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Chapter 318 The Flying Knife Falling from the Sky

Chapter 318 The Flying Knife Falling from the Sky

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 318 The Flying Knife That Flies from the Sky

  What is the best way to test the performance of a weapon?

  Of course, it is actual combat.

  Paper data and actual combat performance are two completely different concepts. No matter how good the performance on the shooting range is, it is better to practice on the battlefield.

  The Burning Corps, located at the forefront, soon received the first large-scale combat mission after the launch of Operation Warrior…

  Late at night.

  In the northern urban area of ​​Xizhou City.

  A group of looters carrying rifles were walking cautiously on the dark streets, with flashlights in their hands carefully cruising on both sides of the street.

  From time to time, they would shine their heads.

  The continuous attacks for many days have caused panic in the entire tribe.

  The guerrillas formed by local survivors before were enough to give them a headache, and now Xizhou City has another group of uninvited guests.

  These people are not only well-armed, powerful in firepower, well-trained, but also have extraordinary physical fitness. Many of them even show obvious characteristics of awakened people.

  These paratroopers shuttled through the abandoned urban areas, appearing and disappearing like ghosts, looking for lone patrols to attack, or sneak attacking fixed checkpoints, sentries, and artillery towers.

  Not only that, the tactics of these paratroopers were also quite cunning. Once they got into a stalemate, they immediately retreated, not giving them any chance to catch up.

  What was particularly troublesome for the looters was that the attacks did not take place in the same urban area, and might even take place in the south and north of the city at the same time.

  This was a headache for the looters who lacked radio equipment.

  Since the communication equipment was not enough to be distributed to a team of ten, they could only report the approximate location of the attack through flares.

  Once multiple facilities were attacked at the same time, the sky was full of flares and the alarms of power failures were everywhere.

  As for where there were more people, where there were fewer people, and what equipment the other side had, these key information were unknown. The team of 100 or even 1,000 people in charge of the defense zone often fell into the dilemma of not knowing where to reinforce.

  But this was not the most troublesome thing for the looters.

  The really terrible thing was that those blue coats that appeared and disappeared seemed to be endless.

  Occasionally, the raiders could kill one or two attackers, but the number of attackers never decreased.

  How many paratroopers do these blue coats have? !

  Do they have so many planes to complete the training?

  This series of questions has become a curse on the hearts of the top leaders of the Fang Clan,

  including Jin Ya. Even Wu Lun, who had boasted to Jin Ya before and vowed to catch those moles.

  In the past week, he and his men killed at least eleven paratroopers of the New Alliance, and once again even concentrated on killing a four-man team.

  However, the strange thing is…

  the person he killed three days ago, he saw again today.

  ”…Are they twins?”

  Wu Lun moved the smoking muzzle away from the corpse, frowned, stared at the face on the ground, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it looked.

  Could it be a clone?

  It’s not impossible.

  After all, clones are not rare these days.

  But it’s not easy to train clones to be like normal people, let alone train them into well-trained soldiers.

  Wu Lun noticed the vital signs monitor on the man’s arm, reached out and took it off, and at the same time, his index finger tapped the right side of the exoskeleton helmet twice.

  ”Hack into the VM system.”

  A window was projected on the helmet eyepiece.

  [In progress…]

  The blue jackets of the New Alliance not only reset the system of the vital signs monitor, but also modified it into a wrist computer, and rebuilt the system in their own language.


  Hacking into a mere terminal is nothing for his combat auxiliary AI with an “A-level hacking plug-in” installed.

  After handing over the hacking operation to the AI, Wu Lun waited quietly for a few seconds.

  However, at this time, two pop-up windows popped up on the VM screen and his helmet eyepiece at the same time.

  [Illegal access detected, DNA information verification failed. ]

  [System deleted. ]

  Looking at the Chinese characters that appeared on the VM screen, Wu Lun was stunned for a moment.

  ”…What does this say?”


  A residential building 500 meters away.

  Three young players quietly crouched on the edge of the roof, holding binoculars to peek at the corpse of Lao Liu in the corner, and the team of exoskeleton soldiers next to the corpse.

