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Chapter 319 This gaming company’s business is too extensive!

Chapter 319 This gaming company’s business is too extensive!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 319 The business of this game company is too extensive!

  ”Fuck…are these bastards crazy?” In

  a half-collapsed residential building.

  Standing in the open-top bathroom without a ceiling, Ye Shi, holding a telescope in his hand, stared at the street three hundred meters away with his eyes wide open.

  It is five o’clock in the morning. The sun has not risen yet, but the sky is already light.

  I saw fifty or so predators closely following a truck welded with steel plates. There was a machine gun on the car body – no, to be precise, there should be four machine guns!

  I don’t know if it’s because the 12mm heavy machine guns are not enough, the predators of the Ya clan also connected the light machine guns in series, and they were connected in a row with iron wire, steel bars and screws.

  This made Ye Shi think of the quadruple Maxim that he had seen in the movie, which is exactly the same as this thing.

  The only difference is that one is water-cooled and the other is slightly more advanced air-cooled.

  However, Ye Shi’s intuition told him that these predators probably didn’t learn from movies and TV shows, but from the quadruple anti-aircraft cards of the Skeleton Corps.

  ”7mm machine gun anti-aircraft… Which genius came up with this idea?” Fang Chang couldn’t help but complain.

  Lao Bai, who was sitting next to him and chewing on a wheat cake, laughed and said.

  ”You’re right, if the supply of this thing can keep up, the density of firepower may be scary. It only takes half a second for Mosquito’s wooden plane to come down from the sky.”

  Kuangfeng touched his nose with his index finger.

  ”…In terms of effect, we may have really hurt them that night.”

  Ye Shi sighed as he watched the patrol disappear around the corner and put down his binoculars.

  ”That’s what I said, but it’s a bit uncomfortable now that they are all in a group.”

  The AI ​​of this game is very smart.

  Not only will it cut the leeks of the players, but it will also adjust the AI’s action strategy in real time according to the players’ game behavior. The predators who used to be able to stare at the planes have also DIYed anti-aircraft weapons as they fight.

  What’s that called?


  Machine learning!

  As expected of the world’s only fully immersive virtual reality online game, this AI technology is also very powerful.

  Lao Bai, who was eating a cake, said calmly.

  ”Don’t worry, the Ya Clan is dispatching troops to the front line recently. We just need to keep an eye on their tanks.”

  At present, the Burning Corps has been divided into small groups and scattered in the city. It is still a bit difficult for a four-man team to face the 100-man team of the Predator head-on.

  But it doesn’t matter.

  They can call for an air strike.

  Usually, the Predator’s tanks are hidden in the underground garage. Now they are all moving to the front line. They don’t need to go up and fight the tanks head-on. As long as they lock the approximate location of the tank, the players flying the plane will naturally give them a surprise. In

  just one week, the Burning Corps has called for an air strike to scrap four Conqueror Xs, and another one was not scrapped but was paralyzed.

  Without the support of logistical supplies, with the hands-on ability of these barbarians, they can only repair the tracks at most. As for the damaged engine and even the oil pipe, it is basically the same as scrapping.

  ”It seems that no tanks will pass through this street today.” Fang Chang glanced at the time on the VM. The sky not far away had already turned pale.

  Lao Bai threw away the paper wrapped in the wheat cake and stood up from the floor with a rifle.

  ”Let’s find a safe place to log off.”

  As he was talking, a creaking sound suddenly came from downstairs.

  The four people immediately became alert.

  Lao Bai quickly moved to the entrance of the living room and leaned out half of his body to hold the stairs. Then Kuangfeng released the “Firefly” drone, which flew out from the broken ceiling and landed outside the residential building.

  Ye Shi said in a deep voice: “No killing intention was sensed… The other party should not have discovered us, or is not sure of our specific location.”

  ”Searching…” Kuangfeng, who was operating the drone, suddenly paused and was stunned.

  In the window downstairs, there was a slightly childish face hidden. It was difficult to tell his gender with his disheveled appearance. Kuangfeng could only judge that he was not very old. Even considering the impact of malnutrition on development, he was at most seven or eight years old.

  The pair of black eyes stared at the drone outside the window motionlessly, with anxiety, tension and curiosity written in the pupils.

