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Chapter 314 Although there is no transport plane, gliders are also possible

Chapter 314 Although there is no transport plane, gliders are also possible


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 314 Although there are no transport planes, gliders can also be used to travel

  from the north to the south of the Valley Province. Along the way, Xiong Ya followed Lord Jin Ya to fight all the way and conquered countless survivors’ strongholds, but he had never encountered such a tough opponent.

  Especially that round of overwhelming rockets, which really scared him. He retreated 5 kilometers without recovering.

  A group of nearly a thousand people stopped in the valley.

  The surrounding vegetation is dense, which is convenient for concealment. There are several hillsides nearby with a wide view. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is a good place to set up camp.

  Looking at the frightened Xiong Ya, Tumen sighed in his heart, calmed down and went forward to comfort him.

  ”… You don’t have to panic. Although that kind of rocket is powerful, it is not accurate, and its effective range is not as good as our 100mm artillery. From our current position, they can’t hit you anyway.”

  ”As long as we dig trenches on the position, build anti-artillery holes and tunnels, no matter how powerful the rocket is, it can’t hurt the people inside.”

  It was his mistake to underestimate the strength of the opponent’s resistance.

  Originally, in Tumen’s view, the people of the New Alliance had taken over the southern slope of Songlinyu for less than 24 hours. At most, they could dig a few trenches. After the artillery bombardment, the infantry would rush again, and they would be able to plant the flag anyway. There was no need to waste time digging trenches on the position.

  The real tough battle should be in the suburbs of Qingshi County later.

  However, what he never expected was that the opponent’s resistance was far beyond his expectations. When he realized that the situation was not good, the opponent had already reacted from the attack and also launched a wave of indirect fire on his position.

  They were directly stunned.

  Panting Xiong Ya cursed.

  ”Damn… the intelligence is wrong! They don’t have just one thousand-man team! There are a thousand people squatting on the high ground in front of us!”

  Tumen said with a wry smile.

  ”That’s not the case… Judging from their firepower density, there should be about two or three hundred people, but they have enough ammunition and should be carrying excessive supplies. I see that their machine guns have never stopped.”

  ”In any case, this is no longer an opponent we can handle!”

  Xiong Ya immediately called the signalman after saying this, snatched the walkie-talkie from his arms, and reported the situation here to the rear.

  ”…The firepower of those damn moles is too strong! As soon as our people rushed up, they called for support, and bombarded our position with at least 1,000 shells in a few minutes! Fortunately, I didn’t send all the people up!”

  ”There is definitely more than one team stationed there, at least a thousand-man team! Report the situation here to the leader, we need reinforcements!”

  After shouting at the walkie-talkie with spit flying, Xiong Ya threw the walkie-talkie back to his younger brother.

  Looking at the captain, Tumen, who was standing aside, suggested.

  ”It’s no use waiting here. Why don’t we send two teams of 100 people back to the position we just evacuated to dig out the position. When the reinforcements arrive, we can immediately launch the next offensive. Without fortifications, we will have nowhere to hide when their shells fall.”

  Tumen paused for a moment and continued.

  ”The soldiers of the New Alliance are probably reinforcing the bunkers in Qingshi County now. The longer this war drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be for us… We don’t have time to waste.”

  Xiong Ya thought about it and felt that what his staff officer said made sense.

  The idiot Shi Ya spent four months in Qingshi County, and all the fortifications he built were taken advantage of by those annoying moles.

  If time drags on for a long time, by the time they reinforce the fortifications there, even if he takes down Qingshi Town, he will probably have few brothers left. At

  this moment, he is still thinking about the copper mine in Yuanxi Town.

  If he wants to take over the copper mine, he must have some people on hand.

  ”Okay, I’ll do as you say!”

  Xiong Ya called a centurion.

  ”You, take your men back to the previous hilltop and dig a trench for me! If you can’t dig a trench that can accommodate 3,000 people within three days, I’ll hang you there!”

  The centurion knew how cruel Xiong Ya’s methods were, and he was ruthless to his own people and enemies. Although he was reluctant, he dared not disobey, so he could only bite the bullet and obey the order.

  ”Okay! Boss!”



