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Chapter 327 The Mountain of Loot

Chapter 327 The Mountain of Loot


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 327 The mountain of spoils

  The cold bayonet slapped his face twice.

  Wabu, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, knew that he could no longer hide, and finally opened his eyes helplessly.

  ”Don’t shoot…”

  He slowly moved his hands to both sides of his head, with his palms facing up to indicate that he had no weapons.

  The soldier holding the rifle didn’t waste time talking to him, but just kicked away the rifle next to him, looked at him coldly and said something.

  ”Get up.”

  Wabu did it honestly, climbed up from the ground, holding the back of his head with both hands, and followed the soldier to the position of the New Alliance.

  A few hours ago, a drone overturned the tank of the Bagro Centurion, and he was knocked unconscious on the spot while charging with the armored formation.

  The brothers around him suffered heavy casualties, and those who were not dead were missing limbs, and there were wolves crying and ghosts howling.

  He was relatively lucky.

  Perhaps because of awakening, he only suffered a little skin injury. When Xiongya led a thousand-man team to attack the high ground, he had already woken up.

  However, Wabu did not get up from the ground immediately.

  Especially when he saw the brothers in front of him rolling down the mountain one after another, he was afraid that he would be pushed up to fill the line, so he simply closed his eyes

  and pretended to be fainted. He fell asleep after closing his eyes. When he woke up again, the brothers who had just rushed up the mountain had already begun to scramble to escape down the mountain…

  Pointed at by a bayonet, Wabu, with his hands on his head, finally stepped onto this insurmountable high ground, but as a prisoner. There were

  many people stationed here.

  The New Alliance reinforced the position. Some prisoners were sent to dig artillery pits, and some squatted tremblingly in the bumpy open space.

  When he saw those people digging the soil, Wabu’s heart trembled.

  Did the New Alliance intend to bury them?

  But he changed his mind and thought that this didn’t make sense. After all, even if they wanted to bury them, they would not bury them on the high ground, but at least at the foot of the slope. There

  was also a campfire on the hilltop to the north. It seemed that the large forces of the New Alliance had occupied it.

  After a sneak glance behind him, he could not help but feel a trace of despair in his heart, and began to regret why he listened to those rumors and joined the bone-chewing tribe.

  There is neither endless wine and meat, nor charming female prisoners and countless treasures.

  In the past six months, all he has seen are rat droppings all over the ground, rotten wood floating in the gutter, and inedible green wheat and sheep’s horn potatoes… These things are garbage that only slaves and scavengers would eat in the Bugera Free State.

  He came here to make a fortune, not to be cannon fodder.

  If he had known that the situation here was so bad, he would never come here!

  ”Go squat over there.”

  Hearing the voice behind him, Wabu, whose thoughts were interrupted, did not dare to resist. He walked over honestly and squatted next to the other captives.

  Here, he saw many familiar faces.

  A plunderer who was also from the Bugera Free State looked at him in surprise and whispered.

  ”… Wabu? Are you still alive?”

  Wabu whispered in embarrassment.

  ”I was knocked unconscious by the explosion, and then I woke up… What’s going on with you?”

  The man had a bitter expression on his face.

  ”We rushed to the high ground, but suffered heavy losses. The New Alliance quickly launched a counterattack, and the mountain was full of people…”

  In ten minutes, he recounted the battlefield. Including the “cannon” flying overhead, and the trenches filled with the smell of barbecue…

  Wab was sweating coldly.

  At this time, an officer suddenly came over.

  The man telling the story immediately shut up, and the others stopped whispering.

  The officer talked to the soldier guarding the prisoners for a few words, and soon a soldier strode to the front of the prisoners.

  ”We need two prisoners here. This is a task assigned by the manager himself. If you perform well, you can get a reduced sentence. Is there anyone who volunteered to stand up?”

  The prisoners looked at each other, and no one dared to step forward. Instead, they shrank back timidly, fearing that this special task would be to be put into a hot pot or have their organs removed.

  After all, they could do this kind of thing themselves.

  Wabu was also terrified, but when he heard that he could be given a reduced sentence, he couldn’t help swallowing his saliva and raised his hand tremblingly.


  The officer standing next to the soldier looked at him.


  ”Wabu.” Wabu answered quickly.

  ”Golden Fang’s direct descendant?”

  ”No…” Wabu said nervously, “I… am from the Bugera Free State, and I used to be a bounty hunter.”

  The officer nodded, said nothing, scribbled two strokes on the notebook, and then waved his hand neatly.

  ”Follow me.”


  Although the battle ended before noon, the cleaning of the battlefield continued until the sun set.

  Not all the predators simply raised their hands to surrender, and some of them hid in the pine forest, or simply lay under the dead and pretended to be dead.

  Chu Guang assigned the task of cleaning the battlefield to the Second Corps and some rookie corps below LV5.

