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Chapter 325 Never retreat!

Chapter 325 Never retreat!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 325 Never retreat!

  ”Team A, follow me! Team B, C, flank! Keep your eyes on your respective targets. Even if you only have one dive, you must drop the bombs before you die!”

  ”For the alliance!”


  After shouting the final order, Mosquito unlocked the microphone permissions of all the team members, and the communication channel was instantly filled with the excited shouts of the players.


  Fifty W-2 ground attack aircraft tilted their fuselages, and three teams split into three directions and began to dive towards the ground.

  The 10mm machine guns sprayed flames.

  The propeller planes with flashing gun flames were like lancers descending from the sky, raining death from the sky.

  Caught off guard by the rain of bullets, the marauders who followed the tanks to charge dodged and fled to the woods ahead as if they were desperate.

  At the same time, the tank commander who led the fourth and fifth echelons forward shouted in an almost crazy voice.

  ”Forward! Full speed!”

  ”Who dares to retreat–”

  ”I’ll kill him with my own hands!”

  This is the most correct choice.

  Facing a dive-bombing plane, stopping or retreating is the stupidest choice.

  Only by rushing into the pine forest at a downhill speed can you get a glimmer of hope.

  The ten tanks rushing to the front line have increased their horsepower to the maximum. The predator who rushed into the woods first threw smoke bombs to cover the tanks behind.

  The battlefield was filled with smoke.

  At the same time, the fifty quadruple anti-aircraft vehicles that followed the tank troops to the front line also sprayed flames into the sky.

  The machine guns of these anti-aircraft vehicles have different calibers. Although Dillon originally planned to use 12mm heavy machine guns in series for all fifty trucks, the airborne operations of the Burning Corps destroyed many modified production lines, resulting in a large part of the quadruple anti-aircraft machine guns using 7mm small water pipes.

  But even so, the firepower of 50X4 machine guns firing at the same time is quite fierce.

  The bullets that shot from the ground to the sky were like snowflakes flying in the opposite direction. In a flash, two gliders caught fire, hastily dropped their bombs, and fell into the woods.

  ”Fuck… these dogcoins actually made tracer bullets!”

  The cabin was pierced by two bullet holes, and it almost grazed its thigh. Mosquito turned the fuselage with a curse, avoiding the anti-aircraft machine guns that bit it while looking for an opportunity to dive.

  These predators probably learned from the last lesson, and this time they actually mixed copper salts into a few warheads! After a while, a pale green tracer shot from the ground to the sky.

  Although the tracer was weak and few due to the production process and output, it was enough to help the machine gunners correct the trajectory of the shooting.

  ”I’m going to fight you!”

  Luoyu, whose cabin was overturned by a volley of bullets, screamed, and simply stopped dodging, stepped on the accelerator to the maximum, and rushed directly to the nearest tank.

  Seeing the plane rushing straight towards him, the tank commander was so scared that he peed himself on the spot. He immediately went back to the turret and yelled at the driver to dodge.

  However, it was too late.

  The plane that was shot into a sieve burst into flames, but just a second before the battery exploded, a bomb separated from the fuselage.

  The huge bomb hit the turret of the Conqueror No. 10 almost together with the wreckage of the plane. With a deafening explosion, the dust and splashed soil were thrown into the air more than ten meters high.

  A four-mounted anti-aircraft truck was too close and its engine was paralyzed on the spot. The driver and co-pilot had their internal organs shattered by the shock wave and died of bleeding from their mouths and noses.

  As for the tank?

  The part where the turret was connected to the body was obviously sunken. Although it was not blown away and there was no fire, the crew inside was obviously dead.

  [Congratulations to the player “Luo Yu” for successfully taking the first tank kill in this battle. 】

  【Since the player chose to make the achievement public, the achievement will be counted in the relevant entries of “Songlinyu Battle”…】

  ”Good brother! See you in three days!”

  Looking at the line of words floating on the VM, Mosquito mourned for his little apprentice for a few seconds, then took a deep breath, turned on the buzzer, and pressed the joystick.

  ”I’m going all out!”

  One plane after another turned around and fell straight down.

  Not shot down.

  But diving.

  The piercing screams were like a horn, and both tanks and infantry dodged and fled as if they had no life. In the eyes of those predators, those planes spewing flames seemed to be no longer planes, but the sickle of the god of death. The

  firepower net of anti-aircraft guns could not stop them at all.

