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Chapter 316 Those houses and shops will also belong to Ningning in the future

Chapter 316 Those houses and shops will also belong to Ningning in the future


Author: A smile

  Chapter 316 Those houses and shops will also have Ningning’s share in the future

  Soon, Xu Qingqing and other children knew that Aunt Xu, their mother, was not going to sell the big bungalow.

  ”Mom, why?”

  They didn’t understand why she said she would sell it during the day, but changed her mind at night.

  Of course, they asked this question not because they were worried that their mother would not give them the house. In fact, they could accept it whether she gave them the house or not.

  After all, these houses were their mother’s assets. She could give them to whoever she wanted to give them. If she didn’t want to give them the houses, she could keep them for herself.

  Although they were their mother’s children, they couldn’t think that their mother’s things should be given to them.

  If they really needed it, they could earn it with their own hands and hard work.

  Aunt Xu’s four children all had this idea, which showed that Aunt Xu’s education of her children was very good.

  Or maybe it was because her children were so good that Aunt Xu thought of giving the house to her children generously.

  Otherwise, if they met some ungrateful or unfilial sons, with Aunt Xu’s temper, she would rather give it to others than leave it to them.

  Xu Qingqing and the others asked this question simply out of curiosity.

  Because they knew their mother’s temper and personality, they knew that she was a person who would make a decision and would not change it easily.

  So what made her change her mind?

  ”This house, I said I would give it to you, but not now, but after the demolition!”


  As soon as these two words came out, Xu Qingqing and the others were shocked.

  They knew what demolition was.


  ”Mom, where did you get the news about the demolition?”

  ”Which place will be demolished?”

  Aunt Xu said confidently: “How did you know? I can’t tell you yet, but the news will be announced in a month. The specific demolition is not clear, but the location of Mom’s several large bungalows is within the demolition range.”

  ”I heard that the compensation for this demolition is very large, so Mom doesn’t plan to sell the house for the time being. After the demolition, when there is a house with official subsidies, Mom will give it to you.”

  Xu Qingqing and the others were not in a hurry about when Mom would give them the house.

  But they were still shocked by the demolition.

  ”If there is really a demolition, then we definitely can’t sell it now, otherwise it will be very uneconomical.”

  ”Yes, Mom, let’s wait and see what happens in a month.”

  The opinions of several children in Aunt Xu’s family are consistent. Although they don’t know where Aunt Xu got the news from, they will not doubt the truth of Aunt Xu’s words.

  For them, as long as their mother says it, they will believe it.

  Because their mother has never lied to them since they were young, and their mother is very smart, and everything she does has her reasons.

  Of course, they are also very fortunate that they can follow their mother when her mother divorced.

  They don’t have much affection for their father.

  They have a positive outlook on life and disdain for people who betray their feelings and marriages.

  So at first, the man tried to kidnap them with family affection and let them do things that hurt their mother and themselves.

  The man was too selfish and only cared about his own interests.

  But they were not stupid, so how could they do this.

  In the end, they told their mother about it. After their mother knew about it, she didn’t know what she did, and the man’s family left Jinshi in embarrassment.

  Their lives became quiet.

  This time, even when Xu Qingqing got married, she did not invite that man.
She just thought

  that man was dead.

  During dinner, Xu Jinning learned from her little cousin that her aunt was not going to sell the big bungalow, saying that there was a demolition.

  Xu Jinning breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that her aunt really heard her voice and believed her voice.

  She also saw that her aunt’s attitude towards her became closer, as if she treated her as her own daughter. Aunt

  Xu really thought so. She also thought that if there was a demolition in a month, Ningning would be one of her daughters, and the houses and shops she allocated to her children would also have a share in the future.

  Qingqing and Wenwen, Ningning would have as much as they had.

  ”Mom, can I tell Shuhao about the demolition?” Xu Qingqing asked after dinner.

  Chen Shuhao, Xu Qingqing’s marriage partner, also lived in this area. If her mother’s big bungalow could be included in the demolition range, then the Chen family’s properties were also possible.

  She heard from Shuhao that his parents planned to sell some properties.

  The reason for selling them is that those houses are too old and there is no way to live in them, so they plan to sell them and buy new ones when the time comes.

  At that time, a wedding house will also be prepared for Chen Shuhao and Xu Qingqing.

  Xu Qingqing heard from Chen Shuhao that there are many old and uninhabitable houses in their family. If they can wait until the time comes for demolition, it will definitely be better than selling them now.

  She thinks that Shuhao’s family should not know the news yet, so she told her yesterday that she wanted to sell those old houses.

  However, although she intends to tell Shuhao the news, she still needs to get her mother’s consent first.

  If her mother disagrees, she won’t say it.

  Xu Qingqing dares to say that even if she is married, in her heart, her mother is the most important, and her husband is only second.

  ”Of course, say whatever you want to say.”

  Aunt Xu thought that if Qingqing told Shuhao the news, the Chen family would not sell the property after hearing the news, and they would definitely welcome the demolition after a month.

  And this news was learned from Qingqing, they will be grateful to Qingqing, and Qingqing will also increase some capital after marrying in.

  Xu Qingqing didn’t know her mother’s idea, otherwise she would be very touched. Her mother really thought about them from beginning to end.

  They are really lucky to have such a mother to protect them in this life.

  Because tomorrow is the wedding banquet, the day of their marriage. According to custom, they can’t meet each other during this period.

  Thinking that it was not too late and their home was not far from the Chen family, Xu Qingqing asked her brother Xu Wentao to drive a car.

  Yes, the Xu family also had cars in this era.

  Xu Wentao readily agreed and drove to the Chen family soon.

  Chen Shuhao also came out of the house soon.

  ”Wentao, why are you here so late at night? Is there something important?” Chen Shuhao was surprised to see his future brother-in-law.

  It was still the future brother-in-law who came here at this late hour.

  Could it be about something about tomorrow’s wedding?

  ”Brother Wentao, my sister asked me to come here. Come closer.”

  ”Ah?” Chen Shuhao was a little confused, but he still leaned his ear over.

  Soon, Xu Wentao told her about the possible demolition of this area.

  ”…Brother Shuhao, aren’t your family planning to sell the old house recently? My sister told you to think carefully about it. Anyway, my mother originally planned to sell our house, but now she doesn’t plan to do so anymore.”

  (End of this chapter)


After Being Mind-read by the Cannon Fodder Group, the Foolish Beauty Effortlessly Won at Life

After Being Mind-read by the Cannon Fodder Group, the Foolish Beauty Effortlessly Won at Life

Score 3.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Xu Jinning transmigrated and found herself in a fictionalized version of the 1980s from several novels, where she was the fake rich daughter cannon fodder destined to suffer from depression and die three years later. Knowing that this was an unchangeable world, Xu Jinning chose to be indifferent and live one day at a time.

Suddenly, the cannon fodder group from these novels discovered that they could hear Xu Jinning’s inner thoughts!

[“Big sister, your plastic best friend will only deceive you. She’ll even plot to marry you off to an ab*sive man, snatch away your college acceptance letter, and make you die from a miscarriage caused by d*mestic v*olence.”] Xu Fanghua: … After completely falling out with her best friend of over a decade, she turned the tables, pushing her friend towards the ab*sive man and going to college with her acceptance letter.

[“Aunt, they’re going to demolish this house. It’s large, and you’ll get subsidies for several houses. Please don’t sell it.”] Aunt Xu: … Gritting her teeth, she didn’t sell the house. Three months later, they moved into a new house, starting a life of collecting rent.

[“This year, don’t raise pigs. There will be a swine flu outbreak, and you’ll lose money until you cry.”] The director of the poultry factory, who switched to raising chickens and ducks: … While everyone else’s pigs died, only the chickens, ducks, and geese raised in his factory brought in a full pot of wealth.

Xu Jinning realized that she was just casually commenting, but everyone around her was changing, and they were being exceptionally good to her.

Her big sister, who used to dislike her, was now helping her prepare for college. Her second brother took charge of vast lands for her. The director of the poultry factory unexpectedly wanted to acknowledge her as his goddaughter, ensuring she had meat to eat every day. Most shocking of all, her aunt wanted to transfer one of the houses acquired from the demolition into her name, as a gift…

Unconsciously, Xu Jinning found that she seemed to be effortlessly winning at life!


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