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Chapter 305 Another Freshman Admission Day

Chapter 305 Another Freshman Admission Day


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 305: Another Freshman Enrollment Day On

  September 1st, the freshmen enrollment arrived as scheduled. From 7:00 in the morning, the school gate of Linchuan University was crowded with people. Parents and students from all over the country entered the campus with their luggage under the bright sun, which looked particularly spectacular.

  Of course, in addition to these new students and their parents, there was another group of people who were even more excited, that is, the seniors who were single and wanted to find a partner.

  These bastards had been holding back for a long time, hoping to take this opportunity to see if there were any young girls in their major.

  If not, then I will see if there are any young girls in other majors.

  Especially for those girls who came to report alone, helping to move luggage, adding QQ, etc., although the methods are a bit conventional, but they are really useful. For

  example, Ren Ziqiang got up from the bed early in the morning, dressed up as if he was going on a blind date, and planned to go straight to the school gate after breakfast, under the pretext of helping the School of Finance welcome the new students.

  Of course, Ren Ziqiang couldn’t go alone, so he pulled all the dormitories together before he left.

  Cao Guangyu had a girlfriend, but that didn’t stop him from appreciating beauty. Zhou Chao wasn’t so eager to find a girlfriend, but that didn’t stop him from appreciating legs. As for Jiang Qin, he was just used to getting up early, so he came to join in the fun and see if any of the new schoolgirls had particularly nice feet.

  ”Brother Jiang, did you lose your money? Why do you keep your head down while walking and looking left and right?”

  ”No, I have a stiff neck and it’s just a little uncomfortable.”

  Jiang Qin said calmly, looking like a gentleman who had completely gotten rid of vulgar tastes.

  Arriving at the school gate and finding the freshman reception station of the School of Finance, the F4 of 302 found that the tent was already full.

  All members of the Student Union of the School of Finance were present, and under the leadership of Chairman Zhu Feng, they were managing the work of freshman sign-in and campus card collection.

  Zhu Feng is a senior this year and is about to step down. This is her last large-scale collective action, so she looks particularly serious.

  Seeing Jiang Qin coming, Zhu Feng raised her hand and greeted him: “Boss Jiang is so busy, how can you still join in the excitement of the new students’ enrollment?”

  ”I have nothing to do, so I came to see if there are any outstanding talents among this batch of new students to absorb into our 208.”

  ”Then why do you keep looking at the ground?”

  ”Whether a person is capable of great use can actually be seen from the walking posture, whether the walking is steady, whether the steps are neat, these are all knowledge, hey, this junior sister seems good.”

  At this time, Jiang Qin saw a girl in a short dress walking slowly, her beautiful legs were white and well-proportioned, and she was stepping on a pair of crystal sandals with slightly heels, and her slender and small jade feet were painted with pink nail polish.

  Boss Jiang seemed to be poked inexplicably, and hissed.

  ”Don’t look at it, that’s our college’s new teaching assistant, it’s impossible for him to join you in 208.” Zhu Feng said at the right time, and

  Jiang Qin opened his eyes wide: “Female teacher? It seems even better.”


  While talking, there was a sudden sound of “Hey!” in front of the sign-in place. Jiang Qin turned his head and saw Ren Ziqiang squeezed out of the crowd like a human Huolala, carrying two pieces of luggage on his back, followed by a pretty school girl and a tall school boy.

  Judging from their clothes and accessories, these two people should be a couple. The red box carried by Ren Ziqiang is the girl’s, and the black box is the boy’s.

  Cao Guangyu and Zhou Chao followed behind, laughing like dogs.

  ”What’s going on?”

  ”Mr. Ren picked out a junior girl and insisted on helping her carry her luggage. The junior girl didn’t refuse and handed her suitcase to Mr. Ren.”

  Jiang Qin glanced at Ren Ziqiang’s hunched figure: “Isn’t this good?”

  ”What’s good about that?”

  Cao Guangyu was so happy that his eyebrows were raised: “After the junior girl handed the suitcase to him, she immediately shouted, darling, come quickly, there is a kind senior here who wants to help us carry our luggage!”

  Jiang Qin hissed: “Did Ren Ziqiang demolish the Yue Lao Temple in his previous life?”

  ”I don’t know, but we’ll go first and interview Mr. Ren later.”

  Cao Guangyu and Zhou Chao were talking and immediately followed him. It was really a dog.

  Jiang Qin thought about it and felt that when school started last year, although Mr. Cao liked to pretend, he didn’t seem to be so dirty. He didn’t expect that after a year, everyone has made progress and growth.

  ”Jiang Qin, I’m about to step down.” Zhu Feng suddenly said.

  Jiang Qin came back to his senses: “The next chairman will be Ma Jiangming?”

  ”Yes, Ma Jiangming will be the one leading the team in the future, but I still want to ask you, are you interested in joining the student union?”

  It is actually unreasonable for a resigned student union chairman to suddenly ask a sophomore if he wants to join the student union, unless she wants to let Jiang Qin take a seat, rather than simply absorb him.

  After Ma Jiangming succeeds as chairman, the vice chairman position will be vacant, and one of the ministers of the six major parts will take it up, so one of the minister positions will be vacant.

  This position is usually taken by sophomores, because they still have a year to train, and after a year, maybe a candidate for chairman will be selected.

  The golden flowers of the third finance class were also there at this time, and the one who led the team to help was Jiang Tian. When she heard Zhu Feng say this, she suddenly felt a little dazed, and her thoughts seemed to have returned to the midsummer of last year.

  At that time, the military training was about to end, and the Hundred Groups Recruitment Activity was held. She asked Jiang Qin if he wanted to participate in the interview of the student union.

  [I won’t go. I’m not capable enough. What if I’m elected as the president of the student union? I can’t do it.]

  This is what Jiang Qin said at the time.

  Even though Jiang Tian was a little interested in Jiang Qin at the time, she couldn’t help but feel that this sentence was suspected of being pretentious. Unexpectedly, a year later, this sentence seemed to come true.

  ”Forget it. A year has passed, and I haven’t made any progress. I’m still not capable enough.”

  ”You are the first learning star of Lin University and a young entrepreneur in Linchuan. Is this not enough?”

  ”It’s because these things consume too much of my energy that I can’t contribute to the college. But our class leader Jiang Tian is very good. Dinner, travel, team building, every time he can arrange everything for me.”

  Jiang Tian was handing out mineral water next to her. After hearing this, she was stunned for a moment, and then looked up and found that Zhu Feng was looking at her: “Senior sister, is there anything?”

  Zhu Feng pursed her lips: “Our election meeting will start soon. You can write a speech and try to run for the deputy director of the External Relations Department.”

  ”Okay, senior sister.”

  Jiang Tian glanced at Jiang Qin and knew that she was being covered.

  Jiang Qin did not make any further comments afterwards. He retreated under the tent and stood with the girls from Class 3 of Finance.

  He had not noticed before that Song Qingqing’s feet were quite delicate. With a light blue nail polish, they looked particularly playful and lively.

  However, among the girls, Jian Chun had the best-looking feet. They were white, tender, small, smooth like jade, and slightly blushed, as delicious as plump red cherries.

  Seeing that Jiang Qin had been staring at her feet, Jian Chun’s cheeks turned slightly red. She could not help but shrink back a little, but only shrank back a little. She mustered up the courage to walk back, biting her red lips, her eyes became watery, and her legs

  could not help but clamped together. Zhuang Chen was standing nearby at this time. After seeing this scene, he was very annoyed. He always felt that the girl he had liked for more than ten years was stripped naked by others, and he was very angry.

  But he couldn’t say anything. Should he say Jiang Qin, you are not allowed to look at Jian Chun’s feet? Then the people present would definitely think he was a pervert.

  ”My male god, there’s a new store opened on the pedestrian street. The decoration is pretty good, but it’s so strange. I seem to taste my mother’s taste in that store.”

  Song Qingqing suddenly spoke, her tone a little bit whimpering.

  Jiang Qin came back to his senses and looked at her; “What store?”

  ”Yang Ji, the main business is mutton soup, stir-fry, dumplings, braised chicken and so on. The taste is pretty good, but his dumplings are too much like my mother’s.”

  ”Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you, Yang Ji is the restaurant I invested in, and you invested in that store. This store was originally a local brand in Jeju, and now it is planning to open up the market in Linchuan.”

  Hearing this, everyone in the welcome tent turned their heads and looked over, with a hint of envy and admiration in their eyes.

  Everyone knows that Jiang Qin is in the Internet business, and he created Zhihu and Pintuan, but no one thought that he had so many industries under his name.

  If this is the case, the previous rumor is likely to be true, and Xitian may also belong to this boss Jiang. If this is the case, then it’s fatal. It is said that this milk tea brand has blossomed all over the city and occupied more than 40% of the market in Linchuan.

  I remember that last semester, a professor from the School of Finance gave a lecture and used this brand as an example. It is said that its marketing method is very sophisticated and is not inferior to group buying. In

  this case, both group buying and Xitian are from Jiang Qin.

  ”Hey, haven’t you tasted our Yangji yet? How about this, everyone come with me to try it at noon.”

  Zhu Feng couldn’t help turning her head: “Can our student union members also go with you?”

  ”When I say everyone, I mean everyone.” As

  soon as the voice fell, there was a cheer from the tent. As soon as the lunch break came, they followed Jiang Qin to the pedestrian street. The whole team was mighty.

  Yangji tastes really good, especially the ancestral mutton soup of the Yang family and the dumpling recipe contributed by Song Qingqing, which made all the people responsible for recruiting new members very satisfied.

  Before leaving, Jiang Qin also gave each of them a bag, which looked like a souvenir.

  ”What is this?”

  ”It’s not enough to eat it alone, take some more and don’t be polite to me.”

  Zhu Feng was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself, are there really such warm and hospitable people in the world? It’s okay to eat for free, but also give gifts? So she opened the bag and found piles of flyers inside.

  These flyers were beautifully printed, with many pictures of the main dishes and the Yangji logo.

  Seeing this, Zhu Feng understood that Jiang Qin wanted them to help him distribute flyers while welcoming the new students, so that all the new students would know that there is such a store on the pedestrian street. What the hell is this

  called incompetence!?

  Damn, you are too modest, Boss Jiang. If you were the president of the Student Union of the School of Finance, wouldn’t our Student Union be turned into the most evil force in Linchuan University?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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