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Chapter 322: Airborne management and H1’s first flight!

Chapter 322: Airborne management and H1’s first flight!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 322 Airborne Management and H-1’s First Flight!

  ”The remains of a controlled fusion reactor were discovered in Xizhou City?”

  After hearing the news from Chu Guang, Yin Fang’s face suddenly showed a surprised expression.

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”We have already mastered the relevant insiders and the approximate location of the reactor. The information is likely to be reliable.”

  Yin Fang restrained his surprised expression and thought for a moment before speaking.

  ”…The backup reactor of the underground transportation network, this is incredible news. But even if it is an intact fusion reactor, it has not been started for more than 200 years. It may not be an easy task to repair it.”

  ”And, how do you plan to solve the most critical fuel?”

  Conventional fusion reactors and fusion reactors in shelters are fundamentally different. This difference is not only reflected in the size of the fuel rods, but also in the design concept of the entire device.

  One is a substitute for public facilities, and the other is the energy core of permanent fortifications. The former pursues energy utilization efficiency, while the latter pursues durability.

  Even if the reactor is shut down for more than a century, or even two centuries, the reactor in the shelter can still be restarted after inserting the fuel rods.

  But conventional reactors…

  are likely to be unable to start normally after being shut down for decades.

  In addition to restarting the reactor, there is a more critical issue, that is, the fuel of the reactor.

  80% of the controlled fusion reactors on the land of the Human Alliance use the third-generation controlled fusion technology with completely safe reaction processes and products, that is, the fusion reaction achieved by two helium-3. This process releases a lot of energy while not producing any neutrons.

  However, the problem is…

  there are only two options for large-scale mining of helium-3.

  Either go to Mercury or go to the moon.

  Either one is a bit unrealistic for the new alliance at this stage.

  After listening to Yin Fang’s concerns, Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

  ”Don’t worry about repairing the reactor. According to the intelligence obtained from the front line, Shelter No. 101 in Xizhou City has started repair work on the reactor. Obviously, the residents of the shelter have mastered the relevant technology for repairing the reactor… or they are experts in this field themselves.”

  Yin Fang nodded.

  ”This speculation is reasonable.”

  After a pause, Chu Guang continued.

  ”For the same reason, there is no need to worry too much about the fuel. Since they think it is necessary to repair the reactor, they are likely to have mastered the fuel needed to start the reactor, or… at least mastered the coordinates of the fuel.”

  Yin Fang’s eyes lit up.

  ”That makes sense. If the fuel problem cannot be solved, it is useless to repair the reactor. If it were me, they would definitely not spend that effort.”

  ”So the key now is to contact Shelter No. 101,” Chu Guang smiled, “If we expel the predators in Xizhou City and properly resettle the local survivors, we should be able to gain their trust.”

  Although the door of Shelter No. 101 has been closed again, the other party should retain the ability to observe the ground to determine the next time the door is opened.

  However, it is unknown what specific means are used for observation, and the situation in each shelter is very different.

  Just when Chu Guang was thinking about how to contact the other party, Yin Fang on the side suddenly poured a basin of cold water.

  ”…That’s what I said, but I think you’d better not be too optimistic.”

  Chu Guang looked at him.


  Yin Fang shrugged and continued.

  ”You’ll know from your contact with the blue jackets that they are a group of stubborn and difficult to communicate with. If they judge that the current surface conditions are not suitable for rebuilding their homes, they might just go into the hibernation capsule and lie down until the next century before getting up to work.”

  As if realizing that he had fired a map cannon and AOEed his boss, Yin Fang immediately added a sentence at the end.

  ”Of course, I’m not talking about you… You’re an exception.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile.

  ”It’s okay, even if you count me in, I don’t really care.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Difficult communication is indeed a problem, but we have to give it a try.” After all,

  it’s a controlled fusion reactor.

  Even if the remaining fuel reserves can only be used for twenty years, or even ten years, it can save a lot of development time for the new alliance.

