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Chapter 320 Why not just cooperate more thoroughly?

Chapter 320 Why not just cooperate more thoroughly?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 320 Why not just cooperate more thoroughly?

  The real world.


  Following the footsteps of the staff, Gao Jianhui came to a spacious room. The decoration here is a bit monotonous, like a room that was temporarily cleaned up. The only furniture is a bookshelf, a coffee table and two sofas.

  The young man with glasses was sitting on the sofa. After seeing him, he immediately stood up from the sofa and spoke to him politely.

  ”Hello, Academician Gao! Please take a seat.”

  Gao Jianhui did not refuse. He sat down on the sofa opposite the young man and looked him up and down. He didn’t have any impression of him. He thought he was not in the same system as himself. At

  about eight o’clock last night, he received an invitation letter from a well-known domestic academic institution. However, when he arrived at his destination early in the morning, he did not see any entrance instructions for the academic lecture, but was invited to a special car.

  ”We have learned through various investigations that you are an expert in the field of rock mechanics and mining engineering. We are taking the liberty to invite you here–”

  ”What is so mysterious about this? There is a special car pick-up and a confidentiality agreement,” Academician Gao interrupted the lengthy opening remarks with a light cough and said concisely, “If you have anything to say, just tell me directly.”

  The man said politely.

  ”It’s just a routine procedure. Please forgive me.”

  ”Can I have a cigarette?”

  ”Of course, you are welcome.”

  Gao Jianhui took out a lighter from his pocket, lit a cigarette for himself, stared at the laptop on the coffee table, and squinted slightly.

  Just when he was about to ask what this was for, the young man with glasses stood up, held the mouse, opened the photos in the folder, and then said politely.

  ”Please take a look at this.”

  ”This is…”

  As soon as the two words came out of his mouth, his brows frowned slightly, and he uttered a light exclamation. The right hand holding the cigarette held the mouse, and unconsciously flipped down, his eyes became more and more surprised.

  Joint development of vertical shaft + ramp?

  This was the first time he had seen a main transportation system designed like this.

  Of course, it was not just the main transportation system that surprised him.

  The longitudinal section of the entire mine did not look like a mine at all, but rather like a precision-structured instrument. Each block had a clear division of labor and could work closely together.


  the problem with this design was also obvious, that is, it was too idealistic!

  Many design ideas could not be realized with current technical conditions.

  24-hour cycle mining was not difficult, and unmanned mining was not impossible, but intelligent mining like this, where the mining face moves down synchronously with the mining system and is completely free from manual labor…

  he dared to assert that no mine in the world could do it.

  After a long time, Academician Gao looked up at the man sitting opposite him, with a hint of seriousness in his interested eyes.

  ”…Where did you get these photos?”

  The young man did not answer the question immediately.

  ”Before answering this question, I would like to hear your opinion on these photos.”

  Gao Jianhui thought for a moment and gave his evaluation.

  ”It’s a very special design. If I’m not mistaken, the entire mine should use a complete set of intelligent mining systems. It has similar design concepts to the Kiruna Iron Mine in Sweden… But I can’t tell anything just by looking at the appearance. Do you have more photos?”

  The man with glasses showed a helpless expression on his face.

  ”Sorry, these are the photos we have for now… Can you tell me about the similarity and where it is specifically reflected?” ”

  Intelligent.” Gao Jianhui said immediately.

  The man asked immediately.

  ”Intelligent? Can you be more specific?”

  Gao Jianhui thought for a while and answered.

  ”The Kiruna Mine is famous not only for its high-grade iron ore, but also for its intelligent mining system, including drilling, charging, loading, transportation, lifting… All operating processes can be realized through remote control. The entire mine only needs a very small number of workers to complete all production processes.”

  ”In addition, it’s not just intelligent, their research in the field of deep mining under one thousand meters, as well as their experience in dealing with increased ground pressure, increased rock temperature, mine lifting, drainage, support, ventilation, filling, environmental protection and other issues, are also worth learning from.”

  The man listened very carefully and took notes all the time.

  After the old academician finished speaking, he then asked about the part that he was most concerned about.

  ”What about the mine in this photo?”

  Gao Jianhui leaned back on the sofa and said in a flat tone.

  ”I can only talk about the areas I know. I can’t talk about the things in your photo. It’s completely different from what I’m studying. I assume that for this device to work successfully, it will have to solve at least a hundred problems that we haven’t found solutions to yet. Do you know what this means?”

