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Chapter 311 Become famous in one battle!

Chapter 311 Become famous in one battle!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 311: Become famous in one battle!

  In the northern part of Qingshi County.

  In the wilderness far away from the city, a group of about a hundred people are hurrying northward.

  The mountain road leading to the north is extremely rugged, with undulating terrain, gravel and concrete everywhere on the road, and only a road wreckage whose shape can be barely recognized.

  Less than two kilometers out of the county, even this bumpy concrete wreckage has turned to the mountain on the side.

  The players did not take the road, but went in a straight line.

  Since most of the trade routes passing through the Valley Province are from the eastern provinces to the western provinces, this mountain trail is almost untouched, and there are lush vegetation and birds and beasts passing through the forest along the way.

  On the way to the mission destination, the group also encountered three multi-legged beasts.

  The monster waving its tentacles and wriggling was like a piece of meat that was pieced together and sewn together. Its slippery and rotten skin made it look like a ball of mud from a distance.

  If he didn’t open his big mouth full of sharp teeth, few people would remember that this guy was a beast that could eat a whole two-headed cow.

  In order to prevent the sound of gunfire from exposing his whereabouts, he ordered all members to turn off the insurance. After discovering the two multi-legged beasts, he instructed Fang Chang to shoot them one by one with a bow and arrow.

  It took some time on the road. When the Burning Corps and the Silver Corps arrived at the mission target, the sun was already high above their heads.

  It was exactly one o’clock in the afternoon.

  Crossing the gentle slope in front, you can see the slope valley between the two slopes.

  This is Songlinyu.

  It is said that this place was a wasteland in the early days of the prosperous era.

  Later, with the breakthrough of controlled nuclear fusion technology, the Human Union broke through the bottleneck of energy. There was too much money to spend. In order to stimulate the economy and protect the environment, a large number of landform transformation projects were approved, and large tracts of pine forests appeared on this land.

  But now, there is no trace of any human existence here.

  ”…It’s not easy to dig here.”

  Using the engineer shovel in his hand to poke the ground, Silver Sword looked at the grass in front of him with a somewhat annoyed expression.

  The terrain here is good, but there are too many short trees and bushes on the slope, and there is a large pine forest down the slope.

  Digging trenches is not just about digging two trenches. The depth and width must be just right, and even the shape is important. Otherwise, the trenches will be live targets for artillery shooting. The people squatting inside will either be killed by shrapnel or killed by shock waves.

  Ye Shi, who was walking next to him, couldn’t help but interrupt and said.

  ”…It may not be easy to build a position here and transport supplies. It seems that we have encountered more alien species along the way than in Yuanxi Town.”

  ”No matter whether it is easy or not, this is the best position. The terrain is there, and the view is there…”

  Standing on the slope, Lao Bai looked around with a telescope, determined the starting and end points of digging trenches, and then looked at Silver Sword who was leading the team.

  ”Dig as much as you can, our people will help.”

  After saying that, Lao Bai looked at Ye Shi again.

  ”I’ll leave it to you to scout the field of vision.”

  Guessing that Lao Bai would send him out as a lookout, Ye Shi had already consciously carried a sniper rifle.

  ”Hey, our perception department can only do this job… Kuangfeng, you accompany me for a while, it’s too boring to squat alone.”


  Kuangfeng nodded, without any nonsense, put on the drone backpack, and followed Ye Shi down the slope.

  The task was assigned.

  The group began to work hard.

  This game is hardcore. You can’t press the left button to hang up when digging a pit. You have to dig one shovel at a time.

  Fortunately, the fatigue in this game is not as real as in reality, and everyone is a genetically enhanced clone, so no one feels tired.

  Watching the fortifications take shape little by little with the efforts of everyone is still quite rewarding.

  Especially thinking that this trench can help them kill a lot of heads, everyone dug more vigorously.

  The Silver Corps had only 20 people. In order to speed up the construction progress, Lao Bai lent half of his brothers to them, and the rest were scattered around to set up defenses.