  On a ridge not far from the south slope, Ye Shi, who was holding a sniper rifle, looked at the northern hilltop two kilometers away through an eight-fold scope, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

  ”Huh! Those bandits are back?”

  And they dug trenches on the mountain!

  Kuang Feng held a telescope in his hand and analyzed calmly.

  ”It seems that the other side realized that they couldn’t take this high ground in a short time.”

  ”That’s great. We have never been afraid of anyone in a war of attrition, but we are afraid that they can’t afford it.” Ye Shi smiled and fired a shot at the opposite side.

  ”Can you hit them from such a distance?”

  Ye Shi pulled the bolt to eject the smoking shell.


  Kuang Feng: “Then why are you shooting at them?”

  Ye Shi laughed.

  ”It doesn’t matter. Anyway, they can’t find us from such a distance. I’m just trying to scare them.”

  Kuang Feng, who was holding a telescope, glanced at him.

  ”Be careful or the shells will come.”

  Ye Shi, who was about to fire the second shot, shuddered.

  ”Fuck, they won’t be so timid.”

  Kuang Feng said in a noncommittal tone.

  ”I don’t know, ask them.”

  It’s not realistic to hit people from a distance of more than two kilometers, but it’s okay to scare people.

  The bullet whizzed onto the opposite slope, raising a cloud of dust and startling the looters working nearby.

  I thought it was the people on the opposite side who were shooting at me. The person was yelling and a group of people rolled and crawled to the reverse slope to wait for the battle.

  The round of rockets thrown by Mosquito had already made them frightened, and the slightest movement made them extremely nervous.

  Ye Shi waited for a long time, but did not see those people coming out from behind the reverse slope, and could not help but smack his tongue.

  ”Are they so cowardly?”

  Kuangfeng frowned while holding a telescope.

  ”They probably plan to dig a trench from the reverse slope first…”

  Unsure of the sniper’s location, those people did not dare to show their heads easily, but the digging work did not stop.

  Kuangfeng even noticed that the looters had assigned a team of people to cut trees nearby and use wooden stakes to support the tunnel.

  These predators are also getting smarter!

  On the other side, on the front line, Lao Bai and Fang Chang, holding binoculars, also discovered the situation on the opposite hill.

  ”…When they finish digging the trenches, the next round of offensive is expected to come.”

  ”Then let’s help them loosen the soil.”

  Lao Bai raised a sly smile at the corner of his mouth and gestured to the brothers behind him. The player immediately understood and trotted to the back of the position.

  Just half an hour ago, the logistics soldiers of the New Alliance crossed mountains and delivered ammunition to the front line. In addition to 7mm bullets, there were also 2 88mm mortars and 8 boxes of mortar shells.

  Since there were no complete roads along the way, the speed of vehicle traffic was very slow, and the supply transportation was basically completed by two legs.

  However, due to the popularity of the KV-1 exoskeleton, the individual transportation capacity of the New Alliance soldiers is very strong.

  Especially for strength players, there is no problem for one person to carry three times the weight of supplies for a long distance. The only flaw is charging and eating.

  But these are minor problems.

  Once the road from Qingshi County to Songlinyu is cleared, the logistics of the new alliance can be handed over to trucks.

  With the arrival of supporting weapons and supplies, the players quickly built a simple mortar position on the ground with shovels and sacks filled with soil.

  Now it comes in handy.

  After calculating the target distance, Lao Bai immediately gave orders.

  ”Attention, mortar team! 2.1 kilometers ahead, a round of artillery fire!”

  Two crisp sounds came from the back of the position.

  After a while, two clouds of thick smoke exploded on the hillside on the north side of Songlinyu, and the predators who were digging pits immediately lay on the ground.

  Fang Chang held a telescope and observed the landing point of the shell.

  ”It’s a bit off, it should be enough to shoot another 100 meters forward.”

  Lao Bai continued to order.

  ”Correct the landing point of the shell 100 meters forward, disperse and fire six rounds, and smash it for me!”

  The mortar position continued to fire.

  This time, the shell landed directly on the opposite hilltop.

  The looters who were building fortifications were hit directly, and they immediately lay on the ground, not daring to raise their heads, and could only roll down the slope with their heads in their arms.