  The man with glasses swallowed his saliva.

  ”What does it mean?”

  ”It means that this photo is likely to be synthesized, or CG produced using film technology.”

  Hearing Academician Gao’s answer, the man was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

  ”Indeed… we can’t rule out this possibility.”

  Gao Jianhui paused for a moment and continued.

  ”I don’t know much about your work, but in my opinion, many of the assumptions here are not very practical. Let’s put it this way, the entire building is built on unresolved ‘assumptions’, just like the patterns carved on a gold bracelet. What’s valuable is not the patterns, but the gold, so I asked you if you have more photos or information.”

  ”If we knew how to solve those unresolved problems, we could come up with something similar even if we didn’t use this design at all. And solving even one of the technical difficulties can greatly improve our existing mining technology.” ”

  For example, the deep filling mining project my students are currently working on has a difficulty in reducing the friction resistance of the filling material conveying pipeline. If this can be solved, the energy consumption and efficiency of our filling mining can be greatly improved.”

  ”As for what you mean? I can’t answer it, but imagine boldly that if our mining depth can go down another kilometer, the mining cost can be reduced by 50% to 60%, and those mineral deposits that cannot be mined can be utilized…”

  ”Do you think we can find iron ore with a higher grade than Australia and South America? Do you think how much impact this will have on the local economy, national finances, and industrial structure?”

  ”Don’t even mention using it yourself. If we can really make this mining system, I think it will be more than enough for reverse export!”

  The reserve of resources is a relative concept. With the development of mining and surveying technology, the reserve of resources may increase.

  The higher the density of the material, the easier it is to gather downwards during magma activity and rock formation. Therefore, the closer to the center of the earth, the richer the available resources. In comparison, the resources on the surface of the planet are just a little bit of fur.

  Looking at the young man with an increasingly excited expression, Gao Jianhui flicked the ash in the ashtray and laughed and teased.

  ”When did you become so idle? Accompanying an old man like me to daydream.”

  He probably guessed the identity and position of the person in front of him, but he didn’t expect that they would come to him to consult about problems in his professional field.

  After all, what he studies is still a little far from national security.

  The people next door who are engaged in geology and geographic information may be able to get involved.

  Concealing his excited expression, the man with glasses coughed lightly, did not answer the question, and reached out to gently close the laptop.

  ”…About the case we are in charge of, I’m sorry I can’t say too much, this involves top secrets. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to cooperate with our work. Next, please let me take you back.”


  Gao Jianhui put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray and waved his hand.

  ”Next time if you have any questions, just call me directly. It makes people nervous.”

  The man with glasses nodded and was about to get up to open the door for the old academician.

  However, at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, so he tore a piece of paper from the notebook next to him, wrote a string of letters and handed it to the old man.

  Gao Jianhui reached out to take it and glanced at it.

  ”What is this?”

  ”A website.” The

  man with glasses smiled and said, “Although I can’t tell you more details about our case, these photos are all found on the discussion board of this website.”

  The key is that it can’t be stopped.

  The entire website is like a black box. Any information leaked from it is what the black box wants them to know. Any attempt to open the black box has been proven to be ineffective. If you want to block the website, you must block the entire Internet together.

  The most likely speculation now is that the website and the game “Wasteland OL” should be the enlightenment or investigation of human civilization by a certain advanced civilization.

  Considering that many technologies displayed in the game have far exceeded – or even exceeded the current level of civilization on Earth, the whole case has been classified as “third-class contact”.

  As for the motives of this civilization “codenamed X” to contact humans in the solar system, further research is needed.

  But at present, it is at least neutral or above.

  In order to avoid causing a wider range of panic, they decided to temporarily block the news about extraterrestrial civilizations and keep observing with a cautious attitude.



  Academician Gao raised his eyebrows and put the note into his pocket.

  Take a look when you have time.



  Xizhou City. Wu

  Chengyi, who put down the communicator, leaned back in his chair with a heavy expression.

  Just a few minutes ago, he contacted the administrator of the New Alliance through the communication equipment provided by the Burning Corps.

  The other party did not beat around the bush with him, and directly stated the position of the new alliance –

  the new alliance will include Xizhou City in the recovery zone, and build a survivor settlement near Xizhou Lake to accommodate slaves liberated from the plunderers and survivors willing to join the new alliance.

  This is more like a notification than a discussion.

  Thinking of the man’s words on the phone, Wu Chengyi looked at the notebook in his hand.

  The few lines of scribbled handwriting were what he had just written down.

  [Xizhou City Industrial Zone Development Plan, and New Recovery Zone and Survivor Settlement Reconstruction Draft]

  In his opinion.

  This is very much like a big pie.

  It is unknown how long it will take for the war with the Ya Clan to end, and the people of the new alliance have already begun to imagine the future with them.

  But Wu Chengyi admitted that

  this pie does smell good.

  ”Call my deputy… and all the other senior leaders of the resistance organization for me.” Wu Chengyi threw the notebook on the table and said to his assistant.

  The assistant nodded and immediately turned around and left the office.

  After a while, a dozen people walked in from outside.

  Standing here were administrative officials from Hope Town and officers from the guerrillas.

  Everyone present exchanged glances and whispered to each other, not understanding why the mayor had called them here.

  Looking around at everyone present, Wu Chengyi slowly spoke.

  ”Ten minutes ago, I got in touch with the administrator of the New Alliance.”

  This sentence was like a bomb thrown into the crowd. Everyone who heard this sentence showed surprised expressions on their faces.

  Without waiting for his subordinates to ask questions, Wu Chengyi continued.

  ”In general, this call went smoothly. The New Alliance extended an olive branch to us and promised to provide us with aid materials worth 500,000 silver coins, including food, medicine and even weapons that we urgently need… These materials will be delivered in the form of airdrops.”

  He didn’t know what 500,000 silver coins meant.

  But an automatic rifle is 200 silver coins, and a kilogram of green wheat only needs 1~2 silver coins… This is the reference provided to him by the administrator named Chu Guang.

  With this aid, they will undoubtedly be able to overcome the current difficulties more smoothly, and the food shortage and disease problems caused by the plague will also be solved.

  At least to a certain extent.

  This condition can be said to be quite generous, even unbelievably generous. However, it is precisely because of this that people feel abnormal.

  ”I want to know if this is free?” The adjutant standing next to Wu Chengyi asked cautiously.

  ”Of course not.”

  Wu Chengyi paused for a moment and continued.

  ”After the war, the New Alliance will include Xizhou City in the recovery zone.”

  There was silence in the room for a while.

  Everyone looked at each other.

  Although they didn’t know what the recovery zone was, from the meaning of this sentence… The New Alliance intends to include this place in their territory?

  Or to put it bluntly, it is to annex it.

  Wu Chengyi continued.

  ”The New Alliance plans to build Xizhou City into their heavy industrial base in the future. He promised me that after the war, any survivors who are willing to join them can obtain the status of residents of the New Alliance and have equal legal rights and interests with the residents of Shuguang City… including receiving education, participating in the selection of municipal personnel, etc. If you don’t want to join the New Alliance, they won’t interfere as long as we don’t hinder their work.”

  The adjutant standing next to him continued to ask.

  ”What about us?”

  Wu Chengyi replied.

  ”They recognize the guerrillas’ heroic performance in resisting the Ya clan. If we are willing, they will incorporate us into their team. Of course, if we want to change our lifestyle, they will also give us a severance pay at their discretion, and we can decide whether to stay or leave.”

  Hearing this, many senior leaders of the guerrillas breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions relaxed a little.

  The New Alliance is willing to accept them into its team instead of confiscating their weapons, which at least shows that the other party treats them as their own people.

  If they don’t want to continue fighting, they can still get a severance pay, which is also an explanation for those team members who have fought for them.

  However, not everyone is so optimistic.

  A high-ranking member of the resistance organization frowned slightly.

  ”This sounds like alms.”

  Wu Chengyi smiled.

  ”Does it need to sound like this?”

  In fact, it is not a bad thing for someone to be willing to give alms.

  Wu Chengyi knew very well that his people were no different from beggars now, and there was no point in being too entangled in those insignificant things.

  The adjutant looked at him and asked.

  ”What are you going to do?”

  Wu Chengyi did not speak and lit a homemade cigarette.

  ”I haven’t thought about it yet…”

  ”I called you here just to ask your ideas.”

  At this time, the logistics director who had been silent all the time suddenly spoke.

  ”I don’t think joining the new alliance is a bad thing… It’s even better to say that this is our only choice.”

  Everyone looked at him.

  Including Wu Chengyi.

  The logistics director paused for a moment and continued.

  ”There are at least tens of thousands of survivors captured by the Ya Clan… Among them are not only our compatriots, but also the population captured by the plunderers from the central area of ​​the River Valley Province. If the New Alliance returns home with the spoils after the war, the situation we face may be worse than it is now.” A

  huge number of starving people.

  Coupled with the rampant plague.

  If they take over the rescued compatriots, they will be crushed by the food crisis.

  And if they leave those people alone, no matter what reasons they use to explain to the survivors who support them, they will lose the legitimacy of their regime…

  Staring at the burnt cigarette in his hand, Wu Chengyi fell into deep thought.

  After a long time, he spoke.

  ”You are right.”


  Chu Guang originally thought that the guerrilla captain named Wu Chengyi would have to struggle for a week before accepting his proposal.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that he received a reply call that night.

  ”I have a better proposal.” This was Wu Chengyi’s first sentence after the call was connected.

  Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Chu Guang, who was reviewing the documents, stopped what he was doing and raised his eyebrows with interest.


  ”I have discussed with other members of the resistance organization, and we all agree that Xizhou City will have a brighter future under the leadership of the new alliance. You need population and space, and we hope to live with dignity. Since you are willing to accept us, why don’t we just cooperate more thoroughly?”

  After a pause, Wu Chengyi said solemnly in a serious tone.

  ”This is our unanimous decision.”

  ”Please allow us to join your cause!”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang was slightly stunned.

  To be honest, he was a little surprised.

  Before, he considered the various problems that might be faced by annexing Xizhou City by force, so he came up with a relatively mild plan, intending to copy the development model of Shuguang City, so that the local survivors would be attracted by the aura of civilization and voluntarily contribute to the unbreakable alliance.

  What a result. It

  turned out that the other party was more anxious to come in than himself, and he became the one who pretended to be reserved?

  Chu Guang restrained his intriguing expression, cleared his throat while sitting on the sofa, and answered the proposal of the leader of the resistance organization with two words.

  Or request.



  The next morning.

  Xizhou City, an abandoned underground mall connected to the subway tunnel.

  The ragged and numb survivors returned from the secret door of the subway tunnel with shrunken handbags.

  The daytime in Xizhou City belongs to the looters.

  Only when it is completely dark can they go out to scavenge safely.

  Before going back to sleep, the scavengers need to go to the warehouse for exchanging supplies and exchange the garbage they picked up last night for nutritional paste, or exchange the prey they hunted for a few necessities and medicines.

  It is called prey, but it is actually rats.

  For these scavengers, this is almost the only source of meat.

  As for why it is almost…

  it is better not to ask too much during special times.

  As usual, today’s harvest is still pitifully small. The exchanges of fire between the New Alliance and the Bone Chewing Tribe patrols are getting less and less, which means that it is difficult for them to recover the shells dropped by both sides. The

  looters’ tanks have basically driven to the front line, and trucks with machine guns welded on them set off in a mighty manner. Teams of looters went to the south.

  It looked like the war was about to be decided.

  The Bone Chewing Tribe was on the verge of collapse both mentally and physically under the continuous strategic bombing of the New Alliance.

  Even the scavengers could feel that the looters were almost driven crazy by the torture…

  However, it was still not easy for the New Alliance to win the war.

  There were too many looters.

  Discussing when the war would end was the most popular topic in Hope Town. People lined up in front of the warehouse and talked about when the New Alliance would be able to drive away the looters and what they were going to do after the war.

  Whenever they talk about these things, even the most confused people will have more courage to hold on.

  Apart from their families, this is probably the only belief that supports them to keep going.

  At this moment, the sound of the broadcast suddenly came from above everyone’s heads.

  ”After research and decision by the top leaders of the Xizhou City Survivors’ Resistance Movement, starting from the date of this announcement, Hope Town will be formally incorporated into the United Front for the Renaissance of Human Civilization and become part of the New Alliance collective…

  The content of the announcement is very long.

  It includes the date of the formal handover of management rights, the identity of the residents of the New Alliance, the future arrangements of the guerrillas, etc.

  The mayor surnamed Wu spoke for half an hour before stopping.

  However, the scavengers standing at the door of the warehouse and the residents huddled in the shacks enduring hunger did not listen to what he said later.

  They did not even have time to digest the information in the first sentence of the broadcast.

  People stopped talking and exchanged glances and expressions with surprise, joy, surprise, suspicion… and disbelief on their faces.

  Joining the New Alliance?

  This… sounds like a happy event.

  But has this guy really woken up?!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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