  He probably thought he was hiding well, but he didn’t know that the camera saw the situation in the room clearly.

  ”It should be a local survivor… a child.” As he said that, Kuangfeng synchronized the drone’s image to his teammates’ VM.

  Fang Chang asked cautiously.

  ”Are there other people around? Or weapons?”

  There are many young soldiers among the predators, and he did not relax his vigilance just because the other party was a child.

  Kuangfeng shook his head.

  ”No… I haven’t seen such a thin predator yet.”

  ”The alarm is lifted.”

  At least temporarily lifted…

  Lao Bai breathed a sigh of relief, put away the rifle in his hand, and turned off the safety.

  This game is too real in some places.

  Even if the dream filter filters out most of the sensory stimulation that exceeds the limit, for players who have a strong sense of substitution, the behavior that crosses the line will still feel mentally uncomfortable.

  For example, seeing the predators throw living people into the oil pan…

  If possible, he really doesn’t want to treat people younger than him as opponents in battle.

  Patting Fang Chang on the shoulder, Lao Bai said.

  ”Let’s go, get ready to change places.”

  It was already daybreak.

  The Predator tanks couldn’t come out during the day, and there was no point in staying there any longer. It would be better to go offline and surf the net for a while on the official website.

  However, all the players were online at this moment. From 6pm to 12am, the official website belonged to the cloud players.

  During this period, they fought night battles every day, and their daily routines were completely disrupted…

  Walking to the stairs.

  Lao Bai suddenly remembered something.

  ”By the way, the airdrop box from last night hasn’t been recovered yet. Go pick it up before you go offline.”

  Ye Shi asked curiously.

  ”Didn’t you say you weren’t in a hurry to recover it?”

  Lao Bai didn’t answer this question, but took out the remaining large bag of green wheat cakes in his backpack and put it on the floor.

  ”I changed my mind.”

  Fang sighed.

  ”You’d better not treat the game as reality. According to the setting, there are at least five or six thousand survivors in this city, and the airdropped supplies can’t help them at all. If you really want to pull them out of the dire straits, it’s better to get rid of the looters as soon as possible.”

  Lao Bai smiled.

  ”I know, just think of this as my self-satisfaction.”

  The group left.

  Hearing the sound upstairs disappear.

  The boy tiptoed upstairs to see if the soldiers of the New Alliance had any garbage left that could be recycled.

  For example, things like bullet shells, which can be exchanged for food at the base of the resistance organization.

  However, the boy did not hold much hope for bullet shells.

  These people didn’t fire a single shot all night yesterday, and it would be a miracle if there were any bullet shells left.

  Since the arrival of the group of looters, the settlements of the survivors have been destroyed one after another, and the survivors have either been captured as slaves or hid underground. Since there is no farmland, they can only grow some fungi that do not require much light, or go outside to find wild green wheat and sheep’s horn potatoes, or even eat soil and tree bark.

  Originally, they could survive this way, but unfortunately, the plague broke out in Xizhou City recently, the mushroom fields have been severely reduced, and wild crops such as green wheat and sheep’s horn potatoes have almost disappeared from Xizhou City. The base of the resistance organization has encountered an unprecedented survival crisis.

  Originally, everyone could get a small amount of relief food, but now even nutritional paste has to be exchanged for garbage.

  The boy originally wanted to join the guerrillas. He heard that the guerrillas provided meals, but he was too young. The other party looked at him left and right and didn’t like him. He could only carry a sack to pick up waste on the street.

  Fortunately, soldiers from the new alliance have recently joined the battlefield. These people are not only better equipped than the guerrillas, but also have a good habit of waste.

  These people never pick up shells that fall on the ground. Sometimes when there is a sudden encounter, they don’t collect half-eaten dry food and just throw it away.

  The guerrillas encouraged them to recycle the shells on the ground. 20 copper shells can be exchanged for 100g of nutrient paste. Sometimes the boy couldn’t help thinking, if only I had the chance to go to the New Alliance.

  The people in the New Alliance don’t even want the shells that fall on the ground. They must have endless garbage to pick up at home.

  After going up the stairs, the boy was about to sneak into the next room.

  Just then, he suddenly smelled a fragrance.

  Sniffing, the boy followed the fragrance.