  After six rounds of shells,

  Lao Bai ordered a ceasefire.

  No one could be seen on the smoke-filled hill in the distance.

  ”…They should have withdrawn.” Fang Chang held up the telescope and observed for a while, then smacked his tongue, “Normally speaking, what should we do if we are bombarded while digging trenches?”

  ”In case of an encounter, we should dig a few foxholes first, and then dig a “J” shape horizontally to string the foxholes together. Or we can start digging from the bottom of the slope and dig upwards, and then spread the trenches to both sides when we reach the high ground…”

  Staring at the position two kilometers away, Lao Bai narrowed his eyes, “We will fire at them every few dozen minutes, and then rush over to catch them off guard when it gets dark!”

  Fang Chang’s eyes lit up.

  ”Good idea, they definitely didn’t expect us to dare to come out of the trenches!”

  The previous round of rockets had already shown the Ya Clan their firepower. Before the trenches on the front line were dug, they probably wouldn’t dare to send a large force up.

  There could be at most two or three hundred people squatting on the opposite hill. With Garbage leading the charge, it wouldn’t be a problem for them to rush up and kill them back and forth!

  Lao Bai laughed.

  ”When the time comes, bring two pieces of explosives and bury them in their trenches. When they go up to dig again, give them a surprise!”

  ”Hahaha! They’ve blown up the toilets!”

  An evil smirk floated out of the trenches.

  That gurgling laugh sounded like a villain.

  Just as the two were whispering and discussing the action at night, the VM screen on Lao Bai’s arm suddenly flashed.

  ”The news from the headquarters… Let me take a look, damn!”

  Seeing Lao Bai’s reaction, Fang Chang asked hurriedly.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”The mission has changed… The Death Corps will come to the front line to replace us in two hours.” When he said this, Lao Bai had an uncomfortable expression on his face.

  We agreed to hold out here for 48 hours, but before the end of the morning, the order for the rotation came.

  He seriously suspected that they were targeted by the dog planner because they fought so well.

  Fang Chang had a strange expression.

  ”What about us?”

  ”The headquarters asked us to return to Shuguang City to rest first… They said that there would be more difficult and exciting tasks waiting for us after dark.”

  Looking at the position opposite, the old white man said with regret on his face.

  ”The night attack can only be handed over to the edge brother.”


  Xizhou City.

  Four New District, Ya Clan’s tent.

  Listening to the front-line situation reported by his subordinates, Jin Ya, who was sitting on the human bone chair, had a dark face full of clouds.

  He didn’t expect that two hundred people would be killed in just one morning, and what he didn’t expect was that those blue gophers were equipped with such a large number of artillery.

  He was very aware of his subordinates’ habit of talking nonsense, and a thousand shells in a few minutes was definitely an exaggeration.

  In reality, there might be only about one or two hundred shells.

  But even so, it was enough for him to treat it with caution.

  He tapped his index finger on the chair and said in a deep voice.

  ”Send the tanks.”

  Unlike the Snake Clan, the tanks of the Fang Clan were not distributed to the thousand-man teams, but were organized into an independent tank team as the leader’s personal soldiers, serving the leader directly.

  These big guys are very valuable. Not only is one less tank, but they also always break down. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not risk pushing the tanks to the front line.

  But now, there is no way.

  Dillon, who was standing aside, whispered.

  ”The New Alliance has planes, and it is not a good idea to drive the tanks up so quickly. Even if the front armor of Conqueror No. 10 is strong, the top is also a blind spot for defense. Before sending out planes, we have to solve the problem of air defense first…”

  Gold Fang said in a deep voice.

  ”Then what good ideas do you have?”

  Dillon pondered.

  ”We need anti-aircraft weapons. Can we find a way to import some from the Bugera Free State? For example, anti-aircraft guns or something like that.”

  The expeditionary force did have anti-aircraft weapons to deal with the Great Rift Valley Air Force, but there were not many of them, and they were often the focus of attention from the Great Rift Valley’s artillery and aircraft, so there were very few left.

  However, Dillon vaguely remembered that when the expeditionary army was defeated, everyone was trying to find a way out for themselves. A batch of supplies including anti-aircraft equipment was sold to the Bughra Free State by a captain.

