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Chapter 3 Is this guy serious?

Chapter 3 Is this guy serious?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 3 Is this guy serious?


  It turns out that I misunderstood.

  There are indeed “five” rewards from the blind box.

  The system does not do such unethical things as “swallowing equipment”, and there is indeed no such thing as “thank you for your patronage”.

  It’s just that the prize from the fifth blind box was suppressed by the other four prizes…

  At this moment, in front of Chu Guang is a vacuum-packed compressed biscuit with a net content of 100g, and three lollipops with a net content of 25g – apple, banana, and mango flavors.

  And a note.

  The packaging of the compressed biscuit is intact and there is no bulge. Although the shelf life and production date are a mystery, it should not kill people.

  This thing is a good thing.

  The calories marked on the ingredient list are 500 kcal. Whether it is eaten dry or thrown into the pot and cooked into a paste, it can fill your stomach.

  As for the lollipop, although the calories are not low, it cannot provide a sense of fullness.

  However, for Chu Guang, who is so poor that he is about to chew tree bark, it is already very good.

  This system is so stingy. Is it because they are afraid that he will eat too much or something? They just give him this little bit of food.

  Chu Guang, who was standing next to the delivery port, stuffed the food into the backpack he carried with him, then picked up the note sent by the conveyor belt and unfolded it to take a look. There were

  some words written on it, using the language of this world.

  […What creatures in this world are more suitable to be leeks than players?

  Not only do they have a strong curiosity, but they are also always full of enthusiasm. They face difficulties head-on and will not despair of the predicament in front of them. Of course, the most important thing is that they can even consider the problem from the perspective of the operator and help the operator to harvest themselves!

  I am a genius for packaging this device into a game!

  ——The first manager of Shelter No. 404; (Please put this note in the fifth primary blind box. This is the easter egg I left for my successor!)]

  Chu Guang: “…”

  To be honest, he not only did not feel the slightest surprise of harvesting easter eggs, but was even a little speechless.


  what does the device mean?

  ”Xiao Qi.”

  ”What’s wrong, Master?”

  ”Do you know the first-generation administrator?”

  ”No, my main program was activated when you entered the shelter. According to the records in the shelter database, the previous administrator handed over the operating authority more than a century ago.”

  Chu Guang continued to ask.

  ”What year was it exactly?”

  Xiao Qi replied.

  ”January 1, 2157.”

  The war ended in 2129, and human civilization entered the Wasteland Era. 2157 is the 28th year of the Wasteland Era.

  From now…

  183 years!

  Chu Guang has been very sensitive to numbers since he was a child, especially this kind of key information. He basically remembers it and will not forget it easily.

  ”In other words, the first-generation administrator 183 years ago invented this device that can project the consciousness of the parallel world onto the clone, and packaged it into a game, but for some reason it has not been used, right?” Maybe

  it was because of the nuclear winter.

  Or maybe it was for some other reason that the shelter did not meet the activation conditions.

  In any case, people a hundred years ago should have died anyway.

  Xiao Qi said.

  ”That should be it.”

  ”What’s his name? The first-generation manager.”

  Chu Guang suddenly became curious about his identity.

  People who come up with those bad taste settings are not necessarily geniuses, but the word genius is not enough to describe the person who can invent such awesome black technology by himself after the decline of civilization.

  Project the consciousness of the parallel world to this plane and put it into the clone as a container.

  Chu Guang couldn’t imagine how this was done.

  Technology beyond cognition is no different from magic to him.

  ”I don’t know either. There is no detailed information about him in the known database. Could it be deleted?”

  ”Forget it… Asking you is equivalent to asking in vain.”

  Chu Guang was slightly disappointed, but not discouraged.

  At present, the shelter has only been unlocked to the B1 floor.

  As the mission continues to advance, the secrets buried in this shelter will one day be revealed in full view in front of him.

  Chu Guang stuffed the note into the drawer of the computer desk and tightened his backpack.

  Noticing his movements, Xiao Qi, who was squatting in the corner, asked.

  ”Master, are you leaving?”

  The voice without ups and downs sounded pitiful.

  ”Well, the players will not log in until three days later. There is no point for me to continue guarding here. I might as well go back and prepare.”

  This broken place is called a shelter, but there is not even food and drink.

  Chu Guang now has only half a palm-sized cake and half a bottle of water, as well as compressed biscuits and lollipops that he just exchanged for reward points.

  This amount of supplies will not last for more than three days.

  He has a simple little nest in the survivor settlement nearby, which contains some supplies and tools that can be used.

  Chu Guang plans to go back and clean up, and slowly pick up everything he can bring.

  This will be his new base in the future.

  ”By the way, Xiaoqi.”

  ”What’s wrong, master?”

  ”I need you to do me a favor.”

  After a pause, Chu Guang continued.

  ”Our official website is too simple. I need you to add a forum function and information and illustration functions to it. Can you do it?”

  In short, he wants players to know more about this “game”.

  It is a bit difficult to fool people into the pit with just a mouth, at least you have to do some superficial work.

  ”Of course, you have editing permissions for the official website. In addition to the game reservation page, you can add sub-pages or make changes to existing pages.”

  ”Very good, then I’ll leave it to you.”

  ”Leave it to me!”

  Xiao Qi seemed very happy about the task assigned to him by his master, and even raised the volume of the speaker by half a decibel.

  Of course, this could also be Chu Guang’s own misunderstanding.

  ”Master, when will you be back?”

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

  ”Three days at the latest.”

  ”If everything goes well, maybe before tomorrow night.”


