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Chapter 329: Bombardment and Psychological Warfare

Chapter 329: Bombardment and Psychological Warfare


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 329 Artillery and Psychological Warfare

  Nine o’clock in the evening.

  This time is the interval between the Ya Clan patrols.

  ”I’ll leave this to you.”

  Greyhound, with a tired face, yawned, shouldered his rifle as usual, went downstairs to board the raft, and went to the outpost outside the Four New District to change guard.

  They have not had a good time recently.

  The paratroopers of the New Alliance seem to have contacted the local guerrillas, and the gunshots in the eastern region are becoming more and more frequent.

  He can clearly feel that the combat quality and firepower of those guerrillas are much stronger than before.

  Originally, those rats dared to shoot at them with iron pipe rifles, but now they have become hiding in the windows with automatic rifles and shooting at them.

  Some even use rocket launchers…

  It’s hard to defend against!

  Those paratroopers are not idle either. In addition to training guerrillas, they are also planning attacks themselves, and the scale is growing day by day.

  Although the apostles of the Torch Church can always kill a group from time to time, these people soon emerge from other places.

  Greyhound even has an illusion.

  It seems that these people are getting more and more?

  Since a large number of armored units and heavy firepower were transferred to the front line, the Ya Clan was quite passive in the face of the guerrilla attacks.

  They had been forced to abandon a large number of checkpoints and outposts in the eastern city, and actually lost control of the eastern city.

  Even though the patrol team has been increased to more than 100 people, they dare to patrol only during the day.

  ”I hope I don’t run into their paratroopers today…”

  Greyhound, who jumped onto the raft, prayed silently in his heart and sat next to the other looters.

  Tonight’s night is particularly quiet.

  When the raft was about to sail out of the Four New Districts, it started to rain. Seeing this sudden rain, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

  As we all know, the New Alliance’s planes will only appear on sunny days.

  Although rainy days are annoying, at least there is no need to worry about overhead.

  ”How long will this war last?”

  ”It should be soon,” the man with tattoos on his face said, sticking his rifle upside down on the ground, looking at the rain in the sky, “Our centurion said that the attack will begin when the heavy rain falls.”

  ”The heavier the rain, the closer their death will be.”

  The New Alliance’s planes will be weakened on rainy days.

  In the past, they only needed to send out one tank to take down a survivor stronghold with a thousand people. Now that so many tanks were sent to the front line, and they were commanded by Lord Dillon, who was known as the God of War, it seemed that victory would be as easy as breathing.

  Thinking of this, the people who had been harassed by the guerrillas and paratroopers felt a little comforted. Although the process was a bit difficult, as long as they could win, everything was worth it.

  It is said that the northern suburbs of Qingquan City is a fertile land flowing with milk and honey, where there are endless treasures and endless food.

  Just as Greyhound was fantasizing about the good days ahead, a “whoosh” sound suddenly came from above his head. Before everyone could react to what happened, a cloud of thick smoke exploded from the six-story building dozens of meters away.

  Concrete blocks were blown up and splashed everywhere, splashing a series of water and ripples on the water surface that filled the streets. Amid exclamations and curses, everyone ducked down to avoid it.

  The cracked-claw crabs startled by the explosion not far away let out a hoarse roar like grinding their teeth, and scurried around in the shallow waters restlessly.

  In the chaos, the rafts of the predators tilted to the side of the road.



  ”Damn, are those who fired the cannons still asleep? How did the shells hit here!” A predator with a face full of flesh cursed and yelled.

  A predator next to him trembled and said.

  ”No… I think even if it is not accurate, it will not hit here.”

  As if confirming his guess.

  Soon another shell fell, but this time it was farther away from them, landing about 100 to 200 meters behind them.

  Looking at the dark water, Greyhound said nervously.

  ”Let’s find a place to hide first… There are a lot of cracked-claw crabs here.”

  This sentence was unanimously agreed by everyone.

  After tying the broken raft to the side of the road, everyone quickly fled into the half-collapsed building next to them and rushed to the second floor to hide.

  There were constant explosions outside, and shells fell one after another, some as far as five or six hundred meters away, and some even right on the street under their feet.

  Listening to the thunderous sound of the artillery, the pairs of eyes hidden in the darkness were filled with fear and confusion.

  No one knew what had happened.

  This place was at least 20 to 30 kilometers away from Qingshi County, and there were nearly 30 tanks and five thousand-man teams in between.

  They just wanted to know where these shells came from? !


  Not only the patrols scattered throughout the city were suffering in the artillery fire, but also the minions who gathered in the cells to have fun…

  Even their leaders and leaders.

  ”Where did these shells come from!?”

  The roar echoed in the reinforced concrete artillery tower.

  Because the entire Sixin District was soaked in water, most of the anti-artillery bunkers were built in half-collapsed buildings, not buried underground.

  Hiding in the dark and cold artillery tower, Jin Ya’s face, which was black and green, was now full of rage and fear.

  A few minutes ago, he was still curled up in the warm bed, fiddling with the “toys” he had exchanged for dinars from the merchants in the Bughra Free State.

  However, he had just entered the state, and before he had time to enter, a shell landed in the stinking ditch not far from his window.

  Soon, the sound of artillery fire rang out one after another.

  The deafening roar scared him so much that he fell off the bed. He didn’t even remember to bring his coat, and he dragged his body of more than 200 kilograms to run here.

  Hiding in this artillery tower with him were his confidants and confidants.

  At this moment, everyone’s face was also filled with frightened expressions, not knowing what to do.

  Reaching out and grabbing a confidant, Jin Ya shouted at his face.

  ”Go to the south and see what happened!”

  ”Yes, yes!” The confidant nodded quickly and ran out crawling.

  Looking at the figure disappearing at the door, Jin Ya finally calmed down and composed himself… although his two green bean-sized eyes were still filled with fear and suspicion.

  After taking the clothes from his subordinates and putting them on, he found a sturdy chair and sat down, and began to think about what was going on.

  To be honest, when the shells first started to fall, he didn’t think of the New Alliance at first, but thought that the troops on the front line had betrayed him.

  This was also what he was most worried about.

  Although the commander of the legion helped him win many battles, and Jin Ya also admitted that he would not have won so smoothly without Dillon’s help, he still didn’t dare to hand over the command to those people, because he was worried that those people would be out of his control.

  Even if his brain was dull, he could still sense it.

  The bond between the former officers of the legion was much closer than the bond between himself and other thousand men and centurions.

  That loyalty was something he had never seen on his own faces.

  Once Dillon took control of the command, as long as he replaced the centurions and thousand men with his original subordinates, it would only take a few minutes to replace himself.

  The plunderers believed in the law of the jungle, and the strong were respected. Not to mention that now two-thirds of the Ya Clan are outsiders who joined them halfway and have no loyalty to him.


  this thought only stayed in Jin Ya’s mind for two seconds.

  He soon realized that the front-line troops he sent to Songlinyu were not equipped with indirect firepower such as 100mm artillery.

  In this way, there are only two possibilities.

  Either the New Alliance has created a super cannon that can effectively hit targets 20 kilometers or even 30 kilometers away.

  Or they have pushed the artillery position to Songlinyu, or even to the north of Songlinyu…

  No matter which possibility it is, it is undoubtedly bad news for him.

  After several hours of long waiting, if it weren’t for the occasional sound of artillery outside and the boredom in his heart, Jin Ya, who was sitting in the chair, couldn’t help but doze off.

  At this time, footsteps were finally heard outside, and the confidant who was sent by him to gather intelligence ran in hurriedly.

  Seeing the expression on the confidant’s face and the evasive gaze, Jin Ya’s heart trembled suddenly, and he had vaguely guessed something.

  However, he still didn’t expect it.

  The real situation was far worse than he had imagined…

  ”Songlinyu was occupied by the New Alliance?!”

  How could this be possible! !

  After listening to the report from his confidant, Jin Ya suddenly stood up from his chair, wanting to grab the man’s collar and ask again.

  ”Where are the five thousand-man teams stationed there?!”

  The confidant’s forehead pressed against the ground, and his voice trembled.

  ”All gone…”

  The chair creaked under the weight.

  Jin Ya collapsed back into the chair, and in his wide eyes, a series of complex and indescribable expressions flashed across his eyes.

  Twenty-seven tanks!

  Fifty anti-aircraft vehicles!

  This is almost the entire family of the Ya clan!

  In order to deal with those small planes, Jin Ya almost handed over all the 10mm heavy machine guns that could be connected in series to the craftsmen in the tribe for modification.

  But now someone told him that all of these were…



  Faced with this pale reality, Jin Ya fell into a long silence in confusion.

  He still remembered that before they set out, Dillon had promised him that he could take over the industrial zone and farmland of Dawn City at the cost of at most ten tanks.

  Using limited equipment for unlimited supplies, this deal is a sure win.

  However, now, let alone Dawn City, they haven’t even seen the shadow of Qingshi County, and the shells have even fallen into their nest!

  The teeth that closed gradually made a creaking sound, and the chest began to rise and fall, and Jin Ya squeezed out a series of angry curses from his teeth.

  ”This group of useless people who are more likely to cause trouble than to do good!”

  ”Where is Dillon?!”

  ”Where is that idiot now?”

  ”Let him roll over to see me!”

  Listening to the series of roars that sounded like thunder, the confidant who knelt on one knee trembled, not daring to breathe, for fear of being vented on his anger, and spoke in a trembling voice at a rapid speed.

  ”Little, little I don’t know… We saw the army of the New Alliance near the col on the north side of Songlinyu. They set up artillery there and stationed many people. There were also patrolling scouts in the nearby woods.”

  ”Thinking that you were still waiting for us to go back and report the news, we didn’t dare to take the risk of getting too close, so we thought about searching for the fleeing soldiers nearby, but we didn’t find any.”

  Hearing this, Jin Ya, who was furious, suddenly felt a thump in his heart.

  A drop of cold sweat unconsciously slid down his forehead, and even the anger burning in his chest was extinguished a little.

  Not a single one escaped? !

  This means that the New Alliance has wiped out his entire five thousand-man teams in a short period of time…

  and they were protected by countless armors.

  The centurions and confidants surrounding them looked at each other, exchanging the fear and surprise in each other’s eyes in silence. At

  this time, a centurion spoke.

  ”The Sixin District is a swamp, and the underground areas are all flooded. It is impossible to build anti-artillery caves here, and the surface bunkers cannot withstand continuous bombardment… I suggest moving to a place a little further north.”

  ”North? Do you want us to fight the guerrillas for the caves?”

  ”The guerrillas are in the east!”

  ”What’s the difference? The underground tunnels in this city are all the same. They are familiar with the terrain there. If we hide in them, we will die! Besides, how can more than 20,000 people hide in them?!”

  At this time, someone suddenly said.

  ”Or… let’s retreat to the north. Anyway, there is no money in Xizhou City, so just throw this piece of rotten land to the New Alliance.”

  Hearing this, many people showed expressions of agreement on their faces.

  ”Makes sense…”

  ”Indeed, there are only rats here, and there are endless guerrillas and endless paratroopers.”

  ”… and air strikes.”

  ”At worst, we can go east, meet up with the Snake Clan, and go around to the eastern provinces…”

  Some people did not speak, and looked at their leader cautiously.

  However, at this moment, Jin Ya suddenly slammed the table.


  ”Shut up!”

  ”If anyone dares to mention retreat again, I will cut off his tongue and feed it to the dogs!”

  The room was silent.

  Looking at his subordinates who kept silent, Jin Ya slowly calmed down his anger and heavy breathing.

  He admitted that he did not have the command ability of Dillon, but that did not mean he was stupid.


  There was no possibility of retreat!

  Not to mention that all the spoils and slaves would have to be left here, once he retreated, it would mean admitting the defeat of the Ya clan.

  Those foreign tribes attracted by his reputation would soon abandon him and leave, set up their own businesses, or go back to where they came from.

  After crossing the Tianshui tributary, at most only a little over 10,000 people would be left out of the 20,000 people. Anyway, it would be a loss of personnel anyway, so it would be better to reduce them on the battlefield and fight to the death with the new alliance!

  He still had more than 20,000 people in his hands. If he

  really fought a street fight, he might not have no chance of winning!

  Looking at his subordinates who kept silent, Jin Ya shouted and ordered.

  ”Take your men and spread them around the city. Watch every window and every building! Since those despicable moles dare to come to us, let them try!”

  ”As for shelling and bombing… let them waste their shells. I want to see how many shells they have!”

  No one dared to resist, let alone say anything.

  Even though they were complaining in their hearts, they could only bow their heads and agree.

  Looking at the figures who left and disappeared at the door one after another, Jin Ya slowly relaxed his tense muscles and shoulders and leaned on the back of the chair.

  Looking up at the ceiling that was shaking in the roar of artillery fire, a hint of madness appeared on his face.

  Come on!

  Let me see!

  Who has more people and whose knife is faster!


  ”This fireworks are really beautiful…”

  On the half-collapsed high-rise building.

  Fang Chang, holding a telescope in his hand, was standing in the rain and looking west at this moment, with a faint smile on his face.

  As for Lao Bai, who was standing not far from him, he was comparing the map and keeping in touch with the artillery group of the Goblin Corps through the VM and the headset with camera equipment.

  ”Correct the landing point of the shell 500 meters to the northwest… Don’t worry, I’ve recorded it and will send it to you when I go offline.”

  Just this afternoon, the New Alliance pushed the artillery unit from Qingshi County to the col five kilometers north of Songlinyu, and included the entire urban area from the south to the west of Xizhou City in the coverage of indirect firepower.

  The bombardment officially started at nine o’clock.

  With the cooperation of the Burning Corps, the artillery group of the Goblin Corps launched rounds of ground fire attacks on the key outposts and fortifications built by the Ya Clan in the Sixin District.

  However, firing artillery is a very boring thing.

  Especially since the “Hummingbird” has not been deployed yet, let alone watching the explosion, you can’t even hear the sound of the shell exploding.

  If you want to know the hit effect, you can either listen to the front-line players’ oral description on the radio, or you can only wait until you go offline and let your good brothers upload the video to the official website.