  Lost newbie exclaimed in a low voice: “Damn… Customs Boys!”

  The prop master smacked his lips: “Tsk tsk, Lao Liu was KOed right after landing, too miserable…”

  Lost newbie: “Too miserable +1, he was killed by the boss team without even picking up a gun.”

  ”Failed to reunite… The side quest is cancelled, let’s do the main quest.” Bai Ge Dai Ni looked at the icon disappearing on the VM and quietly retreated from the edge of the building.

  Lost newbie touched the semi-automatic in his hand, reluctantly looking at the group of “elite monsters” on the street in the distance.

  ”Damn, I really want to shoot secretly.”

  The prop master nodded in agreement.

  ”Their exoskeletons look very expensive at first glance, I’m afraid they can sell for a lot of silver coins!”

  Bai Ge Dai Ni rolled his eyes.

  ”Don’t dream, the mission is important.”

  There are only two missions tonight, one side quest and one main quest.

  The side quest is to recover teammates who parachuted to the battlefield, but I didn’t expect that Lao Liu had such bad luck that he landed directly on the street and ran into a patrolling boss team. He died before he even touched his gun.

  As for the main quest, it is to attack any predator outpost on the north side and cause chaos in the northern city. The

  main force of the Burning Corps will launch an attack on an ammunition depot with a thousand-man ammunition in the south of Xizhou City in the early morning.

  What they have to do is to create chaos in the north as much as possible before the main force starts to act, and to contain the predator’s reinforcements.

  In a word, it’s to make trouble!

  The bigger the noise, the better.

  Of course, try not to run into the team just now.

  With the little equipment they have, it’s still a bit unrealistic to want to go head-to-head with those exoskeleton soldiers who are armed to the teeth. If they

  really fight, they will be shot in the chest and head directly. Without full protective armor to block it, they will die suddenly no matter how high their attributes are.

  The three quietly retreated from the upstairs.

  They walked about 1 kilometer in the opposite direction of the exoskeleton soldiers and soon found a Ya clan outpost.

  In order to limit the guerrillas’ activity area, the Ya clan set up checkpoints at the entrances of all roads in Xizhou City.

  A looter stood inside the sentry post, holding a homemade cigarette in his mouth.

  Two others stood on the left and right of the roadblock, chatting. The remaining one sat by the fire, holding an unknown skewer of meat in his hand, and occasionally interrupted.

  Seeing this, Bai Ge Daishou immediately gestured to his teammates to stop, and then without saying a word, he took off the RPG rocket launcher on his back, inserted a high-explosive grenade into the launch tube, aimed at the roadblock and pulled the trigger.

  There was a whoosh.

  A puff of white smoke rushed over, and an RPG hit the roadblock straight.


  The two looters standing by the roadblock were blown away by the shock wave of the explosion before they could react.

  Shrapnel whizzed and flew wildly, leaving bullet marks on the cement floor and concrete walls.


  The looter in the sentry post ducked to avoid the debris flying in from the window, screamed and hurriedly pulled out the signal gun and fired a shot into the sky.

  The looter sitting by the fire didn’t care about the blood on his face, and crawled into the ruins, stretched out his rifle and fired randomly outside the bunker.

  The bullet whizzed and landed in the window more than ten meters away from the players.

  Seeing the green signal flare rise, Bai Ge Daishou smiled, stuffed the smoking launch tube back into his backpack, and loaded the rifle in his hand.

  ”Mission accomplished!”

  ”Brothers, fire freely!”

  ”Just do it!”


  Da Da Da——!

  The streets full of ruins and debris were filled with gunfire, completely breaking the tranquility of the city.

  The three people who took down a sentry post did not stop, and continued to move towards the next target on the map before the reinforcements arrived.

  At the same time, a W-2 ground attack aircraft with a shark head painted on it had quietly flown over Xizhou City.

  Hanging under the fuselage was not a bomb, but a “switchblade” with its rotors folded inward.

  After confirming the course and distance again through the VM, Mosquito, wearing a pilot’s hat and goggles, skillfully opened the safety of the bomb launcher and shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Hello, hello, this is Mosquito, please reply if you get it!”

