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Chapter 297: True Dragon, Rising Fame

Chapter 297: True Dragon, Rising Fame


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 297: The True Dragon of Shifei, his reputation gradually rises

  ”How could this happen?!”

  Xu Mo almost crushed the armrest, his expression was filled with shock and anger, and he didn’t even bother to wipe the blood stains from the corners of his mouth.

  Not far away, several elders of Wuyun Valley woke up from their retreat, extremely surprised.

  ”Lord, what happened?”

  ”I wanted to eliminate the variable Yang Shifei, but I never expected,”

  Xu Mo said hoarsely, “He could actually destroy one of my clones.”

  The elders looked at each other, not understanding the reason for a while.

  In their opinion, Yang Shifei had many masters around him to help him, and it was indeed difficult to kill him. Moreover, the master’s clone was suppressed by the holy soldiers, and his cultivation was only one tenth of it.

  Why was the master so angry when only one clone was destroyed?

  ”Not only is the clone dead, but my original body has also been injured!”

  Xu Mo smashed the armrest with his palm and stood up angrily: “This man carries the spirit of a true dragon, and can hurt our true bodies!”

  ”True dragon spirit?”

  All the elders were stunned when they heard this.

  They had just heard the Lord mention the existence of the ‘true dragon’ not long ago, and it seemed to be the culprit that caused the fall of the ‘immortal world’ a thousand years ago.

  ”No wonder we woke up early, it turned out that a real dragon was born.”

  Xu Mo pressed his forehead and said hatefully, “It’s a pity that my memory is incomplete. I can’t remember where the real dragon’s corpse is scattered, and it’s difficult to make arrangements in advance. I even just remembered the existence of the real dragon!” ”

  My lord, what should we do now…”

  ”Find it!”

  Xu Mo waved his hand and said in a shocking voice, “The remains of the real dragon are not affected by filth, even if it remains in the territory of our Xu country, it will be difficult to find. You can only explore it yourself.

  Not only do you have to search all over Xu country, but also all over the other nine countries. You must dig three feet into the ground to find the remains of the real dragon!”


  Many elders withdrew one after another, leaving only a white-haired old man. It was the master of Wuyun Valley.

  He also looked solemn, and whispered: “My Lord, can you use this so-called true dragon energy?”

  ”This energy is our nemesis, and it is not something that ordinary people can bear.”

  Xu Mo sat back in his original position with an ugly face: “But Yang Shifei can not only control the immortal energy, but also contains the true dragon energy in his body. Who is this person?!” The

  dark cave gradually returned to calm.


  Yang Shifei let out a long breath, shook his numb arms, and put the magic knife back behind his back.

  Looking at the ashes on the ground, he confirmed again and again that Xu Mo’s clone was dead, and then he completely let down his guard.

  ”Brother, are you okay?” Yue Rui hurried over: “Are you injured?”

  ”I’m fine.” Yang Shifei smiled: “With the ability of that demon, it can’t hurt me.”

  At the same time, the flesh and blood tentacles that were originally all over the cave quickly disintegrated, and the entire cave began to shake violently.

  ”This place is going to collapse soon.”

  Yang Shifei immediately took Yue Rui back the way he came. He saw the middle-aged woman still slumped on the ground with a dull look on her face, as if she was dumbfounded.

  ”Girl, let’s talk about it outside.”

  He carried her directly on his shoulders, stepped on the wall with light skills, and jumped up.


  Countless broken stones and dust collapsed and rolled down, and in a few breaths, it turned into a ruined pit dozens of feet wide, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

  ”What the hell?!” The yamen runners guarding outside the mausoleum were all shocked and hurriedly retreated, so they were not buried underground.

  ”This, how did it suddenly collapse?!”

  The next moment, two figures broke through the smoke and dust and flew out, landing in the astonishment of everyone.

  When did a few more people appear in the mausoleum?

  ”You go back and report to the county magistrate.”

  Yang Shifei put down the middle-aged woman on his shoulders and glanced at her calmly: “Just say that the demons in this mausoleum have been successfully eradicated, and send people to deal with the aftermath.”

  The yamen runners quickly caught the token thrown to them, looked down, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

  This is a big case!

  After a while, almost all officials and city guards in Hanyin City rushed to the ruins of the mausoleum.

  The area of ​​hundreds of feet was surrounded, and all the people who wanted to join in the fun were stopped. Every place was strictly guarded.


  The old county magistrate looked at the messy pit in the crowd, his face became more serious: “I didn’t expect that there are really demons entrenched here.”

  ”County magistrate, we have dug up several corpses down there.”

  A constable came quietly and whispered, “Judging from their clothes, they should be martial artists.”

  ”Identify their identities and explain to the sects and clans behind them.”

  The old county magistrate looked around again: “The master of the Holy Sect is now.”

  ”Just under that tree.” The constable quickly pointed out the direction: “He not only killed the demon, but also rescued a surviving woman. But the woman has been reluctant to tell us her identity.”

  Yang Shifei was originally talking to the middle-aged woman. Seeing the county magistrate and others coming, he turned around and said:

  ”Although the demon has been eliminated now, you must also conduct strict investigations in the future to prevent similar accidents from happening again.”

  ”I will keep it in mind.” The old county magistrate cupped his hands and said gratefully: “Thank you for your help in resolving this crisis.”

  ”No need for compliments.”

  Yang Shifei glanced at the middle-aged woman next to him: “You just need to take care of this woman. She also knows a little about the ins and outs of this matter. You can learn from it.”

  ”I don’t know who this is.”

  The old county magistrate looked at him and his eyes widened.

  The middle-aged woman gathered her robes and looked helpless under her messy hair: “I haven’t seen you for a few days.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly: “Do you know each other?”

  ”This, this…”

  The old county magistrate stuttered for a moment, and said in doubt: “Lord Lin, why are you here?!”

  Yang Shifei was stunned for a moment.

  Is this the prince of Shu?

  The middle-aged woman seemed very embarrassed and said: “I heard the rumors about Honglinggang yesterday, so I wanted to come and see it myself. I didn’t expect the demons to be so cunning. It was not until you took action that I was lucky enough to survive.”

  Yang Shifei laughed.

  I don’t know whether this prince’s luck is good or bad.

  ”Even Prince Lin is no match for that demon?”

  The old county magistrate murmured, “You are clearly a master.”

  ”With my little skill, I can’t compare with him at all. I’m still scared when I think about it afterwards.”

  The queen looked at Yang Shifei again and praised him sincerely, “And this young man is truly both brave and martial. He can be called the best in the world!”

  ”You’re too kind.”

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly, “Since the young lady is the prince of Shu, I don’t have to worry about you.”

  He frowned slightly and bowed, saying, “I have other important matters to attend to in ‘Xiefang City’, so I’ll just say goodbye here.”

  The queen hurriedly said, “Excuse me, but why did you go to Xiefang City?”

  ”There are six demons that have secretly infiltrated Shu. Although the remaining five cities have masters who have gone to eliminate them, I happen to pass by Xiefang City on this trip.”

  Yang Shifei’s tone became more serious, “It’s a good opportunity to see how they are handling it over there.”

  After talking to the county magistrate and the prince, he did not linger and soon rode away with Yue Rui.


  The old county magistrate watched the back figure go away, and couldn’t help but sighed:

  ”In today’s chaotic world of demons, it is a blessing for all people to have such a gifted person stand up.”

  His eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the princess beside him who seemed to have been seduced, and suddenly a strange look appeared on his face.

  ”Prince Lin, you are…”

  ”It’s a pity.”

  The princess’ face was full of regret, and she sighed repeatedly: “I saw him fighting with demons with my own eyes, and he was as fierce as a killing god. How great it would be if such a young hero could become my son-in-law!”

  Seeing her clenched her fists in sorrow and spoke with sincerity, the old county magistrate was a little surprised.

  ”Lord Lin, if you care so much, why don’t you go with him?”

  ”Oh, no,”

  the princess sighed again, “I had a few words with him before, and it seems that he has a close relationship with the Great Sage. Even if I have the courage of heaven, how dare I snatch the son-in-law in front of the Great Sage. What a pity!”

  Seeing that she was really eager to try, the old county magistrate couldn’t help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

  Lord Lin is really crazy, he even dares to disobey the Great Sage.

  However, that young master is so powerful that he can make Lord Lin, who always thinks highly of himself, favor him and even think about “falling out” with the Great Sage?

  What happened under this mausoleum?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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