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Chapter 300 Northern Expedition Plan

Chapter 300 Northern Expedition Plan


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 300 Northern Expedition Plan

  Dimitri led his men away.

  The group continued to move northward, heading towards the direction of Xizhou City.

  Watching the warriors in black exoskeletons go away, the man hiding among the refugees breathed a sigh of relief and pulled his hand back from his tattered cloak.

  It is never a good thing to meet strangers in the wasteland. Sometimes the fuse of a conflict may be just a glance.

  In most cases, both parties will consciously avoid each other. But if one of the parties stops, or even takes the initiative to approach…

  it is hard to say what will happen.

  In particular, he felt a murderous aura from those people.

  They seemed to have just suffered a defeat, and even just a moment ago, they had the idea of ​​venting their anger on them.

  The leader of the refugee team obviously realized this, and after the uninvited guests walked away, he immediately walked in front of the team and shouted.

  ”Dawn City is just ahead!”

  ”There are sheltered houses and warm beds… There are also hot water and food. Let’s hold on a little longer. We have to walk faster and try to get there before dark.”

  The disheveled man muttered in a low voice.

  ”Will they share their food with us?”

  The woman carrying the child on her back was full of worry.

  ”How long do we have to go…”

  Facing those pairs of eyes, the leader was silent for a while and said.

  ”They promised on the radio.”

  ”No matter what, we have to give it a try.”


  Shelter No. 404.

  After taking a shower and returning to the single room, Ye Shi lay back in the incubator, closed the hatch, and logged out of the game skillfully.

  When he opened his eyes again and took off his helmet, the ceiling of the dormitory came into view.

  The whole process was like a blink of an eye.

  Now, his “ID” is Ye Wei. He is not the strongest perception player of “Wasteland OL”, but an ordinary student studying at Jiangcheng University.

  Amid the chorus of his roommates’ snoring, Ye Wei sat up from the bed, rolled over, and quickly washed up before stuffing his textbooks into his bag. He

  had an early class to attend soon.

  Even if he decided to play professionally, he didn’t plan to give up his studies completely.

  After all, it was a prestigious school after all, and he had finally gotten in, so he still planned to give an account of his efforts.

  Having played Wasteland OL for so long, Ye Wei had long been accustomed to the switching of roles between reality and virtuality.

  In the past, when he passed by the window, he would look at it suspiciously, but now he would only sigh that peace is good.

  ”Ah Wei, help me save a seat.”

  A sleepy voice came from above his head. Ye Wei looked up and saw that Brother Liu was awake, and was surprised.

  ”Huh? Brother Liu woke up so early.”

  ”Damn… This faucet is rattling like a machine gun, how can I not wake up?” Brother Liu, who was lying on the bed, yawned and turned over, “I can’t do it anymore, I have to sleep for a while.”

  The others were still snoring and sleeping soundly.

  Ye Wei, who had put on his shoes, said helplessly.

  ”There are bubbles in the water pipe, and I can’t do anything about it. I opened it very low… If you want to tell me, since you have poor sleep quality, you might as well make an appointment with me. At least I can help you sleep well, and it doesn’t cost anything anyway.”


  Liu, who was lying on the bed, shuddered like he had PTSD, and shook his head.

  ”No, no, good brother, I really don’t have the wisdom to practice your magic skills.”

  ”Haha!” If you don’t believe it, just ask for it!

  Ye Wei stopped talking nonsense, picked up three books from his roommates’ desks and stuffed them into his bag, and then went out to the cafeteria.

  A whole day of classes during the day.

  In the evening, he had to “go on a long trip.”

  Ye Wei and Fang Chang made an appointment to pool 40,000 silver coins together, purchase some specialties from Dawn City, and transport them to Boulder City to exchange for chips.

  No. 81 Steel Plant and Goblin Technology also commissioned them to help purchase second-hand equipment, and were willing to settle with silver coins at the exchange rate of 3 silver coins per chip.

  This exchange rate included 50% of the shipping cost.

  The specific operation method is that the cattle and horse teams first go to Boulder City, then get the auction list for the next day from the auction house, take pictures and go offline, and send them to the private chat window of the forum. The two clients decide which one to bid, how much they want to bid, and how to bid.

  This back and forth, conservatively estimated to be more than double the profit.

  Thinking of this, Ye Wei, who usually drinks two pieces of original soy milk, changed to three yuan of black sesame, and changed the three yuan of two vegetarian buns to three yuan of braised pork buns.

  One bite is full of fragrance.

  It’s so cool!

  While walking and eating, Ye Wei was thinking about going to the classroom to take a look at the forum. At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated.

