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Chapter 310 Cleaning up the battlefield and ambush

Chapter 310 Cleaning up the battlefield and ambush


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 310 Cleaning up the battlefield and ambush

  ”…What’s that sound?”

  ”You heard it, too?”

  ”It seems like something exploded.”

  ”And there’s more than one!”

  Nearly 20 kilometers away.

  Tieya, who had just left the city of Xizhou, was heading to Qingshi County with the 500 reinforcements he had invited. However, before they had gone far, they heard a faint roar from the south.

  The sound was like rolling thunder, echoing in the valley, shaking the earth, and even the soil under his feet seemed to tremble under the power of the thunder.

  The plunderers following Tieya whispered to each other, discussing in a low voice what was making the sound.

  Tieya’s face changed slightly.

  Sensing a bad premonition, he immediately squatted down and lay on the ground, put his ear close to the ground and listened for a while, his face becoming more and more gloomy.

  It was the sound of artillery! There was probably

  a fight ahead!

  Tieya was surprised and incredible on the one hand. He couldn’t believe that the survivors in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City dared to come out of the wall on their own initiative and come to Qingshi County to cause trouble for them.

  But now is not the time to think about these things.

  He must hurry back to help the boss!

  Thinking of this, Tieya stood up from the ground without making a sound. Then, he looked at the group of looters carrying guns and cannons behind him and gave a loud order.

  ”Everyone speed up!”

  ”We have to get to Qingshi County before noon!”

  ”Run! Quick!”


  North of Qingshi County.

  The roadblocks and walls had been burned black, and the fire began to gradually weaken because there was nothing to burn.

  The looters on the southern defense line retreated northward in panic, but they didn’t know that the Burning Corps had already penetrated their rear, and a hundred players had been waiting for a long time.

  As the looters appeared in sight, nearly a hundred players ambushed on both sides of the street opened fire, and the crossfire opened up a rain of death on the street.

  There was nowhere to hide.

  In just a few breaths, hundreds of bodies were lying on the ground.

  Seeing that resistance was useless, the remaining looters completely lost their will to fight, either throwing away their weapons and surrendering, or turning around and escaping into the shadows under the ruins.

  They obviously can’t escape.

  In the alley behind them, there is a lizard rubbing its steel claws waiting for them…

  The battle is over.

  Fang Chang captured a prisoner and asked a few simple questions in non-standard human language before he learned that they blocked two hundred-man teams.

  But now there are only about twenty left…

  Ordering the prisoners to stand in a row with their heads clasped and facing the wall, Fang Chang untied the mask of the exoskeleton helmet and walked towards Lao Bai, talking as he walked.

  ”… A total of twenty-three, and some of them hid in residential buildings in the city. The specific location is unclear. They probably plan to fight guerrilla warfare with us, or they may be looking for an opportunity to escape.”

  Lao Bai grinned.

  ”They can’t hide, leave it to the brothers in the perception department to deal with it.”

  Ye Shi, who was carrying a sniper rifle, complained.

  ”I found that only at this time can I be of some use.”

  The offensive of the friendly forces on the front line was too fierce. The fleeing looters almost rushed into their guns in a panic, so that his sniper rifle was almost useless. The number of kills in this battle was probably not as high as that of the intelligence-based Storm.

  ”Don’t say that,” Lao Bai smiled and patted Ye Shi’s shoulder, “I have something important to trouble you later.”

  When Ye Shi heard that there was something important, he was immediately excited.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  Lao Bai: “Our Mosquito brother is still alive, but he is probably buried. The manager asked us to see if we can save him.”

  If we can’t save him, we will make up for it.

  The sooner he dies, the sooner he will die.

  When Ye Shi heard that Mosquito was still alive, he was immediately shocked.

  ”Fuck?! Is this guy so lucky?”

  The lizard man standing next to him smiled and patted his arm.

  ”Let’s go and see.”

  You can imagine how embarrassed Mosquito brother is at this moment.

  He can’t wait to see what he looks like.


  In the campaign, the position of friendly forces will be displayed on the VM. Even if the player enters a poor signal area, the coordinates before the player lost contact will be marked on the map. After

  determining the approximate location, the next thing will be easy.

  As the player with the highest perception in the entire server, Ye Shi quickly found where Mosquito was buried with his super perception.

  Two concrete stones that were as tall as a person just formed a triangle, blocking the falling rubble for him.

  It must be said that this guy’s luck is really good. There is almost no complete wall in the houses on both sides of the alley, but he survived hiding in the alley.