  A noisy voice came from the communication channel.

  ”… The Burning Corps received it, I’m Old White… We have arrived at the target location and can start the action at any time.”


  While answering, Mosquito pressed the button of the bomb launcher and said with a grin, “… The drone is online, and the control has been transferred. I wish you all a good time!” The

  ”switchblade” hanging on the bomb launcher separated from the fuselage and glided unpowered towards the target airspace.

  At the same time, in a dark alley in the southern urban area of ​​Xizhou City.

  Kuangfeng, who was sitting on the ground with headphones on, raised his head and looked at Old White standing at the entrance of the alley.


  The drone’s camera has been synchronized to his VM.

  Lao Bai nodded, made an OK gesture, and ended the communication with Mosquito.

  At this time, a gray, one-meter-long fat rat, with a few minions, rushed out from the other end of the alley.

  Lao Bai half-crouched.

  He braked, straightened up, and excitedly reported the situation he had just investigated in his unique sharp and hoarse voice.

  ”I went to confirm it!”

  ”The tank is still parked in the northeast corner of the underground garage, and the position has not changed! There are two modified anti-aircraft trucks next to it, probably just driven in during the day!”

  Lao Bai gave a thumbs up.

  ”Thanks, brother.”

  Qiangren Suonan smiled.

  ”You’re welcome! There are quite a lot of people inside, and there will be a good show to watch later!”

  Standing up from the ground, Lao Bai neatly loaded the rifle in his hand, looked at Fang Chang and Kuangfeng in the alley and gestured.

  ”Prepare for action!”

  ”Got it!”

  Kuangfeng replied succinctly, reaching out and tapping the headset twice, then slowly closing his eyes, his consciousness synchronized with the perspective of the drone gliding in the sky, and unfolded the six folded rotors.

  The control circuit of the switchblade drone is the same model as the Y-1 Firefly, and even the operating software is the same.

  It can be operated through the VM touch screen, and can also be connected immersively with the assistance of the communication base station through the neural connection device.

  Finally, after confirming the information on the VM, Lao Bai turned off the screen and walked out of the alley first.

  [Mission 1: Destroy the ammunition depot in the “TV station” in the southern part of the city]

  [Mission 2: Use the “Switchblade” experimental self-destruct drone to destroy a Conqueror No. 10 tank and take photos of the wreckage. ]

  The old site of the TV station in the south of Xizhou City has a total of three buildings and a double-story underground garage, stationed with 200~300 predators and 20~40 craftsmen serving the Ya clan.

  This is the camp of the Ya Clan outside the Sixin District, led by a centurion named “Wind Howl”, and this is also his territory.

  According to the intelligence of the Qiangrensunan brothers, 12 a.m. is the most lax time of the day for the defense of this camp, especially from 12 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.

  The sentries who are about to change shifts, almost no one is thinking about patrolling.

  The ammunition depot of this camp is located in the basement of the west building of the TV station, and the underground garage on the easternmost side just happens to be parked with a Conqueror No. 10 under maintenance.

  The two tasks happened to be done at the same time.

  The action officially began.

  Lao Bai led Fang Chang and quickly moved along the dark street towards the direction of the TV station.

  Ye Shi, who was crawling on the roof, used the LD-47j semi-automatic equipped with a simple silencer to quickly shoot and kill the two sentries standing at the main entrance of the TV station and in the wooden watchtower, covering Lao Bai and Fang Chang approaching the TV station’s wall.

  Climb over the wall.

  Avoiding the campfire in the camp, the two moved quickly along the wall. However, just as they were about to turn the corner, they heard slow footsteps from the right front.

  Lao Bai quickly raised his hand to signal Fang Chang to stop, then gestured with two fingers and clenched his left fist.

  Fang Chang immediately understood, pulled out an arrow from his quiver and put it on the bowstring, quietly moving behind the wooden box on the left.

  Lao Bai let go of his rifle, drew out his dagger, and moved closer to the corner wall, making a gesture to Fang Chang behind the bunker.

  ’OK? ‘

  ’OK. ‘

  Hiding in the shadows, Fang Chang held his breath, and while pulling the bowstring, he began to count down in his mind.

