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Chapter 311 Play with Brother

Chapter 311 Play with Brother

2024-02-19 作者: 山前月古

  Chapter 311 Play with your brother

  Since April last year, the company has started to restructure and operate Guangming Winery. In the meantime, it was put up for sale and has been attracting investment for several months, hoping that someone can take over.

  But no one has been found to take over.

  The workers of the winery don’t care about the difficulties of the company.

  They only know that the winery has not paid wages for a long time.

  Many irrational people spoke out under the influence of some people.

  The first time they spoke out, in order to calm the situation, they paid a little salary.

  As a result, it would have been better if they didn’t pay wages. It was a small group of people who spoke out. After the wages were paid, most people began to become restless.

  Later, special personnel had to be arranged to stop them from speaking out.

  But the effect was not good, and it was brought to Langya.

  So Langya sent people to understand the situation.

  Although there was no accountability, everyone in the company felt ashamed.

  Everyone hoped to get rid of the heavy burden of the winery as soon as possible.

  As a deputy persimmon, Yang Guang was worried that his hair was almost falling out.

  He was in charge of this matter, so he was more anxious than anyone else.

  Today, I suddenly received a call from Xu Chengde.

  The other party said on the phone that there was a Mr. Xu who wanted to buy the winery.

  Yang Guang was so excited that he could not describe it in words.

  But after meeting Xu Xiuwen, he was disappointed to see that “Mr. Xu” was just a young boy.

  At first he thought Xu Chengde was playing a trick on him, but after calming down and listening to the other party’s explanation, he understood what was going on.

  Yang Guang asked hesitantly: “Do you really want to buy the winery?”

  This was not the first person who doubted whether Xu Xiuwen really wanted to buy the winery.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but he also understood that he was too young, so everyone didn’t trust him.

  He said seriously: “Yang Shi, I really want to buy the winery, and I definitely don’t mean to play tricks on people.”

  Yang Guang asked: “Why do you want to buy the winery? Don’t you know the situation of the winery?”

  Yang Guang didn’t think of concealing the situation of the winery, because such things can’t be concealed.

  Just a little investigation will make it clear.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “I have a general understanding of the situation of the winery. There are two reasons why I want to buy the winery. The first is that I think Guangming Winery can be revived as long as it finds the problem, solves it, and then readjusts its direction. The second reason is that I am from Langya, and I don’t want to see the winery in my hometown collapse. Since there is an opportunity, I want to try to see if I can do it.”

  Xu Xiuwen said it with great righteousness.

  What he said was indeed part of the reason, and the other part, he would not tell Yang Guang and Xu Chengde.

  That is, real estate will appreciate in the future, even if the winery is unable to recover, he will not lose money, and this investment is a sure win.

  Yang Guang did not know Xu Xiuwen’s true thoughts.

  After hearing his words, Yang Guang was surprised at first, and then admired.

  Yang Guang took out a cigarette box from his pocket and handed a cigarette to Xu Xiuwen and Xu Chengde.

  Xu Xiuwen did not refuse, took the cigarette, and took the initiative to light it.

  Most people always put on airs unless they see someone more powerful than themselves.

  But Yang Guang did not.

  He was just like what Xu Chengde said, very easygoing, neither pretentious nor arrogant.

  Yang Guang smoked a cigarette, looked at Xu Xiuwen, and said: “The company has wanted to sell the winery for a long time. But the current situation of the winery is a mess. The company has allocated at least more than 10 million, but the winery has not improved at all. The workers’ daily wages, water and electricity bills, and machinery maintenance fees are at least more than 10 million a year. In addition, if you want to produce, you need to re-purchase raw materials, which is also a lot of money. Have you considered these?”

  Xu Chengde, who was standing aside, listened to Yang Guang’s words and sighed.

  As an old employee of the winery, he felt that the winery was a mess.

  If it weren’t for this reason, how could no one be willing to take over.

  Xu Xiuwen thought to himself: After buying the winery, the first thing he would do is to lay off employees, at least more than half of the employees. It’s hard to say whether the winery will work. Keeping so many employees is simply a sucker. If the winery is really revived in the future, these people are all locals and can’t run away. If they need manpower, they can just recruit again.

  As for production, because the raw materials for Guangming Liquor are mainly sorghum and mung beans, which are local crops, it doesn’t cost much to purchase them.

  The costs of water, electricity, and machinery maintenance are nothing in comparison.

  Xu Xiuwen thought for a while and said, “I have taken into account what you said, Yang Shi. I have a few points that I must make clear first. I will not bear the debts owed by the winery and the wages owed to the workers. Even if I bear it, it will be deducted from the money I paid for the winery. I won’t pay any extra money. If I bear it, I won’t be able to start production normally.”