  He took it out and saw that the message was sent by his sister.

  Jiujiu: “Brother, is the game you play this?”

  Jiujiu: “[Link]”

  The buns and the mobile phone almost fell to the ground together. Ye Wei quickly freed his hands and typed a reply.

  ”Where did you get the link???”

  Jiujiu: “In the group. 0, 0”

  Ye Shi: “Quit now, children shouldn’t play.”

  Jiujiu: “You are the child! I am an adult! (Angry)”

  Ye Wei secretly said in his heart, it seems that his words have had the opposite effect.

  This guy must have gone to fill out the form!

  Thinking of his ID, Ye Wei panicked.

  Isn’t this going to be a social death on the spot?

  ”Jiujiu, cough, listen to my brother, this game is too complicated, you can’t grasp it, and it is extremely unfriendly to newbies, you should focus on studying.”

  Jiujiu: “Oh.”

  Ye Wei: “…”


  Ye Wei scratched his head anxiously, but there was nothing he could do.


  ask Brother Guang to open a backdoor and send him a name change card?

  But this is not good.

  Seeing that he was about to reach the classroom, Ye Wei took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

  Calm down.

  After Beta 0.2, the number of players who made reservations skyrocketed, with millions of people queuing up for reservations. With 30 to 40 activation codes issued every day, the possibility of squeezing in was slim. After

  waiting in line for

  a while, she probably gave up. After figuring this out, Ye Wei finally felt relieved. She found a four-row seat in the middle of the classroom and threw her bag there, then logged into the official website of Wasteland OL with her mobile phone. At

  seven o’clock,

  Brother Guang’s update announcement was finally issued.

  But what he didn’t expect was that they actually sent them a server-wide announcement.

  [Server-wide announcement: Congratulations to the “Burning Legion” for becoming the first LV2 legion in the closed beta server! (Since the Corps Commander chose to make the achievement public, this achievement will be counted in the Hall of Fame as a group honor)]

  Fountain Commander: “Fuck! So fast!?”

  Edgepaddling: “Something has been unlocked!”

  Tail: “Ah! The White Bear Knights have just arrived in Honghe Town! Someone is already at LV2!!!∑(Дノ)ノ”

  Sisi: “Awei, wake up, we are not a corps, we are a caravan registered with the Merchants Guild.”

  Tail: “Ah, I got confused._(:з」∠)_”

  Fang Chang: “Get lost, playing well means unlocking things? This is called strength! (Proud)” Macabazi

  : “This is unfair, the Corps system is too strong, and the life profession players are in dire straits, woo woo woo, please ask the planner to cut it down!”

  Canyon Fugitive Mole: “Fuck! You are harming others and not benefiting yourself! ”

  No matter how envious he is, Mole’s Skeleton Corps is almost at LV2, just two tasks away. Although he failed to get the Hall of Fame achievement, the budget given at LV2 is still very attractive.

  However –

  perhaps because he heard the calls of the professional players, the dog planner suddenly released a “Beta0.21 upgrade patch”.

  When Mole saw the big words “Corps system gameplay mechanism adjustment”, he had an ominous premonition.

  [Adjustment content:

  1. The Corps added a new attribute interface, the main attributes are “scale” and “logistics”. With each level up, the two attributes grow by 1 point simultaneously, such as: the scale and logistics corresponding to LV2 are both 2.

  2.1 point of scale corresponds to 10 [recruitment limit], and 1 point of logistics corresponds to 10 [logistics points]. The recruitment limit determines the number of players that can be recruited, and logistics points can be used to exchange for weapons. For example: 1 logistics point can be exchanged for a set of “Conscript Set”, which includes an LD-47 rifle and 120 rounds of 7mm ammunition. 2 logistics points can be exchanged for a set of “Support Soldier Set”, which includes an LD-47j light machine gun and 500 rounds of 7mm machine gun bullets.

  3. The loss of equipment and ammunition exchanged with logistics points will be borne by the new alliance. The weapon is usually stored in the arsenal. In wartime, the baggage unit is responsible for transporting it to the front line. The quartermaster NPC is responsible for management and deployment. “Corps Equipment” shall not be used in non-wartime or for special tasks.

  4. One point can be obtained for each level up, which can be freely allocated to “scale” and “logistics”, or consumed to improve “doctrine”.

  5. Doctrines represent the tendency of the Corps’ development. For example, players who are good at large-scale combat can choose the “Human Sea Vanguard” under the “Light Infantry Doctrine” to get the “100% scale bonus” and lead your teammates to be inhuman. You can also choose the special operations under the doctrine to get the “Light Infantry Equipment Points Cost -50%” BUFF, and lead your teammates to kill the gods.

