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Chapter 330: Shuili’s beautiful figure, accompanied by Yehui

Chapter 330: Shuili’s beautiful figure, accompanied by Yehui


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 330 Shui Li’s pretty figure, accompanied by Ye Hui In

  the dead of night, the mansion was quiet inside and outside.

  Yang Shifei stood alone in the courtyard, silently clasping his palms and breathing, practicing and regulating his breathing.

  Now that the wedding date is approaching, he also wants to try his best to keep his spirit and spirit, and marry his wife in the best appearance. So he has to seize the time and practice more.

  Of course, it is also a day for Xian’er and the others to rest and recuperate.


  Yang Shifei suddenly punched out, the air exploded, and the air waves rolled up.

  He felt the surging power surging through his body, and he felt a little emotional. Since practicing, his growth has been rapid.

  However, compared with the bold words he made at the beginning, it is still a lot worse.

  ”The realm of heaven and man is really not simple.”

  Yang Shifei smacked his lips twice and performed a few sets of boxing again.

  The fist wind in the courtyard was like a whistling wind. When he stepped forward, he had the momentum of destroying mountains and seas, and burst out with fierce and fierce power.


  When Yang Shifei finished his palm exercise, he soon heard a few buzzing sounds in the pavilion.

  Looking back, Shuili was shaking gently beside the railing, as if she was applauding him.

  He couldn’t help but laugh and said, “You are so considerate.” He

  strode back to the pavilion and held the Shuili sword in his hand. Under the moonlight, the sword reflected the gorgeous color of porcelain jade.

  The hilt of the sword was warm and trembling, as if it was also smiling softly.

  ”It seems that you are really happy that there is no magic knife by your side tonight.” Yang Shifei smiled and nodded at the sword: “It has become a lot more lively.”

  In the past two days, he almost always carried the magic knife and Shuili with him.

  However, tonight, the magic knife was taken away by Yue Rui on purpose, saying that this bad knife could not be allowed to steal and run away.

  Because of this, Shuili is now the only one to accompany him.

  Hearing this, the long sword hummed again, emitting a little moonlight green light, as dazzling as a dream.

  Yang Shifei smiled: “If you are not sleepy, you can just spend the night with me.”

  He quickly took the sword back to the yard and tried to wave it twice, and the breeze swirled.


  Shuili kept buzzing, as if she was getting more and more excited.

  Yang Shifei’s mind moved, and he could clearly feel the heart of the sword spirit.

  ”Come to think of it, I haven’t held you to perform sword skills for a long time.”

  After saying that, he immediately turned his wrist and waved, stepped forward, and displayed his sharp sword skills.

  Although he did not major in swordsmanship, he had fought with many warriors and demons, and learned many sword skills from many sects, making the use of holy weapons more and more handy.

  And Shuili is now extremely excited, as if she has a connection with her master’s mind, and every move is like a wave of the arm.

  One person and one sword swung in the yard for a long time until they were satisfied.


  Yang Shifei took the opportunity to stroke the cold sword body with his fingers: “Good girl.”

  Shuili even hummed a few times as if she was still unsatisfied, quietly broke free of her right hand, and lightly pressed it into his arms.

  Yang Shifei held the sword in his arms and smiled helplessly: “Is it considered acting like a spoiled child now?”


  Shuili gently leaned on his shoulder, like a warm and restrained young lady.

  Yang Shifei looked emotional: “You were quite naughty at first, but now you have become so spiritual and considerate.”

  She turned around and thought about how she, as the master, was indeed a little heartless and cruel, always leaving her alone at home.

  Shuili seemed to have sensed something and gently rubbed her neck with the hilt of the sword, as if to express her submissiveness.

  Yang Shifei sat casually by the steps, his mind moved slightly, and he took out a small brocade box from his arms.

  The last mysterious pill was kept in it.

  ”This pill can transform Xiao Qing into a human, and can transform the magic knife into a human. Can it have an effect on Shui Li?”

  Yang Shifei pondered secretly, and was a little unsure for a while.

  After all, this pill is fundamentally related to the filth of demons. And Shui Li is a Taiwu holy soldier

  . “No.” Yang Shifei thought: “When Shui Li was born, it was also a mixture of the aura of Xian’er and Sister Qiu. It has both the aura of a holy soldier and the aura of filth, and cannot be confused with ordinary holy soldiers.” Thinking of

  this, he tried to bring the pill close to the hilt of the sword, trying to let Shui Li absorb a trace of this pill’s aura, and try it first.


  Shui Li made a light sound, as if asking, “Is this for me to eat?”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “You can taste it first.”

  Shui Li did not doubt it and moved the hilt closer. As the mysterious light flowed, this mysterious pill quickly began to melt, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “Is it done?”

  He thought that Shui Li would slowly absorb the breath of the pill.

  Unexpectedly, the absorption speed was faster than that of the magic knife eating the pill raw, and there was no time to stop.

  ”How do you feel?” Yang Shifei’s face was a little serious, and he asked carefully and concernedly: “Do you feel anything wrong?”

  Shui Li hummed twice and leaned back on his shoulder again, as if to say that her whole body was cold and quite comfortable.

  ”Is it not effective?”

  Yang Shifei looked strange, it seemed that he had wasted a pill


  At this moment, a burst of mysterious light suddenly bloomed from his arms.

  Yang Shifei couldn’t help but narrow his eyes, and his expression was even more stunned. This was the movement from Shui Li. It turned out that this pill was still effective?

  The next moment, the mysterious light that was almost condensed into substance gradually dissipated, like a feather falling off the dust, gradually revealing…

  Green hair flying like a waterfall, hanging gauze and white clothes wrapped around her slender figure, sitting in his arms as light as a feather, like a pure and banished immortal descending to the mortal world.


  Yang Shifei subconsciously held his breath, staring at the girl in his arms. The

  blue-haired girl raised her head, revealing a charming face that was unparalleled in the world, with affection between her blue eyebrows.

  She slightly opened her crystal pink lips and uttered a babyish voice: “Master.”

  The soft call made Yang Shifei even more stunned: “Is it really Shuili?”

  The magic knife was made of the flesh and blood of the demon, so how did Shuili turn into a human form in the blink of an eye?

  The blue-haired girl pursed her hands and smiled gently, gently raised her hands, and clasped them in front of her budding breasts.

  ”It’s nice to see the master holding the master’s hand.”

  Shuili came closer with some excitement, with a sweet smile on her face, but her tone was very soft and weak, and said: “This is so good.”

  As she spoke, she slightly closed her beautiful eyes, leaned sideways and leaned into his arms, really becoming a little wife who obeyed everything.

  Yang Shifei came back to his senses at this time, and said with a strange look: “Shui Li, how do you feel now?”

  ”Very strange.”

  Shui Li touched her throat: “I don’t know why I can speak but my body is not very coordinated.”

  It seems that she can’t get used to this sudden human body.

  Just after saying two sentences, the mysterious light around her reappeared, and she quietly changed back to the appearance of the holy weapon sword.


  Yang Shifei was stunned, and Shui Li seemed to be stunned. I didn’t expect it to change back so quickly.

  Feeling regretful, he quickly smiled and touched the hilt of the sword: “Since you can change once, there will naturally be more opportunities in the future, don’t be too sad.”

  ”——You, what are you doing?”

  Just at this time, a puzzled murmur sounded behind him.

  Yang Shifei hurriedly turned around and saw Tan Xiang walking over in a nightgown, with a puzzled look on her pretty face: “I heard you talking to yourself from afar.”

  ”Well, it’s Shui Li who seems to be able to change into a human form, but it’s a pity that it can only last for a few breaths.”

  ”This sounds novel.”

  Tan Xiang pursed her lips slightly and sat beside him with her gauze skirt.

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows and smiled: “It’s still early in the morning, why don’t you go back and have some sleep?”

  ”No need.” Tan Xiang stroked her hair and blushed as she murmured: “I want to accompany you.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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