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Chapter 32 Talent Engraved in the Bones

Chapter 32 Talent Engraved in the Bones


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 32 Talent Engraved in the Bones

  The construction site on the site of the old sanatorium.

  Dust rolled, hammering sounds continued, and the sound of unloading was clanging and banging. It was a scene of bustling activity.

  These players seemed to have endless energy and enthusiasm. They pushed the carts picked up from the abandoned construction site, carrying stones one by one, transporting them to the cement kiln to be broken with hammers, and then poured them into the kiln to be calcined into cement raw materials.

  The players squatting next to them pushed the bellows hard, trying to make the fire in the kiln burn more vigorously. Not far away was the charcoal kiln that was running non-stop, and further away there were earthen kilns for smoking meat and smoked fish racks. The rising smoke and noise even drove away the birds in the trees.

  The players worked together to pour the fired cement into sand and water, mixing it into a sticky cement slurry, and soon built the foundation of the first section of the wall. The

  curling green smoke formed a piece.

  This place was like a newborn tribe, young and full of vitality.

  After handing over the construction site to [Sparing Life] who was born in civil engineering, Lao Bai and Fang Chang have begun to study “homemade steelmaking”.

  Kuang Feng has also improved the fishing traps, using mutant leech larvae as bait. It is no problem to catch more than a dozen fish a day. The uneaten ones are given to Brother Chaodan to make dried fish.

  The aquatic products in this lake are richer than he imagined.

  The only thing to note is that the bait in the trap cannot be too much, and the water level cannot be too deep, otherwise the big fish attracted will easily damage the trap.

  But these are minor problems.

  As long as you master the tricks, everything will gradually become proficient, and the process itself is full of fun.

  The same is true for new players.

  There is no need to look for it deliberately. Everything here is so new to them, and it is almost impossible to experience it in modern society.

  Many people sit in the office all day, repeating the work that anyone can replace day after day, and lose themselves in trivial things.

  But it is different here.

  This difference is not only derived from the temporary freshness, but also from a sense of satisfaction in the sense of self-worth realization.

  A civil engineer who has worked on a construction site for five or six years but has not been promoted to a management position, as long as he shouts “I am an engineer” here, he will be immediately praised by other players as a big boss and entrusted with important tasks.

  There are also workers mixing cement and plastering on the construction site.

  Most of the players are ordinary people. The work they do in reality may not be so eye-catching, but here as long as they have a skill, they don’t even need to be too outstanding, they can get collective recognition.

  And the surface outpost of the shelter is getting better at a visible speed because of the efforts of each of them.

  In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this is the highest level of need. It is separated from any low-level interests, and the spiritual pleasure it brings is unmatched by any interest.

  The most important thing is that you don’t have to pay a big price to get it. Even if your muscles are sore from fatigue, it is the characters in the game who are tired, and it will not affect your life the next day.

  On the contrary, you will be more energetic the next day because you fall asleep early.

  All of the above are guesses made by Chu Guang, who returned to the outpost with the spoils, when he saw the players busy.

  Of course, he couldn’t know what the players were thinking.

  For managers, such things are not important at all, and they don’t care.

  As long as the number of reservations is always greater than the number of players in the list, there is no need to worry about no fresh leeks coming in to sweat.

  Quitting the game?


  Again, please give the helmet and account to those who need it, and try a more primitive way of playing.

  Let’s get back to the point.

  The harvest from this outing is quite gratifying.

  Two 5mm iron barrel rifles, 62 rounds of 5mm ammunition, and three backpacks that have not been searched in time.

  These were all searched from the two predators and the unlucky guy who was chased and killed by them.

  Chu Guang is a person who doesn’t like to waste, including the mutant hyena that was shot in the neck, he collected them all.

  Taming does not affect its taste, anyway, it is a different species to Chu Guang.

  Throwing the mutant hyena to the scrambled egg brother who is the chef, Chu Guang and Ye Shi and Garbage Jun began to search the backpacks they picked up.

  ”Matches, compass, map and… some pieces of meat jerky? And some plastic sheets? What’s written on this stuff?”

  Hearing Ye Shi’s muttering, Garbage Brother, whose claws were not very agile, also came over and picked up a piece with interest and looked closely.

  ”It looks a bit like casino chips.”

  ”Give me the plastic sheets, I have a use for them.”

  Chu Guang confiscated the twenty or so white “plastic sheets” without any expression. Anyway, these things were useless to players.

  Then, he looked at the meat jerky in Ye Shi’s hand.

  ”…Forget about these meat jerky, I don’t recommend you to eat them.”

  Ye Shi, who was about to take a bite, was stunned.


  Chu Guang thought about it and used a euphemism.

  ”Predators usually don’t have much taboos, you can’t be sure what kind of meat this is.”

  Garbage Jun hadn’t reacted yet, and Ye Shi next to him had thrown away the meat jerky and started to yue.

  Even in the game, he couldn’t accept certain settings.

  Looking at Ye Shi’s reaction, Chu Guang suddenly became curious about what these players were thinking, so he looked at Garbage Jun and asked.

  ”What does it feel like to kill someone.”

