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Chapter 329 I am a younger brother?

Chapter 329 I am a younger brother?

2024-05-29 作者: 错哪儿了

  Chapter 329 I am a younger brother?

  On Sunday evening, Jiang Qin planned to have a dinner with the cooperative enterprises participating in the first stop marketing, and chat about the marketing arrangements in the future.

  He had been to Longkai Hotel too many times and was tired of the food. In addition, he had not been to Juxianlou for a long time, so he specially chose this place for the dinner. After all, there were not many people coming this time, just a few business owners from the first stop, so it was enough to open a large private room.

  However, just after arriving at Juxianlou, Jiang Qin heard a call before he had time to look at the private room number.


  Following the voice, Jiang Qin turned around and saw Ye Ziqing walking to the next box. She was followed by a woman and two men of similar age. They should be friends having dinner: “Senior Sister Ye, you are here too?” Ye Ziqing

  smiled faintly: “Yes, I’m having a gathering with friends on the weekend.”

  ”We met here last time, what a coincidence.”

  ”Yes, I came here for a social event last time and got a little drunk. Some of the things I said were inappropriate. Don’t take it to heart.”

  When they first met in Juxian Building, Jiang Qin had not yet developed group buying. Ye Ziqing taught Jiang Qin in the tone of a senior not to limit his vision to Linchuan. When Jiang Qin refused, he couldn’t help but give a short-sighted evaluation.

  But after just three months of not seeing each other, the other party single-handedly promoted the establishment of the Linchuan business group, became the leader of Linchuan, and gradually promoted Zhihu across the country. Ye Ziqing was convinced by his means and abilities.

  For the sake of her family’s business, she had constant drinking parties and social events, and she had met many young talents over the years.

  But even those who come from a good family, have a high level of education, or even have many family connections, cannot do what Jiang Qin is doing now.

  Ye Ziqing is not a person who believes in talent. She always thinks that there may be a master behind Jiang Qin, but Professor Yan told her that Jiang Qin is just a child from a dual-income family and has no contact with any business people.

  From that day on, Ye Ziqing began to believe that talent is better than people.

  But ability is ability, and vision is vision. Regarding the fact that group buying stopped in Linchuan, Ye Ziqing’s evaluation of Jiang Qin was still not enough vision.

  This may be the disadvantage of his being born in an ordinary family. A person’s ability can be brought with talent, but the circles and people he contacts are too low-end, and he will never have an open vision and keen insight.

  ”Are you here alone? Let’s eat together.” Ye Ziqing suddenly made an invitation.

  Jiang Qin looked at the time and found that there was still half an hour before the agreed time, so he nodded: “Okay, I just want to talk to Senior Ye.”

  ”This way, please.”

  ”Thank you.”

  Seeing Jiang Qin walk into the box, the other two men and one woman who had already sat down couldn’t help but be a little surprised, but didn’t say anything, just chatting about their own things.

  Jiang Qin and Ye Ziqing didn’t talk about any business matters. The main content of the topic was Linda, such as which building was demolished, which building was built, what place was changed, which professor of the School of Finance retired, etc.

  Why not talk about business?

  For Jiang Qin, he didn’t need Ye Ziqing at this stage, so there was no need.

  For Ye Ziqing, she was sure that Jiang Qin would not promote group buying, and she had no interest in Zhihu at all.

  ”Ziqing, so you like this age?”

  At this moment, the girl next to Ye Ziqing suddenly spoke. She had flaxen wavy curls and a Hermès handbag next to her. At first glance, she was also a rich woman from a wealthy family.

  Ye Ziqing coughed: “Don’t talk nonsense.”

  ”Isn’t it? I’ve never seen you take the initiative to chat up with boys before.”

  ”Jiang Qin is my junior from the same school. He is a sophomore this year and is also starting a business.”

  Ye Ziqing said and looked at Jiang Qin: “Junior, this is my best friend Liu Yin. She is a little bit shy, don’t mind.”

  Jiang Qin showed a very polite smile: “It doesn’t matter. Senior Sister Ye is so beautiful. I am handsome enough to be mistaken for a lover. I feel quite honored.”

  Boss Jiang’s focus is on the second half of the sentence, I am handsome enough! I, Yanzu!

  But the key point Liu Yin heard was the first half of the sentence. He praised Ye Ziqing for her beauty: “Junior brother has good vision. You are so young and you are thinking about marrying a rich woman?”

  ”Being married to a rich woman can save me a lot of detours. My biggest dream in life is to marry a rich woman.”

  Liu Yin did not expect him to say it so nakedly and directly. She could not help but be stunned: “It’s not easy to live off a woman. I advise you not to have too many unrealistic ideas. A college student, young, with hands and feet, can’t he do anything.”