  Often when one plane was blown up, the second plane would soon rush out in the gap of the firepower net, and then crash into them regardless of everything…

  ”Are they crazy?” Looking at the fighters that came one after another, Xiong Ya, who was standing on the high ground on the north side, was full of fear in his eyes.

  In just a few minutes, five tanks were scrapped, and the remaining five tanks rushed into the pine forest in a panic.

  Although they temporarily avoided the crisis, they were caught in an awkward dilemma.

  It was not only the Conqueror No. 10 tanks that continued to suffer casualties, but also their quadruple anti-aircraft trucks. Those blood-thirsty planes were no longer limited to tanks, but instead launched dives on all targets they could attack.

  And it was a nearly suicidal dive!

  Dillon frowned.

  Compared with the opponent’s desperate attack method, what concerned him more was the opponent’s almost unreasonable tactical choice.

  To be honest, when the rain just stopped, his heart almost stopped beating for two seconds. Because it was expected that the opponent’s pilots would not fight in heavy rain, their anti-aircraft forces were almost all deployed on the high ground on the north side, waiting for an opportunity to move.

  Once those planes chose the first, second, and third echelons, a total of 17 tanks, as their attack targets, it would be difficult for the anti-aircraft firepower with a spacing of two kilometers to form an effective deterrent. There is no doubt that they would suffer heavy losses.

  Dillon thought that if he were in charge, he would order the air force to prioritize the tanks that lost their ability to move due to broken shoes, and evacuate the battlefield before the anti-aircraft forces arrived, waiting for the opportunity to launch a second round of air strikes.


  the New Alliance’s aircraft, contrary to their usual practice, recklessly concentrated their firepower on the fourth and fifth echelons on the move.

  This was almost like rushing towards the face of the anti-aircraft trucks.

  This moth-to-flame attack could be said to have “little effect”, and many aircraft were shot into sieves on the way to the dive.

  Although they lost a lot of anti-aircraft trucks, compared to the precious tanks, that loss was negligible.

  As long as we can wipe out all the New Alliance’s planes, what does it matter if their anti-aircraft trucks are all destroyed? Those anti-aircraft weapons are originally prepared for planes…

  Dillon frowned.

  ”I want to know more about what they are planning.”

  Tumen probably guessed what his boss was thinking, and said after thinking for a moment.

  ”Maybe in their eyes, those tanks that have lost their ability to move are not a big deal? Since the other party has seen our deployment, they must have guessed our intentions. Once our fourth and fifth echelons meet with the first echelon, attacking one point will inevitably tear a gap in their defense line.”

  ”It makes sense to think so, but it doesn’t make sense,” Dillon said in a deep voice, “Compared with the fourth and fifth echelons, the second and third echelons distributed on both sides are obviously more threatening. After all, from their point of view, Songlinyu will definitely not be able to be defended, and consuming our tanks as much as possible is the best solution.”


  the New Alliance thinks that they can block them with a few trenches.

  Dillon curled his lips.

  What a big appetite.

  Aren’t you afraid of being stuffed to death!

  Xiongya listened to the conversation between the two with a blank face, not understanding what they were talking about.

  What is the best solution?

  The planes on the other side have been completely destroyed. With so many people attacking a mountain, they can drown the other side with a single spit!

  Dillon raised his telescope and observed the high ground on the south side.

  Although the assault troops suffered heavy casualties under the machine gun fire, the opposite side was obviously the same. People were constantly shot into sieves by machine guns or bombed into the sky by the 100mm main guns of tanks.

  The soldiers of the New Alliance brought out recoilless guns, but ordinary armor-piercing shells could not break the armor of Conqueror No. 10, and could not even stop its forward speed for a second.

  Looking at the sparks bursting from the tank armor and the distance of only 20 meters, Dillon’s mouth curled up a sneer.

  ”It’s over.”

  When his infantry followed the tanks into the trenches, what awaited the defenders on the opposite side would be a massacre! As soon as

  the voice fell, Dillon was about to put down the telescope, but at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

  To be precise, it was not one, but a group.

  Six-rotor drones took off vertically from the trenches, and after a short hover, they jumped out like arrows from a string.