  Walking on the reverse slope of the gentle slope, Fang Chang was squatting on the ground, studying the map in front of the VM.

  Seeing Fang Chang staring at the map for a long time with a frown on his face, Lao Bai walked over and asked.

  ”How is it? Did you see anything?”

  ”Well, it is indeed very risky to build a position here,” Fang Chang rubbed his chin with his index finger, picked up a branch from the ground, and drew a simple sketch on the ground.

  ”… Our current location is only 10 kilometers away from the urban area on the south side of Xizhou City, right in the middle of Xizhou City and Qingshi County. The Ya Clan only needs to place a few 100mm artillery at home to easily hit us.” The

  maximum firing range of the 100mm artillery is about 15 kilometers. Previously, the legion’s thousand-man team had bombed the Pioneer’s base in Yumu District with the same artillery – that is, Changjiu Farm today.

  They knew all the parameters of the artillery, such as its power and range.

  ”Do they have radio?” Mosquito, who came over to watch, touched his chin and asked curiously.

  Indirect firepower is different from direct firepower. Without the front-line troops to help correct the landing point of the shells, there is no difference between firing and not firing.

  Fang Chang said.

  ”Radio is not a rare technology. It’s a matter of quantity. They even have artillery, so it’s not that they can’t even get a radio. Now there is a more serious problem that we need to pay attention to. If their front-line troops call for artillery support… it may be difficult to defend with only a few trenches. We have to reinforce the trenches with wood, and dig tunnels and anti-artillery holes in the trenches.”

  Lao Bai, who also realized this problem, said seriously.

  ”I will immediately arrange two teams of 10 people to cut trees.”

  Fang Chang nodded and said.

  ”Well, as soon as possible, a 10-kilometer mountain road… it will only take one or two hours at the slowest.”

  As he was talking, Ye Shi’s voice came from the communication channel.

  ”…A raider unit is heading in a straight line towards our position! There are probably two or three hundred people… no, maybe five or six hundred.”

  Five or six hundred people!

  Lao Bai’s expression slightly dimmed.

  ”Where’s the equipment? Are there any vehicles?”

  Ye Shi replied after a pause.

  ”…I didn’t see any vehicles, nor did I hear any sound. They are moving in a straight line, probably planning to cross the forest! It is expected that they will reach your position in a quarter of an hour at the latest.”

  After hearing that there were no vehicles, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Lao Bai reached out and tapped the helmet of the exoskeleton twice, switching to the captain’s voice channel.

  ”Attention, all teams, a group of predators is approaching us, with a size of about five hundred teams, and is expected to arrive within a quarter of an hour.”

  ”I need you to take your team members immediately and go to the marked area on the map. We will meet them on this hillside!”

  The team leaders: “Received!”

  At the same time as the order was issued, Lao Bai opened the tactical map and placed the beacons of each team along the contour lines.

  Although they used a map from 200 years ago, the topography here has changed slightly compared to that year, but the impact is not great. Those

  who can lead the team are all old players, and everyone has strong adaptability.

  Nearly a hundred players of the Burning Corps immediately divided into 10 teams, and under the leadership of the team leaders, they were dispersed on a battle line with a width of nearly 1 kilometer.

  As for Junk, his playing style was the same as before. He took the lead in lurking in the pine forest in front, hiding his bloodthirsty pupils and steel claws.

  The digging of the trenches was suspended.

  The Silver Corps temporarily withdrew from the position.

  Looking at those agile and orderly big guys, the Silver Sword said with envy.

  ”Fuck, are these guys all retired?”

  Silver Hand’s expression was subtle.

  ”Do you think there’s any difference between them and those who haven’t retired?”

  ”Hiss… what you said makes sense. It feels like I know everything after playing this game.”

  Silver’s father shook his head and said, “I found that the traditional studio’s gameplay doesn’t work well in this game. We have to change our thinking.”