  Jiang Qin nodded: “I know it’s not easy to live off a woman. You will be taken advantage of. I know it well.”

  ”You really want to marry a rich woman. You are so shameless.”


  Jiang Qin raised his eyebrows and thought to himself, I thought I met a confidant, why was I ridiculed again.

  Liu Yin turned her head and looked at the boy on the left: “Zhang Feng, you have a competitor now.”

  The boy named Zhang Feng smiled slightly: “College students should study hard and don’t think about those things.”

  In fact, Liu Yin asked Ye Ziqing out this time to match Zhang Feng and Ye Ziqing. They are all the same age, already 28 or 29 years old. Although wealthy families don’t get married too early, they all have a boyfriend.

  Ye Ziqing is an alternative among them. She has never had a boyfriend and doesn’t socialize with boys. Her family is also anxious, so they asked Liu Yin to help match them up and see if there is anyone suitable.

  If others don’t know, then Liu Yin knows it too well. In the circle where they play together, there are many people who like Ye Ziqing. Zhang Feng is the one who persists the longest. In her opinion, Zhang Feng is also the one who is most suitable for Ye Ziqing.

  So, when they saw Jiang Qin and Ye Ziqing talking happily, the two of them couldn’t help but frown a little.

  Especially when hearing Ye Ziqing say that he was “starting a business”, Liu Yin’s vigilance became even higher. Aren’t there many cases now? The young man approached the rich woman, took the initiative to ask about her well-being, and then lied about starting a business to cheat her of money and sex.

  ”Brother, did you hear that? Listen to your brothers and sisters. College students should study hard and don’t have any crooked thoughts.”

  Liu Yin felt that the other party was just a silly brother who loved to daydream. He made the identities of his brothers and sisters clear as soon as he opened his mouth. Calling others brother in this tone was actually no less than a mockery.

  Ye Ziqing was drunk, thinking that you guys just hang out in bars and race cars all day long. Do you really not read any social news? Brother…

  She was about to explain, but there was a sound of footsteps on the stairs. A group of Linchuan entrepreneurs who were invited came upstairs. They were all dressed in suits and leather shoes, chatting and laughing, calling each other “X General” and “X General”. They were very imposing and attracted a lot of attention.

  Liu Xiliang from Burger King was stunned when he passed by this box: “Yin Yin, why are you here?”

  ”I’m going to have dinner with Ziqing, Dad, why are you here too?” Liu Yin was also a little surprised.

  ”I’m here for a dinner party, oh, why is Mr. Jiang here too, do you know my daughter? What a coincidence!”

  Jiang Qin immediately waved his hands: “No, I don’t know him. This is our first meeting.”

  Liu Xiliang looked at Liu Yin with some disappointment: “Then let me introduce him. Mr. Jiang is our family’s partner. Yinyin, you…you have to call him uncle.”


  Liu Yin turned her head and looked at Jiang Qin, her eyes a little dazed, not quite understanding what kind of development this was.

  In fact, Liu Xiliang’s uncle was well arranged, because the brand promotion depends on Jiang Qin, he dare not take advantage of the seniority. Jiang Qin is a little younger than his daughter, but you can’t make them equals. If they are equals, wouldn’t Jiang Qin have to call him uncle?

  Jiang Qin stood up after hearing the voice: “Forget it, let them talk by themselves, let’s go next door and talk about the later marketing.”

  ”Okay, Mr. Jiang.”

  Liu Xiliang looked at Liu Yin after he finished speaking: “Don’t hang out outside all day, stay here honestly, and go home with me after dinner!”

  Let us, a group of children? Liu Yin didn’t hear what her father said. She was completely focused on Jiang Qin calling them children. Then she turned to look at Zhang Feng and found that he also had a feeling of brain stuck. He opened and closed his mouth for a long time, but couldn’t utter a word.

  ”Ziqing, what’s going on? Isn’t Jiang Qin a college student?”


  Ye Ziqing thought about it and felt that it was really hard to explain: “I can’t explain it clearly for a while. Let’s go to the next door and see, then you will know.”

  Hearing this, Liu Yin and Zhang Feng stood up and followed Ye Ziqing to the next door. They asked for a few chairs and sat down. They saw Jiang Qin sitting in the main seat under the warm invitation of everyone.

  In the banquet of Linchuan, the position is a very learned thing. Only the one with the highest status can sit in the main seat. In other words, among this group of people, Jiang Qin is recognized as the one with the highest status.

  Liu Yin pursed her lips, still in a trance, and then she heard Jiang Qin speak: “The second round of Zhihu marketing has begun, and our first-stop marketing must also keep up. How are your preparations? Is there anyone who can talk about it first?”

  ”Let me do it.”

  Liu Jiaming spoke first: “Our supply channels have been opened in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Nanjing, Shenzhen, and Guangdong. Now the distribution has been completed. The marketing department is communicating with Director Wei, and the advertisement was put out yesterday.”

  ”Mr. Jiang, our store with Lao Yu and Lao Zhao is also being renovated, and we can start business at the end of October.” Liu Xiliang spoke immediately.

  After listening to them, Mr. Kang of Kangmailang also began to speak: “Mr. Jiang, we have invested in a batch of new production lines, and the product packaging has been designed.”

  ”Very good, it seems that everyone attaches great importance to this matter, and the progress has been kept up, which is very good.”

  Jiang Qin nodded, and had a general understanding of everyone’s progress.

  The advertisement of the red can of herbal tea began to be officially launched on the Zhihu forum, which was regarded as the first shot of Zhihu’s first-stop marketing.

  Afraid of getting angry after eating hot pot? Drink Jiaduoji!

  The red background of the poster matches the hot pot, which is very eye-catching and direct. It instantly establishes the positioning of Jiaduoji in the market. From a Chinese herbal tea that cannot open up the market, it has become a hot pot companion today.

  Since I was very young, my mother would say, don’t drink beverages, beverages are the most harmful thing, rotten teeth and rotten stomachs. Who would have thought that a bottle of sweet water can actually clear away heat and reduce fire?

  As long as this positioning can be accurately identified and distinguished from other small sweet waters on the market, and at the same time, in conjunction with the marketing ideas provided by Jiang Qin, and tied to popular food, it is really not too easy to open up the market.

  So it is only a matter of time for this brand to go out of the circle, and this time will not be too long.

  In addition, Kangmailang has not been idle during this period.

  According to Jiang Qin’s suggestion, they invested in a new iced black tea packaging production line, adding a 1L package on the basis of the original 500ml.

  China’s beverage market was opened by Coca-Cola, especially at the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, “foreign beverages” have been monopolizing this field. Although subsequent domestic beverage brands have developed more abundant varieties, they are still imitating Coca-Cola’s specifications to a certain extent.

  Why did 500ml become a fixed package?

  Because this specification is not heavy, it is easy to carry around, and the average liquid intake of each person is about 500ml, so this specification is easy to carry and can meet the needs.

  But iced black tea is not a carbonated beverage, and it will not be full of gas in the stomach, so Kangmailang can put some thought into the specifications.

  What is the most critical thing? Jiang Qin is mainly engaged in the college student market. He wants to bring these brands out of Linchuan, and the first stop is to let the college student group get familiar with this brand first.

  For college students, this 500ml beverage is really not enough to drink. After buying a bottle and returning to the dormitory, they wish they could finish the drink before finishing a game.

  Especially for those who are good at staying up all night, it is really not a problem to drink two or three bottles a day.

  How to make college students remember Kangmailang first among many beverage brands? Then according to the needs of the loser college students, increasing the capacity is the most effective way.

  Upgraded packaging, larger quantity, more money-saving.

  After the supply channels are rolled out, discounts and promotions will be carried out in the first half of the year. Under the condition that the price fluctuation is not large, Kangmailang’s chances of being selected will be greatly increased.

  Combined with the marketing of Zhihu, it is not difficult to establish the brand image in the university town.

  College students will eventually graduate and become white-collar workers in various industries. It is very important for fast-moving consumer goods to occupy the market first among this group.

  ”After Heli Lao is renovated, it can be bundled with Jiaduoji for marketing, and the positioning of Jiaduoji as a must-drink for hot pot can be deepened in front of college students.”

  ”Kangmailang can also join in as a permanent beverage, supplying Heli Lao, Burger King and Green Pepper Grilled Fish.”

  ”In addition, my family Xitian will also launch a lemonade suitable for meals at the right time to enrich the choices of dining customers.”

  ”Wait until later, when our hotel brand, convenience store brand, and more catering brands go out, we will conduct another large-scale joint marketing and strive to create a closed loop in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation.”

  ”I have been saying that we should hold together, cooperate, support and help each other, and rush out of Linchuan together. Many people don’t believe me, but today, I believe everyone has seen it.”

  ”To be honest, I really envy you for having such a good vision.”

  Jiang Qin picked up the wine glass and spoke with a strong flavor as soon as he opened his mouth, and the other bosses also agreed deeply, and immediately stood up and raised their glasses, one by one with Jiang Qin.

  Seeing this scene, Liu Yin, who was sitting in the back, couldn’t help holding her breath, and her mouth and legs were a little difficult to close.

   My thoughts are not very clear. I had a hard time writing it today. It’s a little late. I’ll post it first. I still need to revise it.


  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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