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Chapter 324 The Rainbow Passing Through the Clouds

Chapter 324 The Rainbow Passing Through the Clouds


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 324 The rainbow that pierces the clouds

  The rain is pouring down.

  In the valley five kilometers south of Songlinyu, tanks passed through the gate one after another, surrounded by the predator infantry, and rushed to the front line in the south.

  According to the battle plan formulated by Dillon, they will take advantage of the rain to attack the defense line of the New Alliance.

  At that time, the aircraft of the New Alliance will definitely risk their lives to attack their armored clusters, but under the interference of the rainstorm, those aircraft are not to be feared.

  The quadruple anti-aircraft guns have been aimed at the sky, whether it is 7mm or 12mm.

  Opening the hatch, Bagro half-sticked out of the tank’s turret, and the gunner sitting at his feet immediately complained.

  ”Hey, you let the rain in!”

  ”This little water is fine…”

  Ignoring that guy, Bagro raised the telescope and looked at the sky in the south, and a few ravines squeezed out of his brows.

  ”I always feel something is wrong.” It

  was too bright in the distance.

  Although he couldn’t tell what was wrong, he always felt that it was different from the usual rain.

  ”What could go wrong?” the driver said with a smile, “We just need to run over their trenches, and they will scatter like cockroaches in the sewer.”

  ”If only it were that simple.” Bagro chuckled and got back into the tank.

  On second thought, it seemed so.

  Even if the other party played some tricks, so what?

  In front of the tank tracks, any conspiracy was a joke.

  Bagro took off the intercom hanging on the inside of the turret and shouted to the other tanks in the formation.

  ”Speed ​​up!”

  ”We have to cover our infantry to rush to their high ground before the rainstorm ends!”

  The tanks of the Ya clan are usually commanded by a tanker from the legion, and the driver, gunner and loader are all trained predators.

  Of course, not every tank is like this.

  The 27 tanks were divided into 5 echelons and advanced forward in the formation of an arrow.

  In the gap between the arrows, in addition to the quadruple anti-aircraft trucks, there was also an overstaffed team of 100 people.

  The tank formation led by Bagro had a total of seven tanks, acting as the vanguard of the attack. The centurion of the hundred-man team following behind them was led by a plunderer named Wabu.

  This awakened person with barbarian blood was once a bounty hunter, active in the Bugela Free State known as the “City of Sin”. Because of his desire for blood and spoils, he took the initiative to join the banner of the Bone Chewing Tribe.

  And most of his subordinates were the same.

  They were more fierce and cruel than ordinary plunderers. Some of them were gladiators in the arena, some were private soldiers of slave owners, and even guards of caravans. Although the reasons for joining the Ya Clan were different, their desire for the most primitive Yuxuan was the same.

  As a captive, falling into their hands would not be much better than falling into the hands of other plunderers. Even many of the tribesmen of the Bone Chewing Tribe learned many of their ways of abusing captives from these outsiders.

  Singing war songs, Wabu led his people forward in the rain.

  However, at this moment, a “Duang” sound came from the side, splashing mud and water several meters high, scaring the people who were walking, and they all lay down to the side.

  The singing stopped abruptly.

  However, the expected explosion did not happen.

  Wabu got up from the ground angrily, wiped the mud and water on his face, strode towards the mud pit that was smashed by something, and grabbed a person at random.

  ”What happened just now?!”

  The grabbed plunderer said nervously.

  ”Yes, something fell from the sky.”

  ”Nonsense, I’m not blind, I’m asking you what the thing that just fell was!” Wabu pushed the man with his big hand, pushing him to stagger, then stretched out his thick finger, pointed at the mud pit, and said, “I’ll go and take a look.”

  What good things could fall from the sky?

  He didn’t dare to go over to take a look.

  If it exploded just as he walked over, he would be in trouble for eight lifetimes.

  ”Yes, yes!”

  Although the predator was afraid, he did not dare to resist. He trotted towards the mud pit and saw a deformed steel pipe stuck in it – or something similar.

  Out of curiosity, he squatted on the ground and reached out to touch it, but soon pulled his hand back as if he had been electrocuted.

  ”Hiss -”

  It’s so cold!

  It almost froze a layer of skin off his fingers!

  Wabu shouted in a rough voice.

  ”What is that?”

  ”I don’t know, it’s just an iron can, about this size, empty inside…” The predator stood up and answered, gesturing with his hands to make a rough shape.

  Although Wabu didn’t see it clearly, he was still relieved a little.

  Just now he thought it was a bomb dropped by the New Alliance plane, but now it seems that it shouldn’t be.