  Hearing this, Silver Hand and Silver Sword rolled their eyes at the same time.

  What’s the difference between this and nonsense?

  Even the players in Lianyun know…

  The big guys on the slope have arranged defenses and stopped whispering.

  At this moment, Tieya, who was rushing back in a hurry, didn’t know that the whereabouts of his group had been exposed under the scope of a scout.

  But he didn’t care about these.

  After the previous round of intensive roars, there was no sound from the south.

  In this case, either the opponent’s ammunition was empty, or the opponent was planning to rush.

  Tieya was anxious like an ant on a hot pot at this moment.

  Originally, according to his plan, the 20-kilometer journey should be completed in two or three hours.

  However, not long after the march, the 500-man team became like a sausage, walking and stopping, and it took until 1 p.m. to complete half of the journey.

  The remaining ten kilometers would probably take another hour or two to reach.

  Seeing these guys still dawdling, Tieya couldn’t help but shout.

  ”Hurry up!”

  ”If I see who is holding you back, I will personally whip him twenty times!”

  This sentence had a little effect.

  But only a little.

  The predators following him didn’t know the new commander.

  Before being assigned to Lion Fang’s account, they had their own small groups and leaders.

  Although this group of people looked like a team, they were more like a group of large and small tribes gathered together. What drove them together was not discipline or faith, but personal prestige or power.

  Unless they were tamed like wild beasts, it would be difficult to expect these people to have a high degree of organization.

  ”Confirm the other commander… It should be the one with the loudest voice.”

  Lying on the ruins of the road on one side of the hillside, Ye Shi had locked the man in the team who was shouting and urging with a scope.

  There were too many obstacles in the pine forest, and the distance was too far. He would not shoot easily without absolute certainty of hitting the target.

  ”The target has been marked.”

  Kuangfeng, wearing headphones, closed his eyes.

  Through the neural access device, his consciousness has been connected to the four-rotor drone floating in the sky, and he is overlooking the forest below through the camera.

  A red box was marked on Tieya’s head. The

  same marking box also appeared on the eyepieces of his teammates’ type 5 and 6 exoskeleton helmets.

  Knowing nothing about what happened to him, Tieya, who was in a hurry to get on the road, led his men out of the pine forest.

  Just at the moment of getting out of the pine forest, his heart suddenly contracted, and he vaguely sensed something wrong.

  Something reflected on the haystack on the hillside not far away and flashed his eyes.

  However, when he realized the problem, it was too late.

  A gunshot came from the mountain behind him on the left, and the severe pain from his thigh made him lose balance and fall on the spot.

  Before the looters could react, tongues of fire suddenly shot out from the hillside in front of them.

  ”Fire!” Old White, who was crawling on the hillside, yelled loudly and pulled the trigger first.

  More than 70 automatic rifles and more than 20 light machine guns fired at the same time, and the bullets flew like raindrops!

  The looters bathed in the hail of bullets were like small boats in a rainstorm, blown to and fro by the orange-yellow trajectories, and soon there were casualties. They were

  completely stunned by the sudden attack. No one expected that they would be ambushed here, and they couldn’t figure out who ambushed them.

  Isn’t Qingshi County in front?

  Isn’t that the territory of the Lion Tooth Clan?

  Why did their own people fight each other?

  They couldn’t figure out who beat them, let alone the group of survivors in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

  After all, it was too far away, at least nearly 100 kilometers away from here.

  Besides, even if they were to fight, they should be the ones beating them up. How could it be the other way around?

  ”Cease fire! Damn it! We are the reinforcements sent by Lord Jin Ya! Damn it! These people are not friendly forces!”

  ”Fire! Fire!”

  A predator just howled, but before he could fight back, he was shot twice in the chest and fell to the ground without a sound.

  The rest of the people retreated while firing, but they were beaten so badly that they couldn’t even raise their heads.

  ”Don’t fight them head-on! Retreat back to the woods first!”

  ”Ahhh! My arm!”


  The sound of gunfire echoed through the valley.

