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Chapter 312: Strategic Depth

Chapter 312: Strategic Depth


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 312 Strategic Depth Developed by Fighting

  Dawn City Prison.

  Sitting in the dark cell, Bernie’s face was full of haggardness and dejection.

  He could understand the failure of the expedition to the Great Rift Valley. They indeed underestimated the strength of the Great Rift Valley, and even more underestimated the Holy Shield system.

  Even after two centuries, the shield that covered the sky and the sun was still not something their shells could penetrate. Their clone army launched a fearless charge, but still failed to change the situation.

  Under the firepower of the Great Rift Valley, their 10,000-man team was annihilated in an organized manner.

  However, what Bernie couldn’t understand was that it would be fine if they couldn’t defeat the Great Rift Valley, but why was it so difficult to defeat even an ordinary survivor settlement.

  At this time, footsteps were heard in the corridor outside the prison.

  Bernie looked up and saw a familiar face, and the whole person couldn’t help but be stunned.

  ”… Vanus?”

  Vanus sighed.

  ”It’s you guys… Is Dillon okay?”

  Hearing his boss’ name, Bernie smiled bitterly.

  ”No wonder… Seeing you here answers some of my questions.”

  Knowing that this guy probably took the credit for the victory, Vanus shook his head.

  ”It has nothing to do with me. I just made plans step by step and used the most conventional tactics… However, their performance exceeded my expectations.”

  Bernie was silent for a while.

  ”I remember you were ordered to intercept the Pioneer.”

  Vanus nodded.


  Bernie didn’t ask about the final result.

  Because there was no need to ask.

  This guy stood here, without shackles on his hands, and even hung a VM of the same model as the blue jackets. There was no doubt that his body and mind had become the shape of those people.

  Seeing that Bernie didn’t speak, Vanus walked to the window of the cell and continued to talk to himself.

  ”During the time I was captured, I was sent to work in a brick factory. At first I thought they were trying to humiliate me in this way, but in the end I found out that things were not what I originally thought.” ”

  The people who worked with me were the survivors from nearby. They taught me how to make mud bricks with brick embryos, how to burn mud bricks into bricks, how to build houses with bricks…”

  Vanus paused for a moment.

  ”I still remember that worker. I remember that day when he told me with great joy that he finally had his own house through his efforts and planned to take his family over after winter. What color was that pair of pupils full of longing… I had never seen it in my territory.”

  ”At first I didn’t understand what color was written in his pupils, until later I gradually understood that it was hope for the future.”

  ”They chose a path that is completely different from ours, a path where even the wastelanders living at the bottom can obtain equality and dignity. The people living here are willing to give everything for the land under their feet, even to shed their last drop of blood.”

  ”You are facing a group of warriors with faith. They know clearly why they are fighting. Do you still think that you lost just because of a few tactical mistakes?”

  Bernie’s Adam’s apple moved.

  He bowed his head and pondered for a long time, then said with a wry smile.

  ”Are you here just to mock your old friend?”


  Vanus turned and looked at him.

  ”To be precise, it’s an invitation.”


  The night was getting late.

  As players went offline one after another, the official forum of “Wasteland OL” was bustling at this moment.

  Many players were excited about the epic victory during the day, and described the situation vividly on the forum.

  Before, everyone could only brag in words, and there was no real information. The cloud players listened to it and had to rely on their own imagination. Although they said they were awesome and were indeed envious, they were not as shocking as they thought. They mainly relied on the official PV to fill their stomachs.

  Now it is different.

  Since the development of paid functions such as “game screenshots” and “squad voice”, everyone no longer needs to type to brag, and can just post pictures directly.

  Of course, considering the factors of harmony and love, blood will be replaced by pink paint, and R16 and some sensitive screens will limit synchronization. After all,

  there is no “dream filter” when you take off the helmet. You may not be scared if you dream of broken arms and legs, but it is not impossible to piss yourself on the spot when you see it in reality.

  Level 99 Garbage Picker: “…It happened in a split second. The Marauder just pointed his gun at me, and I slid and tackled, taking out two of them instantly! I’m not bragging, I killed a hundred in ten minutes, the Alien Sequence is really strong! (grin)” What

  Can I Do With You: “It’s so funny, that’s it? You dare to show off after killing a hundred in ten minutes? Have you heard of the Dragon Group? It’s normal if you haven’t heard of it, my brother is in the Dragon Group. He told me that the weakest one in their team can kill a whole company with a dagger, and ten minutes is enough for him to kill two back and forth.”

  Level 99 Garbage Picker: “(sweating soybeans)”

  Ye Shi: “Uh, Dragon Sniper? I have that one. (funny)”

  Yirena: “If you don’t understand, ask, does your brother have a nickname called Shura, and every time before he makes a move, the corners of his mouth rise 90 degrees. (funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Ministry of Foreign Affairs: I advise you kid not to talk nonsense, this is not an intranet. (funny)”

  Same as usual.

  Every time there is a big event or major update on the official website, Brother Ye Ao will come out and make a group mockery when everyone is showing off, and then immediately disappear from the forum, no matter how others tag him, he will not pay attention, just like a mole.

  Both players and cloud players have become accustomed to it, and no one takes it seriously.

  Soon, Garbage continued to talk about his heroic achievements, but at this moment, the battle report and settlement information of the great victory in Qingshi County suddenly logged on to the official website.

  Picking up garbage level 99: “What the hell? Is it so fast this time?!”

  Quitting smoking: “The planning is awesome!”

  Usually, the battle report has to wait until the next day to see it, but this time it came out that night for the first time.

  To everyone’s surprise, the highest score in this battlefield was actually the Storm Corps.

  As the first corps to break through the defense line in the city and attack the enemy’s headquarters, the Storm Corps captured Lion Fang and other bandit leaders alive in the face of fierce resistance from the enemy, and won a lot of extra points.

  But this is not the decisive factor.

  The weighted item that really determines its leading war score is its lightning-fast advancement speed when engaging in street fighting with predators in the city.

  With his excellent command, Brother Quanshui led his team to successively destroy two hundred-man teams, and only took half the expected time to penetrate all the defense lines from the southern part of Qingshi County to the enemy headquarters.

  It is no exaggeration to say that the outstanding combat performance of the Storm Corps in the battle made the end of this battle at least an hour earlier.

  Taking into account the casualties and ammunition consumption, the headquarters gave it a rating of 23,000 points!

  In second place is Brother Mole’s Skeleton Corps, which received a high score for its outstanding performance in the siege battle, and in third place is the Death Corps.

  Although the latter has a high number of kills and has eliminated the hidden dangers hidden in the corridors and alleys, the nearly 30% battle loss has lowered their total score.

  As for the Goblin Corps of Mosquito, it ranked fourth.

  It is undeniable that the rockets launched by it and the repeated air strikes by aircraft have caused heavy losses to the Lion Tooth Tribe stationed in Qingshi County.

  However, the Goblin Corps also suffered heavy casualties.

  In the end, less than 30% of the players successfully flew their planes back…

  As for the Burning Corps, since the ambush in Songlinyu was not settled together with the siege in Qingshi County, but was settled separately as two battles, it ranked fifth.

  WC is really a mosquito: “Fuck! Our group has so many heads! Why is it not me who is the MVP! (Furious)”

  Fountain Commander: “You don’t understand this. Fighting is not about cutting scalps. How can it be calculated by head? If it is really calculated by head, who can the trench diggers and defenders go to for justice? They all rush to the front to kill heads, and who cares about the back. (Proud)”

  Night Ten: “Too much ammunition has been consumed. With this round of rockets you threw, the logistics will be directly destroyed on the spot. (Funny)”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “That’s right! Just looking at the heads is useless. I still captured the first line of defense!”

  Edge Paddy: “By the way, how many planes did you fly back?”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Does anyone know when the campaign rewards will be credited, hehe.”