  Come to think of it, where did the plane come from in the sky

  ? Dropping bombs above the clouds?

  It would be a coincidence if it hit people!

  Wabu opened his voice and called on the loose team to regroup.

  ”Maybe it’s a misfired rocket. Whatever it is, let’s ignore it for now. Put a branch next to it to remind the people behind us to stay away. Let’s keep moving forward! Set off towards victory!”


  Above the clouds.

  An H-1 “Dragonfly” general-purpose aircraft is dragging a fairy-like white mist, soaring above the milky white clouds.

  Look carefully, a layer of white frost has condensed on the tail of the aircraft.

  Standing at the open rear cabin door, Brother Tosuo, wearing a heavy cotton coat and a rope tied behind his back, is reaching out to hold an aluminum alloy ammunition rack fixed on the cabin slide rail.

  This thing was originally used to hold 37mm shells, but now it is filled with one-meter-long high-pressure steel cylinders.

  These high-pressure steel cylinders are fixed with iron wires, and the bottle mouths are open, pouring white solid-liquid mixtures out of the cabin continuously.

  In human terms, it’s dry ice!

  And this is also the source of the white mist!

  In fact, the production of dry ice is actually very simple. The carbon dioxide or air in container A is liquefied by pressurizing it, and then the pressure is reduced after cooling, so that it quickly absorbs a large amount of heat, causing the carbon dioxide in container B to quickly condense into a snowflake-like solid.

  The whole process does not involve any chemical reaction, it is a purely physical process. Generally speaking, if there are conditions to make high-pressure steel cylinders, dry ice can be made.

  Since it is uncertain whether the specific demand for dry ice for artificial rainfall is ten kilograms or one hundred kilograms, they simply carried three times the recommended upper limit – that is, three hundred kilograms, and flew around the entire airspace several times.

  ”Done… Man proposes, God disposes.”

  After pouring the last bit of dry ice, Brother Ce Suo turned the winch hard, closed the hatch, took a long breath, took off his gloves, and stuffed them into his pockets.

  Brother Levin went forward to check the ammunition rack, and his brows suddenly frowned.

  ”Why is there one less?”

  Brother Ce Suo, who was resting, raised his head.

  ”One of what?”

  ”Gan! What else can it be, a high-pressure steel cylinder!”

  Brother Ce Suo was stunned.


  ”Oh, your head!” Levin couldn’t help but spit, “Didn’t I tell you? Keep your eyes on it and don’t fall down, why did you still fall down?”

  Brother Ce Suo rolled his eyes: “How the hell can I see it? It was so foggy just now! And didn’t you tie the high-pressure cylinder?” Brother

  Levin said with a worried look.

  ”What should I do? What if it’s picked up by the other side.”

  Brother Ce Suo comforted him.

  ”Who cares! Anyway, the dry ice inside has run out. Even if it is picked up, the other side may not be able to tell what it is.”

  There seems to be nothing wrong with saying this.

  Brother Levin was slightly relieved.

  At this time, the unprofessional Fan Man sitting in the cockpit shouted.

  ”What are you arguing about? Have you finished pouring the dry ice? Do you still need to take a walk?”

  Brother Levin sat back in his seat, fastened his seat belt and shouted.

  ”It’s finished, let’s return.”


  The fuselage tilted to one side.

  The H-1 Dragonfly turned its nose and began to return.

  For this “rainstorm plan”, the New Alliance Operations Command has formulated two plans, one is to use rockets to hit silver iodide, and the other is to use airplanes to spray dry ice.

  If neither of them works,

  then it will not work.

  Nothing in this world is certain to happen, and nothing will never happen.

  Maybe this large piece of dark cloud is silent, maybe this heavy rain fell solemnly, but it fell alone, maybe the other party is not waiting for the weather to change… These are not impossible.

  All plans are just based on speculation based on limited intelligence.

  Chu Guang was not 100% sure that the other party would immediately “all in” all their chips after seeing this rainstorm.

  However, from the low-altitude aerial footage taken by the drone, Chu Guang knew that he had made the right bet.

  Twenty-seven Conqueror No. 10 tanks poured out of the explosion-proof cave, and at the same time, fifty modified anti-aircraft trucks followed closely behind.

  The 100mm artillery deployed in the rear began to fire at the New Alliance’s position, and hundreds of shells were poured in just a few minutes.

  It seemed to be a retaliation for the previous rocket bombardment, but in fact it was covering the advance of the main force.

  The Ya Clan chose to put all their belongings on the line.

  The New Alliance had also made preparations long ago.

  The players squatting on the front line were rubbing their hands and waiting for battle!


  Inside the anti-artillery cave.

  Listening to the deafening explosion outside, the debt-ridden big-eyed man squatting by the wall couldn’t help but exclaimed.

  ”My God… When did these bandits become so rich?”

  In the past, the Ya Clan’s artillery bombardment was only two or three rounds and then stopped.

  Unlike this time, round after round, they didn’t seem to stop after ten minutes.

  Because of the rain, some water filled the anti-artillery cave, but fortunately, the players had considered the impact of the weather before, and dug drainage ditches in the trenches and anti-artillery caves in advance. Although the rainstorm was a bit urgent, the impact was not great.

  Lying next to the observation port of the anti-artillery cave, holding the edge of the sighting mirror and paddling in the water, he suddenly spoke excitedly.

  ”Enemy tanks appeared on the opposite hill! A total of seven!”

  Here they come!

  The looters really couldn’t sit still!

  ”Seven? Isn’t it twenty-seven?” The construction site boy and brick, holding a rifle, counted on their fingers.

  The debt-eyes sitting next to him rolled their eyes.

  ”You are stupid, twenty-seven is all the tanks added up. The other side is not stupid, how can they squeeze all the tanks into a ball and send them to us? Not to mention the traffic jam, the infantry behind can’t keep up.”

  The construction site boy and brick nodded suddenly.

  ”That makes sense!”

  Debt-eyes has already put on the headset connected to the neural connection device, eager to try.

  ”Do you want to release the drone?”

  Edge Water said in a deep voice.

  ”Don’t worry! Wait until all the tanks on the opposite side enter the range before fighting! Let’s try to annihilate them at once and don’t give them a chance to retreat!”

  Debt-eyes said excitedly: “Okay!” The

  Death Corps is stationed on the high ground on the south side of Songlinyu.

  After nearly a month of continuous fighting, the level of the Death Corps has been upgraded to LV21, and the upper limit of the number of people has also been increased to 300.

  It is much easier to upgrade the corps level than the character sequence level, especially now that we are in a wartime state, it is the time to accumulate merits.

  As the first direction in the north of Qingshi County, the high ground on the south side of Songlinyu is the best place to block the enemy’s armored forces.

  The command issued by the headquarters is to destroy the enemy tanks at all costs and prevent the Ya clan’s predators from rushing to the high ground.

  Edge of the water’s idea is more radical.

  He not only has to stop those iron coffins that are rushing here, but also let those predators who are charging with the tanks stay here!

  Turning on the VM, Edge of the Water placed the support fire coordinates on the map, pressed the communication button and shouted loudly.

  ”…This is the Death Corps, calling for artillery support, coordinates in the middle area of ​​Songlinyu, covering five rounds of shooting!”

  A calm voice came from the communication channel.

  ”The headquarters received the artillery order.”

  The communication ended.

  The sound of artillery fire on the position gradually stopped.

  The enemy’s tanks have advanced into the range of the battle.

  Edgewater switched the communication channel to the team voice and looked back at his comrades.

  ”Everyone, take your machine guns and anti-tank weapons to the battle position immediately!”

  ”The enemy’s tanks are close at hand, but victory will eventually belong to us!”

  ”Let the forest at the foot of our mountain become their grave!”

  He was responded to by uniform but uneven calls.

  ”Got it!”

  ”Fuck him!”


  At the same time, the airport in the north of Shuguang City sounded a loud alarm.

  ”Board the plane!”

  With the order of Mosquito, the little players of the Goblin Corps flight group ran to their respective vehicles.

  A total of fifty W-2 ground attack aircraft drove onto the runway from the hangar one after another.

  The tall 10mm cannon and the iconic 100 kg bombs, even the heavy rain could not hide the cold light.

  Mosquito, who was sitting on the plane, put on a pilot’s hat. While checking the weapon system and instruments, he couldn’t help but glance at the big guy parked not far away.

  H-1, a three-engine propeller aircraft, is the latest product of Factory 81.

  I heard that the bastard next door even gave this thing a name called “Dragonfly”. It’s obvious that he was referring to me.

  But to be honest, compared with the 20-meter-long fuselage, the small plane under my crotch does look like a fly.

  But Mosquito is not envious. So

  what if it’s big?

  This thing is like a coffin board when flying in the sky.

  In air combat, speed is king!

  ”Haha, wait!”

  Mosquito has already thought about it.

  When his W-3 is made, the name will be Frog!

  Connotating me?


  At this moment, the whole team’s voice channel was noisy.

  ”Coach! Are you sure this broken – I mean, can this plane really fly in the rain?” Luo Yu, who was sitting in the cockpit, shouted nervously.

  ”It’s okay! I made it waterproof!” Mosquito answered casually.

  ”But, but if the battery is hit by a bullet…”

  Hearing this stupid question, Mosquito laughed.

  ”Be more confident. Even if it’s sunny, if your battery is hit by a burst of bullets, you’ll still be screwed.”

  Luo Yu: “Damn it!”

  He locked the team channel voice of his teammates, and the chattering sound stopped abruptly.

  Mosquito cleared his throat and shouted with his duck-like voice.

  ”Don’t think too much, just follow me and step on the accelerator to the bottom, and it’s done! Ole Gei!”

  The propeller smashed the tiny raindrops.

  Mosquito, who stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, held the joystick tightly and pulled up the nose of the plane at the moment when the speed reached the threshold.

  One W-2 ground attack aircraft took off one after another and rushed towards the sky above Songlinyu in the north direction.

  Reaching the predetermined altitude, Mosquito connected to the friendly channel through VM.

  ”…This is Mosquito! We are on the way! What’s the situation on the front line?”

  The voices in the communication channel were noisy.

  From time to time, there was a roar of explosions.

  Hearing the chaotic sound, Mosquito couldn’t help but smack his tongue.

  Good guy.

  The fight has already started!

  After a chaotic noise, the voice of the old man from the edge soon came from the opposite side.

  ”…This is the Death Corps! The enemy tanks have entered the combat range and are firing at us! Damn, how long do you have?!”


  ”Give me a specific time!” Edge shouted.

  ”Twenty minutes! We are moving at full speed!” Mosquito shouted after stepping on the electric switch, “Hold on!”


  The position on the south side of Songlinyu.

  The tanks below the high ground raised their muzzles, and the 100mm main guns kept bombarding the high ground, suppressing the firepower on the high ground.

  The armored spearheads of the Ya clan have all entered the battlefield.

  The first echelon chose to attack the front of the position, and the second and third echelons spread out to the sides, preparing to launch an attack from three directions at the same time.

  The artillery fire of the New Alliance also arrived at the battlefield at the same time. The

  100mm grenades fell from the sky, raising rolling dust in the forest, causing considerable casualties to the predators following the tanks.

  However, these shells were still too weak for Conqueror X, and the fragments and shock waves from the explosion could only scratch the armor at most.

  The anti-tank barricades distributed at the edge of the forest restricted the tank’s route, but it was obviously not enough to completely block heavy tanks like Conqueror X by relying on these fortifications.

  However, the players stationed here also prepared other surprises for these tanks…

  A tank drove along the edge of the forest, covering a team of ten predators, and went around to the left side of the New Alliance position.

  As the vanguard of the attack, they will be the first to rush to the high ground and occupy the trenches dug by the New Alliance on the high ground.

  However, at this moment, a wooden board covered with grass was suddenly lifted up on the muddy ground not far from the tank, and a man covered in mud and water jumped out.

  He had a circle of explosives wrapped around his waist, and his whole body was covered in mud, like a demon in the swamp. The surrounding predators were all stunned and had no idea what was going on.

  The first to react was the centurion who led the team, and he quickly raised the submachine gun in his hand.

  However, when he pulled the trigger, it was too late.

  The man looked at the tank as if he had seen a treasure. Without saying a word, he pulled out the fuse of the explosives and rushed to the tank’s track.

  His mouth was filled with mud and water, but he still shouted excitedly.

  ”Mother Niu–!”


  The flames of the explosion shot up into the sky!

  Caught off guard, the ten-man team following the tank fell down in an instant like wheat being cut, with heavy casualties!

  The tank that served as a bunker was also covered with flying meat and gunpowder slag.

  With a creaking sound, the right track rolled off the road wheel, and the moving tank tilted and the body of the car hit the tree trunk directly.

  Wabu, who was standing at the rear to supervise the battle, was stunned when he saw the 10-man squad wiped out in an instant and the tank that had broken down. He couldn’t help but curse.

  ”Damn it! What was that thing that just jumped out of the ground?!”

  The younger brother holding a rifle said tremblingly.

  ”Okay, it looks like a person.”

  ”A person?!” Wabu’s eyes widened, and his face was full of confusion.

  Are these people going to die? !

  The attacked tank adjusted its posture and pointed its front toward the high ground. The top cover of the turret was opened, and the commander coughed and stuck half of his head out of the turret and shouted to the infantry behind him.