  The battle had turned into a one-sided massacre.

  The predators at the bottom of the hillside rushed into the woods desperately. Occasionally, two fools fired back at the hillside, but were soon shot into sieves by the firepower from above.

  Less than 30% of the predators escaped into the forest.

  However, their nightmare had just begun.

  The Garbage Man, who had long been unable to hold back, let out a bloodthirsty roar, and his muscular legs suddenly exerted force, crashing into the fleeing crowd like a cannonball.

  ”Go to hell! You losers!”

  The two steel claws were as fast as lightning, and with just a slight wave, a pair of heads fell to the ground.

  Stared at by the amber pupils, the fleeing predators were scared to death.

  Death claws? !

  And the claws were welded with steel?

  Not only the claws were welded with steel, but its chest, thighs, head, and every vital part of its body were hung with steel plates.

  Desperately overcoming the fear in his heart, a predator aimed the PU-9 in his hand at the big lizard, screaming and pulling the trigger.

  However, he emptied the entire magazine, but it didn’t work at all. Instead, the lizard caught up with him and split him and the gun in half with one claw.

  Another predator brought out the Iron Fist rocket launcher, but just as he put the launcher on his shoulder, he was shot in the head by a bullet flying from a distance.



  ”Help! Come and help me!”

  ”Get out of the way, don’t block my way!”

  There were screams in the forest.

  Unable to control the fear in their hearts, the predators who had been retreating together suddenly lost their organization and morale, and ran away desperately.

  ”Tsk! There is not a single one who can fight.”

  After shaking off the blood on his claws, Jun Lazi looked at the predators who were fleeing in all directions, howled, and chased after them with his tail swung.

  Seeing that the time was almost right, Lao Bai, who was lying on the top of the slope, made a fist gesture to the other team leaders, and then swung forward with force.

  ”Charge! Brothers!”

  ”Don’t let these rats get away!”


  A basin of cold water was poured on his face, and Tieya slowly opened his blurry eyes.

  The dark, damp and cold air was mixed with the stench of the sewer.

  The light shining directly on his face made him unable to raise his head. He could only stare at his bandaged thigh and his arm shackled to the armrest of the chair.

  The environment here looked familiar to him, but he couldn’t remember where it was.

  At this time, a voice came from the front.

  ”Tieya, a direct descendant of the Ya clan, a centurion under the Lion Fang account.”

  Hearing someone reading his name, Tieya subconsciously raised his head.

  Facing the dazzling white light, he saw a blue power armor.

  His eyes narrowed slightly.

  ”…Who are you? No…who are you?”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”You just came to us to fight the autumn wind at the beginning of this year, and you forgot about it in the past four months?”

  Tieya was stunned.

  The next second, an incredible surprise appeared on his face.

  ”You…you are the survivors of the northern suburbs of Qingquan City?”

  How could the survivors of the northern suburbs of Qingquan City appear between Xizhou City and Qingshi County?

  Could it be…

  Tieya finally recognized where this place was-this was the dungeon where they held slaves.

  The face exposed under the searchlight gradually climbed with a trace of fear.

  It seems that he finally realized his current situation.

  Chu Guang did not intend to explain anything to a small minion, nor did he bother to scare him with harsh words.

  Looking at the face full of fear in front of him, Chu Guang said concisely.

  ”Who we are has nothing to do with you. Now I ask a question and you answer it.”

  ”Of course, I will ask others the same question.”

  ”If you don’t want to die, you’d better tell me the truth.”


  North of Shuguang City.

  Fifty trucks slowly stopped on the northwest side of Changjiu Farm. A group of ragged people got off the car and walked towards the tent not far away tremblingly under the leadership of the guards.

  There were several tables at the door of the tent, and medical staff in protective clothing sat behind them. There was also a big pot in the middle.

  Smelling the fragrance coming out of the pot, not only the survivors were greedy, but even the guards who got off the car couldn’t help swallowing.