  Players who are good at blitzkrieg can choose the armored spearhead under the “Mobile Combat Doctrine” to get the “-50% armor unit points cost” buff. You can also choose the safer infantry-tank coordination and give half of the points discount to light weapons. The

  ”Firepower Advantage” doctrine is divided into firepower coverage and infantry-artillery coordination. It is recommended to leave the skill points for “Logistics” and equip more guns and ammunition boxes. Anyway, you don’t need “scale”.

  6. Each LV2, LV10, and LV20 corps can unlock a doctrine slot. Each corps can carry a limited number of doctrines, and players can match them according to their needs. But please remember that once you choose a doctrine category, you cannot choose exclusive branches under other categories. You have to choose whether to charge at the front or to be a tool man in the rear.


  Ye Wei read the update announcement from beginning to end and roughly understood the content of this update.

  In short, the dog planner hopes that players will make choices in gameplay and maximize their advantages.

  But that armored spearhead…

  do they have tanks? ?

  Ye Wei flipped through the official website database with a subtle expression.

  The only armored units in the new alliance are the trucks carrying quadruple anti-aircraft guns.

  Or will there be some in the future?

  Of course, these are all trivial matters. After all, it is still in the closed beta stage, and it is normal that it has not been developed. What

  really caught Ye Wei’s attention was the point system.

  Before they fought, they were given bullets before the battle, and after the battle, they used their own bullets issued by the government. The battle settlement interface allocated 20% of the income to compensate the players for equipment loss.

  This update made a change in the gameplay mechanism, which is to separate private equipment from legion equipment.

  ”…League equipment can be exchanged for points, and the new alliance will appoint a quartermaster to be responsible for the management of the arsenal and replenish the inventory.”

  ”Is this a distinction between private equipment and legion equipment?”

  In the future, it will be impossible to use the ammunition left over from the battle to do tasks outside the battle.

  A trace of surprise appeared on Ye Wei’s face, and he immediately switched to the official website’s comment area.

  Sure enough, everyone was discussing this matter.

  Irena: “Although there are a lot of updates, the summary is ‘the army is not allowed to do business’. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “However, you can engage in other professions besides your own, but you cannot use public guns and armor. (Funny)”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “Hahaha, two expedited, brothers in front, please make way.”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “I’ve read it! Let me briefly summarize it. There are two key points in this change. One is that the power of logistics is returned to the central government, and the budget allocation is changed to centralized procurement and unified deployment. The other is the separation of army equipment and personal equipment. In the future, the equipment purchased at the supply point will be stored in the designated arsenal, supervised and checked by the quartermaster NPC, and can only be used in specific circumstances!”

  ”The equipment exchanged for points is bound to the Corps and cannot be traded. Normal losses will be compensated, and malicious damage will require double compensation, which will be determined by the AI.”

  Thunder King: “Damn it! The distribution of silver coins has been changed to points? The Corps system has been weakened by an epic level! (Frightened)”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “In fact, it has not been weakened, but there are more people on the server, and the loopholes in the rules have been plugged.”

  In the past, when the budget was issued, players could freely control military funds and buy equipment by themselves. It was okay when there were fewer people, but now that there are more people on the server, it is inevitable that there is room for power rent-seeking.

  For example, Corps A and Player B discuss that we will purchase from you, and you will give us kickbacks, and the money will slip from the military funds to personal accounts.

  Now that military expenditures have been changed to points, procurement, logistics, and weapon maintenance are all the responsibility of the alliance, so there is no problem of using military expenditures to make money for yourself.

  For those who did not intend to play tricks from the beginning, this change is not a nerf. On the contrary, because the logistics system is handed over to the AI, players can focus more on the front line.

  Thunder King: “Damn! There are so many restrictions, and only ghosts play the legion system. I will let you go to the front line directly, and I will go to run business myself, isn’t it better?”

  Ye Wei was immediately amused when he saw this sentence, and couldn’t help but reply with a word.

  ”I guessed your last name was Liu. (funny)”

  Thunder King: “?”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Didn’t you get the closed beta qualification? You can’t even enter the game, so you represent us. (funny)”

  Thunder King: “I’m talking about what if! What would I do if I were in the game! Hey, you guys are lucky! You are just luckier than me. If I were in, I would have graduated with full level and full equipment!”

  Fang Chang suddenly appeared.