  The moment he saw the drone clearly, Dillon’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly had a sense of foreboding.

  As if to confirm his guess, the drones seemed to have eyes and rushed towards the tanks on the slope.

  The tank closest to the trench was the first to be hit. The coaxial machine gun’s strafing could not catch up with the speed of the drones, especially in such a short time that there was no time to react.

  One of the drones easily got under the crotch of the tank.

  The crew members had not yet realized what was happening.

  The same was true for the looters who were advancing with the tanks.

  Just as they were about to squat down to see what had entered under the tank, a dazzling light appeared in front of them.

  There was no time to think, and the hot shock wave hit them like a heavy hammer. One by one, the broken bodies and pieces of meat were like kites with broken strings, and they flew out from the flames and smoke that rose to the sky.

  The hot blood splashed on the faces of the looters at the bottom of the slope.

  The looters crawling on the slope were so frightened by the scene that they even forgot to move forward.

  ”What the hell is that?!”

  With his chin firmly on the ground, Wabu raised one eye and looked up the slope. His eyes were full of fear. He let the gravel and dirt hit his face and scalp without any reaction.

  He only saw a black shadow, almost sticking to the ground, and got into the chassis of the tank that was almost driving to the edge of the trench.

  Then the eardrum-shattering explosion and the flames that shot up into the sky swallowed the tank and the ten-man team behind it whole…

  The scrapped turret and road wheels rolled down the slope together.

  A deep pit was blown out of the earth slope below the tank, revealing the wooden piles used to reinforce the earth.

  And the drones did not stop. Soon the second, the third… also aimed at the fragile chassis of Conqueror No. 10, and in a moment, three more tanks were ripped open.

  Hundreds of rotor drones were running around in the air, and the hum of the rotors was like a swarm of whistling bees.

  ”Use machine guns to fire!”

  ”Hurry up and shoot down those drones!”

  ”Or we will all die!”

  Seeing that the armored formation on the right side was almost wiped out, Bagro, who was in charge of the first echelon, had his eyes wide open and his eyes were about to burst.

  The coaxial machine guns of the seven tanks opened fire at the same time, and the nearby predators holding submachine guns, automatic rifles, and light machine guns also opened fire, suddenly weaving a dense firepower network on the position.

  If it was a quad-mounted anti-aircraft machine gun, it might really be able to stop these small planes. However,

  relying on a few rifles, intercepting high-speed drones in a battlefield full of dust and bullets is nothing but a fool’s dream.

  Not to mention, in front of them, in addition to the drones, there are also friendly troops crawling on the halfway slope…

  The armored spearhead on the right was completely shattered, followed by the left side. In just a few breaths, nearly ten tanks were blown into scrap metal, and the predators who followed the tanks to charge were instantly killed and wounded.

  In just a blink of an eye, only the middle one of the armored spearheads that attacked the New Alliance’s defense line in three directions remained.

  And this one had its legs broken.

  Seeing the drones rushing towards him, Bagro immediately climbed out of the tank and rolled and crawled to the woods behind him.

  Almost at the same time, the hot air waves and shrapnel hit his back. He fainted before he could even groan… The

  seven tanks in the first echelon were quickly scrapped, and there was no chance to escape.

  Seeing that the situation was not right, the tanks of the fourth and fifth echelons retreated quickly, but the tracks could not outrun the drones, not to mention that they were stuck in the pine forest. The

  retreating tanks were soon caught up by the drones, and the pine forest was full of flames. The predators who followed the tanks were blown away and fled.

  In the chaos, in addition to those who were killed, many people were hit by stray bullets from the panic shooting…

  In the distance, on the high ground on the north side.

  The telescope fell from Dillon’s hand.

  Looking at the battlefield filled with thick smoke and the iron coffins that had turned into scrap metal, a trace of despair gradually appeared on his expressionless face.

  All 27 tanks were destroyed…

  More than half of the 50 anti-aircraft vehicles were destroyed, and countless infantrymen who were supporting the armored forces were killed or wounded.

  The losses in this battle far exceeded his expectations!

  The only thing to be thankful for was that the fifty gliders on the other side were all destroyed, and the drone group was also exhausted… If those were all the assets of the New Alliance just now.

  ”… What should we do now?” Looking at the commander, Tumen asked nervously.