  Looking at the guards coming over, thinking that they must not have eaten, the cook weighed the spoon in the pot and said with a smile.

  ”Brother, would you like a bowl? I just had a bowl, it’s delicious!”

  Although it is green wheat porridge for the refugees, some fat residue is usually put in the bottom of the pot to make oil, and it is still very fragrant after being boiled for a long time.

  Lu Bei shook his head.

  ”No, I’ll just eat dry food on the road. Do you have any bread here?”

  ”There are breads, but the taste of the green wheat bread…”

  ”It’s okay, give me one.”

  Although Lu Bei was also very hungry, he did not forget the task assigned to him by the manager.

  Taking the bread wrapped in paper from the cook, Lu Bei walked through the open space with the big pot and walked to the front of the tent with the list.

  Old Luca was standing here waiting for him.

  After saluting, Lu Bei handed over the list in his hand.

  ”This is the list of survivors… There are 671 people in total, only 80% of them know their names, and less than half of them remember where they came from.”

  After taking the list from the young man in front of him, Old Luca glanced at it and nodded.

  ”Leave the rest to me, you go and protect the administrator.”

  Hearing what Old Luca said, Lu Bei looked a little embarrassed.

  Protecting the administrator was okay.

  The scene of crushing the grenade in the dungeon left a deep impression on him.

  He couldn’t help but wonder if the guards were actually the administrator’s guards, maybe they just thought so…

  The survivors rescued from Qingshi County were temporarily handed over to the logistics department for management, and when the medical staff led by Heya measured the body temperature of these people and checked their health, the residents of North Street also saw this scene. The pedestrians who were

  watching the excitement talked a lot and discussed with the people around them.

  ”Why is the truck that just set off in the morning back again?”

  ”Where did these people who got off the truck come from?”

  ”Look at their clothes, they look a bit like slaves…”

  ”Slaves?! From the Bone Chewing Tribe?! Did our people take down Xizhou City?”

  ”How is that possible!”

  ”It should be Qingshi County… I remember there was a thousand-man team stationed there, and most likely they took down Qingshi County!”

  Compared to taking down Xizhou City, taking down Qingshi County was a little easier to accept.

  However, even so, everyone’s faces showed surprise – even unbelievable expressions.

  Old Hooker, who ran the inn, also had a face full of surprise.

  That was a thousand-man team!

  This time there was no heavy snow to help them, and it was even the opponent’s home court.

  In just one morning, the soldiers of the New Alliance not only defeated the well-prepared Lion Fang Tribe on the front battlefield, but even dragged back the spoils from the front… Even

  though he knew that the blue coats were very powerful, he was still shocked by the speed.

  Not only the local residents, but also Sun Shiqi, a merchant from outside, were the same.

  When the dozens of trucks drove back, he was bargaining with traders at the trading post. Hearing the noise outside, many people who were queuing went out to watch the excitement.

  Sun Shiqi also stretched his neck to look outside. After seeing what happened clearly, a trace of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

  ”Is this… the fight over?”

  However, the people dragged back by the trucks did not seem to be soldiers, but a group of people of unknown identity. They looked

  like freed slaves.

  Shuanghe, standing behind the counter, smiled and said in a pleasant voice.

  ”Our administrator said that he will not stop the war with the plunderers unless those termites disappear from the map.”

  Disappearing from the map is fine.

  Which map?

  The map of the Human Alliance or the map of the New Alliance?

  Sun Shiqi disagreed in his heart, but did not say much.

  He came to do business, not to sabotage.

  ”Really? Paying tribute to him is a great ideal. It is my lifelong honor to witness the birth of such a leader who combines virtue and ability. To be honest, I hate those plunderers as much as you do. Those people always do things without following the rules… By the way, can the bullets be cheaper? I plan to buy more bullets to deal with those hateful plunderers.”

  Shuanghe still had a smiling expression.

  ”No, this is already the biggest discount.”

  Seeing that the flattery he had racked his brains to come up with was useless, Sun Shiqi could only take out his bank card with pain.

  ”Okay… swipe the card.”


  Red River Town.

  The headquarters of the Horseshoe Chamber of Commerce, the president’s office.

  Looking at the telegram sent from the north of Dawn City, Sim’s face was full of disbelief.

  He had just received a telegram this morning saying that the New Alliance had declared war on the Ya Clan.

  However, it was only afternoon, and the trucks towing the spoils returned from the front line?

  Was there a problem with the telegram, or was there a problem with his eyes?

  Sim couldn’t tell for a moment.

  ”The New Alliance Army is suspected of conquering Qingshi County. The Ya Clan’s Thousand Captain Shiya was captured and escorted to the Dawn City Prison by the administrator’s guards. The trial will begin soon…”

  Too fast!

  Putting the telegram slowly on the table, Sim walked to the window and pinched his eyebrows.

  The war started as he expected, but the speed of progress was beyond his imagination.

  It was a good thing that the neighbor beat up the Bone Chewing Tribe.

  Red River Town was also fighting with the Bone Chewing Tribe. Any advantage the New Alliance gained in the war against the Ya Clan would make the Snake Clan in TS City nervous.

  And the Horseshoe Trading Company could also take the opportunity to make a fortune from the war.

  However, what Sim did not expect was that their neighbor was so ridiculously strong. Shiya, who had fought all the way from the central part of the Valley Province to the south, could not even hold out for a day in the face of their attack…

  ”… It took half a day to annihilate a thousand-man team, and it was still in the siege.”

  Looking at the streets outside the window where merchants and travelers were constantly coming and going, Sim fell into deep thought.


  He had to re-evaluate the strength of this powerful neighbor…


  It was not only Sim who re-evaluated the strength of this powerful neighbor.

  When his “old friend” Demps heard the news that the new alliance had captured Qingshi County in less than half a day, he had silently ended the “covenant” with the Horseshoe Trading Company in his heart.

  On the other side, the council of Garbage City held an emergency meeting to discuss whether to establish diplomatic relations with this powerful neighbor that suddenly emerged, and the attitude of Boulder City on this incident.

  As for Boulder City?

  There seemed to be no movement.

  Whether it was the Bone Chewing Tribe or the new alliance rising in the northern suburbs, the city lord living in the giant wall did not seem to care much.

  Maybe there were more things worthy of their attention…

  However, although the top leaders of Boulder City were indifferent to the affairs of the New Alliance and the Bone Chewing Tribe, it did not prevent rumors from spreading in the streets.

  While people were surprised at this epic victory, they could not help but become curious about this young emerging force.

  There is no doubt that this textbook victory completely established the reputation of the New Alliance…

  At the same time, the fourth new district of Xizhou City.

  After listening to his subordinates’ report, Skull Crusher Jin Ya initially thought that he had misheard. It

  was not until he asked his subordinates to repeat it again that his dark green face gradually became gloomy.


  ”A thousand people, hiding in the county town for four months to repair fortifications, but they couldn’t even hold on for a morning!”

  He pounded his fist heavily on the armrest of the chair, and the furious roar caused the flames in the brazier next to him to shake violently.

  The hall was terribly quiet.

  No one spoke.

  The apostles of the Torch Church wearing exoskeletons were simply too lazy to comment, and those thousand captains who dared not breathe were worried about being angered by the leader.

  Jin Ya gritted his teeth tightly, feeling that his heart was bleeding.

  A whole team of a thousand people!

  The leader, Shi Ya, was his direct descendant.

  As a result, not only Qingshi County was lost, but the 500 reinforcements he sent to Qingshi County were also lost.

  Even if he didn’t care about the lives of those people, he still cared about the equipment.

  ”…I swear, I’m going to crush the skulls of these blue gophers, peel off their skin and make sofas, and make toilets out of their bones!”

  The roar echoed in the hall.

  After the chief had vented enough, the staff officer Dillon standing beside him coughed lightly.

