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Chapter 3: Making money is not easy

Chapter 3: Making money is not easy


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 3 It’s Really Not Easy to Make Money

  After leaving the Fanhuali Community, Jiang Qin went straight to his home.

  A three-bedroom apartment of 120 square meters, with a living room on the left and a kitchen on the right, carries almost all of Jiang Qin’s good memories.

  His biological mother, Ms. Yuan Youqin, was wearing an apron and cooking. The sound of the chopping board was as loud as it could be. It was obvious that it was meat, and it was the kind with bones.

  His biological father, Jiang Zhenghong, was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper, humming “Clouds of Hometown” in his mouth, and his slippers were shaking on his toes.

  Feeling this familiar warmth, Jiang Qin couldn’t help but sigh. After

  drifting in Shenzhen for many years, he was actually still a rootless duckweed. The roots of his birth and growth were here, so this was his home that could not be replaced anywhere else.

  Especially seeing his parents suddenly look younger, this feeling was really unusual and wonderful.

  ”I’m back!”

  Jiang Zhenghong narrowed his eyes and glanced at him: “Have you finished the exam?”

  Ms. Yuan Youqin also poked her head out of the kitchen: “How is it, are you sure?”

  ”One foot has already stepped into the door of a key university.”

  ”Stinky boy, you are so confident, is it true?” Ms. Yuan Youqin looked at him with a little suspicion.

  Jiang Zhenghong was very considerate: “You must have some ideas in mind if you dare to say such a big thing. Let’s have a good drink tonight!”

  Jiang Qin waved his hand and refused directly: “Dad, I’ve thought about it. I want to start a business during the summer vacation. I can’t waste any time.”

  ”Start a business?”

  ”It means making money.”

  Ms. Yuan Youqin thought for a while: “Then after dinner, you can wash the dishes. I’ll give you five yuan for each bowl and ten yuan for each pot.”

  Jiang Qin sighed and didn’t argue: “You can let me wash the dishes and pots. How about giving me three hundred yuan in total?”

  After hearing this, Jiang Zhenghong raised his head: “There is such a good thing? Then I will do it!”

  ”Go away, three hundred is enough for me to buy a new set. I wash the dishes and pots every day and no one gives me three hundred. Go wash your hands and eat!”

  ”Hey, this king’s business has collapsed before it even started.”

  Jiang Qin sighed, washed his hands, and returned to the dining table to have a meal with his parents.

  Before going to bed, Yuan Youqin walked out of the bedroom and stuffed five Mao Zedong notes into his hand.

  In fact, Ms. Yuan also knew that graduating from high school was like a wild horse running wild, and singing with classmates would cost money. She was just being soft-hearted when she asked him to wash the dishes for five yuan.

  Looking at the five hundred yuan in his hand, Jiang Qin felt a little sad.

  Which big entrepreneur only had five hundred yuan in initial capital? But five hundred yuan is five hundred yuan, it’s better than nothing.

  ”Ms. Yuan, you will be the mother of the chairman in the future!”

  ”I am satisfied with you being the general manager. Oh, by the way, I asked your uncle at noon. Will you go to Zhengfang Driving School to learn to drive in a few days?” ”

  Let’s talk about learning to drive later. I have something important to do recently.”

  Jiang Qin took the money and went back to the bedroom. He turned on the computer and found Guo Zihang’s QQ number, and told him to meet at Zhongxin Street early tomorrow morning.

  Guo Zihang asked him what he was going to do, but Jiang Qin didn’t tell him directly, but just said that he had five hundred yuan now, which made the greedy guy cry out brother.

  After agreeing on the action for tomorrow, Jiang Qin casually opened Baidu and planned to check the news online, trying to awaken some memories about key nodes such as demolition and reconstruction, policy changes, stock market status, market premium, etc., in order to prepare for making a fortune.

  But before the webpage was loaded, his eyes stopped on the friend list of the computer QQ.

  Chu Siqi’s chat box is pinned?

  Jiang Qin moved the mouse over and directly cancelled the pinning, locked his space, and changed his non-mainstream avatar.

  After doing all this, he took a look at his personal signature, and as a result, he took a look and saw that three bedrooms and one living room were all scratched out.

  [I love you, what does it have to do with you?]

  It was so embarrassing that Jiang Qin slapped his forehead and quickly deleted it, and replaced it with yesterday’s song.

  After changing the signature, Jiang Qin found that Chu Siqi, who had a gray avatar just now, was suddenly online, and her avatar was still jumping, obviously sending a message.

  So he casually clicked it to take a look, and then closed it in boredom.

  The other party asked him why he suddenly closed the space, and ordered him to open the space quickly, saying that he would give him space to visit.