  ”Our tracks are broken–”

  Before he could finish his words, bullets whizzed down the hillside, and the commander was so scared that he quickly hid back in the turret. The armor

  was scratched by bullets and clanged. The angry tank immediately turned the turret, and the coaxial machine gun fired at the hillside, and the main gun also fired a 100mm high-explosive shell.

  However, the people there had already moved away, and this shot did not hit anything except chewing off a layer of grass.

  Half of his body was exposed from the turret, and Bagro used the hatch to protect the back of his head, and shouted loudly to Wab who was following the tank.

  ”Wab, tell your people to watch their feet! Those blue coats have dug tunnels under the high ground! There must be a lot of people hiding inside!”

  Hearing the roar of Bagro, the captain of the armored formation, Wab immediately reacted and shouted at his teammates.

  ”Everyone, watch your feet!”

  ”If you see anything suspicious, stab me with a bayonet!”

  More than one tank broke down, and soon people kept coming out from underground, rushing to the tanks next to them regardless of everything.

  Five of the seven tanks in the first echelon broke down instantly, and the remaining two tanks did not dare to continue charging, so they could only stop where they were to cover their teammates.

  The marauders who followed the tanks to the foot of the high ground could only stick to the bunkers tightly, enduring the machine gun fire and mortar bombardment above their heads.

  Dillon, standing on the high ground on the north side, held a telescope in his hand and stared at the front with a frown.

  In just ten minutes, the infantry advancing with the tanks had been reduced by 40%, and the first echelon had broken tracks one after another.

  The New Alliance probably knew that they could not break the armor of Conqueror No. 10, so they aimed at the relatively fragile tracks and even launched a suicide attack.

  The fighting spirit of these people is amazing.

  But it is too naive to expect to block his armored spearhead with such a pediatric method.

  He has a full 27 tanks, 50 anti-aircraft trucks, and five thousand-man teams waiting on the battlefield.

  Once the high ground on the south side of Songlinyu is broken, his armored forces can go straight into the urban area of ​​Qingshi County, and even take Yuanxi Town, which is only 20 kilometers away from the northernmost end of Shuguang City.

  By then, the New Alliance will no longer have any strategic points to defend!

  Picking up the walkie-talkie, Dillon gave an order in a deep voice.

  ”Follow the fourth and fifth echelons and attack along the forward route of the first echelon!”

  After that, he looked at Xiong Ya standing aside.

  ”Prepare for the second round of offensive! Let your infantry catch up!”

  Xiong Ya nodded excitedly.


  The ten tanks waiting on the high ground on the north side began to set off, accompanied by twenty anti-aircraft trucks and five hundred-man teams.

  The murderous aura filled the rain.

  Dillon narrowed his eyes slightly.

  He seemed to have seen the scene of the New Alliance’s position being crushed by tank tracks.

  However, at this moment, the water drops sliding down the brim of his hat suddenly stopped.

  Dillon was slightly stunned, raised his head and looked at the sky, his pupils suddenly shrank.

  I saw that the original thick quilt-like dark clouds seemed to be torn apart by something, leaving only a thin cloud like a veil, and even revealing the blue sky behind.

  The looming blue was like a crack printed on a stone slab.

  Dillon seemed to see a rainbow indistinctly… I

  heard the whispers of my subordinates beside me.

  ”Why did the rain stop?”

  ”It’s only been raining for an hour…”

  ”How can such heavy rain stop so suddenly…”

  ”Come to think of it, usually there will be strong winds when it rains heavily, but there is no wind today.”

  The cold liquid ran across Dillon’s forehead.

  He could no longer tell whether it was cold sweat or raindrops.

  Artificial rainfall…

  It was actually artificial rainfall!

  He had fought in the north and the Great Rift Valley for a whole year and had seen all kinds of tactics, but this was the first time he had encountered such a bizarre idea. The opponent predicted his plan and used the trick to send him a rain…

  He was careless!

  In the rainbow in the distance, Dillon vaguely saw a number of black dots, which were lined up in neat formations from the edge of the clouds and dived towards the position below. There

  was a trace of fear in his eyes, and his face no longer had a relaxed expression. He pulled out the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly.

  ”Anti-aircraft convoy! Watch your heads!”

  ”Enemy planes are attacking!!”

  (I feel like I got the infection through the Internet… It starts with the upper respiratory tract infection, then the throat, then the bronchi, and then the coughing. But I haven’t stopped updating, so I’m proud of it. Don’t say I’m short anymore, it’s really not short. TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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