  In the present world, the Niu Ma Club group.

  The group brother named “Guang” disappeared after posting the URL link. I don’t know if he went offline or hid aside to peek at the screen.

  The topic of “fully immersive virtual reality games” was almost over, but a few minutes ago, this brother pulled a small group and pulled the topic back in the big group.

  Quit smoking: [Oh my god, is this guy serious? ]

  This Quit smoking is also an active group member who often pops up, although he is not an administrator.

  Baiju Guoxi: [Well, after you clicked the appointment, he pulled a small group and pulled several of us group administrators in. (Scratching his head)]

  Baiju Guoxi is the group owner, so he is naturally in that small group.

  Upon hearing this, the group members instantly boiled.

  [Damn! What a shady deal! 】

  【Do you know the name of the company that Brother Guang joined? I want to report him for PY trading! (Funny)】

  【What nonsense, company! Last year, there was a VR company that lost so much money that the boss was locked up! VR is no longer the trend now! 】

  【You guys should talk in a low voice, A Guang might be peeking at the screen. (Funny)】

  【What do you think he wants? Just for a joke? 】

  【Who knows, maybe he wants to divert you brothers to the gambling website, and then cut the leeks when there are more people! 】

  【I think this guy is not a good person! Just kick him out. 】

  The topic gradually became boring.

  It even escalated to personal attacks.

  Ye Wei frowned and just wanted to say something, but he saw the group owner come out to step on the brakes.

  (The whole group was muted)

  Time flies: 【Don’t be like this, the new group members may not know A Guang, he is still a good person, but his shooting skills are a little bad, his eyes are a little blind, and he is a little bad, but everything else is fine. 】

  There is a long way to go:【Indeed, I believe that A Guang is not going astray and doing gambling. We are just not sure whether his account has been hacked. If so, our management team will handle it. I will withdraw all the messages in a while, let’s change the topic. (Laugh)】

  (The group ban is lifted)

  The group owner and management have come out to make a statement, and everyone is also very respectful to stop talking about this topic, and soon turned to the European Cup.

  Ye Wei doesn’t watch football, at least not soccer.

  Looking at the time in the lower right corner of the screen, it is already 18:00, just in time for lunch.

  Uploading the unfinished homework to the cloud disk, Ye Wei pushed the chair away and stood up, went downstairs to the cafeteria to order a spicy chicken fried rice, and ate it happily.

  When he leisurely returned to the dormitory, he saw the cardboard box on the table and was suddenly stunned.

  Express delivery?

  ”Ah Wei, what did you buy? Such a big thing?”

  The buddies in the same dormitory came over, and the other two animals also turned their attention to this side.

  Everyone is a person of quality.

  Before, Ye Wei was not in the dormitory, so it was not easy to touch his things. Now that he was back, it didn’t matter.

  They were all very curious about what this guy bought.

  ”I didn’t buy anything… Who sent this thing?”

  The three roommates looked at each other.

  ”I didn’t notice it…”

  ”I didn’t notice it either.”

  ”I don’t know, I just went to get takeout.”



  Usually, express deliveries are dropped off at the express delivery station downstairs of the dormitory, but today it was delivered to the door.

  What’s even more weird is that Ye Wei thought that he didn’t write which seat he sat in the online shopping address.

  Are all the express delivery guys nowadays so awesome?

  After opening the cardboard box, there was a helmet lying inside.

  The shape of this thing is very similar to a motorcycle helmet, painted black inside and out, and it looks unremarkable.

  If there is anything special about it, it is probably that it has no front face. When you put it on, it can cover the whole head and you can’t see anything at all.

  At first glance, Ye Wei thought this thing was a pot.

  ”What the hell is this?”

  The guy at the next table picked up the helmet and fiddled with it, put it on his head, took it off again, and gave it back to Ye Wei in confusion.

  ”You ask me, who should I ask?”

  Could it really be a pot?

  Ye Wei also tried to put it on his head with a confused look on his face.

  It was pitch black in his field of vision

  . However, just as he was about to take it off, a beam of light blue light suddenly penetrated the darkness and reflected into his retina.

  [Waiting for game activation: 71 hours and 19 minutes]


  Is it that gaming helmet? !

  Shit. Is

  the delivery speed so fast?

  Ye Wei was completely dumbfounded.

  ”Didn’t you see it?”

  After taking off the helmet, Ye Wei looked at his roommate who had just worn the helmet.

  However, that roommate also looked at him in confusion.

  ”What do you see?”

  Ye Wei said hurriedly, “That countdown! It says waiting for the game to be activated!”

  ”What? This thing can be a game console?”

  ”Move aside, Brother Liu has poor eyesight, let me take a look.”

  Another roommate took the helmet and put it on, but after a while, he took it off in confusion like the previous person.


  ”I’ll do it.”

  This time, the three roommates tried it, and without exception, they saw nothing.

  Looking at each other, they looked at Ye Wei at the same time, with strange expressions.


  Ye Wei: “…What?”

  ”Or…you go to the hospital?”

  ”Get lost!”

  Ye Wei cursed and snatched the helmet, and put it on again in disbelief.

  The light blue small words arrived as expected.

  [Waiting for the game to be activated: 71 hours and 17 minutes]

  The countdown went forward by 2 minutes.

  Not only that…

  at this moment he suddenly realized that no matter how he turned the helmet, the countdown would always appear in the center of his field of vision.

  Even if he closed his eyes.

  Ye Wei took off his helmet and looked as if he had seen a ghost.

  What the hell?

  I really saw a ghost!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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