  His Adam’s apple moved up and down, and Dillon quickly calmed down.

  ”Let the artillery and the 3,000-man team prepare… The resistance of the New Alliance is already at its end, and the sacrifice of the vanguard cannot be wasted.” From

  another perspective, the opponent has played all the cards that can be used.

  Although the casualties on our side are heavy, the opponent must not be feeling well either!

  Dillon ordered with a trembling voice.

  ”At least, we have to gnaw down this high ground!”


  Tumen swallowed his saliva, moved his stiff neck, and nodded quickly.

  Even when he was fighting with the Great Rift Valley in the north, he had never seen such a terrible expression on this man’s face.

  Even at that time, the situation they faced was much more severe than it is now…


  On the New Alliance position.

  Looking at the messy battlefield below the mountain, the young man and the bricks on the construction site, with blood on his forehead, excitedly punched the trench.

  ”Hahaha! Nice job!”

  The nearly 20 points of strength almost made a hole in the wooden stake.

  What a pity.

  In this kind of positional warfare with bullets raining down, the use of strength is not very obvious. If it were a hand-to-hand fight with bare hands, he could defeat a team of ten people by himself.

  The drum shampooer lying on the side couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”This time it’s really cool.”

  When they fought with the Bone Chewing Tribe half a year ago, the only equipment they could use was the Mosquito’s conscienceless rockets and the 20mm “cavalry rifle” of Factory 81. The firepower was completely overwhelmed by these natives who inherited the Legion’s legacy. The

  only tank destroyed was achieved by surprise with the cover of heavy snow and the power of the metal hydrogen battery explosion.

  Unlike now, machine gun bullets are sweeping, ground drones are rushing, propeller planes are diving and dropping bombs in the sky, and 100mm artillery is bombarding non-stop in the back…

  They have never fought such a rich war!

  ”Damn, you guys are so happy, I almost fainted…” The debt-ridden big-eyed man wearing headphones came out of the anti-gun hole and muttered while shaking his drowsy head.

  Operating five drones at the same time put a lot of pressure on his brain.

  He felt like he had five eyes and thirty hands, and the worst thing was that these parts were grown in different places.

  Controlling a rotor drone with omnidirectional maneuvers is much more difficult than operating a four-legged “crawler”. Even if the operating system developed by Xiaoqi simplifies the operating process, it is difficult to take care of it without a certain “brain capacity”.

  However, no one noticed the big-eyed man’s whispered complaints at this time.

  First, everyone’s ears were almost deafened by the shells, and second, the entire battlefield was full of joy.

  If you don’t shout at the top of your voice, no one can hear what you are saying.

  ”All 27 tanks are destroyed, and the marauders at the bottom of the slope are almost dead or wounded…” He paddled on the edge of the telescope, his face full of excitement, “Wow, we just destroyed at least a thousand-man team!”

  Plus half an armored battalion!

  So far, it doesn’t matter whether the position can be defended or not.

  Even if they take the high ground on the south side of Songlinyu, the Ya clan, which has lost its armored force, will completely lose the ability to attack Qingshi County.

  Unless they are willing to invest nearly 10,000 troops and bear several times or even dozens of times the casualties.


  even if their leader has the courage, do those marauders who bully the weak and fear the strong have the courage to follow?

  The result of high casualties is bound to be high war aversion.

  After all, they are neither clones produced every three years, nor have they undergone black technology such as “mental castration” surgery. Even the most basic reason for war is just for looting.

  The only thing that can unite a group of unorganized and undisciplined villains is continuous victory and spoils. Once the steps of victory stop, this seemingly solid fortress will soon turn into a pile of loose sand…

  A pop-up window flashed on the screen of the VM worn on his arm.

  [Mission: Hold the position on the south side of Songlinyu (completed)]

  [Briefing: Soldiers, you used your flesh and blood to block the tanks of the Ya clan and thwarted their arrogant plan! Now our enemies have lost all their tanks. Without armor protection, they are like jackals with their fangs pulled out, and they are no longer able to touch our territory.

  You have gloriously completed the mission. The counterattack of the New Alliance will begin in two hours. Now please return to the rear to rest…


  [Side 1 (optional): Blow up the supplies and go to the evacuation point to rest. ]

  [Reward: “Silver Shield” medal, war score is determined by the number of survivors. ]

  [Side 2 (optional): Fight until the last moment. ]

  [Reward: “Gold Shield” medal, war score is determined by the number of kills. ]

  Looking at the flashing words on the VM screen, the edge of the water grinned the dry corners of his mouth.

