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Chapter 295: You still want to get me drunk?

Chapter 295: You still want to get me drunk?


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 295 You still want to get me drunk?

  ”Boss Jiang, you are young and promising. Old Li must toast you.”

  ”Nineteen years old, that’s incredible. To be honest, Boss Jiang, when I was nineteen, my mind was full of breasts and thighs, nothing else.”

  ”Boss Jiang, are you sure you don’t want to promote group buying? It’s a pity.”

  ”You all take a break first. I’ll toast Boss Jiang, okay?”

  As the night deepened, Jiang Qin was already drunk and said he couldn’t drink anymore. Before everyone could persuade him, he fell on the table with a plop.

  Seeing this scene, the bosses sitting in front of the banquet looked at each other and thought that since he was so drunk, he should have said almost everything he should say. But since he didn’t say he would continue to promote group buying, he shouldn’t be throwing smoke bombs.

  So, they only have two choices now.

  One is to take advantage of the opportunity led by the government to get on board and promote it nationwide with Zhihu.

  The second is to give up this opportunity and continue to develop conservatively.

  There are candidates for both options, and the ratio is about half and half.

  Those who chose to join the group believe in Jiang Qin’s ability and think that since he has announced the plan to promote Zhihu in the second half of the year with such fanfare, it is definitely not groundless.

  Another group of people have witnessed the two demonstrations of group buying and are full of confidence in the group buying project, but have not seen Zhihu’s ability to attract traffic, so they are unsure.

  They still look down on the college student market and always think that poor students don’t have much money, so even if they join Zhihu’s group buying, the results they can get will be very limited.

  ”Mr. Liu, what do you think?”

  ”Let’s talk about it at the meeting tomorrow. I can’t make up my mind now.”

  ”What about Mr. Wang?”

  ”To be honest, cross-city promotion has always been a very time-consuming and laborious task. We may not be as good as him if we do it ourselves. Since we have this opportunity, I want to try it whether it is group buying or Zhihu.”

  ”Mr. Zhao, do you have something to say too?”

  ”I am doing a high-end brand, the cost is high and the price is not low, but Zhihu targets the college student market. The consumption power of this group is too low and it is not our target market.”

  While speaking, Jiang Qin suddenly raised his head and burped, then stood up with both hands on the table, staggered out the door, and almost knocked over a trash can at the door when he went out.

  Seeing this, Mr. Liu, Mr. Wang and Mr. Zhao stepped forward to help, but Jiang Qin waved his hand to refuse.

  ”I’ll tell you a secret.”

  ”What secret?”

  ”Zhihu is the best in the world.”

  Jiang Qin said mysteriously, and then staggered out of the hotel.

  As a result, just as he left, He Yijun arrived. After looking around but not seeing Jiang Qin, he couldn’t help but look a little confused, so he asked an acquaintance.

  Then he learned that Jiang Qin had just been toasted by the people at the table in turn, and left alone after getting drunk.

  Damn, what is taking turns to toast, it’s obviously just forcing people to drink. He Yijun saw through the truth of this cocktail party at a glance.

  They couldn’t understand why Jiang Qin didn’t do such a promising project as group buying, but had to do Zhihu. They were afraid that this project was a smokescreen, and they were also afraid that he would choose to pause just halfway through, so they felt unsure and wanted to ask him clearly when he was drunk.

  After all, even if group buying cannot realize online instant payment for the time being, its potential is not comparable to that of Zhihu, a social network that cannot be monetized.

  The more they don’t understand Jiang Qin’s thinking mode, the more vigilant they will feel, and the more cautious they will be, and they will always be unable to make up their minds.

  In their opinion, the method of speaking the truth after drinking may allow them to understand Jiang Qin’s true thoughts.

  But more than a dozen people taking turns to force one person to drink, this is really not human.

  He Yijun had received a lot of benefits from Jiang Qin during the reform. In terms of closeness, he was definitely on Jiang Qin’s side, so after simply drinking two glasses of wine, he left the hotel on the pretext of feeling unwell. The

  midsummer night was a bit sultry, and it was definitely not a comfortable temperature. He Yijun came out of the lobby and got into his car to leave. However, before he started, there was a knock on the window.

  Before He Yijun could ask who it was, he found that his car door was opened. Jiang Qin got in as if nothing had happened and said, “Long time no see.”

  The air was silent for three seconds, and He Yijun’s expression was as if he had seen a ghost.

  [Mr. Jiang’s alcohol tolerance is not good. He fainted after a few glasses and almost walked into the women’s restroom.]

  [Mr. Jiang was drunk and knocked over the trash can when he left.]

  [Mr. Jiang couldn’t even walk in a straight line and almost walked on the waitress at the door. Fortunately, she dodged quickly. He

  Yijun’s mind was reverberating with the words of the Linchuan bosses. He looked at the innocent man in front of him and was filled with doubts.

  ”Aren’t you drunk?”

  ”Get me drunk? That’s nonsense. None of you Linchuan people can drink. The mouth of the cup is smaller than a fucking one-dollar coin. Who can get drunk? You look down on us Jeju people too much.”

  He Yijun was stunned for a moment: “So you are pretending to be drunk?”

  Jiang Qin grinned: “They want to know if Zhihu is a smokescreen so that they can decide whether to get on the bus or not. I also want to know what they are worried about so that I can prepare their speeches for tomorrow’s meeting in advance. So they think that getting me drunk can make me hear the truth, and I also think that I can hear the truth only when I am drunk.” ”

  Fuck, you are such a dog!”

  ”There is no other way. How can an honest person do business? Isn’t there any bitter tea that doesn’t get cheated?”

  He Yijun felt that this sentence was the truth: “Now that the wine has been drunk and the drunkenness has been pretended, what are you going to do next?”

  Jiang Qin crossed his arms: “At tomorrow’s exchange meeting, I will try my best to trick them into joining. At that time, please help me with a joke, so that they know that it is definitely not a loss to be tied to Zhihu.” ”

  I can cooperate, but what benefit can I get from it?”

  ”Aren’t you going to buy a shopping mall in the next city? I have already prepared the money for you, just give me some shares when the time comes.”

  He Yijun was silent for a moment: “You don’t want a unilateral win-win again, do you?”

  Jiang Qin’s mouth was crooked: “I’m giving you real money, are you still afraid that I will cheat you?”

  ”Okay, I have already drafted the share subscription agreement, we’ll sign the contract when you prepare the money, but you are about to start the national promotion, which is a money-burning thing, do you really have spare money?”

  Jiang Qin narrowed his eyes and smiled: “The leaders of Linchuan hope that our local brands can work together to rush out, and they put me out as a target for this. Then as long as we are tied together, we will all prosper and suffer together. It’s not excessive for me to spend their money for promotion?”

  He Yijun was amused by him: “You can spend other people’s money so confidently? No wonder you can make a fortune!”

  ”Mr. He, you should know that what I said is the fact. They spend the same money on promotion, and they will definitely not achieve the effect that I can achieve.”

  ”That’s true…”

  He Yijun was the first wealthy businessman in Linchuan to cooperate with Jiang Qin. When others were lamenting that Pintuan had risen too quickly, only He Yijun understood that Pintuan’s rise was absolutely inseparable from the traffic pool cultivated by Zhihu.

  Without this traffic pool, it would be very difficult for Pintuan to swallow up the market of Linchuan University Town, and it would definitely not be accomplished without two or three years of effort.

  Similarly, if he could get Linchuan’s businessmen to form a group and invest funds in Zhihu to provide it with nutrients, then this traffic pool would grow bigger and bigger, and its scope would become wider and wider.

  At that time, all local brands in Linchuan could use this traffic pool to achieve a nationwide rise like Pintuan.

  Just like Wanzhong at the beginning, if it hadn’t been for the two sword-drawing marketing, it might not have completely recovered until now, and would still be struggling on the poverty line.

  One plus one equals two is not called business, at most it is speculation. Only when one plus one is greater than two, greater than three, or even greater than four, greater than five, and greater than tens of thousands, can it be called business.

  ”Tell me, the Linchuan Municipal Government will organize a meeting tomorrow. How should I cooperate with you?”

  ”Do you remember that when you were interviewed by Linchuan TV, you once commented on me, saying that I have a long-term vision, as if I can predict the future, and always anticipate things that have not happened yet and make adequate preparations?”

  He Yijun was stunned for a moment: “I have some impression, but how can you remember it so clearly?”

  ”That was a compliment to me, how could I not remember it clearly?” Jiang Qin’s mouth was crooked.

  ”That makes sense, but why do you say this?”

  ”I need Mr. He to repeat this sentence based on your own personal experience.”

  After listening, He Yijun nodded, and his expression gradually became thoughtful.

  He really wanted to know when Jiang Qin thought of this step. Was it when the group buying started to promote it throughout the city? Or when he was interviewed?

  If it was when the city was promoted, then this person was too terrible, because the most difficult thing in doing business is not the momentum of rapid progress, but more importantly, the great perseverance to retreat from the rapids.

  What if it was when he was interviewed? That would be even more terrible.

  Because it would be equivalent to him throwing bait all the time, fishing and hooking, and you have no idea what his final goal is.

  ”Mr. He, I’m here. See you tomorrow.”

  ”Okay, Mr. Jiang.”

  Jiang Qin opened the car door and got out, then walked back to the room on the fifth floor. However, after knocking on the door several times, no one responded, so he went to the front desk to get the spare room card and came back to find that the rich little woman had fallen asleep on the bed, humming and talking in her sleep, calling out what sounded like her own name.

  Damn little devil, you are really testing the waters on the edge of having a baby.

  Jiang Qin turned off the TV, then took out the room card for the next door from her clothes pocket, turned around and walked out.

  Tomorrow’s meeting is very important, and may determine whether he can be rich in the second half of the year, so he needs to have a good rest tonight and get enough rest. I

   ’m bringing my wife back home today, so the afternoon meeting may be a little late.


  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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