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Chapter 328 Cheers to the Alliance’s victory!

Chapter 328 Cheers to the Alliance’s victory!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 328 Cheers to the Alliance’s victory!

  ”Let’s toast to victory!”

  ”Hahaha, cheers!”

  ”Long live the Alliance!!”

  On the North Street of Dawn City, there is a roadhouse next to the trading post.

  It was not completely dark outside, but the first-floor lobby filled with tables and chairs was already filled with the aroma of beer foam and the noise of people.

  The news of victory flew back to Dawn City, far away in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, from the front line.

  Thanks to the broadcast in the square and the small screen hanging behind the bar, the drunkards sitting here did not become the last to know the news.

  Whether it was merchants or travelers, or caravan guards and mercenaries, when they heard that the army of the New Alliance defeated the Bone Chewing Tribe on the front battlefield, everyone couldn’t help but cheer for the manager wearing power armor in their hearts.

  For a long time, the Bone Chewing Tribe has been a name that has made countless wastelanders change color when talking about it.

  They spread from the north-central to the south like a walking plague, leaving a scorched earth wherever they went. Hundreds of survivors were wiped off the map, and no one could stop them.

  And now, they finally kicked on the iron plate, and were beaten out of their mouths by the iron fist of the Alliance.

  ”Twenty-seven tanks were destroyed in one battle! God of the Great Horned Deer, how many soldiers did they mobilize?!”

  ”I don’t really understand, that tank… burp, is it powerful?” The drunken mercenary asked while lying on the bar, burping.

  ”Powerful? Haha, are you kidding? That thing is a complete monster, a fortress walking on land! It’s not something that ordinary people can deal with! I would rather face the death claws, at least my gun can give me a little sense of security.”

  The mercenary sitting next to him began to brag about what he saw when he worked for the people of the Great Rift Valley in the north, attracting the attention of many people.

  This naturally included Sun Shiqi who was sitting in the tavern.

  Three days ago, he transported 6 tons of copper ingots, 2 tons of chromium, 1 ton of cobalt and nickel… and a lot of sulfur and phosphorus from Honghe Town.

  However, what surprised Sun Shiqi was that the copper and sulfur he had originally been most optimistic about almost lost the money he earned from other goods.

  Xinlian seemed to have really discovered copper mines. Overnight, it went from the second largest copper mine importer in the southern part of the Valley Province to a resource exporter?

  Although they have not yet started to export ore, they have obviously suspended the bulk import of copper ingots.

  In addition, the price of platinum metal, which acts as an industrial catalyst, has fallen rapidly, which seems to indicate that the war has entered its end.

  Intuition tells him that the market in Dawn City may change.

  According to past practice, after the war, the new alliance will quickly convert part of the military production line to civilian use, and the production line for producing explosives will be changed to produce fertilizers and soaps. The most prominent sign of the cycle switch is the cessation of expansion of the production capacity of basic industrial raw materials such as nitric acid and sulfuric acid.

  Without rushing to make the next deal, Sun Shiqi would sit on the first floor of the Highway Town Hotel every night these days, ordering a plate of French fries and a glass of beer.

  Even though he had already purchased his own property in Dawn City.

  ”After defeating the Bone Chewing Tribe on the front battlefield…it seems that there is nothing that can stop the rise of the New Alliance.”

  Zhou Nan, who was sitting opposite Sun Shiqi and staring at the small screen on the bar, said with a sigh on his face.

  Hearing this, Sun Shiqi laughed.

  ”Isn’t this inevitable?”


  Zhou Nan glanced at this guy.

  Stop bragging!

  When the New Alliance just announced the Northern Expedition two months ago, you didn’t say that!

  But it was inevitable.

  At that time, no one was optimistic about the New Alliance’s victory, except for those blue coats who were optimistic about themselves and those residents who regarded the managers as gods.

  On one side is the barbarian tribe with 30,000 soldiers, who inherited the equipment and even the command system of the Legion Expeditionary Force, and on the other side is the emerging survivor settlement with a total population of only 5,000, less than a year after its establishment, and the crops in the fields have just been harvested.

  No one could have imagined that the New Alliance would actually win.

  And it won so thoroughly.

  An armored 100-man team consisting of 27 tanks, followed by a large group of anti-aircraft guns, was still commanded by Dillon.

  How could they win with just those small planes that dived and dropped bombs?

  However, it was too late to say that now.

  Seeing that he had paid for the dinner, Zhou Nan did not complain about this guy, but just silently took a sip of the fragrant beer.

  As for Sun Shiqi, he was still chattering about the future.

  ”…In the future, the River Valley Province will be divided into three parts, with the Giant Stone City occupying the south, the Great Rift Valley occupying the north, and the New Alliance will fill the gap in the central region.”

  ”There is gold everywhere here! No, it is much more valuable than gold!”

  Unlike most survivor settlements, the New Alliance has a strange obsession with land.

  The permanent population of the entire Dawn City is only about five or six thousand, but they have pushed the border to Xizhou City.

  Yes, the war is not over yet, and these blue coats have already incorporated Hope Town in Xizhou City into their territory, and even provided food to the residents there.

  In Sun Shiqi’s opinion, this is simply too strange.

  However, this is a good thing for him.

  If the new alliance is willing to open up the uninhabited area in the north and take in those displaced refugees and herdsmen, he will be happy to provide them with shovels or other tools.

  At this moment, Sun Shiqi suddenly thought of something and said to his drinking buddy sitting opposite.

  ”I remember you said before that you are also from Hope Town, right?”

  Zhou Nan was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

  ”My friend, there are more survivor settlements called Hope Town these days than people who name themselves after spring, summer, autumn, winter, mountains, rivers, and rivers. I am indeed from Hope Town…but it is Hope Town in Jinchuan Province. We don’t have any bone-chewing tribes there. The only headaches are mutants and countless mutant poisonous insects.”

  In addition, there are cultists on the Death Coast in the south, and pirates who cross the southern coastal provinces and flee inland.

  But these are not really a big problem.

  After all, they live like this every year, and the locals have long found a balance between chaos and death to survive.

  Speaking of this, Zhou Nan couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”…In any case, thanks to the New Alliance, otherwise this time next year we would have a headache for the Bone Chewing Tribe that bypassed the Stone City and went south.”

  ”Indeed, thanks to them,” Sun Shiqi sighed with mixed feelings as he looked at the bubbles in the glass of beer, “Otherwise, I’m afraid I would still be a small vendor…”

  He was not the only one who had to thank for this victory.

  The merchants, mine owners, and chambers of commerce in the entire Honghe Town all owed that manager a thank you.

  The reason why the Snake Clan could not use all their strength to deal with Honghe Town was largely because of the restraint of the New Alliance.

  Now that Xizhou City has been taken by the New Alliance, even if the Snake Clan does not want to save their compatriots, they have to end the siege of Honghe Town.

  The war is finally over.

  The two smiled and clinked their glasses, sending their heartfelt blessings.

  ”Cheers to the great alliance!”

  ”Cheers to the wise and powerful manager!”

  ”May he live long!”


  Outside the hotel in Gonglu Town. In

  a corner of the market on the neighboring street, an old man wrapped in a scarf and a robe sat on the corner of the street to set up a stall. The faded old pipe was filled with smoke, which made the wrinkled face more mysterious.

  In front of him was a carpet made of camel skin, on which were some strange little pieces of wood.

  A mutant camel with two humps growing into one was dozing off on the side, its facial features huddled together and scary.

  However, in the wasteland, aliens with this appearance were common.

  ”…For only 2 silver coins, write his name on the wooden sign, and the spirit of the sea of ​​sand will bless him to return safely.”

  The old man raised his half-drooped eyelids and glanced at the girl in front of the stall, whose face was full of worry, and thought to himself that tomorrow’s dinner was settled.

  ”…But is it okay if there is no sand here?” the girl asked in a low voice. The

  old man said with a solemn oath.

  ”Of course it doesn’t matter. A long time ago, the vast sea of ​​sand spread across the middle of the entire Middle Continent, extending for tens of thousands of kilometers. Including the plains under your feet, the nearby mountains and lakes, they were all the territory of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand… At that time, there was no big-horned deer god, only the yellow sand could gallop on this land.”

  Looking at the old man who was talking nonsense, Shuangxue, who was standing in front of the stall, hesitated for a while, thinking that it was just two silver coins anyway, so she reached out for her wallet.

  Unlike other residents who were celebrating the victory.

  She was more worried about the safety of the administrator.

  Since half a month ago, she rarely saw the adult sitting in the library to work. Occasionally, there were documents or recycled books sent from the Merchants’ Union, and they were all connected to the small robot like a tree stump.

  Later, she learned from her colleagues that the administrator had gone to the front line.

  Although the front line had continuous good news, bullets did not have eyes after all. It was said that the commander named Dillon on the opposite side was killed by a stray bullet on the battlefield.

  I hope he can pay more attention to his own safety…

  Seeing the little girl taking out her wallet, the old man’s eyes were about to smile, but at this moment, a white arm stretched out from the side.

  ”Hey… You don’t really believe it, do you?” Shuanghe looked at his sister who even took out her wallet with a surprised face, “Writing a name can ensure safety, how can such a good thing happen.”

  Facing her sister’s surprised eyes, Shuangxue’s face couldn’t help but blush, and whispered.

  ”Anyway, it’s just two silver coins…”

  ”This little girl, don’t talk nonsense about some things.” Seeing that the cooked duck was about to fly away, the old man stared at the woman who ruined his business with dissatisfaction, and said unkindly, “As the saying goes, it’s better to believe it than not to believe it. If something unexpected happens, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

  Seeing that the old man actually threatened himself, Shuanghe looked at him with a smile and said.

  ”Don’t try to trick me. Our manager said that materialistic fighters don’t worship ghosts and gods. It’s better to use the money to support the people than to worship the gods.”

  After that, she ignored the old man with eyes as big as light bulbs and looked at her sister next to her.

  ”If you have a loved one on the front line, instead of praying for him here, you might as well wait for him to return from the front line and buy him a bouquet of flowers.”

  Shuangxue’s face was covered with red clouds, not because of her sister’s words, but because there were more and more people watching the excitement around her.

  She felt embarrassed.

  She reached out and pulled her sister’s sleeve, and whispered.

  ”Okay, okay, I know it’s useless to do this, and you don’t have to argue with others… I won’t buy it.”

  After that, she pulled her sister’s sleeve and trotted out of the crowd, not stopping until she reached the other end of the market.

  After stopping, Shuangxue didn’t have time to take a breath, and her sister who was following behind her poked her waist with interest.

  ”Tell me the truth, whose name were you going to write just now, let me see which lucky boy it was.”

  With a blush on her face from just running, Shuangxue hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn’t stand her sister’s repeated questioning, and whispered.

  ”…I told you not to laugh at me.”

  With gossipy eyes flashing, Shuanghe, who had just said something like “Materialist fighters don’t believe in ghosts and gods”, immediately raised three fingers and said solemnly.

  ”I, Shuanghe, swear to heaven! I will never laugh at my smart, cute, beautiful and generous sister, and I will never tell a third person!”


  Shuangxue rolled her eyes at her sister unhappily.

  After hesitating for a moment, she couldn’t hide the matter in her heart, so she finally leaned close to her sister’s ear and whispered the name she was going to write just now.

  Shuanghe was stunned after hearing it, and then looked at her with wide eyes.

  That expression was even more exaggerated than when he saw his sister taking money out of the charlatan.

  ”You haven’t given up yet?”

  Shuangxue said with a red face.

  ”You, you said you won’t laugh at me.”

  ”How could I laugh at you…” Shuanghe sighed, shaking his head like a rattle, “No hope.”

  Shuangxue looked at her sister with a complicated expression, and sighed softly after a moment.

  ”I didn’t say there has to be a drama… I just hope that he can be safe on the front line, don’t you?”

  Shuanghe nodded thoughtfully.


  She couldn’t imagine what Dawn City would be like without that adult. Maybe this oasis wouldn’t exist in the first place.

  Those blue coats who were only loyal to the manager would probably leave here, maybe go back underground, or maybe go somewhere else.

  The refugees would definitely not stay in the dormitory and wait for the endless resettlement. They would try every means to squeeze into the city next door. Those prisoners of war would definitely not be honest either. They would seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break free from their shackles.

  The various corps will probably continue to be loyal, and even inherit the “will” of the administrator Renaissance Alliance, and elect a military strongman to take office to suppress the chaos with tougher means… However, this often sows the seeds for greater chaos.

  As for those merchants who have no loyalty at all, they don’t belong here. They will try every means to squeeze all the value from the residents under the guise of the free market, until even the silver coins themselves become worthless.

  She works at the trading post and knows too well what the wastelanders are like. They not only have flexible moral codes and professional ethics, but also flexible identities.

  Maybe in other places they are slave-hunting teams or even bandits who rob and loot, but here, no matter what they were before, they only dare to abide by the law honestly.

  This is simply a miracle.

  Shuanghe nodded after thinking for a long time.

  ”…If something happens to him, everyone will be very sad.”

  Upon hearing this, Shuangxue was like a little white rabbit whose tail was stepped on, and quickly reached out to cover her mouth.

  ”Psst, psst, what unlucky words did you say! If dad hears, he will beat your ass to pieces!”

  ”Uh-huh! What’s the matter? I didn’t say anything in front of dad.”

  Frost River broke free from his sister’s little hand and said with a playful smile while dodging.

  ”Besides, the manager said that if someone mentioned his name behind his back, there is no need to make the atmosphere so serious. The name is originally for others to use.”

  ”Are you a parrot? The manager… talks about this and that all day long.” Frost Snow said breathlessly with a red face.

  As a clerical worker in the Merchants’ Guild, she naturally could not be more physically fit than her sister who worked at the trading post. After chasing for a while, she supported her knees with both hands and was out of breath.

  Frost River stopped and looked at her and blinked.

  ”Huh? Are you jealous? Don’t worry, your sister lives a stable life. I won’t daydream. My future husband only wants–”

  ”Ghost, ghosts will be jealous!!”

  Looking at the two sisters laughing and playing, Yaya, who was squatting on the steps at the entrance of the Teng Teng Xiaowu branch, said with envy.

  ”I wish I had a sister.”

  Or a brother would be fine.

  Although it’s a pity that I can’t buy him a little skirt, it’s not bad to have someone to play games with. For someone like her who stays at home all year round, it’s too difficult to have someone to communicate with in real life.


  She actually started to envy the NPCs in the game!

  Teng Teng, who was sitting next to her drinking sparkling water, had a completely different feeling.

  ”There are not many familiar faces in Dawn City recently.”

  Most of the customers in the store in the past two months were NPCs.

  Although the business was not affected much, and she also designed a lot of ordinary styles of clothing, the lack of those weird custom commissions always made her feel that her creativity and talents had lost their place.

  Compared to the conservatively dressed NPCs, the players’ bizarre and bizarre ideas really caught her eyes.

  Of course, it would be better if they could be a little more serious.

  Yaya comforted her friend and said,

  ”After all, everyone is on the front line.”

  Teng Teng glanced at her.

  ”Speaking of which, you call yourself a professional combat player, why are you so idle?”

  She originally thought that Yaya would follow Wei and the others to the front line, but she didn’t join in the fun this time.

  It seems that she learned a lesson from the fall last time.

  ”Hehe, don’t think I seem to be idle,” Yaya smiled proudly, “I have made a small fortune recently.”

  ”Oh?” Letting go of the straw, Teng Teng looked at Yaya curiously and asked, “What mission?”

  Yaya said proudly.

  ”I found that green and pointed mushroom before, and then sent it to the medical laboratory of the shelter for testing. The white-haired NPC lady found that it contained a substance similar to penicillin.”

  Teng Teng nodded and said suddenly.

  ”Now that you mention it, I seem to have some impression… Later it was updated in the official website illustrations. It was called Qinggusuin and Green Pine Mushroom? So you discovered it.”

  ”What do you mean I discovered it! There is a server-wide announcement!” Yaya protested dissatisfiedly, cleared her throat, and continued to say with a smile, “Anyway, later I received a hidden task issued by the shelter to collect 20 tons of Green Pine Mushroom for the survivors’ settlement in Xizhou City.”

  ”20 tons?!” Teng Teng looked at her blankly and said in surprise, “Is there so much?”

  Yaya said with a raised mouth.

  ”Of course there is. Everyone thought that kind of mushroom was poisonous before, so few people picked it. But with so many orders, I definitely can’t handle it alone. Fortunately, the young lady of the Merchants’ Union was very considerate to help me handle the procedures for registering a company. I hired about ten natives, and finally completed the task.”

  ”Not bad, not bad, our Yaya has finally embarked on this path. In the future, you don’t have to pick mushrooms yourself to earn silver coins.” Teng Teng nodded with relief.

  Yaya thought for a while and said.

  ”Emmm… That’s what I said, but compared to worrying about a lot of things, I really prefer the feeling of exploring alone.”

  This game can always discover new things she has never seen.

  As for silver coins, she doesn’t care so much.

  ”Are you in Versailles?”

  Teng Teng rolled her eyes at her, looked up at the sky, and stretched comfortably.

  ”Everyone is working so hard, it seems that I have to work hard on the new version.”

  Ya Ya patted her girlfriend’s shoulder with a smile.

  ”Don’t be so crazy, playing games is not to become something, and the experience process is actually quite happy. By the way, there will be a fireworks show to celebrate the victory in the square later, and it is said that there will be sugar sent from Luoxia Province.”

  ”White sugar?” Teng Teng asked curiously, “Hasn’t that kind of thing been available for a long time?”

  There was a time when sugar was cheaper than salt before the trade route was opened. After all, Brown Farm grows beets, and a slight improvement in the process can get pure sugar, but things like salt still have to be imported in inland areas.

  Ya Ya said with a smile.

  ”No, it’s the sand of sand. Luoxia Province is a desert. It must be a local specialty. I also saw it on the forum… It is said that it was discovered by Xiaoyu.”

  As he was talking, the fireworks had already risen into the sky.

  Before he knew it, the time had come.

  Hearing that it was a snack he had never seen before, Teng Teng immediately showed an interested expression on his face and jumped up from the steps.

  ”Come on, take me to have a look.”

  In the brilliant fireworks, people living in the rear sent their blessings to the distant front.

  Sun Shiqi walked out of the tavern drunkenly, looked up at the brilliant fireworks in the sky, was stunned for a few seconds, lowered his head and muttered softly.

  ”Green… should be copper sulfate.”

  Zhou Nan, who was supporting him, also muttered softly.

  ”What a waste… Are these people rich enough to use the unused explosives to light cannons?”

  ”It seems that the war is really over.”

  While the people of Shuguang City were celebrating the great victory on the front line, the plunderers far away in Xizhou City were suffering like being in dire straits…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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