean and warm.

  Yue Rui reached out and pressed the bed. It’s not too hard, it’s quite comfortable.

  ”Not bad.” Yang Shifei looked around and nodded slightly: “How much is it, you can choose it yourself.”

  ”Thank you for the reward!”

  ”But I just happen to have something to ask you.”

  Yang Shifei pointed outside the inn and asked curiously: “Has this Hanyin City always been so lively?”

  ”Sir, are you really from out of town?”

  ”Yes, I just happened to have some personal matters to deal with.”

  ”To be honest with you, sir. In fact, Hanyin City was also very deserted more than half a month ago.”

  The proprietress smiled helplessly, “But some changes have happened recently, which has led to more and more people coming here after hearing the news.”

  Yang Shifei stroked his chin, and what he saw today emerged in his mind –

  there seemed to be many people with martial arts skills in the streets and alleys.

  ”What happened?”

  ”Rumor has it that a master’s tomb was discovered on Honglinggang outside the city, and it contains peerless magic skills that shocked the world hundreds of years ago.”

  The proprietress said mysteriously, “Visitors from all sides want to fight for it and seize it.”

  Yang Shifei couldn’t help but frown. This again?

  ”Now that there are endless wars on the borders of various places, do you still have the leisure to fight for fame and fortune?”

  ”Sir, you are wrong.” The boss sighed lightly when he heard this: “The monsters are so terrible that everyone in Shu is afraid of them. If you can practice a magic skill at this time, it is ultimately for self-defense.”

  ”After a few days, has anyone found the magic skill?”


  Faced with the question, the boss lady could only laugh twice: “I am just a woman, and I don’t know much about these fighting and killing things in the rivers and lakes.”

  ”It doesn’t matter, just listen to the wind.” Yang Shifei chatted with her for a few more words and learned that people from big sects have come here in recent days, and it is obvious that the scale is growing day by day.

  He made a slight guess in his heart, whether this so-called “tomb of the master” would have some connection with the monster flesh species?

  However, it is still a random guess now, and he will go to the government to ask tonight.


  As the boss lady bowed and left, the door was carefully closed, and noisy shouting could still be heard outside the guest room.

  Yang Shifei turned around and went to the table to make tea. He glanced at Yue Rui who was dozing off and chuckled, “You’ve been running around all night, why don’t you lie down and take a nap?”


  Yue Rui shook her head, “If my brother goes out, I’ll be sleeping here alone.”

  Yang Shifei smiled, “It’s still early today, it won’t be too late to go out at night.”

  ”That’s still an hour or two.”

  Yue Rui quietly got into his arms, hugged him tightly, and said in a muffled voice, “Brother, stay with me.”

  Yang Shifei’s heart softened, and he took her to sit aside, “Do you want me to watch over you until you fall asleep, and then wake you up when I go out?”


  ”What’s wrong?”

  Hearing the girl’s voice was different, he subconsciously lowered his head to take a closer look, but saw Yue Rui suddenly raise her moist eyes, blushing and murmured, “Kiss me.”

  Yang Shifei’s breathing stagnated slightly, and he quickly pinched her little face, “Girl, pretending to sleep again?”

  Yue Rui blushed and said shyly, “I am indeed a little sleepy. If brother could kiss me, I wouldn’t be sleepy anymore.”

  ”You little greedy cat.” Yang Shifei was a little amused.

  Ever since he picked the little flower of this girl in the Huang Gu Blood Pool, there has always been a strange wave of love between his eyebrows.

  Before, when Xian’er and the others were here, he was still “obedient” and acted like a good cat.

  But when they were alone on this road, he wanted to kiss from time to time

  ”Brother, kiss.”

  Yue Rui sat on his arms very clingy, hooked his shoulders, and said shyly: “If it doesn’t work, do it again!”

  Feeling the slap on her buttocks, the girl’s body trembled and her face became redder.

  She couldn’t help but cover her waist and said shyly: “Brother, what are you doing?”

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly: “It’s still broad daylight now, and there are people outside the house.”

  ”I won’t let others hear the sound.”

  Yue Rui blushed and showed her cat demon body. The cat’s tail twisted, and a light gray mist soon floated around the guest room.

  The noise and clamor around were all gone, leaving only the shy breathing of the girl in his arms.

  Soon, Yue Rui took the initiative to hug her shoulders and kiss her, and the twisting cloud cat tail behind her hips and waist quietly entangled with her.

  Yang Shifei subconsciously hugged the girl’s delicate body tightly and kissed her lips with sweetness and moisture.

  Not long after, there were waves of pleasure that dispelled the mind and surged throughout the body, and I felt a tingling scalp.

  This girl is really getting more and more annoying

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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