  Come to think of it, he seems to have already got a silver shield.

  No one has unlocked the gold shield achievement yet.

  With a fighting spirit in his eyes, Bianbianhuashui switched the voice to the command channel and shouted loudly.

  ”All teams report casualties!”

  A uniform voice came from the headset.

  ”3 people left in Team A1! 7 killed!”

  ”4 people left in Team A2, 6 dead!”


  Ten of the three groups of thirty teams were destroyed, and most of the others could not be fully staffed.

  When fighting with the predators before, the entire position was like a meat grinder. When the people in front fell, the people squatting in the anti-artillery cave immediately took over. The mortar position alone changed three groups of people, and there were corpses lying crookedly next to many machine guns.

  Among them were enemies and our own people.

  ”There are 102 people left…”

  After counting the number of people, Bianbianhuashui couldn’t help but be amazed.

  The entire corps had a total of 300 people, and 198 people were killed. There were only two more people to reduce the number of people by two-thirds. Many people were still alive, but they could only make a sound.

  For example, players with physical fitness would not die immediately even if their intestines fell out. They could even get up and continue shooting after stuffing them back in.

  ”This is really a death trap…” He

  silently calculated the remaining supplies.

  Edge Paddle pondered for a moment, switched to the general voice, stood on the top of the pit of the anti-artillery hole, and shouted loudly to the brothers of the corps.

  ”Brothers! Our mission has been completed!”

  ”Now, the command center has given us two choices. One is to abandon the position, blow up the supplies, and go to the evacuation point to repair.”


  After a pause, he looked around at his teammates.

  ”Fight to the last moment!”

  This question seemed a bit redundant…

  The rear is a full ten kilometers away from here. It’s not faster to run back with two legs than to die.

  Death penalty?

  It’s just three days.

  Sequence progress?

  The experience of a battle can’t be upgraded.

  ”Wasteland OL” is fundamentally different from traditional MMORGs. The sequence level is not the whole of this game, and it even accounts for a small part of the entire game content. Including contribution points, silver coins, regional reputation, professional level, skill proficiency… Even the invisible favorability can become a factor in widening the gap in combat power.

  In addition to the character level, there are more things worth pursuing in this nearly 100% realistic virtual world.

  Players who pursue survival rate will not stand here at the beginning.

  Since they choose to stand on the same front, it is because they share the same ideals.

  They have almost the same understanding of the game –


  It is the norm of this game!

  ”Retreat! Whoever wants to retreat, retreat!”

  I don’t know who shouted first, and soon there were shouts one after another on the battlefield. Pairs of pupils were filled with burning fighting spirit, no one was afraid, and no one was timid.

  ”Fight those dogs!”

  ”Never retreat!”

  ”Decisive battle!!!”

  ”Offer loyalty to the manager!”

  ”Wait, you just said loyalty!”


  Players put on gas masks one after another, put bayonets on their rifles, and those who didn’t have rifles took out engineer shovels and put them in handy places.

  The deafening roar resounded on the battlefield, making the more than 2,000 looters marching in the pine forest tremble.

  Xiong Ya, who personally went forward to command the battle, looked up at the high ground that was completely destroyed by the artillery fire, and for some reason, he felt a little timid.

  It was obvious that the other side was already at the end of their strength, and it was obvious that the two thousand people behind him could drown them even if they spitted at them…

  Glancing at the wing fragments stuck in the mud, the tank wreckage and the fragmented bodies not far away, the burly man couldn’t help but mutter.

  ”What are these moles shouting…” The

  confidant who followed him said nervously.

  ”No, I don’t know…”

  He didn’t understand what those people were shouting, and he had no doubt that they could take down the position in front of him that was plowed over and over again by artillery fire.

  But his intuition told him that those people would never let them rush up easily…

  One hundred people?

  Two hundred people?

  Or leave more bodies behind…

  In any case, this will be a hard battle! –

  (The fever has subsided, and I feel better mentally. I found it strange that my eyesight was good, but when I caught a cold, my astigmatism would worsen… Confused.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode