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Chapter 296 An unexpected event in the morning

Chapter 296 An unexpected event in the morning


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 296 An accident in the early morning When

  Father Xiao opened the door and saw Xiao Youran, he was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile, “Why are you standing here?”

  Xiao Youran replied, “I heard the sound of the door opening, so I came to see. I’ll take a shower later.”

  Father Xiao began to change his slippers.

  He did not notice that there was a pair of men’s shoes that did not belong to him on the shoe rack in the entrance.

  After changing his slippers, Father Xiao casually put his briefcase on the cabinet in front of the entrance, and then walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

  He saw the teacup on the coffee table.

  He picked up the teacup, took a look at the tea leaves in it, and suddenly shouted, “Youran!”

  Xiao Youran had already walked towards the bedroom, and came over after hearing her father’s voice.

  Father Xiao stared at his daughter and asked, “Is anyone coming home?”

  Xiao Youran was startled, thinking that her father had discovered Xu Xiuwen.

  But she soon noticed the teacup in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

  She explained, “Xiao Xu came for a while in the evening, so I made him a cup of tea.”

  Xiao’s father sighed, “I usually don’t want to drink such good tea, but you gave it to that boy. Will he drink tea? What a waste!”

  Xiao Youran took the initiative to sit next to her father, grabbed Xiao’s father’s arm, and shook it gently, “Oh, Dad, Xiao Xu finally came here, so I made some tea for him to taste. Don’t be stingy. He takes good care of me at school, so just thank him for taking care of your daughter.”

  Hearing this, Xiao’s father smiled bitterly.

  He shook his head and said, “It is said that a daughter who gets married is like water spilled out. You haven’t even got married yet, but your elbows are turning outward.”

  Xiao Youran immediately refused.

  She pouted and said, “I will always be Dad’s little cotton-padded jacket, and Dad is the most important person to me.”

  Xiao’s father was very happy to be coaxed by her words.

  He laughed and stopped talking about tea.

  He laughed for a while, then suddenly stopped and wondered, “What’s this smell?”

  He sniffed, sniffed the smell, and was stunned for a moment.

  Xiao Youran didn’t understand at first, but soon she realized something and her heart was pounding.

  Fortunately, Xiao’s father didn’t ask further.

  Xiao’s father said, “Don’t you want to take a shower? Go and take a shower.”

  Xiao Youran turned and walked towards the room.

  She breathed a sigh of relief.

  As soon as she entered the room, she immediately closed the door.

  Xu Xiuwen was sitting on the bed and asked immediately, “Has uncle returned to the room?”

  Xiao Youran shook her head and said, “Not yet. Wait a little longer.”

  She said and walked towards the closet.

  Standing in front of the closet, she turned to Xu Xiuwen and said, “Turn your head away and don’t look.”

  Xu Xiuwen said “um” and turned away.

  Seeing this, Xiao Youran opened the closet door with confidence and picked out a few clothes from it.

  She closed the closet door and said to Xu Xiuwen, “I’m going to take a shower first, you wait here for me, and wait until my dad returns to the room before you leave.” Xu Xiuwen

  nodded to indicate that he understood.

  Xiao Youran walked out of the room holding the clothes.

  Xu Xiuwen kept waiting in the room.

  But soon, he heard a sound coming from the living room.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t resist his curiosity, so he put his ear against the door.

  He soon heard that it was the sound coming from the TV.

  Xiao’s father was actually watching TV in the living room.

  Xu Xiuwen laughed helplessly. It

  took Xiao Youran more than half an hour to take a bath.

  Xu Xiuwen hid in her room and waited for more than half an hour.

  Xiao Youran came out of the bathroom wearing clean underwear and pajamas.

  She stood in the living room and saw her father still watching TV. She couldn’t help but persuade him: “Dad, it’s getting late, don’t watch it, and go to bed early.”

  Xiao’s father turned his head and looked at her, and said, “When your mother was at home, she complained that I was watching TV every day. Now that she is not at home for a long time, you start to control me again. Can’t I watch TV for a while?” Xiao

  Youran was speechless after what her father said.

  She glanced at the boring content on TV and turned back to her room.

  Finally, Xiao Youran finished her bath and returned to her room.

  Xu Xiuwen asked, “Is uncle still in the living room? Can I leave now?”

  Xiao Youran shook his head, “I’m afraid not, my dad is still watching TV.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled bitterly, “When does uncle go to bed?” Xiao

  Youran still shook his head, “I don’t know, my mom is not at home, no one takes care of him.”

  ”Doesn’t your dad love you very much, and your words don’t work?”

  Xiao Youran hesitated, “My dad said that my mom takes care of him every day and doesn’t let him watch TV, so I feel embarrassed to stop him from watching.”

  Xu Xiuwen said speechlessly, “What should I do now?”

  He turned his head and glanced at the window, “I can’t jump down from the upstairs.”

  Xiao Youran bit his lip.

  Then he suddenly said, “I don’t know what time my dad will see, otherwise you can sleep here?”

  ”Huh?” Xu Xiuwen thought he had heard it wrong.

  Xiao Youran said again, “Or you can sleep here.”

  Xu Xiuwen was startled and said quickly, “We two sleep in the same bed? Aren’t you not ready?”

  Xiao Youran nodded, “Yes.”

  ”Then why do you let me sleep with you?”

  Xiao Youran pouted and said, “Only sleep, no messing around!”

  Xu Xiuwen looked at Xiao Youran, not knowing whether to agree or not.

  He thought for a long time, but still didn’t agree, but said, “Then wait a little longer, maybe uncle will go back to the room to sleep later.”

  Xiao Youran smiled, “Then you wait, I’ll go to bed first.”

  Xiao Youran walked to the other side of the bed and spread the quilt.

  Then she lifted the quilt and climbed onto the bed.

  Lying in the quilt, she looked at Xu Xiuwen and asked again, “Xiao Xu, do you want to come up?”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head and said, “Wait a little longer.”

  Xiao Youran said “Oh”.

  She couldn’t help but pouting.

  She still felt a little aggrieved.

  She had tried hard to suppress her shyness and invited him twice, but he had always refused.

  After that, neither of them spoke.

  The room fell into silence, so quiet that a pin drop on the ground could be heard clearly.

  Xu Xiuwen had been listening to the movements in the living room, and the sound of the TV was intermittent.

  It can be seen that Xiao’s father has been in the living room and has not returned to the room.

  In a blink of an eye, it was almost 12 o’clock.

  Xiao Youran had yawned many times.

  She rubbed her eyes and couldn’t help asking, “Xiao Xu~~Aren’t you sleepy?”

  Xu Xiuwen had actually been sleepy for a long time.

  He rushed back from Jinling in the morning, was busy all day, and drank a lot of wine at night. How could he not be sleepy!

  Xiao Youran continued to ask, “Come to bed and sleep. Go home tomorrow morning.”

  As she said that, she lifted the quilt on the other side and said shyly, “I’ve warmed the quilt for you.”

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head and saw Xiao Youran’s flushed face and evasive eyes. She was so cute.

  He was a little moved.

  After hesitating for a while, he said, “Okay then. I’ll just sleep for one night. Don’t worry, I’ll just sleep and won’t do anything to you.”

  Xiao Youran didn’t know whether she believed it or not, but she didn’t say anything anyway.

  Xu Xiuwen got up from the bed and walked towards the head of the bed.

  Xiao Youran reminded him, “Xiao Xu, turn on the light, and lock the door.”

  Hearing this, Xu Xiuwen walked back to the door, locked the door from the inside, and then turned off the light in the room.

  Xu Xiuwen walked back to the head of the bed.

  He stood at the head of the bed, hesitating .

  Unlike Xiao Youran, who had pajamas to change into, Xu Xiuwen did not.

  Should he sleep with the clothes on or take them off?

  Xiao Youran bit her lip and said, “There’s that on your clothes, you’d better take them off.”

  Seeing her say that, Xu Xiuwen had no choice but to take off his clothes.

  But before taking off his clothes, he did not forget to say to Xiao Youran, “I’m taking off my clothes now.”

  He also emphasized with concern, “Don’t peek.”

  Xiao Youran’s face flushed, and she said angrily, “Who would peek at you, you’re being sentimental.”

  Xiao Youran turned around and turned her back to Xu Xiuwen.

  This way, she couldn’t see him, but she could still hear the sound of Xu Xiuwen taking off his clothes.

  The sound of him taking off his clothes was usually inconspicuous, but at this moment, the sound of him zipping up his zipper became very clear. The

  crackling sound of him taking off his sweater was also particularly clear.

  Xiao Youran’s face became even redder.

  Xu Xiuwen quickly took off his outer clothes, and finally got into the bed wearing only his autumn clothes and autumn pants.

  Youran had already warmed up the bed, and it was very warm.

  Xu Xiuwen was lying flat at first, but soon he turned around and lay on his side, facing Xiao Youran’s fragrant back.

  Xiao Youran always felt a fiery gaze behind her.

  She pretended not to know, but her heart was beating so fast.

  Finally, she couldn’t help it anymore.

  Xiao Youran suddenly turned around and faced Xu Xiuwen.

  She looked into Xu Xiuwen’s eyes and asked, “Why are you looking at me all the time?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t say anything, just looked at her.

  Xiao Youran blushed, and she hummed, “Go to sleep.”

  After that, she quickly changed to a lying position so that she couldn’t see Xu Xiuwen.

  But Xu Xiuwen was still looking at her.

  Xiao Youran changed several positions in succession, but she felt uncomfortable.

  She turned to Xu Xiuwen again and said coquettishly, “Are you going to sleep or not?”


  ”How can I sleep if you stare at me like this?”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said, “Okay, then I won’t look at you.”

  After he finished speaking, he turned to the other side and left his back to Xiao Youran.

  This way, she really couldn’t see her.

  The room became quiet.

  Xiao Youran lay on her side.

  She closed her eyes, her mind was always wandering, so she couldn’t fall asleep.

  Feeling the quietness in the room.

  She couldn’t help but wonder if Xiao Xu was asleep?

  She couldn’t figure out why Xu Xiuwen fell asleep.

  She couldn’t fall asleep at all because she was sleeping in the same bed with the person she liked. However,

  Xu Xiuwen slept soundly.

  For a moment, she felt frustrated.

  Was her charm so low that she couldn’t attract Xiao Xu at all?

  But judging from his performance, it didn’t seem like that.

  She opened her eyes silently and looked at Xu Xiuwen’s back. After hesitating for a long time, she finally asked in a low voice, “Xiao Xu, are you asleep?”

  The first time, Xu Xiuwen didn’t respond.

  She asked the second time, but still no response.

  Xiao Youran asked the third time.

  She withdrew her gaze in disappointment and turned to face inside.

  Just then, she felt Xu Xiuwen turned over and came closer.

  Then, an arm was placed on her body.

  Xu Xiuwen leaned close to the girl’s ear and asked in a low voice, “Why are you calling me if you’re not sleeping?”

  Xiao Youran was startled at first, then she breathed a sigh of relief, and then became shy again.

  She said nervously, “Nothing.”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed, “You don’t sleep, is it because you are too excited to sleep with me that you can’t sleep?”

  Xiao Youran was exposed and immediately became ashamed and angry.

  She raised her arms and tried to push Xu Xiuwen away.

  Seeing this, Xu Xiuwen directly hugged Xiao Youran in his arms with both hands.

  He also muttered, “Don’t make trouble.”

  Xiao Youran didn’t push away, but sank deeper.

  But after hearing Xu Xiuwen’s words, she suddenly calmed down. After

  waiting for a while, there was no follow-up, and she began to struggle again.

  Xu Xiuwen was very unhappy this time, and he slapped her buttocks directly, threatening, “Go to bed quickly, if you don’t behave, I will spank you.”

  Xiao Youran was spanked on the buttocks, and her whole body tensed up, and she subconsciously held her breath.

  Then she heard him say this, and she felt quite aggrieved.

  She thought to herself, I have already spanked her.

  But after this slap, she was indeed honest and didn’t move around anymore.

  Lying quietly in Xu Xiuwen’s arms.

  To be honest, she quite likes this position.

  Leaning in Xu Xiuwen’s arms, she was completely wrapped by him and felt his body temperature.

  Xiao Youran felt very safe.

  She couldn’t sleep at first, but after being held by Xu Xiuwen, Xiao Youran gradually felt sleepy. She

  fell asleep soon.

  The next day came in a blink of an eye.

  Before he opened his eyes, Xu Xiuwen heard the sound of rain.

  Xu Xiuwen opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Xiao Youran’s pretty face.

  He was lying flat on his back, and Xiao Youran was lying on her side, her body slightly curled up in his arms.

  One of her hands was on his chest, hugging him tightly.

  The girl slept peacefully, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, as if she was smiling.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know what she was dreaming about, but it must be a beautiful dream.

  He stared at Xiao Youran’s face quietly.

  At this moment, she was bare-faced, without even Dabao or facial cleanser. Her face was in the most original and real state.

  In this state, Xiao Youran was still beautiful enough to be amazing.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at it for a few seconds and then stopped, because he couldn’t hold it in any longer.

  Xu Xiuwen took Xiao Youran’s hand away gently, and then got out of bed carefully.

  Xiao Youran was not woken up.

  Xu Xiuwen checked the time, 8:45.

  Xiao’s father went to work at 9 o’clock. At this time, he was either at work or on his way to work. In any case, he was definitely not at home.

  Xu Xiuwen was completely relieved.

  He put on his slippers, opened the door, and walked into the living room.

  Because he couldn’t hold it any longer, Xu Xiuwen came out of the room and went straight to the bathroom.

  The structure of Xiao Youran’s bathroom is the same as theirs.

  A rectangular space of more than ten square meters, the outermost one-third of the space is occupied by a washing machine and a washbasin, and a rectangular mirror is attached to the wall above the washbasin.

  The remaining two-thirds of the bathroom is a bathroom.

  There is an opaque sliding door between the two areas.

  Xu Xiuwen came to the bathroom.

  The sliding door was closed.

  He was about to open the door when it suddenly opened by itself.

  The next second, Xu Xiuwen was stunned!

  After the door opened, a woman stood in front of him.

  There were only two women in this family, Xiao Youran and Zhang Ruosu.

  Xiao Youran was still sleeping in the room, so the woman in front of him was naturally Zhang Ruosu.

  Zhang Ruosu was holding a pink and white towel in her hand.

  She walked out of the bathroom while wiping her hair.

  She probably just took a shower and was naked.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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