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Chapter 302 War Preparation

Chapter 302 War Preparation


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 302 War Preparation

  Around 1942, a German pilot needed to undergo six months of training and two months of aviation subject study before he could get the opportunity to enter the A/B class flight training school and receive training in light aircraft. Only

  when the flight time exceeded hundreds of hours could the pilot get his pilot certificate and flying wings.

  After that, they also needed to enter the C class flight school to receive training on various aircraft types before they could fly twin-engine fighters or reconnaissance aircraft to the front line. However,

  as the war situation became tight and fuel, aircraft and other supplies were in short supply, this situation soon changed. After listening to Goering’s report, the mustache simply ordered the disbandment of the C class flight school, and then the light aircraft of the B class school were gradually replaced by gliders.

  It is said that by the end of the war, the average German pilot only had 160 hours of training time before going to the front line.

  160 hours is still a bit too much.

  In Mosquito’s opinion, 80 hours of training time is enough, and the remaining 80 hours can be trained over the enemy’s head.

  It also saves some bullets and electricity.

  The speed of the glider is not fast.

  As long as you stay calm and follow his instructions, it won’t be a big problem!

  Mosquito spent the whole morning explaining the basics of flying to his apprentices.

  Several players who have flown gliders in real life or played flight simulations would occasionally interrupt and add a few words.

  In order to deepen their understanding, Mosquito dragged his only four training planes out of the hangar and let the players who were willing to fly with him sit on them one by one. He explained the flight operation one by one.

  Although many people were confused when they first came into contact with this thing, in short, just step on the accelerator to the bottom, the speed exceeds the white line, and pull the joystick up, right?

  When attacking the ground, use the scale line to aim at the target, and use tracer bullets to correct the trajectory when firing.

  It sounds quite simple.

  After talking for a whole morning, Mosquito was dry-mouthed.

  At this time, two little players covered in mud walked over from outside the airport.

  Mosquito glanced at the two people and recognized them.

  One is Makabazi, the other is Wulingdahu. Both of them are farming players, working in the fields every day. It is said that they have reached the farming level 5.

  Although the reward for reaching the farming level 10 is very tempting, there are not many players who really have the perseverance to work hard in the fields.

  As for players like them who have turned “Wasteland OL” into a farm simulator, there are even fewer.

  Just as I was about to ask the two of them what they wanted, Makabazi raised his hand with a smile.

  ”Coach! Can we practice with us?”

  Wulingdahu: “Good brother! Lead us!”

  ”Sure, I will accept anyone who comes!” Mosquito laughed, of course he would not refuse the little leeks who came to his door, but he still felt a little strange in his heart, “By the way, aren’t you two busy in the fields every day? Why do you want to learn to fly a plane?”

  And it’s a strength system.

  What kind of plane can a strength system fly

  ? Wouldn’t it be nice to go to the artillery group to shoot cannons?

  Facing the curious gaze of the mosquito brother, Wulingdahu said with a smile.

  ”We plan to buy an airplane to spread pesticides!”

  Makabazi nodded excitedly: “I’m the same as this guy!” Mosquito

  was stunned for a moment, and was about to complain that these guys actually used his invention to do such a meaningless thing, but he quickly remembered that in reality, gliders seem to be used to spread pesticides…

  Scratching the back of his head, Mosquito swallowed back the words on his lips.

  ”Okay… Anyway, I’ll teach you by the way.”

  Makabazi was overjoyed and hugged his shoulders.

  ”Thanks, brother!”

  ”Fuck! Can you wash your hands before you take advantage of me! You made me covered in mud!”

  The mosquito who broke free brushed off the mud on his body and rolled his eyes at the grinning Makabazi, “What do you want to learn? Just driving? Or other subjects?”

  Makabazi: “What other subjects do you have?” Mosquito

  : “There are many. The ground attack subjects include close-air strafing, trajectory correction, dive bombing–”

  Before the mosquito finished speaking, Bored Fighting Tiger nodded and said, “Learn! Learn this too!”

  Makabazi looked at him strangely: “We are not going to the front line, why learn this?”

  Bored Fighting Tiger said excitedly: “Who said that it will not be used if we are not on the front line? Isn’t it used when spraying pesticides! And if there is a wild boar or some other alien species running into the field, we can’t catch up with it on our feet, just get on the plane and hit it!”

  Makabazi was shocked.

  ”Fuck! Awesome!”

  Not only the Maka brothers were shocked, but also the mosquito standing beside them. Just a second ago, I thought they had no ambitions, but now it seems that I underestimated them.

  Mosquito held Brother Tiger’s shoulders with a look of surprise, and patted him excitedly a few times without paying attention to the mud on his body.

  ”Just for your awareness, I will accept you as my apprentice! Don’t worry, brother, I will definitely train you to be ace pilots!”

  Brother Tiger smiled shyly and touched the back of his head embarrassedly.

  ”In fact, there is no need to be so exaggerated. We don’t need to be ace pilots. We can just be ordinary pilots.”

  Mosquito chuckled.

  ”How can that be possible? You must have what others have!”

  ”Every student who graduates from me is an ace pilot, and our graduation certificate is the ace pilot graduation certificate!”

  ”Don’t worry, by then everyone of you will have a certificate!”

  Makabazi: “Fuck! This is also possible?!”

  Bored Tiger: “6666!”

  ”Be low-key, be low-key, hehe.”

  Looking at his two new apprentices, Mosquito’s face was filled with a smile.

  I didn’t expect that there are so many eager to learn little players in this game.

  He has thought it through.

  It seems that no one in this game has set up training institutions. Military schools and literacy classes are all NPCs giving lectures. There is no language barrier and few players go there to join in the fun.

  However, if you want to be a hardcore player, how can you not learn some skills!

  Since everyone has ignored this market, he might as well be the first one to try it!

  In the future, everyone who graduates from him will be an “ace pilot”, and he will be the principal of the ace pilots!


  After the morning training, Mosquito disbanded the team and took his four senior brothers with him to seek help from others.

  During this period, everyone was working on upgrading the corps level, forming teams to complete high-contribution tasks, and striving to upgrade the corps level to LV10 before the new expansion, from stage F to stage E.

  By the way, the team was also running in.

  This game is different from other MMORPGs. There are no real krypton gold equipment, no dragon-slaying swords with a 999 damage and undead armor with +99% bloodsucking. Although the level and equipment have increased the upper and lower limits of the players’ combat power, they do not mean absolute invincibility.

  Even if it is the heavy cavalry exoskeleton of the final version, it will still have to go back home after a HEAT bullet hits the chest. Even a powerful awakener will have to lie down if he is hit in the head.

  It is said that there was shield technology in the pre-war era, and even different types of shields were derived for different types of weapons.

  For example, the nitrogen shield on the manager’s hammer can effectively weaken or even block bullets, explosive fragments and projectiles.

  But that is NPC equipment after all.

  As we all know, NPC equipment is for viewing. It will take several versions before it can be bought in the store.

  Therefore, for players who plan to go to the front line, it is more important to cooperate with teammates than to simply improve the sequence level.

  As for lone wolf players who don’t like fixed teams and are not interested in socializing, it is not that there is no place to go.

  The doors of the first and second corps are open to all players above LV5. There are also many single-player players who choose NPC corps, but they are usually low-key.

  Although the NPC corps is mainly defensive, it will also issue tasks to reinforce the front line and transport supplies during wartime. Completing these tasks can also earn merits and medals.

  If you find that you actually have a talent for command in battle, you can leave the team with your teammates and accumulated merits after the battle and set up your own corps.

  Chu Guang has designed a gameplay that allows them to find a game experience for almost every type of player he has selected.

  Managing the natives with the methods of the natives and managing the players with the methods of the players is also the position he has always insisted on.

  It is not just the combat professional players who are preparing for the Northern Expedition. The life professional players are also actively preparing for the upcoming new expansion in their own way…


  On the edge of Honghe Town.

  Outside the wall of the Horseshoe Chamber of Commerce, a truck loaded with goods slowly passed the wooden sentry post.

  Unlike Qingquan City, Honghe Town does not have a unified large-scale survivor settlement. The mine owners and the Chamber of Commerce bosses each enclose their own land and live their own lives behind closed doors.

  However, compared with the local slave owners, most foreign merchants and mercenaries are still more willing to live in the homes of the Chamber of Commerce bosses.

  Although both are equally shady, compared to being emptied of their wallets by unscrupulous merchants, everyone is more worried about being put on collars and shackles while sleeping in the middle of the night.

  The slave owners’ residences are not visited by many people, and there is an endless stream of guests in front of the residences of the major chambers of commerce.

  Over time, the latter gradually developed into a post station, and with the increase in the permanent population, it gradually became what it is now.

  ”Horseshoe Town” is a relatively large survivor settlement around Honghe Town, and it is also the one closest to Qingquan City.

  However, there is an essential difference between this place and the traditional survivor settlements.

  Generally, small and medium-sized survivor settlements are mostly xenophobic, but the degree of xenophobia varies.

  However, here, the foreign population accounts for 80% of the total population.

  Or even more!

  Sisi, sitting in the driver’s seat, has been observing the passers-by.

  Just looking at their clothes, skin color and demeanor, it is impossible to tell which ones are locals and which ones come here from other places to do business.

  While Sisi was looking at the NPCs, the NPCs standing on both sides of the road were also looking at them.

  Especially the truck and the goods piled on the truck attracted the attention of many mercenaries and merchants.

  ”Why doesn’t this truck have a chimney?”

  ”It probably uses batteries.”

  ”Electric truck?! What if it

  runs out of power on the road?” “It’s fine for short trips… I recognize this thing, it seems to be called ‘electric mule’, made by those blue jackets in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.”

  ”The blue mole in the shelter? No wonder it looks so delicate.”

  ”Wait, you mean the electric mule?! The one that costs 50,000 silver coins?”

  ”It should be!”

  50,000 silver coins!

  The mercenaries who had been to Dawn City held their breath at the same time, and many of them showed envy on their faces.

  In the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, 200 silver coins can be exchanged for an assault rifle!

  So much money is enough to arm a hundred-man team!

  What’s more enviable – even coveted – is that the back of the truck is carrying a whole truck of light and heavy weapons and ammunition, which is at least twice as valuable as this truck or even more. What’s

  even more unbelievable to them is that there are two little girls sitting in the main and co-pilot seats of such a truck full of goods?

  Although female mercenaries in the wasteland are not uncommon, they are completely different from them.

  How did these people get here safely!

  ”I, I always feel that many people are watching us.” Zhimahu, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, said in a low voice, tightening the steel helmet that hid the cat ears.

  ”Calm down, let them watch if they want. This is a safe zone, we just need to walk our own way.”

  Sisi, who was holding the steering wheel, glanced out the window.

  Although Rourou’s sequence level is not high and his combat power is hard to describe, his burly body is still quite deterrent.

  Facing a big white bear wearing heavy armor, even an awakened person has to go around.

  In addition, the 10mm caliber “Maxim II” on the roof and the tail that can’t rest and always loves to look around are more than enough to deter those with bad intentions.

  They had a smooth journey.

  Occasionally, they met people walking on the same road, and basically others walked around them.

  The only threat they encountered was a group of jackals approaching them at night.

  At that time, only Tail and Rourou were on the line, and the situation was indeed a bit dangerous.

  Fortunately, Tail reacted quickly. While Rourou was showing his teeth and scaring off the approaching wolves, he climbed onto the roof of the car and started firing machine guns.

  After leaving behind more than a dozen corpses, the wolves quickly withdrew.

  To be honest, wolf meat is really unpalatable.

  No matter how you cook it, it has a fishy smell.

  Later, they sold the prey to the recycling station in the garbage city, exchanged some supplies from the local vendors, and then continued on their way.

  ”Oh, oh, oh! Is this Red River Town?”

  ”It’s completely different from Boulder City! No one is afraid of me.”

  From the moment they passed the sentry post, Tail and Rourou looked around excitedly.

  There were square mud houses on both sides of the street. Under the sheds along the street, there was a row of vendors selling goods. Mercenaries carrying weapons shuttled through the narrow streets, and merchants holding ropes bargained with buyers with saliva flying.

  The other end of the rope was sometimes a machine with a tracked chassis, sometimes a cow with sacks hanging on it, and sometimes a person – or maybe a bionic man.

  Everything here was full of freshness for her.

  The production team of “Wasteland OL” is not making a game!

  Instead, it has created a nearly real world!

  This is too nice!

  Listening to Rourou’s speech on the communication channel, Sisi’s smile was slightly subtle.

  ”Well, I think they are actually afraid, but they don’t dare to control us… How about you hang a rope around your neck and lead it yourself?”

  Rourou protested immediately.

  ”Wait, that’s too weird, at least someone can lead it for me?”

  Zhimahu: “……?”

  Sisi: “?”

  The only one who didn’t hear what was wrong with this sentence was Weiba. She was standing on the roof and was still immersed in the joy of unlocking a new map.

  ”Si! Speaking of which, this place is clearly called Honghe Town, why didn’t we see a river along the way?!”

  Sisi: “Maybe there was before the war?”

  Weiba: “Oh! That’s it! By the way, I heard that there are a lot of bugs here, and there are big bugs that are dozens of meters long!”

  ”Bugs, bugs?! Where?!”

  Zhimahu, who was nervous, nervously held the revolver under the seat and looked out the window, but saw nothing.

  Tail: “Not here, I read what everyone said on the forum!”

  Sis: “Oh! Great.”

  Tail: “Damn! Sis is so perfunctory!”

  ”After all, I’m driving, the road here is too narrow… Wait a minute.” Sis calmed down the energetic Tail with a child’s tone, but his thoughts could not help but drift to the official website.

  I heard that if you go all the way west, you will leave the territory of the Valley Province and enter the Luoxia Province, and then west will be an endless sea of ​​sand.

  It sounds much more spectacular than here.

  ”Let’s go and see it when we have a chance.”

  The trading post in Horseshoe Town is not far from the main gate.

  Sis parked the truck next to the unloading point, opened the door and jumped out, and exchanged a few words with the staff next to the unloading point in non-standard human language. Soon, several porters came over and helped them unload the goods on the truck. The

  man in charge of the goods settlement was a man in a leather jacket, with a brown scarf around his neck and a cigarette in his mouth.

  Sisi noticed that his left arm was a mechanical prosthesis, but judging from the mottled rust, it must have been used for a long time.

  Before walking to the goods, the man consciously put out his cigarette and put it back in his pocket, apparently intending to continue smoking later.

  ”LD-47 rifles, 88mm mortars, 20mm light cavalry rifles, KV-1 exoskeletons and ammunition are all what we need. But before I give you an estimate, I need to know what you want? Slaves? Or mines? Spot goods? Or tickets?”

  VM will translate some key words.

  Combining her own understanding and the strategy on the official website, Sisi roughly understood what he said and answered in a concise tone.

  ”Mines, spot goods.”

  The man raised his eyebrows.

  ”Do you have a quotation?”

  Sisi did not speak, took out a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to him.

  Before leaving Dawn City, she browsed other players’ posts on the forum, had already learned about the market here in advance, and calculated the materials she planned to purchase in advance and made a list.

  Compared to picking and choosing on the spot, bargaining with the locals who speak dialects in a half-baked language, and finally being seen as an amateur and being ripped off or causing unnecessary misunderstandings, she thinks this way will be more efficient.

  The man took the list and took a look, frowning slightly.

  ”Copper, nickel, zinc, sulfur, etc. are easy to deal with, but as for platinum… we don’t have it in stock, you may have to wait until tomorrow. Or I can settle the platinum part with a voucher, and you can take the voucher to the mine next door to pick up the goods.”

  Sis frowned, thought for a moment and shook her head.

  ”Other goods will be delivered in stock, and platinum will be delivered to the military base of the New Alliance.”

  The man looked at her twice in surprise.

  ”Are you from the New Alliance?”

  Sis replied concisely.


  There was a little more fear in his eyes. The man didn’t say anything, accepted the list, and called his porters to start loading the goods.

  Back to the truck, Sis looked at his teammates and said.

  ”The plan has changed. We are out of platinum stock. We have to stay here for one night.”

  ”Stay here?” Wei’s eyes sparkled.

  ”Of course we’ll go back to the nearby save point… Can you fall asleep here? It’s so noisy here.” Sis said helplessly.

  Wei opened VM and looked at the map. It seemed that he didn’t know where his military base was.

  Zhima Paste asked curiously.

  ”What is that platinum used for?”

  Sis replied casually: “The order from the chemical plant should be a catalyst for acid production. I guess they are planning to expand the production capacity of nitric acid.”

  Wei: “Acid production?”

  Sis: “For the production of smokeless gunpowder.”

  Rourou looked at Sis in surprise.

  ”You know this?”

  Sis’s expression was a little subtle.

  ”Emmm… I didn’t understand it at first.”

  ”I know everything while playing this game.”


  At the same time.

  In the center of Horseshoe Town, the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce.

  The man sitting in the office frowned slightly as he looked at the inventory list handed over by his subordinates.

  ”Sulfur, copper… and platinum, are all stocks at the bottom?”

  The subordinate standing in front of the desk nodded.

  ”Well, most of them were bought by the caravans from Qingquan City.”

  The man thought for a moment, got up and walked to the wall, looking at the map on the wall and thinking for a long time. His

  eyes fell on Xizhou City in the north of Qingquan City. A hint of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he subconsciously clenched his fists.


  The New Alliance intends to take action against the Bone Chewing Tribe!

  If they successfully capture Xizhou City, the Snake Clan stationed in TS City will fall into a passive situation of being attacked from all sides.

  By then, the pressure on Honghe Town will be reduced a lot.

  Of course, he saw much more than that.

  If the war machine in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City is fully started, they will make a lot of money!

  ”Sir?” The subordinate looked at his back and asked in a low voice.

  Moving his eyes away from the map, the man did not explain anything to his subordinates, but just gave a brief order.

  ”Increase the inventory of sulfur and copper, go down.”

  Trying to restrain his excitement, the man returned to his desk, took out the communicator in the drawer, and called the mine owner who had been supplying them.

  ”My friend.”

  ”Here comes your chance to make a fortune!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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