  Players from the old era and the blue jackets who master the core technology can solve some of the development problems in their respective areas of expertise.

  But if you want to achieve overtaking, you still have to rely on the old capital of the People’s Alliance era.

  Leaving the office of the scientific expedition team, Chu Guang stood on the elevator and came to the B4 floor of the shelter, and sat down on the sofa in the browsing room.

  It took ten minutes for Chu Guang to edit a document on the reinforcement plan on the computer and issued instructions to various departments.

  ”The first batch of relief supplies is mainly food, medicine and a small amount of weapons. The airdrop plan will be carried out by the H-1 ‘Dragonfly’ project team of the No. 81 Steel Plant.”

  ”In addition, the new alliance will set up a temporary office in Xizhou City’s Hope Town to complete population statistics, household registration information registration, supply distribution and survivor assistance. ”

  Not only supplies, but also several management personnel will be airdropped. Since Hope Town has become a part of the alliance, the alliance naturally cannot leave them alone.

  Including guerrilla training, rebuilding the management system, taking over logistics, etc…. These tasks will be carried out together with the arrival of relief supplies.

  As for the selection of the office.

  Chu Guang thought for a moment.

  This person should have a sufficient understanding of Xizhou City and have certain experience in resettling and managing refugees.

  The most important thing is that he must stand firmly on the side of the new alliance and not be won over by the old local network of relationships.

  Combining these factors, Chu Guang suddenly thought of a suitable candidate.


  North of Shuguang City.

  Refugee Home Apartment.

  Since taking over more than 600 survivors from Qingshi County, the space here, which originally had no spare space, has become overcrowded.

  In order to solve the problem of insufficient manpower, the logistics department recruited a group of survivors who were literate and had certain management experience from the refugees to serve as assistants.

  As the leader of the refugees in Xizhou City, Ma Ban was naturally recruited into the team of assistants and trained as a reserve talent.

  Ma Ban has always worked very hard.

  Not only because many of these accepted refugees were his compatriots, but also because he was eager to integrate into the New Alliance through this job.

  They are a group of homeless people.

  The New Alliance that is willing to accept them is their only support.

  Even if the Bone Chewing Tribe is defeated, they can’t return to Xizhou City to live, there is no place for them there.

  However, what Ma Ban didn’t expect was that he had just taken up the position of assistant manager of the refugee home for less than two months, and he received a transfer order from the logistics department.

  And it was a transfer order about his hometown.

  ”… Let me be the director of the Alliance’s office in Hope Town?” After hearing what Old Luca said, Maban was stunned.

  Looking at Maban with a surprised face, Old Luca nodded and said in a serious tone.

  ”This is what the administrator meant.”

  Maban couldn’t help asking.

  ”I know it’s the order of the administrator, but why… me.”

  Luca continued.

  ”The administrator said that you know enough about the situation in Xizhou City, and he needs a manager who knows enough about the local situation to represent the New Alliance to work locally.”

  Hearing this, Maban couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

  ”I do know the situation in Xizhou City, but… my relationship with the resistance organization in Xizhou City is not that good.”

  If the relationship was good, he would not have led his people to wander south.

  Seeing through Ma Ban’s concerns, Old Charlie continued.

  ”You don’t have to worry about this. From now on, you represent the New Alliance, not you and your people. We will send people to assist you in your work. You just need to follow our instructions and do a good job of rescuing and resettling the survivors.”

  Hearing that the New Alliance would send people to help him, Ma Ban finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

  It’s okay to understand, but if the people there don’t cooperate with me, it’s useless for me to understand their situation.

  Now there is only one last question left.

  ”The road to Xizhou City has been blocked now, how can I go back?”

  Although Lion Fang was in Qingshi County before, the road from Xizhou City to Qingquan City was not completely blocked. It was still no problem to go around the forest outside the county town after dark.

  But now it’s impossible.

  Songlinyu has become the front line. The highlands on both sides are densely packed with trenches. It is a dream to slip under the eyes of the predators.

  Old Luca smiled and said.

  ”Don’t worry about that. We have prepared a plane for you.”


  Maban was stunned for a moment, and suddenly had a sense of foreboding in his heart.

  It didn’t make him feel uneasy for long.

  As Old Luca’s next words came out, his premonition soon became a reality.

  ”Yes, you will arrive over Xizhou City on the new alliance’s latest equipment H-1, and the elite of the Guards will take you to parachute.”

  Hearing this, Maban was stunned.

  ”Wait, I’ve never jumped–”

  As if he guessed that he would say this, Old Luca gave him a relaxing smile and patted his shoulder comfortingly.

  ”Don’t worry, the Guards are the confidants of the administrator, and they are all professionally trained paratroopers. You don’t need to worry about landing. You just need to obey orders and then take your luggage and appointment letter and set off!”

  Maban: “???”


  Late at night.

  The airport in the north of Shuguang City.

  A propeller plane with a length of nearly 20 meters slowly drove onto the runway.

  Compared with the “little sparrows” in the hangar, which were only five or six meters long on average, this big guy named H-1 “Dragonfly” was obviously more like a serious plane.

  Three electric motors provided it with sufficient power, and the shell made of A3 aerospace aluminum alloy allowed it to better defend against light weapons fire while maintaining its lightweight.

  Although its maneuverability was not as good as the W-2 of Goblin Technology, it had better cruising speed and endurance in long-distance flights.

  Whether it was long-distance transportation or strategic bombing missions, it could easily handle it.

  Even in accordance with the requirements of the managers, it was easy for it to install a 37mm cannon on the side of the fuselage to provide close-range fire support for ground forces.

  ”Brothers, let the little flies of Goblin Technology see what professionalism is! What a real plane is!”


  At the airport, the players of Factory 81 shouted with great enthusiasm and sent the only little player among them who had touched a plane in real life to serve as the pilot.

  As for the candidate for the co-pilot, one of the factory directors, [Yaer I want to go to the toilet], will be appointed.

  The H-1 “Dragonfly” is a two-seater aircraft. Although it is theoretically possible to carry a single load, it is better to put something on the co-pilot’s seat to balance the weight.

  Although Brother Ce Suo has never flown a plane, it is no problem for him to sit in the co-pilot seat to make up the number.

  ”Brother, can you do it?”

  Brother Ce Suo, wearing a pilot’s hat and sitting in the co-pilot seat, said nervously while fastening his seat belt.

  The cost and working hours of the H-1 are more than ten times that of the W-2, especially since this aircraft is the only prototype of the No. 81 Steel Plant.

  Although they have undergone many tests before to ensure that this big guy can fly, it is still the first time to perform a mission on the front line, and he can’t help but be nervous.

  ”Don’t ask me if I can do it. If you can’t stand it, remember to call a halt. This propeller plane can’t even reach 400 km/h. How can it be difficult to fly?” [Unprofessional Anti-Bun] laughed, held the joystick with both hands, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. “Hold on tight!”

  A huge thrust came from his back, and Brother Yasuo was pressed directly on the seat without warning.

  ”I’m asking you a question, where have you flown before?”



  ”Hahaha, just kidding… cough cough, it’s actually a War Thunder.”


  With all his muscles tensed, Brother Ce Suo stared at the speedometer with wide eyes, watching the plane accelerate to the maximum.

  With the roar of the propeller, the landing gear left the ground, and the “dragonfly” with its wings spread raised its huge head and finally rose steadily into the sky.

  Looking at the ground gradually receding outside the cabin, Brother Ce Suo’s pounding heart finally calmed down a little, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”It feels like flying a plane is quite simple.”

  Of course, the main reason is that this guy really knows a little bit.

  As for the fact that he has flown a plane in War Thunder, it should be nonsense.

  Brother Mantou chuckled.

  ”Really? How about you take the wheel?”

  He said as he released the joystick.

  The fuselage tilted slightly, and Brother Ce Suo, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, was so scared that he quickly grabbed the handrail welded to the cockpit and screamed.

  ”Damn it! Don’t mess around.”

  ”Hahaha, don’t be nervous, I’m just joking.” Pig Nose snorted, Mantou grabbed the joystick with a wicked smile, and with a light pull, he skillfully straightened the tilted fuselage back.

  Brother Ce Suo glared at this guy fiercely.

  MMP! I’ll tell

  you your surname if I let you drive it next time!

  ”To be honest, the material of this plane is really hard. Damn, it’s a waste of talent to use it on a propeller plane!” Brother Mantou was still chattering while holding the joystick.

  Too lazy to pay attention to this guy, Brother Ce Suo reached out and turned on the communication switch.

  Clearing his throat, he said seriously.

  ”This is Dragonfly, we have successfully taken off… How far are you from your destination?”

  A familiar voice came from the communication channel accompanied by a noisy electric sound.

  ”We are here, waiting for you… How about you? How long will it take?”

  ”We are on the way, about 20 minutes.”

  ”Don’t worry, pay attention to safety.”

  ”Got it, we will pay attention!”

  Not only was the toilet brother sitting in the co-pilot seat nervous, but also Ma Ban who was tied to the seat in the cabin.

  Feeling the vibration of the seat under him, every cell in his body was trembling. Especially the moment the fuselage tilted just now, almost scared him to death.

  Not to mention his first time parachuting, it was even his first time to fly.

  From the moment he got on the plane, he was panicking.

  ”I always feel that this plane is going to fall apart!”

  ”Relax, it will be over soon, it’s not that exaggerated.” Lu Bei, who was sitting next to him, had a calm expression and even comforted him.

  However, this sentence did not have a comforting effect, but made Ma Ban even more nervous.

  What the hell is it that it will be over soon? !

  Are we talking about skydiving again?

  In addition to the two people, there are four other people on the plane.

  In addition to delivering supplies to Hope Town, this flight also brought three awakened people from the Guards and three logistics management personnel.

  As early as a month ago, the soldiers of the Guards received skydiving training at the airport, and now it has begun to show results.

  Tandem skydiving is one of the training subjects. As long as the person tied to the body does not move around, there will basically be no big problems.

  Ma Ban’s thoughts were in a mess.

  At this time, the alarm sounded in the cabin, and his nerves were instantly tense.

  ”What happened?!”

  ”Don’t be nervous, we are almost at the location,” Lu Bei threw him a nylon buckle, “Take it, I will tie you to me in a while.”

  Ma Ban stared at the sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy. No matter how you look at it, this guy is just a child, not very reliable.

  ”How, how to tie it?”

  Lu Bei said patiently.

  ”Turn your back to me, and leave the rest to me.”


  In the night sky.

  A nearly 20-meter-long plane flew over Xizhou City and dropped a string of parachutes in the night.

  Under the cover of the night, a group of guerrilla soldiers, led by four players, quietly approached the box. After

  carefully observing the surrounding situation, Ye Shi gestured to the back.


  The guerrilla soldiers filed out of the darkness, approached the airdrop box, and dragged it into the alley on the side.

  When they saw the bags of dry food hanging in the airdrop box, everyone’s face showed surprise, even excitement.

  Sheep’s horn potatoes!

  And baked and fried green wheat cakes!

  Many people have only eaten a piece of nutritional paste from noon to now. Seeing these foods in front of them, they have begun to swallow their saliva.

  Ye Shi’s face also had a surprised expression.

  But he was not surprised by the things in the box, but by the size of the box.

  ”Mosquito’s plane can hold so many things?”

  The box is one meter long and wide.

  It doesn’t look like Mosquito’s small plane can hold it.

  Lao Bai looked up at the sky.

  ”It doesn’t look like a mosquito plane… The one who just connected with us was Brother Ce Suo. I heard that Factory 81 is also making planes. Maybe it’s new equipment we haven’t seen before.”

  Ye Shi was surprised.

  ”Damn, I didn’t see them showing off on the forum.”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”Who knows, maybe they want to hold back their big moves.”

  Walking to the side of the ecstatic guerrillas, Fang Chang looked at everyone and said.

  ”You guys take the supplies back first, we still need to pick up a few people here.”

  Restraining the excitement on his face, the guerrilla leader looked at him and said.

  ”Is it okay with just a few of you? I’ll take a few people with you!”

  ”No need,” Fang Chang patted the assault rifle hanging on his chest and said with a smile, “A few of us are enough, you just wait for us at the entrance of the subway station!”

  Although he was still a little worried, the guerrilla leader nodded.

  ”Then be careful.”


  When his feet left the cabin, Maban felt as if his heart was frozen. It was not until his feet touched the ground that his frantic heartbeat returned to his chest.

  While floating in the air, he thought more than once, what if the parachute did not open, what if the predators saw their parachutes. Fortunately,

  this did not happen…

  Maban sat on the ground, gasping for breath. This was the first time that he had such a feeling in his heart – it was so good to have his butt touching the ground.

  After undoing the nylon buckle, Lv Bei, who was a dozen years younger than him, cut the parachute rope with a dagger and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”Hurry up and get up. It will be troublesome if the patrol of the predators wanders here.”

  When he heard the predators, Ma Ban’s relaxed mood suddenly became tense, and he jumped up from the ground.

  ”What should we do now?”

  ”Go to the assembly point on the map to meet up with others,” Lv Bei said calmly after taking out the Pu-9 submachine gun, “A team of the Burning Corps is waiting for us there.”

  The whole airborne process was safe and sound.

  Six people and three groups all landed.

  Looking at these NPCs who were embarrassed but not seriously injured, Ye Shi couldn’t help but smacked his tongue.

  ”How come they are all fine?”

  Even after so many parachuting, there are still unlucky children in the Corps who died in various accidents.

  Kuangfeng replied casually.

  ”Maybe because they only have one life, they practice more seriously.”

  Ye Shi suddenly realized.

  ”Fuck, it makes sense!”

  Thinking about it carefully, it really makes sense.

  If this game was more hardcore, and the sequence level was reset directly after death, I guess those idiots who had to show off and open the parachute at the extreme distance would be more restrained…

  One night.

  The New Alliance airdropped nearly 12 tons of food to Xizhou City, as well as antibiotics, weapons, ammunition and other supplies that were urgently needed in the local area.

  Along with this batch of supplies, there were also three soldiers from the Guards Regiment and three managers from the Logistics Department.

  Not disappointing the expectations of the managers, Ma Ban took the lead in establishing the Alliance Office as soon as he arrived in Hope Town, and took over the warehouse and refugee relief work in Hope Town.

  Seeing old acquaintances standing together with the people of the New Alliance, Wu Chengyi and other Hope Town managers were surprised, but did not say anything.

  Because of the migration, they had some conflicts with each other, but that was also a helpless move for survival, and the two sides were not to the extent of enemies.

  On the contrary, after seeing that the survivors of Xizhou City were also reused by the Alliance, everyone was relieved in their hearts.

  It seems that the manager did not lie to them.

  The person in charge of the connection with Ma Ban is Yang Duo, the head of logistics of the resistance organization.

  Considering that he was the first official in the management to support joining the alliance, Wu Chengyi felt that if he were to take on this job, there would be less resistance.

  Of course, the most important thing is that the two of them had a little friendship before.

  Although only a little…

  (37.6 degrees, a little low fever, I feel better after taking medicine, it should be the flu. I didn’t eat glutinous rice balls for the Lantern Festival this year, I only took medicine… said I was overdrawn enough. If I really can’t bear it, I usually won’t ask for leave. TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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