  Seeing the green wheat cake on the ground, his pair of black eyes widened instantly. He was so hungry that he immediately pounced on it, grabbed a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

  The feeling of happiness spread between his lips and teeth, and an incredible expression appeared on his waxy yellow face.

  He couldn’t tell what it tasted like, and he had never eaten such delicious green wheat cakes… By the way, is this really a green wheat cake? Why does it have the fragrance of grease, and there is no oxalic acid at all!

  How did they do it?

  Are these people the messengers of the giant deer god? !

  Finally swallowing the food in his mouth, the boy looked at the bag of green wheat cakes on the ground with greedy eyes. He didn’t continue eating and carefully put them into the sack.

  ”We have to go back before dawn.” If

  he stayed outside for too long, his sister would be worried… He

  silently thanked those generous people in his heart, carefully put away the remaining wheat cakes, and slipped into the narrow gap like a rabbit, and left the apartment.

  He didn’t know why the soldiers of the New Alliance left these delicious delicacies.

  Just like at this moment he didn’t know that there were four pairs of eyes following him behind him.

  ”By the way…is it really okay for us to follow a child?” Ye Shi said with a strange expression.

  Fang Chang didn’t answer the question directly.

  Or he didn’t answer from the perspective of Ye Shi’s question.

  ”Let’s make a bold assumption. Assuming that the behavior logic of an NPC is to go out for food, then after collecting enough food, what is his next step?”

  Ye Shi was stunned.

  ”…bring the food home?”

  ”Correct answer!” Fang Chang snapped his fingers silently and said with a smile, “As long as we follow him, we can find his home.”

  Ye Shi held his forehead.

  ”I’m talking to you… You wouldn’t even search the boxes of scavengers, would you?”

  Kuangfeng also said.

  ”I don’t agree with this kind of behavior, to feel guilty for a few silver coins.”

  Fang Chang coughed.

  ”When did I ever say I would search other people’s boxes? Am I that stupid?! I’m just simply curious about where he lives, aren’t you curious?”

  Ye Shi and Kuangfeng looked at each other.

  ”Didn’t you say he lives underground?”

  ”Well… It’s written in the background information on the official website that the survivors of Xizhou City hid underground to deal with the looters of the Bone Chewing Tribe, and established a resistance organization and guerrillas.”

  Fang Chang said with great sorrow.

  ”Yes! You also know that they have established a resistance organization. Let’s analyze it rationally. If they have an organization, shouldn’t they have a fixed base? A survivor settlement is right under our feet, and we have been in the new map for more than half a month, but we still don’t know where it is! Aren’t you curious about what it looks like?”

  Kuangfeng was slightly stunned.

  ”Analyze rationally… it can indeed be analyzed this way.”

  ”Hey, I just want to do a good thing, why do you have to make the problem so complicated…” Lao Bai scratched the back of his head with a headache, “Forget it, you have a point.”

  If they can get in touch with the local resistance organization, it will definitely help them.

  It’s strange to say that they have been here for more than half a month, and the local resistance organization has never contacted them.

  Is it because the program settings require players to discover it themselves?

  ”Are you going to recycle the airdrop box later?” Ye Shi asked.

  ”No, it’s almost dawn, and we’ll collect it after dark… Let’s go meet the resistance organization here first,” Lao Bai reached out and took two bags of green wheat cakes from Fang Chang’s tactical hanging bag, “give me two bags.”

  ”Gan! You take the ones in my backpack, I’m hanging them on my chest to block bullets.” Fang Chang reflexively dodged to the side and covered his chest with his hands.

  Lao Bai couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

  ”This can block a ghost bullet!”

  Ye Shi: “Hahahaha.”

  Kuangfeng coughed dryly.

  ”Don’t lose me… Let’s go.”

  The group followed the boy, crossed two streets, walked about two kilometers, and came to the entrance of a half-collapsed subway station.

  The boy stopped at the entrance, looked around carefully, and then slipped in through the entrance.

  Fang Chang and his group followed him through the ticket gate of the subway station and entered the tunnel from the platform. There

  were many rats here. The abandoned carriages were filled with countless rats. They were not afraid of people and even bared their teeth at people.

  The boy pulled out a steel bar and waved it randomly a few times to drive the rats away, then immediately ran deep into the tunnel.

  ”Are these all the brothers of the troubled brother?” Ye Shi, who was following behind, muttered in a low voice.

  ”You think he is too awesome… Don’t worry about these rats, don’t lose the target.” Fang Chang’s intuition told him that they were almost there.

  The boy stopped in front of a green-painted iron door and reached out to knock on the door rhythmically.

  Not long after, the door opened quickly.

  The boy flashed in and disappeared from the tunnel.

  It was as if he had never appeared.

  ”…That should be the entrance to the underground settlement of the survivors in Xizhou City!” Fang Chang’s face was full of excitement.

  New map!

  A hot post with more than 100,000 likes is in hand!

  Lao Bai touched his chin.

  ”I’m wondering how we should greet them. Should we go up and knock on the door? Or should we say hello first?”

  Kuang Feng pondered.

  ”I think it might be better to reveal our identities first.”

  Just as Lao Bai and Kuang Feng were discussing how to greet each other, Ye Shi’s expression suddenly changed slightly, and he held the semi-automatic rifle in his hand.

  ”Someone is coming!”

  Almost as soon as the voice fell, footsteps were heard from the back of the tunnel.

  A group of men in simple clothes and unkempt appearance appeared near the platform of the subway station. They carried iron tube rifles on their backs and woven bags in their hands. Judging from the shriveled bags, today’s harvest should not be very good. When they

  met Lao Bai’s line of sight, the group of people were obviously stunned for a moment, and then they immediately shouted in panic and loaded the iron tube rifles in their hands. The

  tense atmosphere suddenly heated up.

  With his index finger on the safety, Lao Bai glanced at the weapons in the hands of those people and gave a look to his good brother Fang Chang.

  Fang Chang understood, lowered the muzzle of his gun and stepped forward, shouting in a language he was not very familiar with.

  ”We are paratroopers from the New Alliance! We are here for peaceful purposes, and we hope you can calm down!”

  Paratroopers from the New Alliance? !

  Aren’t they fighting the predators?

  How did they get here?

  The group of people standing at the entrance of the tunnel were obviously stunned, and they obviously didn’t expect the people from the New Alliance to be here.

  Maintaining the aiming posture, the leading man shouted nervously.

  ”…How can we trust you!”

  Fang Chang said concisely.

  ”Letting you continue to stand is our greatest sincerity. If you continue to aim at us, don’t blame us.”

  ”Stop it!”

  The green-painted door opened.

  A man in a leather jacket walked out.

  Beside him stood two guards holding automatic rifles, followed by a boy, who was holding a bag in his hand and looking at the four people in the middle of the tunnel nervously.

  Lao Bai looked at the boy and then at the man in the leather jacket. The angular face seemed to be cut by a knife, and the sharp pupils easily reminded people of the jackals that can be seen everywhere in the wasteland.

  He is a master.

  Whether it is experience or strength.

  Lao Bai made an evaluation in his heart.

  While he was observing the man, the man was also looking at him with fear.

  ”Wu Chengyi, the mayor of Hope Town and the captain of the guerrillas, may I ask your name?” The man introduced himself.

  ”Lao Bai.” Lao Bai didn’t know how to say the idiom “a white horse passing by” in human language, so he used the nickname given to him by everyone. Wu Chengyi didn’t find this name,

  which obviously didn’t look like a real name, strange.

  There are all kinds of names in the wasteland.

  It doesn’t matter what you call it.

  ”Are you from the New Alliance?”

  Lao Bai, who was not good at human language, cast a look of help to Fang Chang. It was okay for him to guess the general idea by looking at his expression and demeanor combined with the context, but it was a bit difficult for him to communicate normally.

  ”What should I say?”

  ”I’ll do it. ‘

  Fang Chang saw his good brother’s embarrassment at a glance, and took over the conversation, using the translation function of VM.

  ”Yes, we are loyal to the New Alliance, loyal to the administrators, fighting for the revival of civilization, and are currently fighting with the Bone Chewing Tribe… I heard that you are also, so we thought that the enemy of our enemy might become a friend, so we came uninvited.”

  Is the enemy of our enemy a friend…

  It may not be the case in the wasteland.

  If the enemy of our enemy is evenly matched with ourselves, we may become friends. If the strength is very different, we may become the spoils of war of the other party.

  Most of the survivors in Xizhou City have a good impression of the New Alliance, and even hold an unrealistic vision, but Wu Chengyi knows very well that there is no free lunch in this world.

  As the leader of the resistance organization, he needs to consider more things. Before figuring out the other party’s motives, it is extremely dangerous to easily trust strangers.

  Wu Chengyi stared at Fang Chang and continued.

  ”The last question, what do you think of us?”

  ”What do you think?”

  Fang Chang was slightly stunned, then he understood what the man in front of him wanted to ask, and said after thinking for a moment.

  ”You are a group of…brave people. At least you didn’t surrender. Of course, this is just my opinion. If you want to ask the administrator’s opinion, you might as well ask him directly.”

  Wu Chengyi was slightly stunned.

  ”Do you have a way to contact him?”

  Fang Chang gave him a strange look.

  ”Of course, our radio can contact the rear at any time.”

  Hearing this, everyone around him showed joy on their faces.

  After whispering a few words with the guards beside him, Wu Chengyi signaled the guerrillas to put away their guns.

  He walked to the front of the players alone and stretched out his right hand.

  ”…Thank you for helping us, and please forgive our vigilance. We have witnessed the deaths of too many compatriots in the past six months. It is difficult for us to trust any stranger easily.”

  Fang Chang shook his hand.

  ”I understand.”

  After a pause, Wu Chengyi continued.

  ”I have considered your proposal just now.”

  ”Please allow me to talk to your manager.”


  New Alliance Barracks.

  Chu Guang, sitting in the command room, was looking at the report sent from Qingshi County.

  The survey of the copper-molybdenum deposit has been completed, the construction equipment has been delivered, and the mining and smelting of the copper mine is currently underway.

  As of last weekend, the New Alliance’s copper, molybdenum, sulfur and other industrial raw materials have been able to achieve self-sufficiency.

  The railway for transportation has also been laid from Yuanxi Town to Qingshi County.

  Chu Guang has paid special attention to the speeches of the few professional players who were “sent to the geological park to explore the deposit” on the forum in the past few days.

  According to the photos they took and the discussions of other cloud players, the mining equipment left over from the early days of the Human Alliance era shocked everyone.

  Especially in terms of industrial design.

  Although more than three hundred years have passed, those mining equipment that were exhibited as antiques have long been unusable, but the design ideas of some equipment still gave them a lot of inspiration.

  The shock of sudden enlightenment from the professional field was much stronger than the feeling of solid hydrogen and X-4 fiber for the young players majoring in geology.

  All the young players who participated in the exploration work could not help but sigh.

  The business of this game company is too extensive!

  ”Master, there is new news about the Burning Corps you sent to Xizhou City.” Xiao Qi’s voice came to his ears.

  Chu Guang asked casually after putting down the report sent by the logistics department.

  ”What news?”

  Xiao Qi continued.

  ”Your players have contacted local survivors. A man who claims to be the leader of the resistance organization hopes to talk to you.”

  The resistance organization in Xizhou City?

  To be honest, in his initial plan, he had considered using the power of local survivors to deal with the Ya clan.

  But that was a few versions ago.

  With enough cards in his hand now, there is no need to support the local resistance organization. Raising them too fat will affect the subsequent recruitment.

  However, since they took the initiative to contact him…

  this may be a good opportunity.

  Chu Guang tapped the table lightly with his index finger, thought for a while, and spoke.

  ”Make an appointment with them for me.”

  ”Okay, Master!”

  Xiao Qi, the assistant, was as reliable as ever today. After he finished speaking, he immediately went to help him arrange a time for a conference call.

  Picking up the tablet on the table again, Chu Guang turned to the last document.

  [Xizhou City Industrial Zone Development Plan (Draft)]

  After thinking for a moment, Chu Guang added a line to the title.

  [… and the reconstruction plan for the new recovery area and the survivor settlement]

  There are a large number of survivors in Xizhou City, plus the captives of the plunderers, the population capacity of Dawn City cannot digest them all at once.

  The best way is to build a new settlement and settle the survivors on the spot.

  It just so happens that he plans to transfer heavy industry from Qingquan City to Xizhou City, which is farther away from Boulder City.

  Looking at the document in his hand, Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.

  ”This cake…”

  ”Both the players and the indigenous people should like it.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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