  Yang Guang nodded and said, “That’s for sure. This has nothing to do with you. You don’t have to bear it. The unit will be responsible for these. In fact, the unit is not without money, but if you pay money, there will be new debts and wages to pay every day, so you can only drag it. If you buy the winery, the unit will replace the debts and pay the workers’ wages at one time, and will not pass these pressures on to you.”

  Yang Guang is indeed easy to talk to and very honest.

  The company did not cheat the buyers just because it was eager to get rid of the burden of the winery.

  Xu Xiuwen was relieved and told him everything he had just thought. “Yang Shi, I have something to tell you. If I buy the winery, I will definitely lay off a lot of employees. I hope you can support me. I don’t want the dismissed workers to make trouble and affect the resumption of production in the winery.”

  ”That’s no problem. If you buy the winery, the winery is yours. You are free to do whatever you want. The company will not interfere, and if someone makes trouble, we will arrange someone to help solve the problem.”

  Then they talked about a lot of details.

  For example, Yang Guang revealed that water can be reduced for three to five years.

  Of course, these are not the main points.

  The most important thing is how much money Xu Xiuwen will spend to buy the winery.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Yang Shi, I want to know how much the winery is valued. If it is too expensive, I can’t afford it at all. Even if I want to save my hometown enterprise, I really can’t do it.”

  Yang Guang heard this, and his face was tangled and hesitant.

  As a vice persimmon, this kind of news should never be disclosed to buyers.

  But the current situation is special.

  The winery can’t be sold.

  The unit also has to flexibly adjust the winery’s selling price according to market conditions.

  Yang Guang hesitated again and again, and finally said: “The company means that the winery is worth 90 million, but the winery is a mess now, and everyone hopes to solve it as soon as possible, so there is still room for price reduction.”

  90 million!

  Xu Xiuwen thought to himself that even if he sold it, he couldn’t afford it at this price.

  But Xu Xiuwen didn’t show any fear.

  After thinking for a few seconds, Xu Xiuwen said, “Yang Shi, I have a request. This request is very important. If we can’t reach an agreement with the company, the purchase of the winery can only be abandoned.”

  Xu Xiuwen’s words made Yang Guang and Xu Chengde’s faces change drastically.

  The previous conversation went smoothly, and it seemed that there was a good chance that the winery could be sold.

  But Xu Xiuwen suddenly said such a sentence, which made them surprised.

  Yang Guang asked, “What are your requirements?”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “After buying the winery, I still have to run it, which includes advertising, market development, etc., which costs a lot. If I spend all my money to buy the winery, I will have no money to develop the winery, and then there is no point in me buying the winery.”

  Yang Guang couldn’t help but said, “Do you want to buy the winery without spending money?”

  This time even Xu Chengde and Xu Qian felt that Xu Xiuwen was too much.

  Xu Xiuwen guessed their thoughts by looking at their expressions.

  He smiled and shook his head and said, “Yang Shi, you misunderstood me. The money to buy the winery is how much it should be. I won’t pay a penny less, but I don’t want to pay all the expenses at once. I hope to pay in batches. For example, the money to buy the winery is 80 million in total. I will pay it in 5 years, 16 million per year, and it will be paid in five years. This way, my pressure will be much less, and I will have enough money to operate and develop the factory, and you don’t have to worry that I am a liar, after all, I can’t take the winery away.”

  After listening to his explanation, Yang Guang and others finally understood his idea.

  Yang Guang lowered his head and thought.

  Soon, he looked up at Xu Xiuwen and said, “I will discuss this matter with them. After all, you bought the winery and helped the company solve a big problem, and also prevented all the employees of the winery from losing their jobs. I think the company will fully consider this. In short, no matter whether it succeeds or not, I will give you an explanation.”

  ”Okay, then I’ll trouble you, Yang Shi.”

  Xu Xiuwen stood up and said, “Then I won’t continue to waste your time. I’ll go back first.”

  Yang Guang said, “Leave a number.”

  The two exchanged numbers.

  Then Yang Guang saw them out.

  After Xu Xiuwen and the other two left, Yang Guang immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

  He said to the other end of the phone: “Help me check the information of Xu Xiuwen…”

  After getting in the car, Xu Xiuwen said to Xu Chengde: “Thank you, Uncle Xu, thanks to you for introducing Yang Shi to me. After talking to him, I solved a lot of doubts.”

  Xu Chengde shook his head and said: “I should thank you. You are willing to buy the winery. I think most of the employees in the factory will be grateful to you.”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed, “Uncle Xu, I will take you home first, and then I will go back to Jinling. I will drive over when there is news here.”

  Xu Chengde said: “How can this be possible? Since you call me Uncle Xu, you have come here with great difficulty, so you must have lunch at your uncle’s house before leaving.”