  Lao Bai, wearing a heavy cavalry exoskeleton, and Jun Lazi, wearing a steel plate, stepped forward, clamped a several-ton concrete block with one hand, and suddenly exerted force to lift it a little.

  Large pieces of rubble rolled down the gap.

  Lao Bai grabbed Mosquito buried in the ruins with his other hand and pulled him out before he was buried alive by the broken stones.

  ”Oh my god… you guys are finally here. I’ve been trying to find people on the forum for a long time, but there’s not even a ghost.” Holding the wall with his right hand, the surviving Mosquito didn’t care about the mud and sand on his body, and greedily breathed in the fresh air.

  But soon, he was choked by the sand in his mouth.

  Listening to his complaints, Lao Bai smiled and patted him on the back.

  ”Okay, you’re still alive, just be happy. If you go to the forum to find people at this time, it’s a miracle if you can get one!”

  Ye Shi, who was standing at the entrance of the alley, came over and couldn’t help but tease Mosquito when he saw his miserable look.

  ”Didn’t you brag about your flying skill? How did you fall down?”

  Mosquito sighed: “Alas, there’s nothing I can do! Horses stumble, people make mistakes, but your dog nose is quite sharp, and you found it all for me.”

  When he heard that Mosquito not only didn’t thank him for saving his resurrection coins, but also teased him as his lifesaver, Ye Shi immediately retorted with a playful smile.

  ”Of course I do! I have a dog nose that can really accurately smell stinky dog ​​shit.”

  Mr. Trash couldn’t help but burst out laughing, holding his stomach, and choked on his breath, although that hoarse laughter was uglier than crying.

  Fang Chang looked away in anger, and Kuang Feng, who was standing behind him, coughed dryly.

  ”… You two should stop hurting each other.”

  ”Fuck, you’re really mean.”

  Mosquito bared his teeth for a while and looked at Lao Bai.

  ”How’s the battle going?”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”It’s over. The Skeleton Corps took the lead in taking down the printing factory, the Death Corps cleared the second line of defense, the Jungle Corps and the Storm Corps met at the entrance of the enemy’s command department, and all the leaders of the predators such as Lion Fang were captured alive. Only a few scattered soldiers are still hiding in the ruins of the county town. They can’t hold on for long. The NPC Corps has entered the battlefield and is probably counting the spoils now.”

  As he was talking, the signal light inside the helmet flashed. Lao Bai raised his arm and glanced at the VM, and found that a new task was updated on the screen.

  [Task: Meet up with friendly forces at the exit of the city road (distance: 271m), and go to Songlinyu (distance: 9.7km) in the north of Qingshi County to establish a position on the southern slope highland to block the reinforcements of the Bone Chewing Tribe. 】

  【Available reinforcements: 2 light trucks, ammunition…】

  With a serious look, Lao Bai immediately opened the communication channel and called the soldiers of the Burning Corps.

  ”Attention all team members, the mission has been updated in your mission column. Everyone go to the map to gather in the marked area. We will set off in three minutes!”

  Hearing Lao Bai’s words, Mosquito immediately became energetic.

  ”Is it time to work?”

  Ye Shi rolled his eyes: “What does it have to do with you? You are not from our regiment.”

  Mosquito said with a smirk.

  ”You can’t say that. As the saying goes, one day you are a father… I mean that I have been in the regiment, so I am yours. Good brother, please take care of me. Can’t I be a military reporter?”

  Lao Bai didn’t say anything nonsense and threw him a picked-up ripper rifle.

  ”Set off in three minutes, pick up the bullets next door, and go to the supply station when you are done.”

  Mosquito took the rifle and pulled the bolt, checked the receiver, and found that it was still usable, and said excitedly.


  Although he couldn’t get any missions because he was not in the corps, Mosquito obviously didn’t care about this.

  It’s just a game.

  It’s fun and that’s all.

  The LV3 small army group responsible for connecting with the Burning Corps is called the Silver Corps. The maximum size is 30 people, but in fact only 20 were recruited.

  Walking in front of Lao Bai, the Silver Sword saluted exaggeratedly.

  ”Twenty privates of the Silver Corps come to report!”

  Mosquito looked at these people and said in surprise.

  ”Huh, it’s you?”

  The Silver Hand standing aside smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Hey, see you again.”

  Fang Chang looked at the IDs of several people on the VM and couldn’t help but complain: “…Are you so obsessed with silver?”