  Garbage Jun was stunned and touched his head.

  ”I didn’t pay attention…”

  How could the game feel like that? It’s not like he hasn’t played bloodier games before.

  On the contrary, the blood effects in this game were not very exaggerated, so he didn’t pay much attention to it at the time.


  when he rushed forward and stabbed the javelin into the chest of the last predator, and the blood splattered on him, at that moment he suddenly had a desire to eat.

  It’s like a biological instinct.

  Chu Guang glanced at the “lizard man” with some surprise. He didn’t expect that the player’s psychological quality was unexpectedly good.

  Could it be that the dream has diluted the feeling of death?

  Or is it that the players’ perspective on the world has some kind of filter that they don’t understand.

  Not sure.

  After all, this device was not designed by Chu Guang, and he has never used the players’ helmets, let alone whether the world in their eyes is exactly the same as the world in his eyes.

  It seems that I have to talk to the players more in the future as a planner…


  By five o’clock in the afternoon, the northern wall of the sanatorium had been basically repaired.

  It must be said that these players are geniuses.

  Chu Guang even felt that he, an NPC, was redundant.

  Although some talents are not written on the attribute panel, they are engraved in their bones. As long as they are given a piece of land, it will become a field tomorrow.

  Even if the server is reset and the world is destroyed tomorrow, they can rebuild this place brick by brick.

  The treasures on the construction site are not only those blue-gray stones, but also those piles of cement blocks wrapped in sacks.

  These things are too heavy for ordinary survivors to take away or use, so they still maintain their original appearance at the beginning of the nuclear war.

  Although these cements have long been hardened and cannot be mixed with sand to pour the foundation, it is excellent to use them directly as bricks for building walls.

  At least, it is much more reliable than the pile of yellow mud bricks burned by Lao Bai!

  Under the guidance of [Spare the Life Under the Knife], the players hammered the pine wood into the soil, piled cement blocks brought from the construction site in the middle, and then inserted the steel bars stolen from the construction site for fixation, and finally poured the mixed calcium carbonate cement on it.

  When the cement dried, a simple but reliable concrete fortification was completed.

  As for the inside of the wall, cement blocks and concrete waste were piled up to form a slope.

  If attacked, the players inside the wall only need to crawl on the slope, and they can use the bunker to fight back against the intruders.

  Considering that the scale of the outpost will be further expanded in the future, another defensive fortification can be built on the outside of the fortress, and it can be guarded with sentries and watchtowers.

  ”…The terrain of the entire wetland park is relatively flat, and the area around the sanatorium is a forest plain with no steep slopes to serve as cover. I can cut down all the trees around here, so that any target approaching the outpost can be discovered in the first place!”

  ”Sure, brother, what do you do in real life?” Looking at the new player next to him, Lao Bai was surprised.

  He had some impression of the ID [刀下留人], but only a little bit. He only remembered that he joined the group a long time ago. He

  didn’t expect that there were so many big guys in the small game group.

  刀下留人 smiled shyly and said embarrassedly.

  ”…I’m just a civil engineer, a marginal person in the unit, drinking tea and reading newspapers all day, and few people even look at me straight in the eye.” ”

  No, no, your level is good! To be honest, I never thought that I could finish a whole wall today.”

  ”Thank you, really thank you!”

  It was already evening, and the sky was dim.

  Brother Chaodan, who was the chef, set up a big pot in the open space in front of the sanatorium, threw in the fish that Kuangfeng caught from the lake, and made a pot of pine nut fish soup.

  The players were all sitting on the ground, each with a bowl and a piece of bacon. A mouthful of fish soup and a mouthful of meat, just like this, it has a unique flavor.

  Of course.

  Not everyone can accept this flavor.

  For example, Teng Teng, who was sitting on the ground, pinched her nose and looked at the bowl in her hand with a sad face.

  ”Uh, it’s so fishy…”

  Whether in the game or in reality, she is very sensitive to smells and can’t accept this heavy cooking method.

  Brother Chaodan, who was not far away, heard it and rolled his eyes.

  ”Do you think I want… There is not even cooking wine here, I have tried my best.”

  That expression clearly showed that he wanted to eat it or not.

  ”Just eat it, you will be hungry if you don’t eat in this game,” Ye Shi also comforted him from the side, “Why don’t you pinch your nose and drink it? I can help.”

  Teng Teng hid to the side for a while.

  ”No need.”

  Speaking of which, do NPCs also need to eat?

  Teng Teng looked around and found that the manager was not far away.

  However, he did not dine with the players. He just stayed here for a while and left in a hurry.

  When he came back again, many players who were close to him saw that his face was ashen and he didn’t seem to be in a good mood.

  There was a commotion among the players.

  Noticing the situation not far away, Lao Bai was curious, so he put down the bowl in his hand and stood up from the ground.

  He walked forward quickly and grabbed Kuangfeng who was closer to him to ask.

  ”Brother, what happened?”

  Kuangfeng looked solemn and said in a deep voice.

  ”I heard…”

  ”It seems that someone died.”

   Thanks to the three leaders of “Follow Dreamwalking” for the reward~~~~~


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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