  Although I don’t know how many dinars that guy sold it for, it shouldn’t be very expensive.

  If we can buy some back, it should be more than enough to deal with those small planes.


  Gold Tooth, who was sitting next to him, simply gave up his idea.

  ”We have no money.”

  Dillon was stunned and looked at him and asked.

  ”Don’t we still have 2 million dinars?”

  Gold Tooth coughed and said in a dull voice.

  ”There are too many places to spend money, and we have spent it a long time ago… Okay, let’s stop talking about this. Can we solve this problem ourselves? It’s not a solution to always rely on others for help.”

  Why did he become a plunderer?

  It can’t be to save money for business.

  He exchanged some of the stolen treasures for weapons, and most of the rest was spent on pleasure.

  The slaves imprisoned in the dungeon were skinny and could be used as labor and food reserves. Most of the ones with a bit of good looks were also ruined. As the leader of the Ya Clan, he certainly couldn’t pick up the leftovers of his subordinates to eat. That would not only damage his dignity, but he couldn’t eat it either.

  As for pleasure, he naturally preferred those bionic people who could never be ruined and the clones that were carefully cultivated.

  As for the group of survivors in the northern suburbs?

  He had never taken those rag pickers seriously from the beginning, otherwise he would not have sent only a thousand-man team to deal with them.

  Jin Ya admitted that he had misjudged the strategy, but there was no point in regretting it now. The money spent could not be changed back.

  As for snatching it back, it was not realistic, especially at this juncture.

  Dillon, who was standing aside, stared at him in amazement, feeling a buzzing pain in his head.

  Spent it all? !

  That’s two million dinars!

  Even if the legion’s dinars were not easy to spend in the Valley Province, it wouldn’t be spent so quickly, right? !

  Wulun, who stood aside and said nothing the whole time, couldn’t help but hold his forehead, and had a new understanding of the stupidity of his allies.

  If it wasn’t the will of the Holy Son to cooperate with the Bone Chewing Tribe, he couldn’t help but start to doubt what the point of supporting such a stupid teammate was.

  Seeing that his staff officer was silent, Jin Ya also knew that the speed at which he spent money was a little outrageous, so he coughed dryly and said.

  ”Don’t be nervous, my friend, wait another two months, when the weather gets hot, we will let the slaves grow some spirit leaves and sell them to those profiteers. That thing is much better than dinars.”

  ”Two months?! We can’t fight them for so long!”

  Dillon took a deep breath and continued.

  ”We can’t count on buying equipment for now. If it doesn’t work… let’s get a few trucks first, string four 12mm heavy machine guns together and weld them on. It should be no problem to use them.”

  ”This war can’t be dragged on for too long. Their industrial capacity may exceed my expectations! If we wait until they gain a foothold in Qingshi County, it will be difficult to drive them out.”

  ”Once our anti-aircraft trucks are modified, we will immediately go to the front line with the tank troops and concentrate our forces to launch an offensive against the New Alliance’s positions! Even if we lose a few tanks, we must take down their positions! This is the best strategy!”

  After listening to the staff’s advice, Jin Ya frowned.

  Especially when he heard that a few tanks might be lost, he started to feel pain before he even sent out the tanks.

  Those tanks are his treasures.

  He would rather have a few more cannon fodder die than have his treasures have any mishaps. Human life is worthless in the wasteland, and some things cannot be bought with money.

  ”That kind of anti-aircraft truck… is it good?”

  Dillon was almost injured by anger when he heard this.

  Whose problem is this? !

  Uren, who was standing aside, sighed and interrupted.

  ”…The propeller planes of the New Alliance fly very slowly. As long as the density of the firepower network is sufficient, it is not difficult to shoot them down when they dive.”

  ”I think your staff’s suggestion is very good. The longer this battle drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be for you.”

  Seeing that the apostle of the Torch Church also expressed his agreement, although Jin Ya was still a little hesitant in his heart, he also knew that he had to make a decision.

  After thinking for a long time.

  With his right hand slapping the armrest of the chair, Jin Ya made a decision.

  ”Just do as you say!”


  No. 81 Steel Plant.

  In the center of the brand-new factory building, there is a large plane with a length of nearly 20 meters and a wingspan of nearly 30 meters.