  Visit the space? How many years have I not heard such an old sentence, do you want to go to the hall again?

  The next morning, the sky was clear, the sun was warm and the wind was gentle.

  Jiang Qin rode his bike out and came to the pedestrian street of Pingyang East Road.

  This street is considered to be the most prosperous commercial pedestrian street in Jeju City. Before the renovation of the old market was completed, it was once a golden area where all kinds of vendors competed for each other, but because of the fierce competition and the fierce price war, the things here were relatively cheap.

  Guo Zihang pedaled very fast because he was thinking about the 500 in Jiang Qin’s pocket. When he arrived at the meeting place, he was already sweating.

  ”Brother Jiang, how are you going to spend the 500 yuan in your pocket? I haven’t been to a bar yet, why don’t we go experience it!”

  ”Stop talking nonsense, have you seen the uncle selling lunch boxes? Go ask him how much the lunch boxes cost.”

  Guo Zihang looked in the direction of Jiang Qin’s finger, his face turned pale in an instant: “We’re having lunch boxes at noon?”

  Jiang Qin narrowed his eyes and didn’t say directly: “Go ask first, don’t worry, I won’t treat you badly.”


  Guo Zihang walked over sullenly and asked the price. The price in 2008 was not too high. A lunch box with shredded potatoes cost two yuan, a lunch box with some minced meat cost three yuan, a chicken leg with shredded potatoes cost five yuan, and a chicken leg with a poached egg cost six yuan.

  Jiang Qin looked at the time, thought about it, threw two hundred yuan to the boss, and told him not to ask, just do it.

  Then he found two cardboard boxes, packed some of the lunch boxes, and took Guo Zihang to the Internet cafe street.

  Pushing open the door of one of the Internet cafes, Jiang Qin first took out a pack of Yuxi bought on the road and handed it to the network administrator, and then began to sell his lunch boxes. The Internet idiots who had been surfing the Internet all night were very hungry at the moment, but they didn’t want to go out to eat. Seeing the food delivered to their door, they immediately became greedy.

  Although the lunch box thing is nothing special, it is better than instant noodles, right?

  So, the two-yuan box was sold for four yuan, the five-yuan box was sold for seven yuan, and the six-yuan box was sold for nine yuan. In the end, except for the chicken leg and poached egg box, there were only two boxes left, and the rest were all sold out.

  From seven in the morning to one in the afternoon, the two of them went back and forth three times, changed five Internet cafes, and raised the price twice in the middle.

  Guo Zihang was exhausted, panting with his tongue sticking out, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

  Jiang Qin’s back was also soaked with sweat. He squatted on the side of the road, wiping his sweat and counting the money. The

  two-hundred-yuan lunch box was sold for three hundred and seventy-eight, and there were two boxes of chicken leg rice left, just enough for two people each.

  In fact, he did this not to make money, but mainly to sort out his thoughts. Now it seems that there is no problem with the thoughts, and money can be made, but the profit margin is too thin.

  However, Jiang Qin was not disappointed. How much profit can he expect with a capital of 200 yuan?

  It can’t be tens of thousands.

  He had never done business before his rebirth. Today, he played this hand just to feel the feeling of making money.

  But to be honest, it was a bit of a loss. Yuxi alone gave out five boxes, which was considered to be more than 100 yuan first, and half a day’s work. The two were tired like dogs, and only got more than 70 yuan.

  But what if the capital is larger, and you can trade some valuable things? The doubling of 78 is still pretty good.

  Jiang Qin took out five 10-yuan notes and handed them to Guo Zihang. This dog coin immediately stopped complaining about being tired, and kept shouting thank you brother while holding the money.

  ”Brother, what are you going to do tomorrow?”

  ”What the hell, I’m almost dead tired, and I only made 78, and I gave you 50. The remaining money is enough to buy a pack of cigarettes.”

  Jiang Qin cursed, but in his heart he was actually thinking about the first pot of gold.

  Where can I make my first pot of gold?

  Those reborn Dogecoins in online novels can easily do big business, why can’t it work for me? If

  it doesn’t work, I’ll go back and persuade the couple to sell the house and buy Bitcoin and Moutai stocks directly.

  At this moment, the lunch box chef holding a shovel came over. He first stared at Jiang Qin, then came over mysteriously, and handed him a White General.

  ”How much did you sell your two hundred yuan lunch box for?”

  Jiang Qin took the cigarette and raised his head calmly: “Four hundred and sixty.”

  Guo Zihang was stunned at the side. Wasn’t it three hundred and eighty?

  But seeing Jiang Qin’s calm appearance, he didn’t dare to speak. He swallowed and lowered his head.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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