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Chapter 311 Young Lady Cat Cat, Helping the Virtuous Woman

Chapter 311 Young Lady Cat Cat, Helping the Virtuous Woman


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 311 Young Lady Cat Cat, a Virtuous Woman Helping the Housewife

  In the morning mist, a faint light falls on the tower.

  Yang Shifei’s eyelids moved slightly, and he woke up slowly with a yawn.

  Half asleep and half awake, a delicate and lovely face appeared in front of him, with shy and charming eyebrows and a soft smile.

  Their eyes met, as if to absorb their hearts and minds into their pupils, beautiful as a dream.


  A few soft whispers made Yang Shifei suddenly sober up.

  Looking at the stunning girl in front of him, he rubbed his eyes: “You woke up really early.”

  ”Not early.”

  Yue Rui lay naked in his arms, her long hair scattered to her hips, and her fair face still had some red spring tides of first experience.

  The girl seemed to have grown up a lot overnight, and her eyes were full of the man in her heart.

  ”Brother’s sleeping posture is so interesting.” Yue Rui said softly, “I’m almost drooling.”

  Yang Shifei wiped the corner of his mouth quickly: “Not so sloppy, right?”

  Yue Rui burst into laughter, and kissed his face again: “Anyway, I like it~”

  ”You girl, you are so clingy so early in the morning.”

  Yang Shifei laughed twice, and his eyes couldn’t help but move.

  The morning sun sprinkled on the observatory, as if covering the girl with a layer of light glow.

  The delicate and exquisite body was like a jade sculpture, which was crystal clear. Although the figure was slender, it had a bit more charm that was not in the past.

  The blue lines on the fleshy legs coiled up like flames, interlaced along the lower abdomen to the chest, which looked mysterious and seductive.

  And the small purse at the beginning has now become a hot bun, which looks very tempting and delicious.


  Yue Rui’s face was shy, and she shrank her naked body slightly.

  The traces of rain and dew on her fair skin were clearly visible, adding a bit of tender charm that made her look pitiful.

  ”Does it still hurt now?” Yang Shifei couldn’t help but whispered, “Do you want to rest for a while?”

  ”I’m fine.”

  Yue Rui felt warm in her heart and murmured shyly, “It’s because I’ve been pestering my husband for so long that I can only sleep here.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and rubbed her head, “It doesn’t matter where I sleep if I can have Xiao Rui accompany me to appreciate the moon.”

  Yue Rui smiled sweetly, and the cat’s tail behind her waist kept shaking back and forth, showing her joy and sweetness in her heart. ”

  But we really made a fuss last night.”

  Yang Shifei hugged the girl’s soft waist, and looked at the mess around the observatory, and couldn’t help laughing twice, “I have to clean it up later.”

  Yue Rui’s ears were hot, her face became more rosy, and she subconsciously touched her abdomen.

  ”Brother is really bad.”

  Last night, he really went to the stomach in one step. He was about to become the shape of his brother.

  ”Uh, I’ll be gentler in the future?”

  ”As long as you like it, anything is fine.” Yue Rui kissed him again, and said softly: “Anyway, I’ll listen to you~”

  ”——Young people are really energetic.”

  Just at this moment, a chuckle suddenly came from the side.

  Yang Shifei and Yue Rui looked at it together, and saw Ji Shang slowly emerged from the corner and walked out, her phoenix robe dragging on the ground, showing her grace and luxury.

  The Palace Master stroked her red lips, her face full of playful smiles: “Although Xiao Rui looks petite, her skills and physical strength are extraordinary. She even made my observatory dirty like this.”

  Yue Rui hugged Yang Shifei tightly, blushing and muttering: “We didn’t mean it.”

  ”Shang Niang.”

  Yang Shifei laughed twice: “When did you come, why are you not making any noise.”

  ”I just came not long ago, and I happened to see you two being intimate.”

  Ji Shang was not annoyed at all, and looked at Yue Rui with approval, as if she was looking at her daughter-in-law.

  ”Okay, I have to go to court now. You go back to the palace and wash up first, and then explain it to the girl Xian’er to prevent her from having wild thoughts.”

  ”I will be honest with Xian’er, but you, Shang Niang…”

  Seeing Yang Shifei’s concern, Ji Shang’s smile softened a bit, and she walked over with a charming step, leaning over and kissing her forehead gently.

  ”My little enemy, I am glad to have you.”

  Hearing this, Yue Rui pursed her lips and muttered “so corny”.

  Yang Shifei and Ji Shang couldn’t help laughing, and rubbed her chubby face together.

  ”Okay, hurry up and put clothes on Xiao Rui. Although there is no one around here, it is not a good idea to stay naked all the time.”

  ”Girl, get up first.”


  Yue Rui was about to stand up, but her legs trembled. She blushed and pursed her lips: “Wait, wait a minute.” The

  trembling sound from her lips did not fall, and immediately dripped all over the floor.

  The girl seemed to have lost all her strength, and she slumped back with a cry.


  Yue Rui was so embarrassed that her head was smoking, and she immediately shrank in her arms and refused to look up.

  Yang Shifei gently patted her back to comfort her, and met Ji Shang’s playful eyes.

  ”Shifei, you have to take good care of your sister.”


  After a while, in the bedroom.

  Yue Rui had washed and dressed neatly, changed into clean clothes, and sat in front of the dressing table very obediently.

  Yang Shifei helped wipe her wet hair behind her, his eyes moved slightly, and he glanced at his side-

  Luo Xian’er was sitting with her sleeves gathered, casting a strange look.

  After listening to the explanation just now, she already knew what happened last night.

  Although she had expected this, it was

  a bit too hasty
to think that the two of them got married directly on the observatory.

  ”Xian’er, this is indeed a bit sudden.”

  Yang Shifei coughed lightly: “Between me and this girl…”

  ”Don’t worry, sir. I had an agreement with Xiaorui at the beginning, so I naturally have no objection to this matter.”

  Luo Xian’er’s expression became much calmer, and she stepped forward to help comb her braids. “However, you two got married on your own, which was indeed a bit rash. You must make up for it afterwards.”

  Yang Shifei and Yue Rui were both stunned.

  Luo Xian’er glared at them: “Sister Yue, no matter how much you like to watch the moon and the stars, you have to wear wedding clothes and enter the bridal chamber. How can you just do it outside?”

  The eldest lady blushed a little, and said lightly: “Anyway, when we return to Liang State, we will help Sister Yue to make up for the wedding, so as not to leave regrets in life.”

  Yang Shifei was silent for a moment, and soon smiled with emotion: “It’s a blessing to have Xian’er to help me.”

  Yue Rui also turned her head and blinked her eyes: “Bad women can also become good sometimes, like good sisters.”

  Luo Xian’er was a little amused.

  ”This matter is easy to talk about, but you will not come back all night.”

  She quickly put on a cold smile: “I have to teach you a lesson!”

  As she said that, the eldest lady immediately stretched out her hands and pinched them, making Yang Shifei and Yue Rui scream.

  Looking at the three people making a mess in the house, the white fox lying on the soft couch sighed with resentment.

  If I had known, I would have followed him last night.

  She glanced at the magic knife beside her and touched it with her paw. We are in the same boat. Eh?

  But after sensing the meaning of the other party, the little white fox withered again and cried helplessly.

  How come this knife is so focused on serving the gentleman and cheering for him?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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