  ”These looters are quite smart. They know how to turn off the lights.” Ye Shi said in surprise as he watched the flames in the distance go out one after another.

  Lao Bai answered briefly.

  ”It’s normal. Indirect firepower at ultra-long distances requires the guidance of frontline troops, reporting the coordinates of the bombardment and the point where the shells land, and constantly correcting the firing parameters. They can guess that we are reporting coordinates nearby, but they just don’t know where we are.”

  It’s better to say.

  These people are only reacting now.

  It seems that Dillon’s failure has dealt a heavy blow to the prestige of those “staff officers” in the tribe.

  Normally, when the first shell falls, they should realize the problem and put out all the open flames on the position.

  ”Stop talking nonsense, it’s time to work,” Kuangfeng, who was carrying a bunch of wires and loudspeakers, patted Ye Shi on the shoulder, “Come and help me.”


  In the camp more than ten kilometers away.

  The players standing near the 100mm artillery are studying the targets of the next round of shelling.

  In the past few hours, they have fired more than a dozen rounds, pouring nearly two hundred 100mm grenades towards the Four New District.

  At the same time, in a tent not far from the artillery position, a prisoner wearing headphones was sitting in front of a recording device, nervously reading the manuscript in his hand.

  ”…I am the centurion Wabu under the Xiongya account, from the Bugera Free State. I originally had a decent job, but I was confused and greedy and was deceived to come here.”

  ”I confess my past crimes, and I hope that those who are from the Bugera Free State or other regions like me can wake up in time… There is no fertile land flowing with milk and honey ahead, only rivers of blood and mountains of corpses.”

  ”Wake up, how long have we stayed in Xizhou City? How many brothers have died in meaningless battles? Sleeping with rats, cutting meat from corpses to fill our stomachs… How long have we not had a decent lunch? How long will we be deceived by that fat pig sitting on a pile of human bones?”

  He read to this point.

  The more Wabu thought about it, the more he felt really wronged.

  When he was in the Bugera Free State, he could at least drink twice in three days. But since he came to Xizhou City, let alone drinking, he almost lost his human appearance.

  Emotions surged in his heart, and he couldn’t help but raise his voice.

  ”… Plunderers of Xizhou City, the army of the New Alliance is already at the gates of the city. The sound of artillery last night was the final ultimatum!”

  ”Your chief of staff Dillon has been killed, and the centurions such as Xiongya have surrendered. In front of the planes and artillery of the New Alliance, you have no chance of winning. The outcome of this war has long been doomed, and surrender is your only way out!”

  ”The New Alliance does not kill prisoners of war, and treats prisoners who surrender voluntarily with preferential treatment. As long as you take the leaflets, whether you go to find the local guerrillas or come to the south to find the patrol team of the New Alliance directly, the Alliance promises with credibility that we will guarantee your safety.”

  ”If someone is stubborn-”

  ”Then pay for your sins with death!”

  After reading the manuscript in his hand.

  Wabu turned around tremblingly and looked at the azure power armor standing at the entrance of the tent.

  ”Respected sir, I have finished reading the manuscript you gave me… May I ask if you have any other instructions? Your most loyal servant is willing to serve you.”

  That face was full of flattery and fawning.

  However, Chu Guang ignored him, just looked at the soldier standing beside him, and said briefly.

  ”Take him down and keep an eye on him.”

  The soldier looked serious and saluted.


  Then there was a tank commander. Chu Guang also prepared a manuscript for him, mainly to read to the former officers of the Corps.

  Once the news of Dillon’s disastrous defeat in Songlinyu spread, the status of those officers in the Bone Chewing Tribe would inevitably plummet.

  These people are also targets for rebellion.

  Even if they are not rebellious, they can still be given some eye drops.

  After the H-1 flies over and drops leaflets tomorrow, the more than a dozen loudspeakers deployed by the Burning Corps near the Sixin District will broadcast the recording of persuading surrender continuously during the intervals of the shelling. After

  Wabu was taken away, a man with bandages on his body was brought in.

  His name is Bagro, and he is a tank commander. Surprisingly, this guy actually jumped out before the tank was blown up.

  Of course, what surprised Chu Guang even more was that this guy was not Dillon’s subordinate, let alone the 210,000th team.

  Instead, he came from the 140,000th team of the Corps Expeditionary Force – a corps built of armored units such as tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

  Looking at the recording device, Bagro had already guessed what the man in power armor wanted him to do, so he said straightforwardly.

  ”Do you want me to do it myself, or read the script?”

  Chu Guang pointed at the table next to him with his chin.

  ”The script is right there, you can do it yourself first, and then read it again. But before that, I want to ask you something.”

  Bagro stopped walking towards the recording device.

  ”What is it?”

  Chu Guang looked at him with interest.

  ”Did you guys make an appointment?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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