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Chapter 31 Encountering the Predators! The Player’s First Battle!

Chapter 31 Encountering the Predators! The Player’s First Battle!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 31 Encountering the Plunderer! The first battle of the player!

  The uses of acetic acid, acetone, and methanol are quite extensive.

  If the shelter outpost wants to truly start industrialization, then these chemical raw materials are indispensable.

  Although they are temporarily useless, Chu Guang still gave the player [WC Zhen You Mosquito] a reward of 1,000 contribution points, and made public his outstanding contribution of “using wood as a raw material to successfully prepare acetic acid, acetone, and methanol.” By the way,

  is this considered a full-server announcement in online game novels?

  Looking at [WC Zhen You Mosquito]’s proud face and the envious expressions of other players, Chu Guang felt that he had to keep this fine tradition.


  Not just in the game.

  It must be announced on the official website!

  In the future, you can also make a hall of fame and record “On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, a certain player achieved a certain achievement.”

  This achievement can be solving a development problem or clearing a certain difficult dungeon.

  As a poor ruler, the cheap sense of honor is the only cost-effective reward he can give to players.

  After finishing the work, Chu Guang took Ye Shi and Garbage Jun and continued to explore northward along the elevated road outside the wetland park.

  While searching for traces of prey, they also looked for valuable exploration targets.

  The industrial clusters in Qingquan City are mainly concentrated in the southeast corner of the city, fan-shaped along the Third Ring Road and the Second Ring Road.

  The northern part of Linghu Wetland Park is mainly residential, and you can even see a lot of unfinished buildings along the road out of the city.

  In addition to the relatively complete public supporting facilities such as education, medical care, and transportation, this area has not formed a large-scale industrial cluster. There are only some light industrial workshops scattered in the suburbs far away from the residential area, and neighbors with the garbage incineration station.

  Now, most of them are covered by forests.

  When the nuclear war came, the northern suburbs of Qingquan City were almost not directly hit by strategic weapons due to their large population base and extremely low strategic value.

  However, in contrast, after the total collapse of order, the large number of refugees brought another sense of disaster here.

  Supermarkets, convenience stores, food markets, and shopping malls were quickly robbed, followed by hospitals, schools, office buildings, and even all the shops along the street, and even every refrigerator and locker in the house.

  No shelter would risk its own safety to open the gate to accept them, and it was impossible to do so. The completely paralyzed traffic also made it difficult for these people to leave here.

  Even today, two hundred years later, the bullet holes and broken glass on the wall can still give us a glimpse of the tragedy that once happened here.

  Some windows, shelves, and trash cans still have skeletons that have not been completely weathered.

  ”Hiss… This is too tragic.”

  Looking at the two skeletons, one big and one small, hugging each other, Jun Jun couldn’t bear to look away and closed the open trash can door.

  Ye Shi’s reaction was relatively calm. After all, it was not the first time he had gone on a long journey with Chu Guang. He was accustomed to the situation here and even commented on it with the airs of an old player.

  ”To be honest, the scene design of this game is quite good… It’s like a real post-apocalyptic world.”

  ”This is the post-apocalyptic world.”

  Chu Guang replied casually, carefully observing the situation in the store window and making a mark on the paper map.

  This should be a clothing store.

  However, there are not many clothes left on the shelves, and the only two rags hanging are covered with black mold.

  Obviously, scavengers have visited here a long time ago.

  And more than one wave came.

  ”… I think we are wasting our efforts,” Ye Shi sighed, “It is obvious that this place has been plundered.”

  ”You can always find something useful… Like this thing.” Chu Guang found an unopened sewing kit from the back of the almost shattered cabinet, and threw it into Ye Shi’s hands. The

  needle should be made of alloy material, and the thread should be rayon. If it is not opened, there will be no problem of oxidation. Let alone after two hundred years, it can be used even after another two hundred years.

  At this moment, the outpost is most in need of these small tools.

  Teng Teng should be interested in it.

  There was nothing left to search, so the group prepared to withdraw from the store.

  However, at this moment, a shrill howl suddenly came from a distance, followed by two gunshots. It

  sounded like 5mm bullets.

  Chu Guang was alert instantly, took out the iron pipe rifle from his back, crouched down and hid in the shadow of the wall, and carefully looked towards the source of the sound.

  Not far away, under the tilted billboard, a man in a gray coat was shot and fell to the ground, moving backwards with a terrified look.

  Blood oozed from his back and flowed all over the ground.

  ”… scavenger?”

  Before long, another figure turned around the corner.

  A gunman in an animal skin coat was biting a half-smoked cigarette, holding an iron pipe rifle made of garbage in his hand, and walked towards the man lying on the ground begging for mercy. Behind

  him was a man and a dog.

  The accomplice was also holding a rifle of similar shape in his hand, with a fire axe hanging on his waist and a dog leash on the other side.

  Chu Guang’s pupils shrank slightly.

  In less than a second, he quickly determined the identities of the two.


  ”What’s going on outside?” Ye Shi came over from the side and asked in a low voice.

  He thought he had been very quiet, but his hiding skills were still weak after all.


  Chu Guang just had time to make a gesture to silence, and saw the mutant hyena with a chain tied around its neck turned its head and barked at him twice.

  Chu Guang’s face changed instantly.


  This beast’s skill points are all added to perception? !

  In a flash, the two predators also looked over instantly, reacted very quickly, raised their rifles and fired.

  Bang Bang!

  After two consecutive gunshots, Chu Guang quickly retracted his head, but soon he found that he was just worrying too much.

  The handmade DIY rifle probably has no rifling.

  From a distance of one street, the shooting was in vain. As expected, several bullets did not even hit the door next to him, and all fell on the concrete road.

  ”There’s a firefight?! What’s going on?! Have we run into mutants?!” Jun Lazi, who was hiding in the shop, was not panicked at all, and even rubbed his hands with excitement.

  Ye Shi was the same, and he immediately pulled out his javelin.

  ”Don’t panic, I’ll take a look first–”

  ”What the hell!”

  Seeing that these two guys were not afraid at all, Chu Guang was so angry that his nose was crooked. He freed his hand and pressed Ye Shi’s head, pushing him back.

  ”It’s the looters! Both of them have guns and are followed by a dog! You retreat from the back door, and we will meet in front of the bus station 300 meters south–”

  ”Dear administrator, why should we retreat? There are only two people and a beast on the opposite side, and we have no fewer people than them!” Jun Laji clenched his fists, “We can fight, too!”

  ”That’s right! We can fight!”

  Ye Shi also nodded excitedly, picked up the crossbow that the administrator had just thrown, and said with high morale, “Although we only have one gun, we still have Molotov cocktails… and this two-meter-tall lizard, I don’t believe he can’t beat a dog.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang, who was nervous, instantly came back to his senses.

  Yes. Why


  In the past, I was alone, with my head tied to my belt and working outside to open up wasteland. It was normal to hide when I encountered such vicious bandits.

  Now I have guns and people, why run! What’s the point of running!

  What’s more, there are only two people on the opposite side.

  Chu Guang also reacted quickly, making a decision immediately, and at the same time pulled the bolt to load the bullet.

  Damn him!

  ”You, take the Molotov cocktail over there.” Chu Guang threw the Molotov cocktail and the match into Ye Shi’s hand, and pointed at the corner diagonally opposite.

  ”Follow my command carefully, and when the gun goes off, you light it and throw it!”

  The other party didn’t know how many people there were on their side, and if they saw someone rushing out, they would definitely chase after him.

  Ye Shi, who took the Molotov cocktail, was stunned for a moment.

  ”I, how should I get over there.”

  ”Run over there, or do you want me to carry you over there? Don’t worry, their guns don’t have rifling, so they can’t hit you.” As he said that, Chu Guang reached out and pushed him. Ye Shi

  stumbled to the door.

  Although he was panicking, he thought that this was an opportunity to show off in front of the manager, so he gritted his teeth and went ahead.

  Damn it.

  Let’s fight!

  I’m not afraid of anything in the game!

  Sure enough, just as Chu Guang expected, when they saw Ye Shi rushing out of the store, the two looters immediately made a strange noise and fired two shots at him.

  ”Haha, my little baby, where are you running to?”

  ”Give up, you can’t run away, surrender now and I can spare your life!”

  Ye Shi didn’t understand what these people were saying, he just felt the bullets whizzing past his scalp.

  He didn’t dare to stop for a moment, nor did he dare to look up, and rushed into the store on the other side of the street.

  The two looters looked at each other, smiled evilly, and pressed forward with guns in front and behind, and released the dog chain.

  There was no gun on them.

  Most likely they were scavengers picking up garbage nearby.

  For them, pinching a scavenger to death is no different from stepping on a cockroach.

  Chu Guang, who was hiding in the store, didn’t move, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

  Hearing the dog barking getting closer and closer, he suddenly leaned out half of his body, aimed at the mutant hyena running towards him, and pulled the trigger.


  The 9mm bullet burst out of the chamber. There was no way to dodge at a distance of less than five meters. It shot through the side of the beast –

  although Chu Guang aimed at the head.

  The hyena didn’t even have time to scream. It fell to the ground and rolled two meters before it stopped moving.

  The predator who rushed to the nearby was stunned at first. He obviously didn’t expect that the other party also had a gun.

  When he came to his senses, his partner who had been with him day and night had died tragically. The expression on his face was instantly distorted by anger.

  ”I’m going to skin you alive!”

  ”Qiong, calm down! There are more than one person on the other side -”

  Before the voice fell, a Molotov cocktail was thrown over and hit the wreckage of the wreckage behind the two people with a snap.

  The flames rose together with the scattered glass fragments.

  Seeing that the other party actually had a Molotov cocktail, the predator hurriedly dodged and had already begun to retreat. However, they were blocked by the flames and had no way to retreat for a while, and fell into a passive dilemma.

  At this moment, one of the predators suddenly caught a glimpse of a terrifying figure from the eaves of a street shop out of the corner of his eye.

  It was a lizard with dark green skin.

  Or rather, a humanoid lizard.



  A sound of breaking through the air cut off the predator’s half-sentence, and the oncoming javelin pierced his chest directly, nailing him to the burning scrap car behind him.

  Until the last moment of his life, he didn’t understand why the monster that looked like an alien was mixed with the scavengers.

  He had heard of taming mutant hyenas as pets, and even heard of raising bears and horses, but this was the first time he heard of someone being able to tame this thing.

  This is too outrageous!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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