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Chapter 299: Beautiful Fibers, Physical Changes

Chapter 299: Beautiful Fibers, Physical Changes


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 299: The slender yarn is graceful, and the physical condition has changed.

  It was late, and there was silence in the inn in the city.

  Everyone took advantage of the night to step onto the second floor, lit the oil lamp, and dimly illuminated the room.

  ”You have traveled all the way here, so have a good rest tonight.”

  Yun Qin hugged her chest tightly and whispered, “I will go change clothes first.”

  ”Sorry for bothering you.” Yang Shifei quickly added, “I promise not to peek.” Yun Qin

  just picked up the bag on the bed, and heard the words helplessly:

  ”It’s unnecessary.”

  After that, she walked behind the screen in the corner of the room, and soon there was a rustling sound of changing clothes.

  Yang Shifei was struggling with how to start, and his waist was suddenly poked lightly.

  Looking down, Yue Rui was casting a strange look at her, with her pink lips pouting, as if she was scolding.

  Yang Shifei touched her little face and smiled, “I know my limits, you go sit down and rest first.”

  Yue Rui reluctantly sat down on the bed and lowered her head to touch her chest.

  Although she has become a little bigger than before, this strange woman is not only big, but also sweet.

  ”Miss Yun.”

  Yang Shifei coughed lightly and took the initiative to bring up the topic: “I remember you brought a lot of people with you, where are they now?”

  ”They are still staying in the other two cities, waiting for orders.”

  Yun Qin’s cold voice came from behind the screen: “If you count the three demon species you have solved, the hidden dangers in Shu are completely eliminated, and you will be able to return to Liang soon.”

  ”Xian’er and the others are doing well too?”

  ”Well, you can rest assured.”

  Yang Shifei couldn’t help but admire: “You guys are really quick.”

  Knowing that the other demon species were properly dealt with, he felt much more at ease.

  ”It’s not difficult to deal with these demon seeds.” Yunqin pondered, “But you, why do you have to go to Jintian Palace again?”

  ”The materials needed to forge the Taiwu Saint Soldiers are too complicated. Liang State’s resources are insufficient now, and it is difficult to collect them all in a short time.”

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly: “We need to rely on the foundation of Jintian Palace before we have a chance to try.”

  Yunqin thought for a while: “It would be great if Palace Master Ji could help.”

  She soon asked in a low voice: “I didn’t ask more just now, did the clone of the Xu State Demon say anything.”

  ”The other party called me’variable’.”

  Yang Shifei spread his hands and said: “He deliberately cooperated with us in the military camp to reveal the matter of’six demon seeds’, just to lure me into meeting him, and then take the opportunity to get rid of me.”

  ”.It seems that you have many unknown secrets that are worthy of the Xu State Demon’s fear.”

  Yunqin paused for a moment, and continued: “In the next period of time, try not to act alone, and don’t let those demons take advantage of the opportunity.”

  Yang Shifei laughed: “Since this happened, I will be more careful.”

  ”I will escort you to the Jintian Palace, and when the holy soldiers are completed, I will send you back to Liang. Woo.”

  Zizi. Zizi. Zizi.

  Strange noises came from behind the screen, and a suppressed hum could be heard faintly.

  Yang Shifei listened to the dripping sound, and subconsciously glanced, vaguely seeing the plump and graceful outline behind the screen.

  His face suddenly became strange, and he pretended to be calm and said: “Miss Yun, is your body really okay?”

  ”I have checked again and again and there is no residual poison left, and my body is the same as usual.”

  Yun Qin’s breathing became heavier, and she murmured: “Maybe something went wrong with the practice. After I rest for a while, I should be able to recover as before.”

  ”Uh, Miss Yun, if you feel uncomfortable, don’t force it.”

  Yang Shifei scratched his cheek and smiled awkwardly: “If it doesn’t work, wait until we get to Jintian Palace and let the Palace Master and others diagnose it carefully, they will definitely find the reason.”

  Yun Qin’s face was complicated, and she didn’t know how to answer, so she could only respond vaguely.

  She wiped it clean hastily, then wrapped her chest with silk cloth in circles, then put on her robe and walked out from behind the screen.

  ”You two have come all the way here, do you want to eat something?”

  ”We have eaten dry food, we are not hungry.”

  Yang Shifei was relieved to see that she was as calm as before, and smiled gently: “Besides, it’s dark outside, it’s better to go to bed early.”

  ”Okay.” Yun Qin said lightly: “I’ll go to the backyard to fetch some well water.”

  ”Miss Yun is not feeling well, let me do it.”

  Yang Shifei took the copper basin and silk cloth, and looked around the guest room: “However, there seems to be only one bed here, we have to go to the store to book another room.”

  ”No need to trouble.” Yun Qin casually took out a roll of silk ribbon from the bag, swung it casually, and suddenly tied it around the beams at both ends, pulling it into a white cloth rope.

  ”I can just sleep on it.”

  ”Ah?” Yang Shifei was stunned: “Can you really sleep like this?” Yunqin

  glanced at him: “With my third-grade skills, why are you making such a fuss?”

  Yang Shifei was a little embarrassed: “This is the first time I have seen such skills with my own eyes, it is indeed a bit unexpected”

  ”The essence of martial arts internal strength is not just about fists, feet and swords.”

  Yunqin said calmly: “There is still a lot for you to learn, and you must not slack off in practicing.”

  ”Remember Miss Yun’s instructions.” Yang Shifei smiled again: “I’ll be back soon.”

  Watching him walk out of the room quickly, Yunqin’s eyes moved slightly, and quickly wiped away the ripples in her heart.

  She was about to turn over and sit on the white rope, but found that Yue Rui on the bed was staring at her.

  ”Girl, what’s the matter?”

  ”It’s so big.”

  Yue Rui muttered suddenly: “What do you usually eat?”

  Yunqin: “.”

  This girl was really led astray by Shifei and the others, and her mind was full of strange things.

  Not long after, the candle in the guest room went out.

  Yang Shifei and Yue Rui simply washed up and lay down on the bed together to prepare for sleep.

  Yunqin lay lightly on the rope, her slender legs crossed, her graceful figure stretched to her heart’s content, not shaking on the rope at all.


  The room was silent, with only the breathing of the three people echoing slightly.

  Yunqin placed her hands flat on her abdomen and closed her eyes silently to regulate her breathing. Even when she fell asleep, she never took off the mask on her face.


  Yunqin’s breathing suddenly became chaotic, and she bit her teeth secretly.

  This sudden heat came out from her chest again. It was like a fine needle prick, not painful, but very annoying.

  ”I obviously didn’t feel uncomfortable for the past two days, but why did I lose control again tonight?”

  Yunqin was more confused than embarrassed. What was wrong with her body?

  Ever since Shifei used his hands to drain the remaining poison of Wen Xinxue a few days ago, she has become very strange.

  But tonight, when they met again, it was hard to suppress her

  emotions. Yunqin opened her eyes slightly, thinking.

  Could it be that it was not the poison of Wen Xinxue that affected her, but Yang Shifei?

  She pondered silently for a long time, and was about to turn over and put the rope down to test it, but her movements suddenly stopped.


  A faint and charming sound came from the bed.

  Yunqin was stunned for a moment, and soon spat inwardly: “You rascal, you still have the mind to do such an indecent thing at this time!”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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