  Silver Dad sighed.

  ”Mo Fa, actually we wanted to call it the Old Dad Corps at first… Unfortunately, the name didn’t pass the review.”

  Fang Chang: “…”

  Kuang Feng: “…”

  Good guy.

  If it really is called this name, 50% of the casualties are probably caused by friendly fire.

  Mosquito laughed and patted the newcomer on the shoulder.

  ”Not bad, not bad, you have ambition! I’ll protect you from now on!”

  ”Okay, stop talking nonsense, now that everyone is here, let’s set off quickly.” Lao Bai looked at the Silver Sword and continued, “According to the task assigned by the command, we need to go to ten kilometers away to build a defense line to block the enemy. The trench digging work… are you okay?”

  ”Don’t worry, brother.” The Silver Sword pulled out the engineer shovel and said with a beaming face, “Mess points – oh no, we are professionals in digging pits!”

  Lao Bai: “…”


  On the other side.

  Near the Qingshi County Department Store.

  Since the battle has ended, most of the players have relaxed except for the players who received patrol tasks and went to the checkpoint to punch in.

  Midnight Killing Chicken is fiddling with the double-barreled shotgun that he just snatched from the plunderer, wondering whether to take a picture of it as a collection when the loot is settled later.

  The battlefield atmosphere group is standing next to the captives and posing, asking me to help take pictures. The latter is obviously impatient and began to roll his eyes.

  As the leader of the Storm Troops, Brother Quanshui was asking his teammates how much ammunition they had left, counting the ammunition consumption, and muttering to himself to estimate the score.

  Except for the score slaves, ordinary people may find it difficult to experience this kind of fun, but Quanshui never gets tired of calculating.

  As for Tail?

  He is now lying in Sis’s arms.

  ”Woo woo woo, Si! It ignores me!”

  Sis gently touched Tail’s head and said comfortingly in a coaxing tone.

  ”Well… after all, it likes Rourou.”

  ”What the hell! Hey, you guy, move away and don’t rub your nose against me!” Rourou pushed the brown bear’s nose away with his claws, trying to drive it away.

  Seeing that he was rejected, the brown bear crawled to the side with a look of grievance, but after a few seconds, he tiptoed back.

  He looked like a dog licker.

  Oh no, it should be a bear licker!

  Unable to bear it any longer, Sisi sighed: “By the way, Rourou, you see how pitiful it is, why don’t you just… take it in.”

  Rourou crossed his paws and shook his head desperately.

  ”NO! I refuse!”

  The cat ears on his head moved slightly, and Zhimahu, who was helping Rourou to smooth his fur, suddenly thought of something and said with bright eyes.

  ”Speaking of which, we haven’t named it yet.”

  Upon hearing the name, Tail immediately got out of Sisi’s arms and raised his hand excitedly.

  ”How about Xiaohei?”

  Sisi said with a subtle expression.

  ”I’m a brown bear… I’m not black at all.”

  It seems that Hei just didn’t take a bath because he was locked up for a long time. Maybe he would look good if he took a bath in the river.

  Zhimahu tilted his head.

  ”Then… Dazong?”

  Sisi sighed.

  ”It sounds even weirder.”

  Sure enough, it’s too difficult to expect this group of lovely teammates to come up with normal and nice names.

  It’s a pity that this game doesn’t even have a random naming function.

  ”How about… calling him Teddy?”

  In the end,

  everyone unanimously agreed to the name Sisi. It just so happens that Teddy bears are also brown, and although this one looks a little “big”, it can barely be related.

  And Rourou also hopes that this name can make it a little more gentleman, and not lick its fur all the time.

  In order to prevent this guy from hurting other people, especially accidentally hurting NPCs who cannot be resurrected, Weiba plans to buy a mind interference collar for it after returning.

  Although the NPC store is out of stock, it must be in the loot seized this time.

  If it doesn’t work, you can also collect it from other players who bought it before.

  The only regret is that the mental connection requires intelligence attributes, and there is no player with intelligence in the group. I’m afraid I have to trouble Teng Teng or Brother Quanshui to help tame this guy.

  ”I’m so envious.” Looking at the brown bear being ruaed in turn, I said with envy.


  He also wants to be intimate with girls.

  The battlefield atmosphere group laughed and hooked his shoulders.

  ”Why, you want to find a bear too? Brother, help you.”

  ”Get lost!”

  Not far away, at the entrance of the department store.

  Two jungle muscle guys wearing KV-1 exoskeletons, one on the left and one on the right, carried the tied-up Lion Fang and walked out of the building. With

  a height of two meters and a weight of a hundred kilograms, he was as burly as a bear, but now he was being chased like a dead dog.

  He was shot twice in the chest, with a piece of gauze wrapped around his head. His ferocious face was expressionless. Even when he was pressed down, he was not honest. His eyes were always looking left and right for a chance to escape.

  However, with two power players watching from the side, it would be a coincidence that he could find a chance. Although he is a thousand-man captain and an awakened person, he is just a bandit leader after all.

  When he saw a blue power armor appear in front of him, a trace of despair flashed in Lion Fang’s eyes. Guessing his next fate, his expression became calm instead.

  Chu Guang looked at him and said.

  ”You are Lion Fang.”

  Lion Fang narrowed his eyes.

  ”You are Chu Guang.”

  Seeing the arrogant and powerless attitude, Lu Bei, who was standing next to Chu Guang, tightened his rifle in his hand, but was stopped by Chu Guang.

  Looking at Shi Ya, Chu Guang said calmly.

  ”You will be judged and get the punishment you deserve.”


  Shi Ya sneered.

  These guys who claim to be civilized people just want to send him to the so-called court to humiliate him. He knows the means of those survivors too well.

  ”It’s up to you. Anyway, it’s worth it for me to live happily for half my life.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  Very good.

  In this case, there will be no complaints when he is hung on the city gate.

  Surrendering in front of the battle can save one’s life, and stubborn resistance will never be forgiven. This is the rule he set after the establishment of the new alliance, but this is only for those insignificant minions.

  After all, these people can still use the excuse of being forced by life or being coerced by others, and the new alliance just needs prisoners of war to serve as laborers to do the dirty and tiring work that ordinary people are unwilling to do.

  But for a thousand-man captain like Shi Ya, there is no excuse to escape the crime.

  As the “bandit leader” of the plunderers, there is only one way to survive, that is, repent and surrender before the battle begins.

  As for now?

  It’s too late to say anything.

  Chu Guang looked at the guard wearing an exoskeleton and ordered.

  ”Take him away.”

  The guard put his right fist on his chest and accepted the order.


  Lion Fang obviously knew his fate. He raised his head and laughed a few times, but after being punched a few times, he quickly calmed down.

  After settling the tasks of the two strength players, Chu Guang took Lu Bei and the remaining 30 guards to the mark on the VM map with shackles.

  It used to be a middle school before the war, with a 2,000-square-meter temporary shelter underground. Now, it has become a dungeon for the Lion Fang tribe to hold slaves.

  For the Bone Chewing Tribe, slaves are both food reserves and coolies. They will keep the strong and fertile ones, and decide the life and death of the rest according to their mood.

  The heavy hand guard gripped the door lock. Chu Guang exerted force gently, and the door lock twisted like a twist, and then broke into several pieces.

  Throwing the torn door lock aside, Chu Guang pushed open the rusty iron door. Before he entered, a fishy and rotten smell came to his face.

  In the darkness, a pair of lifeless eyes looked at him standing at the entrance of the dungeon.

  Behind the rows of iron bars were men, women, and even children, but there were no old people… I think they should have been dealt with.

  Most of them had no clothes, and many of them only wore a piece of rag on their bodies. The uncovered skin was covered with centipede-like scars.

  Some people even had their arms and legs removed, lying on the ground motionless, and it was unknown whether they were dead or alive.

  It was hard to imagine what kind of inhuman torture they had suffered before.

  Facing the uninvited guests who suddenly stepped into the dungeon, the faces of the slaves were neither panic nor joyful, only numbness and confusion.

  Chu Guang looked around and finally stopped his gaze on one of them.

  There were no marks of whip on his body, but there were many strange tattoos.

  A trace of panic flashed in the man’s eyes. Facing the power armor looking directly at him, he finally couldn’t hold back the fear in his heart. He pulled out a grenade from under the haystack and rushed up with a roar, wanting to die together.

  ”Ahhh! I’ll fight you!”

  However, no matter how fast he moved, he couldn’t be faster than the guards selected by Chu Guang himself.

  The moment he stood up, a series of blood holes suddenly exploded on his forehead and chest, and the pulled grenade fell from his hand.

  ”Sir, be careful!”

  Lu Bei was startled and was about to step forward to protect the manager, but he saw that the manager was one step faster than him and reached out to pick up the grenade.

  Then he squeezed it hard.

  The grenade the size of a can was like a plastic bottle with the lid opened, and was squeezed into a ball by the powerful steel palm.

  The squeezed grenade was like a misfired cannon, making a muffled bang.

  Looking at the cluster of sparks leaking from between his fingers, Chu Guang casually shook his hands and threw the slag and scrap metal aside like dust.

  The dungeon was completely silent.

  The guards, including Lü Bei, were stunned by this scene.

  Except for a few people who had followed Chu Guang for a long time, most of the guards saw the skills of the administrator for the first time.

  Although the equipment was a factor, the courage and boldness of calmly picking up the grenade and “extinguishing it” was not something that ordinary people could compare to…

  Chu Guang didn’t care about the admiring eyes and gave orders.

  ”…This guy should be the guard of the dungeon. Pay attention to who has no injuries and let others identify him.”

  Want to sneak into the slave pile and escape?


  Do you think I’m blind?

  ”Yes! Sir.”

  Looking around at the slaves in the dungeon, Lü Bei’s eyes burned with anger, his fists clenched unconsciously, and his teeth clenched.

  ”These beasts…”

  The inhumane scene in front of him reminded him of his experience in the Blood Hand Clan dungeon.

  That memory was like hell…

  Chu Guang glanced at the young man, but did not comfort him.

  The war between the New Alliance and the Bone Chewing Tribe has just begun, and the maggots living on the corpses of the Human Alliance are far more than just the Bone Chewing.

  The tragedy that happened on the mother planet is just the tip of the iceberg.

  He will see more cruel things in the future.

  After a pause, Chu Guang slowly opened his mouth and continued.

  ”In addition, I need you to count the number of people rescued, their names, where they came from… if they still remember. If they really can’t ask, don’t force it, just use the number instead for the time being.”

  ”I will give you fifty trucks in a while, you are responsible for sending these people to the north of Dawn City, and the rest will be handed over to old Luca, who will be responsible for resettling these poor people.”

  ”After these tasks are completed, I need you to bring back fifty trucks of building materials from the warehouse. The specific list will be sent to your VM later, and the staff of the logistics department will wait for you at the warehouse in the north of the city.”

  ”The war has just begun, we need to rebuild the defense line in the north of Qingshi County to prepare for the counterattack of the Bone Chewing Tribe.”

  They only destroyed a team of a thousand people.

  There are still tens of thousands of looters stationed in Xizhou City. They also have machine guns and cannons, and may even have other goodies from the Legion.

  Only a solid defense line and reliable logistics can help the New Alliance win the entire war. In terms of consumption and persistence, no one is the opponent of the “players”. With

  his right fist against his chest, Lu Bei received the order in a deep voice.


  He handed the situation here to the Guards.

  Chu Guang then contacted Heya, who was studying the mother nest samples in the medical laboratory through Xiaoqi, and asked her to lead a medical team from the south of Shuguang City to the refugee home in the north of the city to establish a simple temporary disease control center there.

  Although reluctant to leave the laboratory, Heya was still able to distinguish between the important and the urgent. At the urging of Fudu Qi, she rolled her eyes and left the shelter.

  The sanitation of the dungeon is very poor.

  At least 500 people are crammed into a space of 2,000 square meters.

  Considering the health of these slaves, if they are not properly handled, it is very likely to induce influenza or even a more serious plague.

  Fortunately, Shuguang City has sufficient medicine reserves, and with Heya, a knowledgeable biological expert, disease prevention and control is no problem for her.

  At 12 noon.

  The Second Corps, led by Liu Ding, arrived near the No. 1 Middle School of Qingshi County. With him arrived fifty trucks and fully loaded ammunition, supplies and mining equipment.

  The mining of the copper mine will start within two days.

  A professional player with geological exploration experience has received a mission from the scientific expedition team and set off with two NPC soldiers to the nearby Renlian Geopark for a field survey.

  Since it is a half-mined mine, and the geological park has preserved the early old mining equipment of the Renlian, it will not be difficult to confirm the specific location of the vein.

  With the arrival of equipment and manpower, the resumption of production will soon begin.

  With the help of fifty new strength recruits, the 120 soldiers of the Second Corps quickly completed the unloading of supplies on the truck.

  After that, the truck and the driver will be handed over to the Guards Corps, and Lv Bei will take 20 guards and the 671 rescued survivors to the north of Shuguang City.

  Considering that as the war continues, more survivors will surely be liberated.

  After thinking for a while, Chu Guang decided to establish a temporary resettlement point on the front line of Qingshi County at the suggestion of Luca.

  The location is temporarily set at the department store where the Lion Fang was originally stationed.

  The lobby of the department store is spacious enough, and the walls with a large number of steel bars can withstand the bombing of 100 kg bombs, so the safety is quite reliable.

  The space on the second and third floors can be transformed into a temporary save point, which is convenient for professional combat players fighting on the front line to log in and out and save.

  The underground garage is not far from the department store.

  Equipment and supplies seized from the looters are piled here .

  After completing the inventory of supplies, Liu Ding walked up to Chu Guang, saluted, and reported in a loud voice.

  ”The seized materials have been counted! Among them, the light weapons include 811 bolt-action rifles, 312 automatic rifles, 377 submachine guns, 27 light and heavy machine guns, 37 tons of ammunition, and a number of grenades and mortar ammunition.”

  ”In terms of vehicles, the various corps seized a total of 12 transport trucks, 5 machine gun pickups, and 1,200 liters of fuel.”

  ”In terms of food, nearly 1,000 tons of green wheat and sheep’s horn potatoes, as well as 300 cubic meters of nutritional paste and a large amount of air-dried meat of unknown composition were seized.”

  ”In addition, there are nearly 300 cubic meters of cement and 400 cubic meters of sand and a large amount of steel bars. Judging from the quality, they should have been produced not long ago.”

  After hearing the last word, Chu Guang’s face showed a trace of surprise.

  Good guy.

  This is to repair the tortoise shell to the end.

  But to be honest, with the construction level of those predators, it is already good to be able to build the fortifications like this.

  According to the intelligence collected by the strong, there are a large number of water tanks and wells distributed throughout Qingshi County. There are smooth roads connecting the ammunition depots, and they do not affect the defensive fortifications and roadblocks that block the attack. The

  general looters only dig for minerals and build earth walls. As for where to dig and how to dig, they don’t care so much.

  A few disabled deserters can guide the looters like this. No wonder this legion can dominate the western part of Zhongzhou.

  Chu Guang secretly remembered this in his heart, and then looked at Liu Ding who was standing aside.

  ”The construction of the frontline fortifications will be handed over to your Second Regiment. I will give you another 200 manpower. You must complete the northern defense zone within 48 hours.”

  ”Yes!” Liu Ding took the order and immediately called his subordinates to work.

  It was already one o’clock in the afternoon.

  Chu Guang estimated that no matter how stupid the plunderers of the Bone-Chewing Tribe were, they should have reacted after so long.

  With the organization and discipline of the plunderers, it is almost impossible to assemble an army of 10,000 people in just one day.

  Even if it is ready-made ammunition and weapons, it takes time to drag them out of the warehouse and distribute them to the soldiers.

  Without making any preparations, just frame the unit and attack it. In the game, it is called rushing, but in reality, it is called queuing to send.

  Chu Guang can even boldly speculate that 80% of the Ya clan stationed in Xizhou City did not expect that the new alliance would choose to launch a regiment-level offensive in early April, the season of spring ploughing, and it took less than a morning to capture the south gate of Xizhou City.

  ”We have at least 72 hours…”

  Staring at the holographic map displayed in the helmet, Chu Guang thought while locking his sight on Songlinyu, about ten kilometers north of Qingshi County.

  The marks of two corps, one large and one small, had arrived at the coordinates he set half an hour ago, and should be digging trenches along the contour lines at this moment.

  It is the middle of Qingshi County and Xizhou City. There are mountains on both sides and dense vegetation. The slopes and valleys between the two mountains are like the gate to hell.

  If an artillery position is set up here, the range of 100mm artillery can just frame the southern urban area of ​​Xizhou City.

  ”… As long as we can drag the Bone Chewing Tribe in Songlinyu for three days, we can stabilize the front line in the north of Qingshi County.”

  ”If we can hold on until the seventh day, we can push the artillery to the face of the Ya Clan!”

  At this time, the two corps icons on the map flickered red light, and the [Enemy] icon popped up at the same time.

  Then, an unknown number of troops were marked on the map.

  The Burning Corps, which was deploying at the front, had already spotted the enemy, but they did not engage in a firefight. It seemed that the enemy had not spotted them.

  Chu Guang frowned slightly, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

  Reinforcements from the Ya Clan?

  ”So fast?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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