  Although he was curious about what a toilet made of bones looked like, now was obviously not the time to talk about it.

  ”…Qingshi County is only 20 kilometers away from us. The blue coats in the northern suburbs have pushed the front line right under our noses, and it took less than half a day.”

  ”No matter how they did it, their strength has exceeded our expectations… This is definitely not something that can be done with one or two planes. They may have more than a dozen or even dozens of planes, and they must have at least one motorized 100-man team and more than 20 artillery pieces to be able to capture Qingshi County in such a short time.”

  To be honest, even so, it is difficult.

  Dillon didn’t know Lion Fang, but Bernie next to Lion Fang was an officer under him before.

  He knew the man’s strength very well.

  Especially his ability to build positions.

  With Bernie’s level, he would not be unable to stop a motorized force that was put together temporarily. Even

  if they lost air superiority, it should be no problem to hold on for ten days or half a month.


  someone has figured out their positions.

  Thinking of this, Dillon’s eyes flickered slightly, and a trace of vigilance arose in his heart.

  The old civilization heritage that flooded the wasteland was the biggest variable.

  And the shelter, as the son of the old civilization, is undoubtedly the most likely to have variables.

  If the other party has some reconnaissance technology left over from the era of the human alliance, this battle may not be easy to fight…

  Gold Tooth looked at his staff.

  ”Do you have any good suggestions?”

  Dillon thought for a moment and said.

  ”My suggestion is to concentrate troops and supporting firepower, and launch a high-density and high-intensity offensive against them in a short period of time while they have not yet gained a foothold in Qingshi County!”

  ”They have developed complete industrial capabilities. If this war becomes a protracted war, the situation may be unfavorable to us.”

  Wu Lun, who had been silent, suddenly interrupted.

  ”My thoughts are the same as this former legion officer. To be honest, I’m not in a hurry to recover the black box, but if this battle continues to drag on, I’m worried that you won’t win.” There

  was a hint of sarcasm in the voice.

  Or blame.

  After all, he had urged these people to go out a month and a half ago.

  However, these people kept delaying, and now even their front teeth were hammered out, and then they remembered that they could also punch.

  But telling the truth is always hated.

  The moment Wu Lun’s voice fell, a pair of unfriendly eyes immediately looked over.

  Jin Ya’s expression was also a little gloomy.

  But this person was a distinguished guest of the Torch Church, not his own men, so he couldn’t say anything.

  The Chewing Bone Tribe needed the mind interference equipment provided by the Torch Church. The aliens that were rampaging on the battlefield were their trump card. He even used those equipment to build a special force.

  Others who said this would have been chopped off by him, but he couldn’t move this person, and he couldn’t move him.

  ”Why do we need so many brothers.”

  The burly Xiong Ya stepped forward, his face full of disapproval.

  With his hands clasped together, he looked at Jin Ya who was sitting on the chair and said in a stern voice.

  ”I am willing to share the worries of the leader. In just ten days, I will come to see you with the heads of those moles!”

  Hearing this, Wu Lun couldn’t help laughing.

  ”You are taking your men to die.”

  Enraged by the chuckle, Xiong Ya looked at him and narrowed his ferocious eyes dangerously.

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”Nothing,” Wu Lun looked at him expressionlessly, not caring about the ferocious expression, and continued calmly, “Don’t talk about Qingshi County. If you can pull out the fishbone stuck in your front teeth in Songlinyu, I will look at you with new eyes.”

  Xiong Ya was so angry that he laughed and was about to say something harsh, but was interrupted by the leader sitting on the chair.

  ”Enough, stop arguing!”

  Jin Ya slapped the armrest of the chair in annoyance, pressed his eyebrows and thought for a moment, and waved his index finger forward.

  ”… I’ll give you ten days to take down Songlinyu and bring back some blue jackets.”

  Seeing the opportunity to show off, Xiong Ya was delighted and nodded his head to accept the order.

  ”Yes, Chief!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode