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Chapter 309 Great Victory in Qingshi County!

Chapter 309 Great Victory in Qingshi County!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 309: Great victory in Qingshi County!

  Less than 20 minutes after the air raid, the entire northern urban area of ​​Qingshi County had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

  The survivors from the northern suburbs of Qingquan City seemed to have tampered with their fortifications. The propeller-powered planes swept the roofs of the buildings, and soon the buildings were on fire like lighters.

  The entire urban area was on fire.

  The scorching heat and thick smoke completely blocked their way to retreat to the south.

  Awakened by the earth-shaking explosion, He Shu had just climbed out of bed when he received an order from Lord Lion Fang from the messenger – asking him to take his men to put out the fire immediately. Lord Lion Fang

  personally issued an order, and He Shu did not dare to neglect it. He immediately called on his men who were shooting into the air with rifles and rushed to the fire in the south.

  However, what he did not expect was that as soon as he and his men rushed to the fire scene in a hurry, a plane fell from the sky in front of him.

  And it fell on the street less than 50 meters away from him!

  He Shu was stunned at the time, and soon realized what happened. Then a ball of anger rushed to his head.

  Thinking of the brothers who died tragically in the air raid and the boiling sea of ​​fire around him, he didn’t care about the task of putting out the fire. Without saying a word, he led the entire 100-man team to the crash site.

  One hundred people blocking one, let alone a living person, even a mouse – even a cockroach, can’t slip away from his eyes!

  And the fact is indeed so.

  The unlucky pilot ran around like a headless fly and was soon blocked in a dead end by them.

  Looking at the poor guy who was blocked in the alley and yelling, He Shu’s mouth corners opened a grim smile, and his pupils were full of cruelty.

  He stopped his men who were setting up a rocket launcher and ready to fire, and took out a smoke bomb and threw it into the alley with a grim smile.

  Then, he waved forward.

  ”Catch him alive for me!”

  He Shu swore.

  If he caught that guy, he would make that damn pilot regret coming to this world.

  He would try all the tortures he had heard or seen on that guy, until he squeezed all the information out of him, and then cut off his flesh piece by piece, and threw it into the oil pan in front of him to fry it into crispy meat. He licked his

  lips excitedly, but before He Shu could figure out where to start eating, a series of piercing screams came from the back of his head.

  He Shu turned his head suddenly, and his sight just met the overwhelming rain of fire.

  The whistling sound was like a playing organ, and the concrete fortifications in front of it were like paper, and were blown up to the sky by the destructive force of crushing withering withered wood and rotten with ease.

  There was no time to lie down.

  Even if he lay down, there was nowhere to hide. There

  was a moment of fear and panic in He Shu’s eyes.

  Then in the next second, he and his entire team of 100 people were blown up to the sky along with the streets under his feet!

  At this moment, in the air.

  Driving the scarred glider, Luo Yu reached out to open the goggles and stretched his neck to look outside the cabin.

  It didn’t matter that he couldn’t help but click his tongue.

  ”Oh my…”

  This power…

  is too cruel!

  At least fifty 130mm rockets fell in an area with a radius of 600 meters.

  The saturated firepower delivered to the battlefield in an instant even drew a silent circle in the center of the blazing flames.

  I wanted to go and get Coach Mosquito.

  Now it seems that it is not necessary…

  The ace pilots hovering in the air forgot to dive for a while, and the noisy gunfire on the ground also paused for a few seconds.

  The world seemed to have been paused, and only the hot smoke was still floating quietly.

  At the same time, on the second floor of the department store.

  Looking north through the reinforced window, Shi Ya’s face was full of dullness, and Bernie, standing next to him, was also surprised.

  The explosion that almost pierced the eardrum made him think that the other party had used a tactical nuclear bomb.

  What kind of opponents are they fighting against…

  Swallowing his saliva, Bernie comforted Lion Fang standing next to him, and also comforted himself.

  ”It’s okay… This level of firepower can’t last long.”

  ”We only have a hundred-man team and two firepower points in the south. As long as they are not crowded together and bombed, the maximum number of casualties will be 30%… 40% at most.”

  The loading steps of rockets are extremely cumbersome. It is normal to fire for ten seconds and reload for ten minutes, and it is expensive. If you can use twenty or thirty lives to exchange for nearly fifty rockets on the opposite side, it is undoubtedly worth it.