  Xu Qian also helped to persuade: “Yes, Mr. Xu, just listen to my dad and stay for lunch before leaving.”

  Seeing the sincere invitation of the father and daughter, Xu Xiuwen had to nod and agree.

  Back to Xu’s house.

  Xu Xiuwen chatted with Xu Chengde.

  In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

  Zheng Jinyun cooked a table of dishes, which were delicious.

  Xu Xiuwen immediately praised, “Aunt Zheng, the dishes you cook smell so good and look delicious.”

  Zheng Jinyun laughed immediately after hearing this, “Then you eat more, come more often in the future, and I will cook something else for you.”

  At the dinner table, Xu Xiuwen chatted with Xu Chengde, and was quite respectful to him as an old employee of the winery. He would praise the taste of the dishes from time to time, which made Xu Qian’s parents very happy.

  The couple exchanged glances several times during the meal. They

  were both very satisfied with Xu Xiuwen, and the more they looked at him, the more they liked him.

  Zheng Jinyun even thought about how nice it would be if Xu Xiuwen was her daughter’s boyfriend.

  Xu Xiuwen was young and promising, handsome, and well-behaved. It would be a great son-in-law.

  But she also knew that although her daughter was very beautiful, a boy as outstanding as Xu Xiuwen might not be interested in her daughter.

  After lunch, Xu Xiuwen was about to leave.

  But Xu Chengde suddenly proposed to take him to the winery to have a look.

  Xu Xiuwen had nothing to do in the afternoon, so it didn’t make much difference whether he returned to Jinling earlier or later.

  So he agreed.

  Although he had been listening to Xu Chengde and Xu Qian, father and daughter, talking about the situation of the winery, it was always right to see it in person.

  After arriving at the winery, he entered the winery with Xu Chengde’s face scan.

  Xu Chengde gave Xu Xiuwen a detailed introduction to the winery.

  He really lived up to his identity as a 20-year old employee and knew everything about the winery.

  In a blink of an eye, an afternoon passed.

  It was four o’clock in the afternoon.

  Xu Xiuwen realized that they had been in the factory for a long time.

  After leaving the winery, Xu Xiuwen proposed to go back to Jinling.

  Xu Chengde also invited him to have dinner before leaving.

  Xu Xiuwen refused.

  After sending Xu Chengde home, Xu Xiuwen turned around and asked Xu Qian, “Are you going to stay and sleep, and go back to Jinling by yourself tomorrow, or go back with me?”

  Xu Qian immediately said, “I’ll go back with you.”


  After Xu Xiuwen said goodbye to Xu Chengde and Zheng Jinyun, he drove out of Guangming City and headed straight for Jinling.

  After driving for nearly two hours,

  Xu Xiuwen arrived at the community where the company dormitory was located.

  After Xu Xiuwen sent Xu Qian back to the community, he continued to drive back to Jinling Jiaotong University.

  A girl was standing on the roadside at the south gate of Jiaotong University.

  She had long flowing hair and stood tall and graceful. Both her appearance and temperament were impeccable.

  Xu Xiuwen slowly stopped the car in front of Cheng Lu, opened the car window, and said to her with a smile: “Beauty, are you waiting for someone? Brother is too lonely, come and play with brother.”

  After Cheng Lu recognized Xu Xiuwen, she rolled her eyes at him and said, “Boring!” After

  she finished speaking, she walked to the co-pilot, opened the car door and sat in.

  Xu Xiuwen chuckled and asked, “Are you hungry?”

  Cheng Lu nodded.

  Xu Xiuwen stepped on the accelerator, “Then let’s go eat first. Brother will take you to eat delicious food.”

  Hearing her calling herself brother, Cheng Lu asked, “Do you want to be my brother or boyfriend?”

  ”What’s the difference?”

  ”You want to be my brother, I have no objection, but you are not allowed to take advantage of me in the future.”

  Xu Xiuwen regretted it as soon as he heard it, “Forget it, I’d better not be a brother.”

  Cheng Lu saw his face change, rolled her eyes at him coquettishly, but raised the corners of her mouth and said, “Pervert!”

  Xu Xiuwen asked, “Where to eat?”

  ”You decide.” Xu

  Xiuwen thought for a while and took Cheng Lu to East Street for dinner.

  He chose a very high-end Chinese restaurant.

  Cheng Lu likes the atmosphere of the restaurant very much.

  There is a piano in this Chinese restaurant.

  When ordering, Xu Xiuwen asked the waiter if the piano could be borrowed.

  The waiter said, “He can use it.”

  After getting a positive answer, Xu Xiuwen smiled at Cheng Lu and walked towards the piano…

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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