  ’Bullet time–‘

  ’Open! ‘

  The moment the two predators appeared from the corner, Fang Chang let go of the bowstring in his hand, and Lao Bai, who was lurking under the wall, also moved at the same time.


  a buzzing sound flashed through the air, and the predator walking on the left was pierced through the throat by an arrow. His eyes widened and he whimpered, and he fell backwards with blood flowing.

  The man on the right had no time to react. He only heard the bowstring humming, and then a big hand stretched out from the shadows covered his mouth and wiped his neck.

  The right hand let go of the dagger.

  Lao Bai took advantage of the situation and dragged the looters who were shot in the throat and fell backwards, dragged the two bodies to the corner of the wall and put them down quietly. After

  making an OK gesture to Fang Chang, Lao Bai held the rifle hanging on his body again, indicating to continue moving forward. He

  sneaked into the camp along the wall. The sentry standing just above the roof had been shot down from a distance by Ye Shi. The camp was so quiet that it seemed haunted.

  Especially the atmosphere here.

  The whole camp was filled with a bloody smell. On the wooden poles and windows, corpses that were hanged or nailed to death could be seen everywhere.

  Some were even rotten and smelly.

  Most of these people were local survivors.

  After these looters executed the captured survivors, they would drain their blood and smear it on the walls, drawing graffiti or strange symbols to curse and intimidate the survivors hiding underground and the guerrillas of the resistance organization.

  However, it turned out that this method did not work.

  The bloody suppression aroused the determination of the local survivors to fight to the end. Even if they had to use black gunpowder, bows and arrows, and spears, they would fight to the death with those man-eating beasts.

  Under the cover of Ye Shi, the two cooperated tacitly, successively eliminated five patrolling sentinels, and quietly touched the west wing of the TV station. The

  ammunition depot was hidden in the basement of the west wing building. The iron door was locked tightly, and the only key was in the drawer of the guard room.

  It was a pity that the size of the brothers was still a little big, otherwise they could sneak into the guard room directly and steal the key while the guard was dozing off.

  Lowering his footsteps and approaching, Lao Bai touched into the guard room, still skilled in silent walking + backstab, wiped the neck of the sleeping predator, and then took the key from the drawer.

  Successfully unlocked and entered.

  The two looked around the ammunition depot with flashlights, and opened their eyes at the same time.


  ”These bandits are living a pretty comfortable life.”

  The Eviscerator rifles were leaning against the wall like fire sticks. A rough count showed that there were thousands of them. According to the retail price of 100 silver coins per rifle in the NPC store, these rifles alone were worth 100,000 silver coins.

  Not only that, many rooms were filled with boxes and bundles of ammunition, and each bullet emitted an orange-yellow and silver-white luster under the light of the flashlight.

  Among them were purchased copper shell bullets, homemade steel shell bullets, and even reloaded bullets processed by slaves and craftsmen.

  From the corridor to the compartment, this space of less than 500 square meters was almost filled with a dazzling array of arms!

  Lao Bai roughly calculated that the weapons, ammunition and other military supplies here were worth at least a million!

  ”… My God, there are even 100mm shells here.” Standing at the door of the room at the end of the corridor, Fang Chang looked at the orange-yellow shells on the ammunition rack and couldn’t help smacking his lips.

  This is too fat!

  Lao Bai: “It’s probably used by Conqueror No. 10. It’s a little shorter than the one we seized in Qingshi County.” There are

  many types of Conqueror No. 10 tank turrets, and the corresponding gun barrel calibers are also different, but most of them are 100mm caliber.

  Fang Chang had a regretful expression on his face.

  ”What a pity, it would be great if I could steal it!”

  ”Haha, don’t think about it, you think this game still has storage space…” Lao Bai took out the mixed explosives from his backpack, divided half of them and threw them into Fang Chang’s hand, “Hurry up and work, a quick battle and a quick decision.”

  All the ammunition in the ammunition depot has been photographed and preserved. The task reward for destroying a clear target will be much higher than that for destroying an ambiguous target.