  Most of these corps were established not long ago, and even the number of people has not reached the upper limit, but there are also some potential players among them.

  Regardless of whether they are useful now, it is always worth training them.

  As for the main corps, Chu Guang took them to the northern hilltop to transform the plunderers’ positions and take over the supplies they stored there.

  A total of 30 trucks were seized in the entire battle, including the supplies loaded in these trucks.

  These trucks are the standard transport vehicles of the Legion Expeditionary Force. They are mid-mounted high-horsepower camel engines. They are slightly better in load and off-road than the “electric mule” independently developed by the New Alliance. The cost of use is also lower, but the mobility is relatively poor and the noise is touching.

  This type of truck is suitable for large-scale long-distance transportation, such as cross-provincial business. Chu Guang plans to give half to the Merchants’ Union and repair the rest for strategic reserves.

  In addition to the trucks, what surprised Chu Guang the most was the 27 Conqueror tanks, 10 of which can still be repaired!

  As for the remaining wreckage that cannot be repaired, except for major accidents such as ammunition rack explosions or oil pipe ruptures and fires, the turrets or engines can be dismantled and recycled.

  As for the captured “Eviscerator” rifles, “Falcon” assault rifles, Pu-9 submachine guns, Panzerfausts, shotguns, light and heavy machine guns, 60mm mortars, etc. infantry equipment, they filled up two warehouses.

  This equipment and supplies, which can arm half a division, are now all in the New Alliance’s arsenal.

  Although players are reluctant to use these miscellaneous equipment with difficult bullets, it is also very good to sell them to the survivors’ settlements in the eastern provinces as trade goods.

  After all, not everyone likes the high-tech of enterprises.

  Some equipment with sufficient power, durability, and simple maintenance is much more useful than those high-tech weapons that rely on logistics…


  temporary camp.

  At the entrance of the cave-like warehouse.

  Looking at the rifles and ammunition boxes piled up into a small mountain, and the power players who were busy loading the spoils, Chu Guang couldn’t help but mutter in his heart.

  ”Thanks to the gift of nature!”

  It’s more than a great victory.

  It’s a wave of fat!

  ”…It seems that they intend to go south directly after taking Songlinyu, and fight to our doorstep in one go. No matter how you calculate it, with their firepower and personnel configuration, these supplies are obviously not prepared for two or three local battles.”

  Vanus, who was following behind Chu Guang, was also full of surprise on his face. The amount of equipment, ammunition and other supplies here far exceeded his expectations.

  Piling so many supplies on the front line, it can only be said that they are aiming for something big.

  However, Vanus’s raised eyebrows twisted up halfway through his words.

  ”…But rather than saying it’s surprising, it’s better to say that I’m a little surprised.”

  ”Unexpected?” Chu Guang looked at him and asked curiously.


  Vanus nodded, walked to the door of the warehouse, picked up a rifle with a golden eagle on the butt from the ground, fiddled with it in his hand, and continued.

  ”‘Falcon’ assault rifle… The 210,000th team can’t have this thing.”

  Not only the 210,000th team didn’t have it.

  The thousand-man team he led before didn’t have it either.

  The Legion will not equip clones with automatic rifles, because that is a pure waste. At most, some death squads will be equipped with Pu-9 submachine guns or shotguns in urban warfare or positional warfare, but they often will not be given a lot of bullets.

  After all, the clones produced in three years are just consumables. They can survive on the battlefield for no more than 10 minutes, so there is no need to equip them with extra ammunition.

  As for fire suppression, it can be handed over to special machine gunners.

  ”…The backbone of the Legion is those citizens who have received military training. Before becoming grassroots officers, they will join the Youth Army and go to the front line of the battlefield. And this rifle with a golden eagle on the butt is the standard of the Youth Army and also the proof of their identity.”

  Looking at the rifle in his hand, Vanus’s expression was a little nostalgic, and he put it aside. Although he became an officer right after graduation and had no experience of serving in the Youth Army, he also got a

  ”The 210,000th Squadron cannot have such a weapon. Their main task on the battlefield is to fill the line. Reinforcement of fortifications and positional warfare are their unique skills.”

  Chu Guang said thoughtfully.

  ”Perhaps in addition to the 210,000th Corps, there are other deserters who defected to the Bone Chewing Tribe? For example, a 1,000-man Corps of the Youth Army?”

  Or maybe it was bought from the Bugera Free State.

  I heard that in the later stages of the war, a large amount of legion equipment flowed in there. Some of it was sold as trophies by the people of the Great Rift Valley, and some was sold by the legion’s own logistics officer.

  As for making it by myself, this possibility is very small.

  After all, the gold-plated pattern cannot increase the damage of the bullet.

  Even if it is copied, there is no need to copy such unnecessary details.

  ”This possibility cannot be ruled out, although my intuition tells me that this possibility is very small,” Vanus thought for a moment, and suddenly remembered something, “Speaking of which… where is their commander?”

  Chu Guang’s expression was a little subtle.

  ”… dead.”

  ”Dead?” Vanus was stunned.

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Well, the left half of his head was blown off, and more than 20 shrapnel were found on his body… It should be a 37mm high-explosive bomb that fell into the trench. But the bear tooth was captured, and his subordinate, a man named Tumen, who was previously a centurion of the 210,000-man team.”

  Chu Guang was speechless when it came to this. He could

  n’t get any key information from the centurions and centurions he had captured before. He had originally wanted to capture the highest-ranking one to ask some questions, but he didn’t expect that he would be killed by a stray bullet. He

  also wanted to make him a transport captain.

  After all, he gave him so many spoils of war…

  After listening to Chu Guang’s words, Vanus’ face was full of confusion.

  Or confusion.

  A man who had been a deserter once died on a battlefield that didn’t belong to him. He thought for a long time but couldn’t figure out what Dillon was after.

  Chu Guang also didn’t understand why the idiot didn’t hide in the anti-artillery hole, but compared to such trivial issues, he now has more important things to consider.

  ”… Let’s not worry about where these weapons came from. I want to hear your suggestions on the next plan.”

  Vanus knew what Chu Guang wanted to ask, and thought for a moment before answering.

  ”Although we have wiped out all five thousand-man teams of the Ya clan, there are still more than 20,000 looters in Xizhou City. The terrain from the Sixin District to the southern part of the city is complex, and it is difficult to use the mobility advantage. It is not a good idea to directly push the front line into the city and fight street battles with looters.”

  ”My suggestion is to push the artillery positions from Qingshi County to the col five kilometers north of Songlinyu, where they have anti-artillery fortifications prepared for us.”

  ”There is no need to send people in if the problem can be solved with artillery shells. The war will be over in two weeks at the latest.”

  In the final analysis, those guys are just a group of looters.

  The reason they gathered together was just to get together to rob and release the instincts of wild beasts on this wasteland planet where civilization collapsed.

  At least two-thirds of the more than 30,000 looters stationed in Xizhou City were “coming here because of their reputation.”

  What held them together was not faith, culture or tradition, not even blood.

  Once they could no longer win, their morale naturally dispersed.

  Not to mention the heavy losses they suffered on the battlefield, the continuous casualties, and the complete lack of hope of winning.

  A country belonging to plunderers?

  That was just a dream.

  I’m afraid only the skullcrusher, Gold Fang, would believe it.

  After listening to Vanus’ plan, Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.

  Because he thought so too.

  ”It seems that we have the same idea.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”However, this alone is not enough. We not only have to bomb them strategically, but also bomb them spiritually.”

  ”For example?” Vanus asked with interest.

  ”In addition to bombs and artillery shells, there are also leaflets and broadcasts,” Chu Guang smiled faintly, “We not only have to bomb those dirty goblins, but also pull their ears to tell them that the undefeated record of the Bone Chewing Tribe has ended in our hands. We defeated their most elite troops on the front battlefield. Facing us, they have no chance of winning!”

  ”…But we are a civilized army and will not do meaningless massacres. We need manpower to rebuild the wasteland, and we need people to help take care of the prisoners of war. As long as they come to us with leaflets, or surrender to the local guerrillas, we will give them a chance to start a new life, and this is also their last and only chance.”

  What is a goblin?

  Vanus was stunned and did not react for a while.

  However, the idea of ​​airdropping leaflets and deploying radio in the city made his eyes light up. As a former legion commander, he immediately saw the intention of this card.

  Those leaflets can not only undermine the morale of the defenders, but also disintegrate their organization, making the looters fall into mutual suspicion in the despair of the enemy at the gates.

  They have to endure the bombardment of the new alliance, clean up the radio deployed by the guerrillas in the city, control the rumors, and check whether their own people have “surrender letters” hidden in their pockets.

  It may not take more than two weeks.

  They can see the looters fleeing or even surrendering in an organized manner…

  The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was simply too good, and Vanus couldn’t help but praise it.

  ”This is a good idea… But most looters are illiterate, you may have to spend some time to make them understand what you wrote on the paper.”

  Chu Guang smiled and shook his head.

  ”There is no need to write extra nonsense.”

  ”Some simple patterns are enough.”

  There is no need to use people to solve problems that can be solved with artillery shells, but artillery shells cost money after all.

  Anyway, the war is coming to an end, so it is better to save as much as possible. Printing leaflets is better than printing money.

  When this war is over, there will be many places where money will be needed…

  (The nucleic acid test was delayed for a while, so I haven’t finished writing the second half. I’ll skip half of it. Four cases have appeared in Wuhan, and they are in Wuchang. I’m so panicked because my fever has just subsided…)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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