  Quit smoking: “Damn! This topic change is too abrupt!”

  Luo Yu: “This broken plane is too difficult to fly. TT”

  Edge paddling: “Hey, everyone says I’m a black car, who is the black car!”

  Property killing chicken: “Well, our jungle corps’ ammunition consumption seems to be a bit high, scratching my head.”

  The ranking of battlefield scores is for reference only.

  The settlement of campaign rewards will be calculated by a set of fixed formulas based on the performance of each corps in each stage of the task.

  The server will directly issue a basic reward containing a large number of silver coins and contribution points to the player based on the total score of the corps to which the player belongs.

  The corps leader can also award 1~3 grades of merit to outstanding players based on the performance of the team members in the battle, so that they can receive 50~150% additional rewards on the basis of the original rewards.

  The number of merits that can be awarded in a campaign is linked to the score obtained by the corps in the campaign. As for who to reward specifically, Chu Guang gave the choice to the corps leaders to decide.

  Under the current mechanism, there is no cost for players to enter and exit the Corps.

  Corps with clear rewards and punishments will naturally become more and more courageous. Corps that cannot even do the most basic rewards and punishments will naturally be marginalized.

  Letting the Corps Commander handle the internal affairs of the Corps himself is not only the power given by Chu Guang to the Corps Commanders, but also a test of their organizational ability.

  In the future, the scale of the Corps will become larger and larger. Now the Corps is still a company-level unit. With the increase in the number of players and the growth of their levels, the Corps with outstanding performance will soon develop into a battalion-level, regiment-level or even a group army with multiple divisions.

  Chu Guang will update the version as needed.

  As for whether you can adapt to the version, that is the player’s own business.

  Of course, in addition to the merits determined by each Corps, this battle will be awarded medals to players by the official Sanctuary as usual.

  Although the main part of the war in the current version is the Corps, the power of individuals cannot be ignored.

  As the first group battle above the group level since the launch of Wasteland OL, this battle produced a total of 375 blank medals and 12 special medals.

  These special honors come with high additional rewards, which are awarded by the shelter to individuals who have performed outstandingly in the battle.

  For example, Qiangrensunan.

  As an underground worker active behind enemy lines, the intelligence provided by Qiangrensunan and the chaos created behind the battlefield played a key role in the victory of the war.

  And he also won the only golden “Eagle Eye Medal” on the server.

  Qiangrensunan: “Hahaha, who dares to say that my sequence is useless! A strong batch, okay! (Proud)”

  Ye Shi: “It’s useless, this sequence is not available to ordinary people. (Funny)”

  Quit smoking: “What about your little brother?”

  Qiangrensunan: “It doesn’t matter! Anyway, I will be alive tomorrow, and I will be dead after I go back! (Smirk)”


  Medical laboratory of the shelter.

  Chu Guang, who started from the scanning bed, saw the updated attribute panel through the tablet.

  He was sweating again last night. After getting up, he came to Heya without saying anything.

  Sure enough.

  Due to the outstanding performance of the players in the battle, he was upgraded again.



  Chu Guang Gene Sequence: Manager (Phase 3)

  Level: LV.20→LV.22

  ——Basic Attributes——

  Strength: 23→25

  Agility: 18

  Constitution: 21

  Perception: 19→20

  Intelligence: 20


  ”…This time the sequence development progress actually increased by 2%.”

  Sitting on the chair opposite Chu Guang, Heya gently shook her silver-white hair and looked him up and down curiously.

  ”I’m not surprised now. The only thing that confuses me is what is the principle of your sequence progress growth.”

  ”Isn’t this the subject I taught you?” Chu Guang felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by the straight gaze. He picked up the shirt on the bedside and put it on himself.

  Heya nodded and continued.

  ”Well, I have a few guesses so far, but there is not enough evidence.”

  ”Just tell me the most likely one.”

  ”The mother nest.”

  The hand pulling the zipper stopped, and Chu Guang cast a puzzled look at her.

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”I got the inspiration when I was studying the mother nest. Don’t you think that your evolutionary model is a little similar to the mother nest?”