  In fact, Bernie’s judgment is not wrong.

  However, what he didn’t know was that the hundred-man team sent by Lion Fang to put out the fire was not scattered in the ruins, but all ran to block the lone pilot on the opposite side.

  Because there were not enough radio equipment, they didn’t even know that the previous round of barrage coverage directly destroyed their entire company…


  Southern Qingshi County. The

  junction of the forest and the urban area.

  Standing on the half-collapsed viaduct pier, Chu Guang, wearing a power armor, was overlooking the entire battlefield through two hummingbird drones.

  A quarter of an hour ago, the vanguard of the First Corps and the players had arrived at the front line, built a temporary command post and set up a radio station on the front line, and included a ten-kilometer radius within the communication radius.

  At the same time, the ten self-propelled rocket launchers of the Goblin Corps Artillery Group also completed their deployment and launched a round of saturation fire strikes on Qingshi County.

  ”Shocking firepower…”

  Vanus, who was standing next to him, holding a telescope in his hand, was full of surprise on his face.

  Although he participated in the formulation of the battle plan, the power of the New Alliance rocket launcher far exceeded his expectations.

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”Does the position in front look familiar?”

  Vanus thought for a while and said.

  ”…It looks like the command style of the 210,000th Expeditionary Force. They are good at digging trenches, building bridges and front-line fortifications.”

  ”It seems that I will see an old acquaintance soon.”

  Vanus smiled helplessly and did not respond to this sentence.

  ”The saturation fire coverage has ended. The other party should not have recovered from our artillery fire yet. I suggest starting the next plan now.”

  ”That’s exactly what I planned.”

  The chat time is over.

  Chu Guang extended his index finger and tapped the side of the helmet, calling out the holographic screen.

  After a pause, he ordered in a calm voice.

  ”Xiao Qi, update the No. 2 Operation Plan on the VM of each corps!”

  The energetic voice came to my ears.

  ”Okay, Master!”

  At the same time as the voice fell, Chu Guang grasped the war hammer hanging behind him, and pointed it neatly to the front under the eager eyes of the players.

  ”The fortress of the Bone Chewing Tribe is just ahead, let’s smash their front teeth.”

  ”All troops – forward!”

  The players who received the attack order and could no longer restrain their legs responded with a shout that pierced the clouds and cracked the rocks.

  ”For the Alliance!”

  ”Long live Dawn City!”

  ”The administrator is awesome!”



  Neat but not uniform slogans resounded throughout the battlefield, and the battle to liberate Qingshi County officially began.

  Under the cover of supporting firepower, the players followed their respective corps leaders to advance forward, and some even excitedly blew the charge horns they made.

  Long before the operation began, the headquarters of the new alliance formulated Operation Plans 1, 2, and 3 based on the intelligence collected in advance.

  These operational plans accurately define the specific steps of action for each corps, and the commander will decide which set of plans to adopt based on the actual situation on the scene.

  In the campaign, corps of different sizes will undertake different battlefield tasks, and the rules for calculating scores will also be different according to the type of task.

  Some teams are responsible for attacking strategic facilities, while others are responsible for advancing the front line and seizing points. In principle, highly mobile teams are responsible for interspersing and encircling, and highly breakthrough teams are responsible for attacking.

  As for the tactical choices that are accurate to each player under the corps, they are decided by the corps leader and the team members through consultation.

  After so many battles, players who are qualified for the position of corps leader are all high-level players who are deeply trusted by their teammates.

  They know better than anyone how to maximize the potential of their team. The fact that their team members have been able to follow them through so many versions is enough to prove their personal charm or organizational ability.

  The size of the corps can determine the upper limit of the corps, but whether it can be fully recruited requires the player’s own efforts.

  Whether it is to have fun with teammates or to pay them wages in reality, Chu Guang will not interfere as long as it does not affect the server rules.

  The perspective returns to the front line.

  The printing factory located on the edge of the county town is the first line of defense of the Bone Chewing Tribe in the southern part of Qingshi County, and it is also the first nail stuck in the players’ way forward.

  The 100-man team led by Iron Hand was ordered to garrison the area. They deployed two 12mm heavy machine guns and two 60mm mortars here in advance, and mobilized slaves to dig trenches with a total length of nearly 1,000 meters. Barbed wire and spiked wooden stakes were deployed at the front of the trenches.

  In addition, 20 Iron Fist rocket launchers and ten 7mm light machine guns were dispatched to the trenches. If they attacked from the front, it would be a hard battle. The crossfire pouring from the roof and the trenches would become a nightmare for the infantry.

  Chu Guang certainly would not let the players rush up and send them.

  Before attacking the area, four 100kg bombs and 24 100mm howitzers landed on the Iron Hands’ 100-man position.

  Before the first round of fighting began, the mortar positions deployed by Lion Fang in the printing factory and the heavy machine guns on the roof were directly hit by the long-range firepower of the New Alliance.

  After a round of firepower coverage, the concrete factory building, which was originally intact, was already crumbling under the bombardment.

  However, before the predators hiding inside could recover from the bombardment, another round of dense mortar shells fell on their heads.

  ”Fuck! These people are not done yet!”

  Spitting out a mouthful of bloody sand, Iron Hand, wearing a baseball helmet, pressed his head tightly against the ground, feeling shocked and frightened.

  Before joining the Bone Chewing Tribe, he was a gladiator who fought in underground boxing. Although he had fought with others many times, he had never seen such a scene!

  Previously, when I followed Lion Fang to burn, kill and loot in the central part of the Valley Province, I occasionally encountered some tough guys, but those survivors were nothing more than a few homemade cannons or cannons bought from big forces.

  The former was powerful but inaccurate, and looked very powerful but actually couldn’t blow up anything. Although the latter was accurate, it basically stared blankly after the shells were fired. Often, only one or two charges were needed to beat those unprepared weaklings into abandoning their armor.

  Unlike these lunatics…

  shells were thrown over their heads like they were free, and the planes in the sky fired rounds after rounds at their positions.

  Listening to the roar of the artillery fire, Tie Shou felt his teeth trembling, and the hand holding the gun couldn’t help shaking.

  He was an awakened one.

  However, the power flowing in his blood vessels could not bring him any sense of security!

  ”Boss! How long will it take for the reinforcements to arrive?”

  ”Where are our artillery!”

  Our artillery?

  Listening to the panicked cries of his subordinates, a bitter smile appeared on Tie Shou’s face.

  Although he didn’t know what was going on behind him, he could guess with his toes what the artillery position was like now by looking at the planes flying in the sky.

  Especially after the previous round of rockets, he had completely given up the fantasy of supporting firepower.

  At this time, the mortars of the New Alliance stopped bombing the position, but Tie Shou’s pounding heart was raised to his throat.

  He knew what the end of the shelling meant.

  Trying to integrate the fear into the sound and throw it out of his chest, Tie Shou, who was holding down his helmet, let out a hysterical roar.

  ”Prepare for battle!!”

  The mortar launched a round of smoke bombs, and the front of the battlefield was instantly covered with thick smoke.

  The light machine gunner poked his head out of the trench again, but when these predators opened the safety and prepared to shoot, they were horrified to find that two armored trucks with welded steel plates rushed out of the smoke first.

  The light machine gun sprayed flames, and bullets hit the truck like raindrops, but only left egg-sized dents on the steel plate.

  Ignoring the hail of bullets, the truck turned slightly to the right and sidled towards the predator’s position.

  Then the predators in the trenches were horrified to find that two quadruple anti-aircraft guns were pointed straight at their faces.

  ”High explosive on the gunner!”

  The canyon fleeing mole, who led the infantry behind, excitedly patted the side of the vehicle and shouted to the player sitting on the gun position.

  ”Aim at their machine guns and shoot them!”

  At the same time, two flat quadruple anti-aircraft guns all sprayed out thick and long flames!

  Bang, bang, bang!

  With the roar of the machine guns, hundreds of 20mm high-explosive shells instantly poured over the heads of the predators, killing the main and deputy shooters next to the light machine guns instantly. The raging shrapnel and the exploding flames turned the serpentine trench into a hell on earth in an instant. The iron

  hand holding the light machine gun was killed on the spot, half of his head flew out of the trench, and the deputy squatting next to him was so scared that his legs went weak and he completely lost his will to fight.

  A predator mustered up his courage and tried to fight back with an Iron Fist rocket launcher, but the distance of 300 meters was just out of his range.

  The New Alliance has copied the Iron Fist of the Legion many times, and even made several extended versions. It is too clear about the various parameters of this thing.

  The rocket with a tail flame flew only more than 250 meters away before falling to the ground weakly. Because the terminal fuse was not triggered, not even a piece of grass was gnawed off.

  ”Brothers! Charge!”

  Seeing that the defense line of the predators had begun to collapse, Brother Mole excitedly blew the whistle and led the Skeleton Corps to charge under the cover of two quadruple anti-aircraft guns. Except

  for the six crew members + gunners who did not move, the 44 infantrymen each had an LD-47 processing soldier shovel.

  Only the Elf King Fugui held a semi-automatic with an extended barrel in his hand, and the bipod was replaced with a long bayonet. He shouted “Ura” excitedly while charging.

  The repeated bombardment had brought the morale of the predators who were holding on to the printing factory to the brink of collapse. With the death of the centurion and the whistle of death, they could no longer restrain the fear in their hearts. They abandoned their positions and fled backwards regardless of the order to defend the position.

  Of course, the mole would not give them a chance to regroup. Two quadruple anti-aircraft guns fired wildly at the looters who jumped out of the trenches and fled.

  Soon, there were only broken limbs and arms left in the open space from the trenches to the printing factory, and not even a complete body could be found.

  ”Don’t surrender your guns – very good, squat down with your hands on your head.”

  Irena, who jumped into the trench, just raised the muzzle of the gun and aimed at a looter. When she found that the other party had thrown away his weapon, she did not continue to fire, but motioned the man to squat on the ground with his hands on his head.

  The score for prisoners is higher than that for kills.

  The score is contribution points and money.

  Their mission is to capture the printing factory. Now that the mission has been completed, there is no need to waste bullets in unnecessary places.

  Not far away, the mole brother has already rushed into the factory with his men, and the battle has entered its end.

  At this time, Irena realized that the soil in the trench under his feet had been wetted by blood and turned into mud. And he was stepping on half a corpse, and he couldn’t tell what it was just from the shape.

  ”Hiss… This is too bloody.” Irena smacked her tongue involuntarily.

  Before they rushed over, the three teams of ten people guarding here could not even fill one.

  At this time, the Elf King Fugui limped into the trench and cursed.

  ”Fuck, I didn’t even fire a shot and it was over. I was hit by a bullet in the leg. I don’t know which bastard did it!”

  As he said that, he glared at the prisoner.

  ”Is it you?”

  The prisoner trembled, unable to understand what the man said, and dared not say anything more, so he could only bury his head lower.

  The Elf King Fugui did not embarrass a surrendered prisoner. He took out a bandage from his bag and bandaged himself simply.

  ”It seems that this battle is about to end.” Irena looked at the north side of the trench, which was the direction of the county town.

  The Death Corps led by the edge brother has launched a charge and started a street battle with the looters stationed in the abandoned residential area.

  Heavy exoskeletons cannot be deployed in narrow terrain, and their “semi-open armored vehicles” cannot drive into the ruins, so the cleaning work can only be done by light infantry.

  From the fierce gunfire, you can hear how fierce the battle there is. The looters hiding in the corridors and alleys are like trapped beasts in desperate situations. It is not easy to find them all and eliminate them one by one.

  But Irena is not worried about them.

  As one of the few LV10 corps in the new alliance, the combat effectiveness of the Death Corps is definitely T1 level, and there are many high-level players ranked at the top of the server.

  The reason why the team looks bloated is mainly to take care of the newcomers who want to join the group, so they took the most “economical” human sea assault route.

  Different corps have different group rules. Some corps only recruit acquaintances, some only want strength or awakened people, and some don’t care about sequence and level, just have fun.

  The Death Corps belongs to the latter. In addition to requiring not to be afraid of death and obey orders when playing in a group, there are no other requirements, and you can come and go freely outside the battle.

  At this time, Mole, covered in mud and blood, came towards the two of them from the direction of the printing factory with an assault rifle in his hand, looking excited.

  ”…The printing factory has been taken! The new task is to rest on the spot, and by the way, keep an eye on the southern gate leading to Qingshi County for our friendly forces!”

  The Elf King Fugui, who had just bandaged his thigh, asked excitedly.

  ”Is the war score out?”

  ”How can it be so fast? Every battle is not settled one day later,” Mole, who was sitting on the edge of the trench, took a breath and continued with a grin, “But I feel that the MVP is definitely stable this time!”

  In less than five minutes, the first line of defense was conquered, and fifty people beat a whole team of 100 people to death, and captured twelve people!

  The most important thing is that no player fell!

  It was a textbook “infantry-tank coordination” breakthrough play, and it was worth it for him and his teammates to dig pits and practice so many times in the northern suburbs!

  If there is no MVP, it can only be said that the friendly forces opened things.

  The three were chatting and slacking off when the group of green-armored jungle musclemen, led by Midnight Killer, drove into the city.

  According to Operation Plan No. 2, if the airstrike and artillery bombardment did not cause the collapse of the department store, the task of storming the enemy’s command post would be completed by the Jungle Corps and the Storm Corps.

  As for the Burning Corps, it should have penetrated the southern part of the battlefield by now, guarding against enemy reinforcements and cutting off the retreat of the Lion Fang Thousand Man Team.

  Those guys are the real ruthless ones. The leaders with the highest combat power in the whole server are all in it. Even if they face the front and back attacks of the enemy reinforcements and the Lion Fang Thousand Man Team, they are confident that they can deal with it calmly.

  However, Mole estimated that they should not encounter reinforcements.

  It is 20 kilometers from the northernmost tip of Qingshi County to the urban area of ​​Xizhou. Even if the opponent reacts immediately, it will take time to mobilize reinforcements.

  A mere 1,000-man team obviously can’t last that long.

  ”…The Jungle Corps has begun to advance. It seems that the second line of defense has been taken by the Death Corps.” The Mole glanced at VM, which was nearly half an hour ahead of schedule.

  Elf King Fugui looked up at the sky.

  ”Our planes are starting to return,”

  Irena said with a subtle expression.

  ”Can they land safely?”

  ”Haha, I don’t think so!”

  Just when the Skeleton Corps had completed all their tasks, the Jungle Corps and the Storm Corps that had penetrated deep into the city had already met the enemy.

  The two teams were divided into two different attack directions, and launched a fierce attack on the predator’s position in a pincer attack.

  ”Crazy! Completely crazy!”

  Standing at the forefront of the battlefield, Midnight Killer, wearing a KV-1 exoskeleton, held an LD-47j light machine gun in his hand, while excitedly shouting and advancing forward, he fired wildly at the predators behind the roadblock.

  The power beasts lined up beside him, one by one, had the same style as their corps leader, firing bullets like they were free.

  The players in the back row who were also wearing exoskeletons removed the shoulder armor and arm guards on their right arms and hung them on their chests, throwing grenades outside the human wall, blowing up the predators who were suppressed behind the bunkers.

  In fact, bullets are free, and only affect the battle score.

  But is this a big deal for the chicken killer?

  He and his good brothers obviously didn’t care about this thing.

  It’s all good!

  On the other side, the Storm Corps was also progressing smoothly.

  Under the command of the fountain brother, the battlefield atmosphere group led a platoon of soldiers with the perception department, and took the lead in breaking through the entire 100-man team of the predator. After

  being beaten back step by step, the predator could only take out the trump card and release the mutant brown bear that had not yet been tamed with the mind interference device.

  However, before the brown bear could roar, it was slapped against the wall by a big white bear wearing heavy steel armor.


  The meaty who pressed the mutant brown bear against the wall roared at the bear face, but the hesitant expression was still somewhat reluctant to let go.

  The mutant brown bear that was pinned down, on the other hand, probably didn’t understand why this guy had white fur and was wearing armor, so he just stood there without resisting.

  Rourou looked anxiously at his teammates.

  ”Me, me, me, what should I do next?!”

  Wei Pa got close to the big bear pinned against the wall, took a look, touched his chin and thought for two seconds, then spoke suddenly.

  ”Maybe it’s in love with you.”

  Rourou almost choked on his saliva.

  ”Pfft! How is that possible! How did you come to this strange conclusion!”

  Wei Pa: “Huh! Isn’t it very reasonable?”

  Zhima Paste, who followed from behind, had a helpless look on his face.

  ”It seems like there are complaints everywhere…”

  ”Emmm… Anyway, it surrendered, we won’t kill prisoners of war,” Sis stared at the obedient brown bear and thought for a moment, then nodded, “It’s decided, from now on it will be the second mount of the Rourou Knights!”

  Rourou: “Wait, what the hell is the Rourou Knights!? And it was agreed to be the White Bear Knights, how come there is suddenly another brown bear?!”

  Zhimahu: “Huh? I thought the complaints were mounts.”

  Sis subtly moved his eyes away.

  ”After all, white bears are too rare here…”

  Wei Ba changed the subject completely, and gave a thumbs up with shining eyes.

  ”Oh! Rourou did a great job! We captured a big guy, let’s see who dares to say we are the atmosphere group this time!”

  The White Bear Knights are registered in the Merchants’ Guild. Although the name is the Knights, it has nothing to do with the concepts of knights and legions.

  But it doesn’t matter.

  A long time ago, Wei Ba and Sis mixed in with Brother Fountain Water’s team, and simply dragged Zhimahu and Rourou in.

  The three of them were wearing light cavalry exoskeletons worth 10,000 silver coins, and Rourou’s equipment was also bought with the money he earned from running business.

  Although he bought the equipment with his own money, it did not prevent Tail from leading the team to rush to the front.

  Not far away.

  The battlefield brother had already led his men into the department store. There was a lot of gunfire inside, accompanied by the explosion of grenades from time to time.

  It seemed that the battle was quite fierce.

  Lion Fang did not surrender, and still led his personal guards to fight stubbornly, but as the gunfire gradually deepened, the so-called resistance was obviously a dying struggle.

  Soon, the Jungle Corps, which launched an offensive along the main road, also successfully defeated the defense line arranged by the predators along the road, and chased the defeated soldiers all the way to the bottom of the building.

  The Jungle Corps and the Storm Corps successfully joined forces.

  After the two corps commanders negotiated, it was decided that the Jungle Corps would send a team of ten people into the building for support, and the rest of the people would guard the several entrances and exits of the building.

  The space inside the building is limited, and only so many troops can be deployed.

  The collision volume of this game is very real, and there is no such thing as model penetration.

  The operation of firing by passing the barrel through the teammate is impossible here. Too many people standing in one place will only get in the way.

  ”…It seems that the battle is over.”

  In the southern part of Qingshi County, next to the wreckage of the road.

  Through the backstage access to the players’ cameras, Chu Guang switched to the first-person perspective of the [Battlefield Atmosphere Group] and watched this old man kick open the closed iron door with one foot, rush into the Lion Fang’s hiding place with his men, and press a group of predator leaders on the table and wall.

  ”Don’t move!”

  ”Hold your head with both hands!”

  The video sound is noisy.

  The signal in the building is not good, the picture frequently freezes, and it shakes violently.

  However, it does not affect Chu Guang’s appreciation of the frustrated and dejected expressions on the faces of the predators.

  After this battle, the passage from Qingquan City to Xizhou City will be completely opened, and nothing can stop him anymore.

  The railway of the new alliance will arrive at the front line along with the supply convoy. As the supply is continuously delivered from the rear, he will use intensive artillery fire to tell the plunderers of the Bone Chewing Tribe where they should really go.

  ”Three hours faster than the battle plan expected… The fighting power of your residents is simply incredible.”

  After watching the pictures shared by Chu Guang on VM, Vanus couldn’t help but sigh from the bottom of his heart.

  Even if it is a young army composed of reserve officers, I am afraid it may not be able to do better than them.

  Maybe next time when he makes a battle plan, he can consider some more radical offensive strategies to maximize their advantages.

  Looking up at the sky, Vanus continued.

  ”We ended the battle before noon, and the Ya clan headquarters living in Xizhou City may not have received the news yet.”

  ”That’s perfect.”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”We can push the front line forward another ten kilometers.”

  The copper mine is just to the west of Qingshi County, located in the geological park of Renlian. If you want to ensure stable production, it is not enough to maintain the front line in the north of Qingshi County, you have to move it forward a little further.

  He studied the map and found that there is a col ten kilometers north of Qingshi County, which is just right for building the defense line on the high ground on the south side.

  Vanus hesitated.

  ”Isn’t this too radical? If the opponent’s reaction is fast enough, I’m afraid it won’t leave us too much time to dig fortifications.”

  Chu Guang shook his head and said in a relaxed tone.

  ”That’s just right to catch them off guard!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode