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Chapter 314: Saying Goodbye and Returning Home, the Atmosphere is Weird

Chapter 314: Saying Goodbye and Returning Home, the Atmosphere is Weird


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 314: Saying goodbye and returning home, the atmosphere was strange.

  Buzz –

  strange and mysterious light seemed to penetrate the palace, and it bloomed in the Jintian Palace.

  For a moment, many sect masters and guards looked over, with astonishment on their faces.

  ”That is…”

  ”Shh, don’t say anything.” Soon, the master who stayed behind in the sect hurriedly reminded: “The holy weapon is about to be forged, don’t leak this matter.”

  ”New holy weapon?” Many people were secretly shocked when they heard it: “Can we forge holy weapons too?”

  ”It’s the new master of Qianren Bingtan who came in person.”

  The masters patiently explained: “Not only for the face of the Lord Palace Master, but also because of His Royal Highness the Son of God. I heard that they have a close relationship, so I came to help.”

  ”His Royal Highness the Son of God’s people.”

  Everyone in Jintian Palace looked silently at the direction where the strange phenomenon of the holy weapon was emitted, and they couldn’t help but sigh and admire.

  It is really a once-in-a-lifetime blessing for the Holy Sect to have this opportunity. No wonder the Lord Palace Master appreciates and values ​​it so much.

  The strange glow gradually subsided until it turned into a faint red light.

  A dark red long sword was suspended in the air, emitting bursts of heat.


  Qiu Buhuan was sweating all over, and he took a breath with a tired face.

  After several hours of continuous hammering and forging, this Taiwu holy weapon was finally completely completed.


  She stretched out her right hand, and the long sword suddenly fell into her palm, and the mysterious light dissipated, as if it had become an ordinary weapon.

  After a brief inspection, Qiu Buhuan could only sigh with regret.

  Although the forging process has been greatly slowed down, the spirituality in the sword is far from being comparable to the previous holy weapons, let alone compared to the water glass she forged.

  ”Sister Qiu, how is it?”

  Yang Shifei approached carefully at this time, with a concerned look on his face.

  Qiu Buhuan looked back and smiled: “Don’t worry, the forging is very successful.”

  Seeing that her figure was a little shaky, Yang Shifei quickly reached out to support her, and it was smooth in his hand.

  ”Hmm, let me take a break.”

  Qiu Buhuan looked a little tired, and smiled helplessly: “Forging holy weapons is indeed a tiring job.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and gave a thumbs up: “Sister Qiu, you are really amazing!”

  ”What’s amazing or not.”

  ”I thought we had to help her practice double cultivation again before she could forge the last few steps.” Yang Shifei helped her wipe off the sweat on her body, and then put on her outer robe to cover up the seductive spring scenery exposed.

  ”It was just an accident at the time, how can you remember it so clearly.”

  Qiu Buhuan beat his chest lightly with shame and anger, and then looked at Luo Xian’er behind him, and his expression was slightly relieved.

  ”Sister Luo, I’m glad you fulfilled your mission.”

  ”Mrs. Qiu’s feat is truly heart-stirring.” Luo Xian’er nodded and praised twice, and quickly changed the subject: “In this way, we can leave.”

  ”It’s just right to set off early.” Qiu Buhuan looked at the cauldron again: “Most of the Taiwu Haoshi was used to make holy weapons. Now there are still some residues left, which can be taken back to Liang State for safekeeping.”

  Soon after, everyone packed up and prepared to leave Jintian Palace.

  Ji Shang had already been waiting outside the bedroom. Seeing Yang Shifei and others carrying their luggage out, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

  ”Shifei, take care.”

  She did not say anything to keep them, but just gave a few more instructions.

  Yang Shifei felt warm in his heart when he heard it, and smiled and nodded: “Don’t worry, Madam Shang, we will live a good life.”

  More words had been said from the heart long before, so there was no need to nag for a long time.


  As Xian’er and the others got on the carriage, Yang Shifei turned his eyes and looked at the white fox lying on Ji Shang’s shoulder: “Xiao Qing, do you want to continue to stay in Shu?”

  ”Hmm…” The white fox hung its head, seeming a little listless.

  Ji Shang smiled and said, “She really wants to leave with you, but she is also a bit reserved in her heart, so don’t force it for now.”

  The white fox whimpered twice. Now she can only turn into a human form for a while, if she wants to stay with her husband, she really has to concentrate on practicing.

  Strive to become a complete human woman as soon as possible, without being limited by time.

  ”Okay.” Yang Shifei smiled and touched the little fox: “Spend more time with Shang Niang, so that she won’t be alone.”

  The little white fox nodded in response, and Ji Shang heard it with a bit of laughter and tears: “You little bad guy, you are teasing me.”

  ”I’m just worried that Shang Niang will be lonely.”

  Yang Shifei couldn’t help but said: “If there is a chance, I will come to Shu to find you more often.”

  Ji Shang’s eyebrows and eyes became softer, and he stretched out his hand to help him straighten his clothes: “You don’t have to run back and forth. Once there is a chance in the future, I will naturally go to find you.

  Before that, remember to send more letters back. I will think of you day and night.”


  Looking at the soft and affectionate eyes in front of him, Yang Shifei’s heart gradually warmed up, silently hugged her into his arms, and kissed her red lips.

  The little white fox on the side shyly covered his eyes, unable to bear to look any longer. Ji Shang’s face became more and more rosy, and his breath was rapid.

  In the carriage, Luo Xian’er and others saw this scene and hesitated for a moment.

  But thinking that the two sides were about to part, it was not good to interrupt them, so they could only keep silent with a strange look on their faces.
Only Yue Rui

  , the “vixen

  , lay by the car window, muttering sadly: “You kissed so shamelessly and even made a sound.”


  After a moment, their lips slowly parted.

  Ji Chang blushed and smiled softly: “My little enemy, your kissing skills are getting more and more proficient, and I can hardly resist it.”

  Yang Shifei whispered solemnly: “If anything happens in Shu, you must tell me the first time.”

  ”. Yeah.” Ji Chang responded gently, and kissed the corner of his mouth lightly: “All up to you.”

  The two rubbed their ears for a while, and then kissed each other reluctantly.

  Ji Chang stood silently in place, waving goodbye to the carriage that was moving away.


  The gentleness and charm on the face of the Palace Master gradually faded, leaving only indifference and coldness.

  She quickly turned around and left, and greeted several altar masters who came after hearing the inquiry.

  ”My Lord, His Royal Highness the Holy Son is now…”

  ”The Holy Son has something to do and needs to go back to Liang State.” Ji Shang said coldly: “Send someone to secretly clear the way, so as to prevent anyone who doesn’t have eyes to disturb us.”


  ”And.” Ji Shang hesitated for a moment, and then waved his sleeves and said: “Continue to send people to search for clues to the whereabouts of the real dragon bones, and there can be no negligence.”

  The sun sets, and the town is also covered with a layer of light sunset.

  In the deserted guest room, a quiet figure sat by the window, silently flipping through the files and letters.

  Yun Qin thought for a long time, put the secret letter next to the candle and burned it.

  She has been living here for the past few days. While waiting for Yang Shifei and others to leave for the country, she received letters from Liang State and kept the movements of various places in mind.

  Knock knock –

  just at this moment, the door of the guest room was gently knocked.

  Yunqin confirmed that the mask was still on her face and glanced coldly: “Who?”

  ”It’s me.” Yang Shifei smiled outside the door: “We have finished all the things we need to do in Shu, and the carriage has stopped outside the restaurant.”

  ”The holy soldiers are ready?”

  Yunqin’s eyes relaxed a little, and she stood up and opened the door, just in time to meet Yang Shifei’s smiling eyes: “It was just forged today, and we will take it back to Liang.”

  ”It couldn’t be better.” She nodded slightly: “I’ll go pack my luggage, you wait a moment–woo!”

  Before she finished speaking, her body trembled suddenly, and she quickly covered her chest.

  Yang Shifei frowned slightly, and just when he was about to ask about the situation, he soon smelled a familiar milky fragrance and was stunned.

  The atmosphere between the two became weird.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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