  Heya continued with interest.

  ”The mother nest releases specific evolutionary bodies to integrate the surrounding fruiting bodies. The fruiting bodies evolve in the process of swallowing, and as the command tower of the fruiting bodies, the mother nest grows from the evolution of the fruiting bodies… Although this metaphor is a bit far-fetched.”

  Chu Guang: “… I think it’s more

  than a little far-fetched.” “Well, after all, my understanding of morphogenetic field technology is blank,” Heya shrugged helplessly, “It would be great if you could get more detailed information.”

  Chu Guang: “I hope so too. I will tell you as soon as I have news.”

  As a “singularity-level” technology stored in Shelter No. 404, the only information he has about the morphogenetic field so far is an audio clip containing only a few words.

  There are many possibilities that can be guessed, but before there is enough rigorous evidence, they can only be guesses.

  Just like Schrödinger’s cat.

  Only after the box is opened can we know what is inside the box.

  As for now.

  There is no use being curious without enough clues.

  After leaving the medical laboratory, Chu Guang returned to the browsing room, took a bottle of milk from the refrigerator, sat on the sofa and logged into the official website of “Wasteland OL”.

  Just as he expected.

  For the first battle of “Wasteland OL” above the regiment level, the players were as excited as 200-pound children, and the forum was as lively as the New Year.

  Especially Xiao Qi uploaded the edited battle video, from the air to the ground, and then to the narrow building, the details rendered to the extreme are just like a real battlefield!

  The players have already had fun in the game, and the cloud players have also had fun once.

  The hesitant spectators couldn’t help their loneliness and took out the precious ten minutes of their lives to fill out a form.

  Although only more than 30 numbers are released every day, what if they are drawn?

  Driven by emotions, the number of players who have made reservations has increased significantly.

  However, compared with the huge base of players who have made reservations, the five-digit growth is not so obvious.

  ”This is much more exciting than 2042!”

  ”No more words, I accept it even if it’s just a way to make money, when will the krypton gold entrance be opened? I’ll recharge it for 50 cents first!”

  ”Thousands of people on the same screen PVE, it’s a pity there is no PVP mode, otherwise it would be more exciting.”

  ”Don’t even think about PVP, there is only one faction that can join at present, but the AI ​​of this game is quite awesome, and there is no difference in playing PVE.”

  ”+1, it’s a waste to use such awesome technology to make a game. (Funny)”

  Chu Guang flipped through the comments that were not very nutritious and found that many players were studying the campaign scoring mechanism and the calculation formula for campaign benefits.

  Although he never made these public, players can still summarize some rules through public information.

  For example, Brother Fang.

  Less than two hours after the battle report was online, strategies about the updated corps system and campaign benefits soon appeared on the forum.

  ”…To make a long story short, there are two key points. One is about the Corps, and the other is about the players in the Corps system.”

  ”Many people should have noticed in this campaign that the points added by the Corps system not only determine the growth path of the Corps, but also determine the tasks that the Corps may receive in specific campaigns.”

  ”For example, Corps with higher armor are more likely to trigger assault missions. Corps with higher mobility are more likely to trigger penetration missions. Players who take the support route have almost no chance to go to the front line. They either fly planes or fire artillery from the back.”

  ”The war score is more determined by the completion of each stage. Different types of tasks have different KPI assessment standards. For example, for assault missions, the weight item is the breakthrough speed. For street fighting missions, the weight item is combat damage. Support missions require firepower accuracy, etc…” ”

  After the Beta version, the division of labor of each Corps will be clearer, and the calculation of scores will be closer to reality. As for capturing important targets, intercepting important intelligence, and annihilating enemy forces other than intelligence in encounters, etc., these do not involve the stage assessment, but are used as additional points and directly calculated in the final total score.”

  ”In a nutshell, as long as you use the standard amount of ammunition within the specified time and complete your respective combat missions, you can get a higher war score.”

  ”At the same time, the basic income that players receive in the campaign is also mainly determined by this score.”

  ”If you want to get higher returns, you must strive for higher scores for the team. For individuals who perform outstandingly in battle, the corps commander can also use his authority to give them 50%, 100%, or 150% additional rewards.”

  ”Although the corps commander can decide who to award the merit to based on his own subjective judgment, the number of merits that can be awarded is linked to the battlefield score.”

  ”In other words, if rewards and punishments are not clear, the cohesion of the corps will decline, and it will be difficult to get a higher war score in battle, thus entering a vicious cycle of declining returns and declining numbers.” “It is strongly recommended that

  each corps establish a complete reward and punishment mechanism as soon as possible. As the corps level grows, the number of players that can be accommodated will also increase. In the later stages, it is not ruled out that players will command an army group to fight. The sooner the system is built, the less resistance there will be to reform.”

  ”In addition, it is also recommended that when newcomers choose a corps, in addition to the level ranking, they should also consider whether the corps’ rules are perfect and the evaluation of other members of the corps on their corps!”

  Not bad.

  Brother Fang Chang still understands me as always.

  Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.

  When he designed the corps system, his biggest original intention was to hope that players would gather players with similar styles according to their own game styles, and then establish an organizational system suitable for them on this basis to maximize the combat effectiveness of a group of special people.

  As for the name of this system, those are all trivial matters.

  He can’t design a separate growth path for every player, but players can DIY their favorite gameplay within the scope of the rules.

  If you really can’t find fun, you can also give the helmet to other players who can find fun, and sleep well in bed.

  In addition to the discussion about the corps system itself, many players have also focused on the economic level outside of war.

  For example, the canyon is escaping moles.

  This guy directly asserted in the post that the new alliance will usher in a wave of infrastructure frenzy in the future.

  And the reason he gave is also very simple.

  ”Qingshi County is at least 80 kilometers away from Shuguang City, right? How much cement, steel, sand and asphalt will be needed to build the railway and highway there? There is no doubt that the demand for these commodities will grow rapidly! If we open a sand mining site and a biomass oil refinery in Yuanxi Town now, we will definitely make a lot of money!”

  Tail: “Oh! Great! Si, take notes! (ω)”

  Sisi: “I’m taking notes, I’m taking notes.”

  Canyon Escape Mole: “Fuck! You freeloaders, if you make money, at least give me some! (Furious)”

  Chu Guang read the post from beginning to end, and while feeling emotional, he silently added it to the favorites.

  With these smart little players, why worry about not being able to restore the Renlian?

  Of course, he had already thought of what Brother Mole mentioned in the post.

  After taking down Xizhou, not only will the highway and railway be built to Xizhou, Chu Guang plans to move heavy industry there as well.

  Dawn City is too close to its powerful neighbor, Boulder City. The risk of developing heavy industry under the opponent’s nose is too great.

  The new alliance needs sufficient strategic depth to deal with possible dangers.

  After the war is over, Chu Guang plans to build a new settlement in Xizhou City to accommodate local survivors and gradually transfer Dawn City’s heavy industry to the north. Xizhou City

  is surrounded by mountains and is close to lakes and rivers. There are many proven mineral resources, and the most important thing is that there are no mutant slime molds. The difficulty of developing heavy industry will be much easier than Qingquan City.

  As for Dawn City, it will serve as a light industry, agriculture, and commercial base to produce daily necessities and various consumer goods needed by the residents of the new alliance.

  However, in order to turn these plans from blueprints into reality, we must first get rid of the Ya clan stationed in Xizhou City…

  Chu Guang closed the official website and was about to leave the browsing room and go to the surface.

  However, at this moment, Xiao Qi’s voice suddenly came from the side.

  ”Master! The players you sent to Songlinyu to station were bombarded!”

  The moment Chu Guang heard this, his expression slightly changed.

  Here it comes!

  ”Notify all players of the Burning Legion to go online immediately!”

  Xiao Qi’s voice was as enthusiastic as ever.

  ”Yes! Master!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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