  ”In wartime, it is the duty of every citizen to fight for the Alliance. Giving up the duty is considered giving up everything, which includes all property in the game. Don’t always think that you are smart, and don’t always think that you can represent others. There should be something else in your life besides being cunning. It’s really unnecessary to play a game like this. (Squint eyes)”

  Canyon Escape Mole: “I agree with Brother Fang, and the gameplay adjustment does not affect the benefits of the Corps system. The rewards of the battle are reflected in the settlement interface. Population, resources, land, etc. are all possible. Let me add another little-known fact. Silver coins are only one of the currencies of the new Alliance. Your contribution to the Alliance is remembered by the Alliance better than you. (Funny)”

  He didn’t say anything.

  But he still didn’t understand.

  Why didn’t these T0 and T1 players feel uncomfortable at all when the Corps’ logistics power was taken away by this update?

  Instead, he, a cloud player who didn’t even have the qualifications for the closed beta, was “speaking up” for them.

  Don’t they want to make more money?

  Silver coins can be exchanged for money!

  Ye Wei could probably guess what this guy was thinking, although he didn’t agree. This guy may be a little clever and a little worldly-wise, but his vision is not as good as that of a student.

  Suppose there is an open loophole in the rules, and someone uses it to make a profit. If you don’t use it, you will suffer a loss and you will be eliminated in the competition. Therefore, even if you know that exploiting loopholes harms the interests of the collective, individuals will inevitably make the most unfavorable choice for the collective out of “individual optimal solution”.

  When everyone is trapped in the prisoner’s dilemma, no one will be the real winner, and the final result must be a lose-lose situation.

  For the players in the Alpha round of testing, the new alliance is a utopia they built on a deserted wasteland with their efforts brick by brick. The meaning of this game is far more than just a game, and they have far more than those few silver coins in their eyes.

  Even if there is no reward, they are willing to pick up rifles and die generously to protect the land under their feet.

  Lose some equipment and experience.

  It’s better than resetting the server.


  Shelter No. 401.

  Master Yin, who has been busy all afternoon, finally replaced the new fuel rods and restarted the reactor of the shelter.

  As the air purification system began to operate, the shelter was restored to light, and Chu Guang finally received a prompt that the task was completed.

  [Administrator authority No. 401 has been obtained.]

  ”Done… By the way, what are you going to do with the administrator authority?” Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang, “The administrator here is dead. If they have not set a will, it is generally assumed that the living residents will inherit it according to the number sequence-”

  Just as Yin Fang was giving Chu Guang advice, Chu Guang stretched out his hand, gently waved it to turn off the light above his head, and then gently waved it to turn it on.

  Yin Fang was stunned.

  ”… When did you get it?”

  ”Your reaction is like the first time you saw me use administrator authority in other shelters. Wasn’t it the same in Shelter No. 117 before?” Chu Guang looked at him strangely.

  Yin Fang’s expression was a little strange.

  ”Isn’t Shelter No. 117 because of the last administrator’s will… Forget it, it’s not an important matter anyway.”

  Giving up asking about trivial issues, Yin Fang followed Chu Guang to the administrator’s office and recovered the black box there.

  The manager’s office of Shelter 401 is completely different from Shelter 117.

  The decoration style here is mainly simple, and it is more like a laboratory or archive room than an office.

  As soon as Yin Fang entered the door, he aimed at the silver, square-headed coffee machine on the table. He was surprised as if he had discovered a new world, and he couldn’t let it go and hugged it in his arms.

  ”KW-8241T model! I’ve seen it in a magazine! It’s incredible that it would appear here!”


  Yin Fang chattered.

  ”Of course it’s a pre-war magazine. This model of coffee machine has 4 more special roasting processes than the KW-8241 prototype, and the appearance is designed for researchers. The academic style! Look at this sci-fi shape, an outsider can’t even find where the water outlet is! Uh, but it seems to have a malfunction, but it’s not a big problem. It should be usable after repair… Can I take it away?”

  As he said, he looked over with hope.

  ”…It’s up to you.”

  Chu Guang glanced at this guy.

  Anyway, he didn’t have the hobby of collecting this thing.

  Just take it if you want it.


  A coffee machine doesn’t take up much weight. Chu Guang collected the black box and returned to the surface with Yin Fang.

  The shelter has been restarted.

  When he returns, he will arrange for the staff of the logistics department to clean it up and place the newly produced hibernation capsules in each room.

  The reborn Shelter No. 401 will serve as a novice village for the new players in the B round test, accommodating at least one thousand new players.

  As for the planting area in the shelter, Chu Guang plans to use it for breeding and supply high-quality seeds for the large farmland on the west side of Changjiu Farm.

  Sitting on Neeko’s back, on the way back to Shelter No. 404, Chu Guang turned on the information transmission function of the power armor helmet and took a look at the forum.

  The light blue window was projected directly on his retina. Chu Guang picked a few posts posted by familiar IDs and took a look.

  For the changes in the Beta0.21 version, players have their own interpretations and opinions.

  However, no matter what their opinions are, the reform of the Corps system is imperative.

  The new alliance is a united collective that needs united soldiers, not a group of warlords fighting each other.

  The first part of Chu Guang’s military reform plan is to take back the power of logistics to the central alliance and have a special logistics department to coordinate and allocate them.

  Later, he will take more measures to ensure that the various corps can coordinate and cooperate with each other in the system, so that players who choose the corps system can get a better gaming experience.

  What surprised Chu Guang was the post of the commander of the fountain.

  This guy rarely writes strategy guides, but this time he wrote a lot of words.

  In addition to a detailed analysis of the various branches of the corps system, this guy also asserted at the end of the post that the adjustment of the Beta0.21 version is in preparation for the new expansion pack.

  And the content of the expansion pack. It

  is very likely related to the “Northern Expedition”!

  After reading the post from beginning to end, Chu Guang’s mouth curled up a smile.

  ”Quite smart.”

  Although this is obvious.


  The next day. North of

  Shuguang City.

  Next to the flat airport runway, there is a military camp of the new alliance.

  Currently stationed here are the reorganized first and second corps, as well as the guards wearing light and heavy exoskeletons.

  Unlike the players, these soldiers not only wore uniform military uniforms, but also had the same weapons in their hands.

  Standing next to Chu Guang, Vanus said with a rather proud look.

  ”How is it?”

  Looking at the forest of guns and flags on the parade ground, Chu Guang, who was wearing power armor, nodded approvingly, not sparing his praise.

  ”Very good!”

  There were 397 soldiers standing here.

  Under the training of former officers of the legion such as Vanus, their physical fitness and fighting will had undergone earth-shaking changes compared to a few months ago.

  Some of them even awakened.

  As a standing corps, the main task of these indigenous soldiers is defense, but this does not mean that Chu Guang will relax his requirements for them.

  The threats on the wasteland are far more than just predators.

  Especially after encountering the torch, Chu Guang realized this more deeply.

  Although the players are powerful and have the advantage of “immortality”, the construction of the standing corps cannot be relaxed.

  Players cannot be online 24 hours a day.

  There are always things that players cannot do.

  And these things can only be done by people in this world.

  After the review,

  Chu Guang convened a combat meeting while everyone was there.

  In addition to the commanders of the first and second corps, senior members of the new alliance, including Luca from the logistics department, also participated.

  Without wasting time on the opening remarks, Chu Guang went straight to the point.

  ”The Torch’s armed forces attacked our transport team escorting the fuel rods, and the remaining armed forces fled to the north. Although there are only eight people, they are well-equipped and well-trained. If we let them join the people of the Bone Chewing Tribe, I’m afraid they will cause us big trouble this fall.”

  ”At present, the war between the Snake Clan and Honghe Town is at a stalemate, and they can’t spare any time to deal with us for the time being. If I were them, I would most likely choose the Ya Clan, who are resting in Xizhou City, as the object of support, instigating them to go south and continue the battle that ended abruptly last year.”

  ”Since this battle will be fought sooner or later, let’s fight it on their territory.”

  The faces of the officers in the barracks were full of excitement, and they clenched their fists involuntarily.

  Especially the wrench.

  In the offensive at the beginning of the year, the guards who held on to Changjiu Farm suffered heavy losses, and many of his brothers fell in that battle.

  However, when those cunning villains saw the defeat of Black Snake, they turned around and fled with their tails between their legs!

  He has been waiting for this moment for too long!

  Looking at his subordinates who were full of fighting spirit, Chu Guang placed his hands on the map and continued in a serious tone.

  ”The Northern Expedition will begin next month, and the goal is to expel the Ya Clan entrenched in Xizhou City without a single one left!”

  ”Before the Northern Expedition begins, we need to prepare at least 30 planes, 50 trucks, 5 million rounds of ammunition and artillery shells – and lay our railway to Yuanxi Town!”

  ”This war will completely change the pattern of the southern part of the Valley Province, and it is not just about our own destiny. I hope you will overcome all difficulties and do your best to complete the preparations.”

  ”Since the Great Rift Valley and Boulder City are unwilling to care about those stinky shits -”

  Chu Guang’s right fist fell on the map, and he said with a firm look in his eyes.

  ”Then let’s go!”


  (Thanks to the leader “Shadow of Light” for the reward!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode