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Chapter 31: Its Sharpness Cuts Through Metal

Chapter 31: Its Sharpness Cuts Through Metal

2024-01-17 作者: 枚可

  Chapter 31: Its sharpness can break metal

  . A cold question made everyone in Baima Pavilion feel depressed.

  Li Yucong waved his arms and hands forcefully, and retreated several feet with his fellow disciples behind him, drawing their swords and preparing for battle.

  Yang Shifei frowned slightly when he saw this.

  He was just on guard and subconsciously guarded against the other party. But looking at this reaction, it was quite suspicious.

  Li Yucong held up his sword horizontally, his face gloomy: “How did you find out?”

  ”Strangers can’t be trusted.”

  Yang Shifei protected Luo Xian’er to the back: “Even newcomers to the martial arts world understand this truth.”

  Li Yucong laughed cruelly: “It’s a pity that I couldn’t stab you to death with one sword.”

  Feeling the other party’s murderous intent, Luo Xian’er was a little puzzled.

  As far as she knew, Baima Pavilion was indeed a righteous sect, and it had nothing to do with the Luo Mansion, so why did they suddenly take action?

  Being able to come here with a secret letter from the government, they should be trustworthy friendly forces. Could it be that they were secretly bribed by the State of Qi and became running dogs, and helped to break through from inside and outside?

  ”When were you bribed?”

  When Yang Shifei was ready to fight, Luo Xian’er spoke in a cold tone: “How much did Qi pay you?”

  Li Yucong was stunned for a moment, and soon smacked his lips: “Two little thieves, you are still blaming others.”

  A man behind him shouted: “Brother, don’t waste time talking to them. Since they have the courage to betray the country, let’s kill these two traitors first!”

  ”Wait.” Luo Xian’er took out a secret letter from his sleeve: “We are not traitors, but we are invited by General Tie to help.”

  ”General Tie?”

  Li Yucong was stunned again, covering his forehead and seemed to be lost in thought.

  The faces of the few people behind him showed a trace of trance, as if they were sleepwalking during the day.

  The shouting and killing at the foot of the hill became more and more intense, but this place fell into a strange silence.

  Yang Shifei was quite surprised by this scene.

  It’s just remembering a name, is there a need to react so strongly?

  Luo Xian’er narrowed her eyes as if she had noticed something, and raised the envelope in her hand: “If you don’t believe it, you have to see the handwriting of Chief Constable Tie with your own eyes.”

  ”No need.”

  After a moment, Li Yucong raised his head, and his eyes seemed to be full of anger again: “I didn’t expect that even Chief Constable Tie in Dongcheng has betrayed us. It seems that only our Baima Pavilion can be relied on!”

  As soon as these words came out, the other three people showed indignant expressions without exception, and they kept muttering that Chief Constable Tie was really shameful.

  Yang Shifei was stunned. What on earth is this –

  suddenly, a light flashed in his mind, and he turned back and looked at Luo Xian’er.

  - Filth in the brain!

  Unexpectedly, not only Xiang Tianlin was tricked, but even the people in Baima Pavilion did not escape.

  ”There are a lot of filth gathered in East City?”

  ”It shouldn’t be.” Luo Xian’er frowned and said, “Even if they came to East City a few days ago and were exposed to filth, it is impossible for them to ‘get sick’ so quickly. Filth erodes warriors step by step.”

  Yang Shifei’s mind moved, and he recalled Xiang Tianlin’s “diaries”.

  This man’s madness was indeed not achieved overnight, but accumulated over time.

  ”They were eroded by filth before coming to East City.”

  ”Two traitors, what are you still discussing in secret!” Li Yucong suddenly shouted, raised his sword and pointed directly: “If you want to keep your body intact, surrender quickly!”

  Yang Shifei ignored it and whispered: “Is there any way to treat it?” Luo

  Xian’er shook her head: “Filth enters the brain and produces hallucinations. Even if the filth can be removed, his mind cannot be reversed.”

  Yang Shifei understood. It’s just that his brain is completely damaged and there is no cure.

  Baima Pavilion’s people suddenly stepped forward and rushed over.

  ”You dodge first.”

  Yang Shifei retracted his sight, quickly calmed down his mind, and instead of retreating, he rushed forward and threw a fierce punch!

  Seeing the fierce punch, Li Yucong was shocked and hurriedly stepped aside to avoid the punch. At the same time, he shook his wrist and sang the sword, and stabbed with a sharp sword.


  Yang Shifei raised his waist and abdomen, swiped past the tip of the sword, swung his arm horizontally, and smashed the back of his fist towards the opponent’s face.

  But three more sharp swords stabbed at both sides, and the sharp edge suddenly appeared, so he had to withdraw his moves halfway to avoid it.

  With a glance from the corner of his eye, he saw three sword-wielding warriors leaping out from behind Li Yucong, and the three swords attacked the vital points in various places, almost locking all the dodging routes.

  But, it was not really impossible to retreat.

  Yang Shifei suddenly sank his feet, clamped the sword blade stabbing from the front with both palms, twisted his body in the air, and kicked away the three swords that attacked in succession.

  When he was in the air, he met Li Yucong’s vicious eyes, and immediately punched out several times, and fought with the opponent’s palms for several moves.

  Bang, bang, bang!

  The four people from Baima Pavilion retreated in unison, and Yang Shifei also jumped several times in the air and landed back to the original place.

  Li Yucong shook his hand secretly: “This man has great strength!”

  ”Don’t fight hard, form a diamond sword formation!”

  The four people turned their steps, pointed their swords in the air, and their momentum suddenly changed.

  Yang Shifei lifted his sleeves, clenched his fists with cold eyes, and the muscles on his arms gradually became visible. After

  a few rough fights, he vaguely estimated that these people were slightly weaker than the leader of Feilin Gang, and Li Yucong, the leader, was slightly stronger.

  If it was one-on-one, he was sure to take them down one by one within a dozen moves. But these four people cooperated with each other tacitly, and the threat was far more than one plus one. If

  a sword came, just dodge it. But four swords came from all directions at the same time, and it was definitely not possible to dodge by moving two more steps.

  ”——The Vajra Sword Formation of the White Horse Pavilion is specially designed to resist strong enemies with physical cultivation. It can break the body-protecting Qigong and cut the strong flesh.”

  The ethereal female voice suddenly came from behind, which made Yang Shifei stunned.

  He slightly side-glanced and saw Luo Xian’er standing there very calmly, casting a calm look.

  ”You are a woman, but you know a lot.” Li Yucong sneered: “But it is wishful thinking to find the flaws of my Vajra Sword Formation.”

  Besides, what’s the use of finding the flaws? If you can point out others to break it with just a few words, how can their Vajra Sword Formation of the White Horse Pavilion be famous in the world.

  Luo Xian’er ignored the other party and just nodded to Yang Shifei.


  The two sides did not communicate, but Yang Shifei was blessed and thought about something.

  He slowly concentrated his breath and let the cold air flow through his body. There was no ripple in his mind, like a clear lake.

  The next moment, his figure suddenly moved.

  ”Form a formation!”

  Li Yucong suddenly shouted.

  The four figures flashed together, turned their wrists and swept their swords, and the cold light flowed, as if it turned into a large net interweaving.

  ”——Three inches below, a horizontal strike can break it.”

  The moment the light female voice sounded, Yang Shifei lowered his head to dodge the double swords, raised his elbow and hit hard.

  A man with a sword was about to attack, but the blade was suddenly knocked away, and the huge force was transmitted to his wrist, which was numb.

  ”Not good-”

  ”I’ll do it!” Another man raised his sword to fill the position, and the sword surrounded and killed him.

  Yang Shifei suddenly turned around, lowered his body and dodged, and his arms quickly crossed to block, forcibly blocking the swords that were either cutting or sweeping.

  ”Go up.”

  Luo Xian’er chanted softly, and Yang Shifei suddenly jumped up from the ground, kicked his legs to the left and right, shaking off the two sharp swords, and at the same time clamped the blades that stabbed at his abdomen with his fingers, stepped on the shoulders of the two people and hung upside down in the air, and slapped down with a palm.


  With a cry of pain, one person’s wrist was immediately broken, and the weapon fell out of his hand, and the sword formation that the three people barely formed was also messed up.

  Li Yucong’s face changed drastically. He never expected that this man and woman would cooperate so well.

  He quickly turned around and ran towards Luo Xian’er, raising his sword to stab her to death first.

  Facing the murderous intent, the young lady remained indifferent, just standing there quietly, as if she was waiting to die.


  But faster than him was a flying kick in the air.

  Li Yucong felt his palm go numb, and his long sword was kicked away.

  Looking at the opponent’s heavy punch in the air, he subconsciously raised his fist to meet it, and the two sides had a head-on collision.

  With a muffled groan, Li Yucong immediately retreated more than a few feet, and was held back by two companions on the back, but the four of them still kept a distance, and only then was he able to barely remove the triple internal energy that shook his whole body.

  ”The Vajra Sword Formation is indeed not difficult to break.”

  Yang Shifei landed on the ground and stood firmly, with an expression of pride and stretched out his right fist: “You can’t even take my punch?”

  Li Yucong showed anger: “It was that woman who was behind the scenes-”

  ”Aren’t you also surrounded by four people?”

  Yang Shifei had no expression: “You still have the nerve to say this?”

  The four people from Baima Pavilion were all speechless, and their faces were extremely ugly.

  ”Punch two inches inside the elbow to break their swordsmanship.”

  Luo Xian’er spoke softly, but she was insightful: “Hit the back scapula, lower back, and side ribs in order to break the internal breath barrier and disintegrate the combat power.”

  After these words came out, the four people from Baima Pavilion were even more frightened, unable to understand how their martial arts flaws were seen through.


  Yang Shifei pulled up the corner of his mouth, his figure gradually sank, but his power became more fierce and fierce.

  But at this moment, two figures suddenly stepped into the air and leaped over, landing steadily in front of Baima Pavilion and others.

  This light skill is not simple!

  Yang Shifei frowned, but the people from Baima Pavilion were pleasantly surprised: “Master, Senior Wu Hai!”

  Both old men nodded in response.

  ”It’s the old master of Baima Pavilion, Jiang Wuyou, and Guiyuan Knife Wu Hai.”

  Luo Xian’er came behind Yang Shifei and said in a slightly tense tone: “These two are both at the level of inner cultivation, comparable to Xiang Tianlin.”

  ”Another person who has been corrupted by filth?”

  Feeling the powerful aura of the newcomers, Yang Shifei’s heart sank slightly.

  ”Hey, aren’t you Miss Luo from Dongcheng?”

  But the old master named Jiang Wuyou looked puzzled: “Why did you have a conflict with my disciple here?”

  Yang Shifei and Luo Xian’er’s eyes lit up. This old master was not affected by filth!

  ”Master Jiang! Come to us quickly!”

  Yang Shifei shouted: “Your four disciples have been possessed by demons and have rebelled like Xiang Tianlin!”

  Master Jiang was stunned: “What did you say?”

  He subconsciously turned around and looked at the four disciples behind him:

  ”Yucong, tell us the whole story of this matter, whether there is any mistake during this period-”


  A piece of sword blade was firmly grasped by Master Jiang’s fingers.

  He widened his eyes, and his old face was full of disbelief: “Yucong you?!”

  Li Yucong tightly grasped the hilt of the sword, his face changed for a while, and finally turned into a face full of resentment.

  The other three disciples also had distorted faces, and their eyes were no longer respectful in the past, only hatred.

  ”You traitor, you are unworthy of being our master!”

  ”You, what nonsense are you talking about?!”

  Master Jiang hurriedly waved his palm to break the sword and forced the four people back.

  He was about to speak again, and a sharp wind came from his side.

  ”Old Wu?!”

  The owner of Jiang Manor was horrified, and he quickly raised his fist to fight with the opponent for several moves. The Qi burst out and they barely tied.

  Guiyuan Knife Wu Hai quickly retreated to Li Yucong’s side, with his hands behind his back and sighed, his eyes full of regret and hatred: “I regarded you as my lifelong friend, but I didn’t expect you to do something that would betray your country for glory!”

  ”You and I haven’t done it!”

  The owner of Jiang Manor was extremely confused and couldn’t help but lose his voice.

  Yang Shifei shouted again: “They are affected by some evil things, and their minds are disordered like Xiang Tianlin!”

  The owner of Jiang Manor calmed down a little, dodged and retreated, his old face full of anxiety: “My friend, what happened, why did they suddenly become like this?!”

  If only four disciples were in trouble, he could still understand, perhaps they were hit by some kind of poisoned hidden weapon.

  But Wu Hai came with him, when did the accident happen? !

  ”It’s hard to explain this for the time being.” Luo Xian’er murmured, “Old manor owner, you just need to know that they are now ruthless, and you must not show mercy when you attack.”

  ”This, this…”

  Even though Jiang Manor Owner has been in the martial arts world for decades, he has never felt so confused and puzzled.

  At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from the bottom of the hill: “Xiang Tianlin has escaped, Miss Luo, stop him quickly!”

  As soon as the voice fell, a bloody figure jumped onto the cliff beside the mountain road dozens of feet away, with a murderous aura like a killing god.

  Yang Shifei turned his head and looked, with a cold light flashing in his eyes: “It’s Xiang Tianlin!”

   I hope everyone will follow the update, vote and post, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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