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Chapter 325 The one who breaks the situation, the elders are more fragrant

Chapter 325 The one who breaks the situation, the elders are more fragrant


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 325 The person who broke the situation, the elders are more fragrant.

  Liang Xin was full of doubts, but she didn’t ask too much.

  First, it was disrespectful to the master, and second, it was not good to doubt her brother -in-law

  . So after the three of them chatted for a while, she didn’t stay any longer. She was taken back to the palace by the maid to prepare for the court discussion.


  In front of the inn, Yang Shifei watched the carriage go away and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Yunqin stood beside him and glanced at him: “Relieved?”

  ”This girl treats you very respectfully, so I naturally have to keep my mouth shut everywhere, so as not to ruin the image in your minds.”

  Yang Shifei grinned and chuckled: “Miss Yun, you have to thank me well?”

  Yunqin raised her hand and knocked him on the forehead. With a snap, it immediately attracted the attention of many pedestrians around.


  Yang Shifei rubbed his forehead and said helplessly: “Miss Yun, it’s not good to touch her.”

  ”Just give her a little punishment to prevent you from making frivolous remarks in public.”

  Yunqin said in a deep voice: “Liang Xin is indeed talented, and now she has the important task of being the emperor. Now that you have returned to Liangguo to stabilize, you should help her more.”

  ”Don’t worry, how could I treat my sister-in-law badly.”

  Yang Shifei pointed to the other side of the long street: “I’m going to the Dingjiang Palace across the street. Miss Yun will wait in the inn first-”

  ”I’ll go with you.” Yunqin took the lead and walked towards the palace without looking back: “Let’s finish the chat early and prepare for the wedding early.”

  ”Uh, okay.”

  Yang Shifei looked strange and hurriedly followed. He glanced at Yunqin’s mask and felt a little confused.

  Miss Yun seemed to be very concerned about this marriage?

  a while, in the palace.

  After almost a month, there were still people coming and going here, and county officials and ministers from all over the country appeared from time to time, which was very lively.

  Prince Dingjiang was now standing with a dozen well-dressed people, chatting happily.

  It was not until a guard came forward and whispered in his ear that his expression froze,

  ”I have to meet a distinguished guest, so I’ll take my leave for now.”

  Prince Dingjiang’s smile faded slightly, and he bowed to everyone with a serious face, “If you don’t mind, you can stay in my house for a while, and we’ll talk about important matters in the afternoon.” ”

  Your Highness, that’s fine. We’ll wait for you.”

  As everyone responded politely, an old man brushed his beard and asked curiously, “Who is the distinguished guest who can make Your Highness treat him like this?”

  Prince Dingjiang said in a deep voice, “It’s Yang Shifei, Young Master Yang.”

  ”Yang” Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and soon showed different expressions.

  The name of Yang Shifei is now a household name in Liang State. After all, he is a hero who saved Liang State from the disaster of demons, and they have heard of him for a long time.

  Now that they happened to meet here, they wanted to ask for an introduction, but they shut their mouths at the moment and watched the King of Dingjiang turn around and leave quietly.

  If that Young Master Yang wanted to discuss family and national affairs with the King of Dingjiang, they would not interfere.

  In the lobby, the King of Dingjiang walked over with a hearty smile.

  ”Young brother Yang, I haven’t seen you for a while, and you have really changed a lot!”

  ”Your Majesty.” Yang Shifei said with a smile: “What can be different about me?”

  ”Temperament and physique.”

  The King of Dingjiang was amazed: “Now looking at Young Master Yang, even I can’t help but feel a little scared.”

  He had never thought that the young man in front of him would become the one who saved the world.

  In just less than half a year, he almost witnessed the other party’s rapid growth with his own eyes. He almost single-handedly kept the civilization of the common people from extinction, which was a miracle.

  While praising him sincerely, he glanced at Yunqin beside him.

  ”But I don’t know who this girl is…”

  ”She is a martial arts master specially invited by the Luo family. She helped us a lot during the trip to Yanshu.”

  Yang Shifei helped to introduce her: “It’s just that it’s inconvenient for her to show her true face, so she usually wears a mask. I hope Your Majesty can be more tolerant.”

  Prince Dingjiang smiled and nodded and said, “Such a meritorious official will be treated with courtesy by the prince, not to mention that he is an acquaintance of Brother Yang.”

  Yunqin bowed slowly: “Greetings, Your Majesty.”

  ”No need to be so polite.” Prince Dingjiang waved his hand and did not look at her for too long.

  At the same time, his expression quickly became serious: “Brother Yang, I and others have carefully read the letters you sent back. We will continue to send more people to the border defense of various places. As for the matter of the real dragon bones,

  I have spread the news two days ago and paid a lot of money to track down the whereabouts of the dragon bones. We will also search carefully with the State of Yan to find the remaining pieces as soon as possible.”

  ”Thank you, Your Majesty.”

  Yang Shifei whispered: “How is the situation in Zhao during the time I was away?”

  Soon, the two sat down in the lobby and talked about military and political affairs in various places, as well as changes in the situation in the world.

  Yunqin listened quietly and nodded slightly from time to time.

  This boy, although he laughs and always soaks in rouge on weekdays, he is concerned about his country and the world after all, and knows that major issues are more important.

  Sitting with the “old man” like King Dingjiang and talking, he is not timid at all, but can say a lot of insightful remarks.

  Compared with his own Xian’er, this boy can get along better in the officialdom.

  ”If I were in the prosperous times of mortals, maybe I could let this kid pass the imperial examination and assist the monarch in governing the country and the people.”

  Yun Qin lowered her eyelids and thought to herself. However, looking at the current situation, this kid is also considered to be above ten thousand people.

  Unknowingly, it was noon.

  The sky outside the courtyard was getting hotter and hotter, and the sun was a little bit scorching.

  Prince Dingjiang fanned himself, took a sip of tea, and moistened his dry throat:

  ”Brother Yang, it’s already this hour, you have to stay in my palace for a meal first-”

  ”That’s not necessary.” Yang Shifei smiled and waved his hand: “The family has prepared the food, it’s not good to stay outside for too long.”

  Prince Dingjiang’s eyes moved slightly, and he said happily: “It’s my negligence that I forgot that you and Princess Luo will get married soon.”

  At this point, he hurriedly said: “Brother Yang, please rest assured that on the day of the wedding banquet, I will present a great gift to congratulate you.”

  ”No need for expensive gifts, the prince can send some people to help in the next few days.”

  ”Everything is easy to talk about!”

  After getting the promise of Prince Dingjiang, Yang Shifei and Yunqin did not stay for long.

  The two quickly said goodbye and left, returning to the long street in the city. It was lunchtime, and hot smoke was rising everywhere.

  ”Miss Yun, you have been sitting with me for a long time. It’s really hard for you.”

  Yang Shifei was a little embarrassed: “I didn’t pay attention and chatted a little…”

  ”It’s okay.” Yunqin said lightly: “This is related to the safety of the world, and we can’t neglect it.”

  Yang Shifei laughed: “It’s not that exaggerated.”

  He looked up at the bright sun again: “Why don’t you have lunch at my house and call Shangxianer to go out for a walk together?”

  ”No need to be so troublesome.” Yunqin glanced at the stall not far away: “Just have a bowl of noodles to fill your stomach, or the marriage is more important.”

  ”Uh, but I have to go back and call Shangxianer”

  ”She is still young and knows only a little about many things, not to mention it is related to marriage.”

  Yunqin glanced sideways: “Going to the street with you is just wandering around aimlessly.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “What does that girl mean…”

  ”No need to call her, I’ll accompany you.”


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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