  Placing the explosives under the ammunition box, Lao Bai and Fang Chang set the delay fuse respectively, and immediately withdrew from the ammunition depot. Before the Predator patrol changed shifts, they evacuated the TV station along the original route.

  After confirming that his teammates had left and the targets on the way to the garage had been cleared, the drone controlled by Kuangfeng began to descend, roaring towards the entrance of the underground garage, and headed straight for the tank in the northeast corner along the pre-planned path.

  The hum of the six-rotor quickly attracted the attention of the predators, but when the drone had already rushed into the garage, it was impossible to intercept it. The

  drone, flying close to the ground, quickly drilled under the chassis of the tank, and the 15-kilogram warhead exploded instantly. The power of the mixed explosive mixed with magnesium and aluminum powder was comparable to that of two 155mm bombs!

  Especially in a closed environment like an underground garage.

  The violent shock wave not only blew up the tank weighing dozens of tons on the spot, but also blasted the two anti-aircraft trucks parked next to it and the patrol team that came to reinforce it into pieces. A quarter of the garage collapsed, and a large pit appeared on the ground.

  The predators in the entire camp were stunned by the explosion, and hurriedly got up from the bed and ran out of the barracks in the main building without having time to put on their clothes.

  A group of people rushed to the ammunition depot.

  However, before they could run to the guard room, a brilliant firelight lit up in front of their eyes.

  The power of this wave of explosions was several times that of the previous wave, and the entire west building seemed to be blown away.

  The ammunition exploded like firecrackers, and was even thrown into the sky by the shock wave of the explosion. The crackling firelight lit up the dark night into day.

  The looters in the camp were killed and wounded in an instant, and there were painful and desperate wails everywhere.

  The centurion standing in the ruins had despair written all over his face.

  Thinking of the cruel methods of Lord Jin Ya and those terrifying punishments, he trembled and pulled out his pistol and put the bullet hole into his mouth.

  The bang of the gunshot seemed so insignificant in the boiling night that no one even noticed it…

  ”This power is too strong!” Ye Shi, who was lying on the edge of the roof, couldn’t help but sighed after recording the scene of the explosion.

  The hot air flow even blew to him.

  There was also a burnt smell inside…

  I hadn’t had a direct feeling when I saw people discussing the formula of mixed explosives on the forum before, but now I have a deep understanding of how cruel these people are.

  I hope these people spend their excess time and energy on the game, and don’t mess around in reality… After

  saving the video through VM, Ye Shi put away his semi-automatic rifle, left the building immediately, and rushed to the assembly point 800 meters away.

  Lao Bai and his group were already waiting for him here.

  ”By the way, what should we do with the photos to confirm the destruction?” Suddenly thinking of a key thing, Ye Shi looked at Lao Bai and asked.

  Fang Chang glanced at the green dot on the VM map.

  ”…It’s difficult for us to go and take the photos. Let’s go back to the operation base and wait for his news.”

  The whole camp is now in a mess, and no one should notice a fat rat that has crawled into the ruins of the explosion.

  The plague broke out in Xizhou City.

  It is normal for the rats startled by the explosion to run around in the ruins. At this juncture, even if someone noticed him, they would probably not care about him.

  But this time they have poked the powder keg.

  The furious Jin Ya sent out five thousand-man teams and issued a death order to the captain who was responsible for patrolling the southern urban area that night –

  if he could not eliminate the paratroopers of the New Alliance in Xizhou City before the end of the month, he would be cut into sticks and thrown into the lake to feed the crabs!

  The looters in the entire Xizhou City were like crazy.

  The size of the patrol team was directly changed from the original ten-man team to a hundred-man team, and the original patrol on the main road was also changed to a carpet search of each building.

  However, the players were not panicked at all, but excited.

  What does this mean?

  It means that they are anxious!

  Feedback is motivation. Next time, we will increase our efforts. This time, we destroyed a battalion of the Bone Chewing Tribe, and next time we will try to destroy a division.

  However, having said that, the original base of operations located in the abandoned shopping mall is obviously no longer safe, and the radio station deployed on the roof of the apartment building has to be moved to the east.