  On the nearly steep cabin and the straight wings, there are rows of countersunk rivets neatly arranged. The wing is a cantilevered lower monoplane with two symmetrical electric motors installed on the leading edge.

  As for the tail, it is composed of a cantilevered mid-horizontal tail and a single vertical tail, with a cabin entrance left at the rear section of the belly close to the tail.

  The fuselage and wings of the entire aircraft are made of A3 aerospace aluminum, which is expensive.

  Compared with the wooden glider produced by Goblin Technology, this aircraft is obviously more like an airplane…

  From the appearance, Chu Guang can roughly see that this thing should be a replica of the C-47 twin-engine propeller transport aircraft during World War II.

  Of course, the difference between the two is still a bit big.

  Perhaps worried about the lack of power of the electric motor, the little players of the No. 81 Steel Plant installed an additional motor and propeller at the front of the nose, changing the original twin-engine propeller design to a three-engine one. There

  are no weapons installed on the aircraft, and even the cockpit only has exposed threads and a bare seat.

  However, this does not prevent the little players of the No. 81 Steel Plant from placing high hopes on this big plane, and even its name has been chosen –

  H-1 “Dragonfly” general-purpose aircraft!

  Chu Guang, who was standing in the factory, walked around the plane, nodded approvingly, and asked the two players standing beside him.

  ”Can this plane fly?”

  Brother Ce Suo and Brother Levin had a subtle expression.

  In the end, Brother Levin coughed and explained.

  ”Dear administrator, this plane… is still in the experimental stage, and it may be difficult to use it in the short term.”

  Ever since their friendly competitor Goblin Technology developed a glider, they have been thinking about making a plane.

  However, due to the late start, the players who are good at this aspect have been poached by Goblin Technology and invested in the improvement project of the “W Series” aircraft. The talents they can hire are limited, so the progress has not been very fast.

  This prototype parked in the factory is the result of their more than two months of work. It has just been completed and the power system has been installed. It will take some time before it is actually put into use.

  Although it is a bit regretful, Chu Guang did not say anything.

  After all, there is no point in urging such things.

  His players are already very good to be able to achieve this in such a short time.

  ”How long will it take to be put into use?”

  Faced with the manager’s inquiry, Brother Ce Suo hesitated for a while.

  ”It should be no problem within a month… Maybe half a month if it’s fast, it depends on the test flight results.”

  One month.

  It should be able to catch up.

  At this time, Chu Guang suddenly had an idea and spoke.

  ”Is there any way to install the 37mm gun on the side of the aircraft?”

  Brother Ce Suo and Brother Levin’s eyes lit up at the same time.

  ”Mount the 37mm gun on the side? Do you mean a design similar to an aerial gunboat?”

  ”We didn’t consider this when designing this aircraft, but the structural strength of A3 aluminum is very high… I think it shouldn’t be a big problem, we can give it a try!”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”If the 37mm gun can’t bear it, it can be replaced with a 20mm. In a month, our ground forces should be able to advance to the urban area of ​​Xizhou City.”

  ”The terrain in the city is complex, there are too many bunkers, and the efficiency of artillery and dive bombing is limited. We need a support weapon that can efficiently and accurately eliminate the ground forces of the Ya clan, and cooperate with our ground forces to complete the final cleanup.”

  ”How to design it specifically, please study it more.”

  At this time, Chu Guang received a message from Xiao Qi that the Burning Corps had changed trains and returned from the front line and regrouped at the gate of the military camp in the north of Shuguang City. After

  leaving the No. 81 Steel Plant, Chu Guang went straight to the military camp.

  As soon as he saw Chu Guang, Vanus immediately greeted him.

  ”How is it? Can that transport plane be used?”

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”It can’t be used for the time being, but it doesn’t affect it.”

  Vanus was stunned, not quite understanding what he meant.

  How can they fly over from the sky without a transport plane?

  Chu Guang didn’t explain, but just looked at the airport not far away and the dozen pilots who regrouped next to the airport.

  These pilots have proved their strength by being able to fly the plane back alive.

  After a pause, Chu Guang continued.

  ”Although there is no transport plane, a glider will also work.” At

  most, we can just fly a few more times!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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