  After discussing with other team leaders in the group, Lao Bai immediately made a decision and ordered each team leader to split up into teams of eight or four and move separately into the ruins, alleys, and underground transportation networks in the city.

  Just as the guerrilla war between the Burning Corps and the Bone Chewing Tribe was in full swing, Chu Guang received a battle report from the front and immediately convened a combat meeting.

  ”Two good news!”

  ”In the early morning of the day before yesterday, our switchblades, under the guidance of the ground forces, successfully blew up the Conqueror No. 10 tank in the abandoned basement in the south of Xizhou City.”

  ”From the photos of the explosion debris, the tank chassis was severely damaged, the structure was obviously deformed, and two pairs of road wheels fell off the body.”

  ”Practice has proved that the 15-kilogram warhead is enough to damage the chassis of the Conqueror No. 10 tank! The tactical idea of ​​suicide drones is also feasible!”

  ”Our intelligence personnel recovered some drone wreckage from the explosion site.”

  ”Because the attack was very short, most of the direct witnesses died in the explosion, and the explosion of the ammunition depot diverted the enemy’s attention. It is likely that our enemies are still unclear about what weapons destroyed their tanks.”

  Hearing this, the faces of the officers showed joy.

  The new equipment can restrain the enemy’s tanks. This news is even more gratifying than the thousand-man team that captured Qingshi County and wiped out the Lion Fang.

  This means that they have one more card to play.

  And it’s an ace!

  Chu Guang was also very happy.

  However, unlike the officers present, he actually thought more about the future.

  Being able to destroy the Conqueror No. 10 tank not only means that the New Alliance has the initiative to fight a decisive battle with the Bone Chewing Tribe, but also means that even if they are facing the armored torrent of the Legion, they have the strength to fight it.

  Of course, Chu Guang also knows in his heart that if there is a direct conflict with the Legion one day in the future, the other party will definitely send more than just tanks…

  Vanus looked at Chu Guang, and his intuition told him that the manager in front of him probably had something to say.

  ”Are these two pieces of news?”

  ”Count as one.”

  Chu Guang paused, collected his thoughts, and continued.

  ”The second piece of news… I think it’s good news.”

  ”The Bone Chewing Tribe changed their deployment, sent more soldiers to the front, and dug explosion-proof holes and vehicle shelters in the valley five kilometers away from Songlinyu. Our planes found their trucks and anti-aircraft vehicles, but no tanks.”

  ”In addition, a large number of slaves were sent to the front. From the aerial photos, they carried a small number of modified excavators, bulldozers and other construction equipment.”

  ”Conservatively estimated, there are 5,000 people there!”

  5,000 people!

  Hearing this number, many officers on the scene had heavy expressions on their faces.

  Including Vanus.

  The total number of registered permanent residents in the New Alliance is just over 5,000, and there are many elderly people, children and women among them. There are

  too many people on the opposite side!

  Vanus frowned, but was thinking about another thing.

  ”It looks like the combat style of the 210,000th Squadron… The commander is probably Dillon. Those anti-gun holes and anti-aircraft guns deployed on the high ground are probably prepared for the tanks going to the front line.” The

  captain of the 210,000th Squadron!

  This guy is not easy to deal with!

  Vanus could even guess what he was going to do.

  It was nothing more than using the terrain and bunkers to preserve the armored units, and then concentrating the troops and armored advantages to break through the defense line of the New Alliance under the cover of anti-aircraft vehicles.

  Anti-aircraft vehicles cannot stop all aircraft, especially when they are not fully prepared.

  It seems that the predators are ready to sacrifice some tanks, and are even determined to attack the New Alliance’s position at the cost of heavy casualties.

  Obviously, the continuous casualties and losses have made them anxious.

  ”… Whether it is Dillon, Gold Fang or anyone else, my intuition tells me that the moment of our decisive battle with the barbarians is just around the corner. Our opponents have begun to realize that if they continue to drag it out, there is only one way to die… But they have only realized it now, which is somewhat late.”

  Putting his hands on the table, Chu Guang glanced around at the officers standing in the tent, and said in a clear and neat tone.

  ”We will stop the armored forces of the Ya clan in Songlinyu.”

  ”That is their grave!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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