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Chapter 331 Decapitation Operation!

Chapter 331 Decapitation Operation!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 331 Decapitation Operation!

  Xizhou City, Sixin District.

  In the low ruins soaked in water, there is an anti-artillery bunker reinforced with concrete.

  Yan Ya read the crumpled note in his hand from beginning to end, and then looked at the confidant standing in front of him.

  ”This letter was given to you by the people of the New Alliance? Are you sure it is not from the guerrillas?”

  ”I can swear to you with my life! Sir.”

  Standing in front of Yan Ya, the confidant continued to speak solemnly.

  ”The director of the Alliance’s Hope Town Office personally handed this letter to me… Before leaving, he dictated the contents of the letter to me twice, saying that this was the will of the Alliance administrators. If you can’t read, let me read it to you.”

  ”…You did a good job.”

  The hanging heart was finally put down. Yan Ya carefully folded the note and stuffed it into his pocket.

  After pondering for a long time, he looked at his confidant and continued.

  ”Go and call all the centurions under my command. No matter what mission they are carrying out now, let them come to see me immediately!”

  The confidant nodded immediately.

  ”Yes!” The

  confidant turned and left, and returned to Yan Ya who sat on the chair and waited quietly for a moment.

  Not long after.

  There were sparse footsteps at the door.

  One by one, strong men wearing animal skins and muscular bodies walked in from outside.

  They were wearing tooth strings that symbolized their status. Their faces were as ugly as evil spirits and they exuded a foul smell.

  Standing in front of Yan Ya, everyone clasped their fists and said.


  ”You are looking for us?”

  Yan Ya looked around at his most loyal subordinates and spoke slowly.

  ”Do you trust me?”

  Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what the boss was singing today.

  But he asked this, and everyone couldn’t say they didn’t believe it, so they expressed their loyalty.

  ”Of course!”

  ”You are our leader, who else can we trust if we don’t trust you?”

  ”That’s right! Although I don’t understand any great principles, the Great Horned Deer God can testify to my loyalty!”

  Looking at the people who swore a poisonous oath, Yan Ya continued.

  ”What if I want you to die?”

  Anyway, they would not really die, so they continued without hesitation.

  ”Boss, what you said, my life is yours!”

  ”Yes, let alone let me die, even if I jump into the oil pan, I promise not to frown!”

  ”That’s right! Let alone jumping into the oil pan, even if I use my life to plug the blue gophers’ gun holes, I will definitely not be afraid!”

  Very good.

  They are all loyal and brave people, worthy of being my personally selected subordinates.

  Looking at the people who rushed to swear, Yan Ya nodded with satisfaction.

  ”I am satisfied that you have this heart. Since you recognize me as your leader, I naturally cannot let you down. You will not die, and I will live with you.”

  After saying that, he looked at his confidant.

  ”You go and close the door and stand guard at the door. No one is allowed to approach. Those who violate the order will be killed.” The

  confidant nodded and accepted the order.


  Everyone in the room looked at each other. Their intuition told them that today seemed different from usual. Their leader suddenly asked them to show their loyalty. I’m afraid it’s not as simple as playing with them.

  The door was closed heavily.

  Yan Ya stood up from the chair, looked around at everyone, and his expression gradually became serious.

  ”The troops of the New Alliance have arrived under our noses, and our leader is whipping and slaughtering his most loyal subordinates.”

  ”He has gone completely crazy. If we don’t do something, we will all die!”

  At this point, everyone finally understood what their leader was going to discuss with them.

  Good guy.

  He wants to drag them into rebellion!

  Looking around at the centurions with different expressions, Yan Ya continued.

  ”I’m not afraid of death. Death is nothing but returning to the embrace of Mother Earth. But you treat me as your elder brother, so I can’t watch you die in vain because of a stupid madman.”

  ”Of course, if someone doesn’t want to follow me, I won’t force you. Just go out of that door. Just pretend that I didn’t say anything today and you didn’t hear anything.” It’s okay to pretend that you

  didn’t hear anything. If

  you say no, it’s impossible to walk out of this door!

  The centurions rushed to express their opinions.

  ”Boss, just say whatever you want to say.”

  ”No matter what you plan to do, we will follow you!”

  ”That’s it! At worst, we can just leave and start a new business, occupy a mountain and have fun!”

  Yan Ya nodded.

  ”Then I’ll say it.”

  After a pause, Yan Ya continued.

  ”I plan to take you and surrender to the New Alliance!”

  As soon as the voice fell, the room became quiet in an instant, as if a pin drop could be heard.

  Everyone’s face was full of surprise.

  Surrender to the New Alliance? !

  Is it Jin Ya who is crazy, or their leader!

  The war has gone on to this point, and both sides have suffered countless casualties. Take the paratroopers in the city, for example. In the past month, at least five or six hundred paratroopers have died in their hands.

  Although the New Alliance said in the radio that they would give preferential treatment to prisoners who surrendered voluntarily, who can guarantee that they will not turn against them after the war is over?

  No one will come to give them justice at that time.

  Hearing that they were executed, the survivors would only clap excitedly.

  ”Boss, I believe you… but, why surrender to the New Alliance?”

  ”Yes, can they spare us?”

  ”Or we should run away… run to the north, follow Tianshui to the east or west, and we will always find a place to go.”

  Expecting his subordinates to say this, Yan Ya smiled indifferently.

  ”Run away? More than a thousand people, what to eat on the road? Run away with the slaves? Or borrow some supplies from our leader before setting off?”

  Everyone fell silent.

  Yanya didn’t stop, and continued talking while looking at them.

  ”Unless you plan to abandon more than a thousand brothers here and let them fend for themselves.”

  Although they didn’t care about the lives of those minions, if they abandoned all the brothers, wouldn’t they be left alone?

  At that time, let alone finding a hilltop to enjoy themselves, they might lose their lives if they met two alien species on the road.

  Everyone’s expressions hesitated. Running away was indeed not a good idea, at least not for those of them who wore shoes.

  However, surrendering…

  would the outcome be better than running away?

  A centurion asked cautiously.

  ”But boss, even if we surrender to the New Alliance… the best result is to become their slaves, so it’s better to run away.”

  Yanya looked at him and said.

  ”The New Alliance needs people to guard the prisoners. As long as we are willing to cooperate with them and end this war whose outcome is already doomed, they will hand over this task to us who know the current situation.”

  ”Although we won’t be as happy as we are now, we can still manage hundreds or thousands of people, which is better than going to the mountains and forests where there is no village or shop.”

  After hearing this, those who were still worried finally put their worries aside.

  At least for the New Alliance, they are useful.

  This is far more reassuring than the so-called promise.

  ”Boss, just tell me what to do.”

  ”We all listen to you!”

  Yan Ya nodded.

  ”Don’t tell anyone about today’s conversation. You all go down and prepare according to my instructions.”

  ”Start at midnight three days later! At that time, the New Alliance’s aircraft will cooperate with the ground forces to launch a feint attack on the southern city. And we who are guarding the west will be responsible for opening a gap in the western defense zone to let the New Alliance in.”

  Yan Ya said coldly with a ruthless look in his eyes.

  ”After we meet up with the new alliance, we will head straight for Jin Ya’s lair!”

  ”Catch that idiot alive!”


  Three days passed in a flash.

  The continuous bombardment and leaflet offensives made the morale of the entire Ya clan fall to a low point.

  There were constant deserters who abandoned their positions and fled to the north, or took the leaflets to the east and surrendered to the guerrillas.

  No matter how furious Jin Ya was and ordered a thorough investigation of those who secretly hid the “surrender coupons”, he could not stop the escapees from appearing.

  Especially those plunderers who “came here because of their reputation”.

  As an outside branch that was not even a collateral branch, they were themselves a group that was not trusted.

  Since the traitor appeared, their superiors wanted to search them twice a day and check their rooms three times a day.

  Anyone who was found to have secretly hidden the “surrender coupons”, whether they were carrying them on their bodies or hiding them in the house, would be hung on the window without mercy.

  This series of almost crazy high-pressure measures led to more and more deserters.

  The most exaggerated time was when a whole team of 100 people went out and never came back…

  Faced with this desperate situation, even the most loyal and determined warriors in the tribe could not help but feel desperate.


  they really had nowhere to go.

  In the dark concrete fortification, Gold Fang stared at the map with a gloomy face.

  This was the temporary headquarters of the Ya clan, and there were only two people standing here.

  One was Gold Fang himself, and the other was one of his right-hand men, Fox Fang.

  As a direct descendant of the Ya clan, this slightly thin man, although not good at fighting, had a good brain.

  Since Dillon was defeated, Gold Fang could no longer trust those staff officers.

  Fox Fang, the centurion standing aside, whispered.

  ”Why don’t we ask other clans for help… Even if they send some weapons, the brothers can’t even get the materials to repair the guns.”

  Listening to his men’s suggestion, Gold Fang did not speak.

  Ask for help?

  Who can we ask for help?

  The Snake Clan, which was marching eastward, was stuck in the quagmire of Honghe Town and had no time to help him.

  The Bear Clan, which was marching westward, had already reached Luoxia Province, which was a hundred kilometers away from here, and there were countless mountains and rivers in between.

  Jin Ya knew very well that although his clan was the head of the tribe and he was also the king of the tribe, there was no superior-subordinate relationship between clans, and he had no right to command other clans that were not affiliated with him.

  ”How much ammunition do we have left?”

  Hu Ya whispered.

  ”At the current consumption rate… I’m afraid it will only last for two months.”

  Jin Ya fell into a long silence.

  Just as he was about to say something, dense artillery fire came from outside.

  He had almost gotten used to the New Alliance’s artillery fire these days, so he was not very panicked.

  However, unlike usual, when the New Alliance used artillery shells to hit them, they would throw one shell every once in a while, but this time, more than a dozen artillery shells fired at the same time, and the density of firepower was obviously more than one level higher.

  ”From the direction and distance of the sound, they are probably bombing the southern city…” Fox Fang’s face changed slightly, and he whispered, “The New Alliance is probably planning to attack the city at night!”

  Gold Fang put his fist on the map, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  ”They finally couldn’t help it!”

  Street fighting!

  His people are best at street fighting!

  Looking at Fox Fang, Gold Fang immediately gave an order.

  ”Take your people to the south of the city immediately! Be sure to stop the New Alliance there!”

  Fox Fang accepted the order.


  After leaving the headquarters, Fox Fang immediately took his brothers.

  More than a thousand fully armed elites marched through the streets and alleys where the lake water was backflowing, heading towards the south of the city where the artillery sound was shaking the earth, to reinforce the thousand-man team stationed there.

  However, at this moment, the two of them did not know that while the New Alliance was bombarding the southern part of the city, a group of rafts were passing through the swamps on the east bank of Xizhou Lake and drifting towards the west side of the Sixin District that was flooded by the lake…

  Squatting on the raft, looking at the silent darkness ahead, Ye Shi turned his head and whispered.

  ”Do you think those predators can be trusted?”

  ”I don’t know.” Fang Chang shook his head.

  ”What if they suddenly change their minds?” Ye Shi couldn’t help but continue to ask.

  ”What else can we do? Wait three days,” Lao Bai patted him on the shoulder and grinned, “Keep a close eye on them. We’re relying on your ability to sense killing intent!”

  Ye Shi: “Damn, this is really a gamble.”

  Fang Chang: “Don’t worry about it. The possibility of the other party turning against us is very small. At this point, anyone can see that there is no suspense in this war. For them, it’s just a matter of losing sooner or later. Even if they continue to fight, they can only hold out for another week or two at most.”

  ”Correct,” Kuang Feng nodded and said calmly, “From the moment they stopped, they had already lost.”

  As everyone was talking, a light lit up in the reed marsh in front of them.

  Lao Bai waved his hand, signaling the rowing players to speed up, and rows of rafts moved towards the light.

  There were a total of 20 rafts, carrying 140 players of the Burning Legion, equivalent to the strength of a reinforced company.

  These players were old players who entered the game in the Alpha round, and at least had experienced the Battle of the Waves. All of them were awakened, and they could be called the backbone of the new alliance!

  The swamp in front of us is full of poisonous insects and wild beasts, and even extremely dangerous alien species such as cracked claw crabs and warship shrimps. In the ruins scattered on the water, there are 7mm machine guns hidden.

  If you want to break through here, you will have to face the firepower from all directions and the siege of the startled alien species at the same time.

  But now.

  This easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack West Gate is completely open to the New Alliance without any defense…

  The one who met with the Burning Legion was a centurion.

  He brought more than a dozen confidants, all of whom had a piece of white cloth wrapped around their arms.

  ”I’m here to take you in… I hope you keep your promise and give us a way out after everything is over.” While speaking, the centurion kept staring at the guns in the hands of the players.

  Even as an awakener, he had to admit that the strength of these people in front of him was very strong!

  Even so strong that anyone picked out at random could fight him on equal terms.

  As for the leader, his strength was even more unfathomable!

  Lao Bai didn’t say anything, but looked at Fang Chang, who had the best communication skills on his side.

  The latter understood and stepped forward to trigger the plot.

  ”We have always done this.”

  Hearing this promise, the centurion nodded, and without wasting time, he waved his hand, signaling his subordinates behind him to paddle the raft to lead the way.

  The entire Four New District is soaked in water, and the shallowest place can be submerged above the waist. The raft is the most reliable means of transportation.

  Most alien species will not be interested in wood floating on the water. As long as you don’t take the initiative to provoke them, at least you don’t have to worry about losing your legs while walking in the water.

  Staring at a split claw crab floating on the water, Ye Shi whispered.

  ”…The split claw crabs here seem to be different from those in our place. They are smaller and their shells are more pointed.”

  Tomato Scrambled Eggs took a few photos with great interest.

  ”I heard that there are many mutant lobsters here. I have to study them when the new map is unlocked.”

  Quitting Smoking whispered excitedly.

  ”It seems that we have a good taste!”

  The predator leading the way in front naturally didn’t know what these players were talking about.

  If they could understand Chinese, they would definitely be surprised.

  Good food?

  Whose good food is it?

  It’s good enough not to be dragged into the water by those cracked crabs and warship shrimps. Who would take the initiative to provoke these things?

  The meat of the cracked crab is indeed tender and juicy, and the crab roe is also a first-class delicacy, but you have to be alive to enjoy it.

  Ordinary rifle bullets can’t penetrate the crab shell at all, but will anger those monsters. As for the use of rocket launchers to shoot crabs, it is strictly prohibited in the tribe at any time…

  After taking pictures of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, I have begun to discuss with Quitting in a low voice how to cook it better.

  In such a serious occasion, I still have the mood to discuss whether to steam or braise. I can only say that I am worthy of being a player…

  The group continued to move forward.

  There were rafts joining them on the road. Soon, there were more than 40 rafts and nearly 400 people.

  Yanya’s subordinates will also participate in the battle to help the Burning Legion disarm the guards under Jinya.

  This is not only to prove their loyalty to the new alliance, but also to ensure that the rebellion is foolproof.

  After all, if it fails, the New Alliance will only lose a hundred-man team, but his fate will be miserable.

  Needless to say, with Jin Ya’s brutal means, he will definitely torture him and his subordinates in the most cruel way.

  The headquarters of the Ya clan is located in the center of the Four New Districts, hidden in a ruin reinforced with concrete.

  The road from the western defense line to the central part can be said to be unobstructed.

  Needless to say, Yan Ya’s own defense area, he had already made arrangements in advance, and those who took turns on duty that day were all trusted, and everyone tacitly let them go.

  When they arrived at the inner defense area, the minions saw that it was Yan Ya’s centurion, and they didn’t ask much at all, let alone carefully count how many people were on the raft and how many guns were hidden.

  In fact, there was no way to check it even if they wanted to.

  Due to the threat of the New Alliance’s aircraft, the outposts did not dare to light up the lights, and the entire Four New District was dark.

  Standing on the roof of the 3rd floor and looking down, apart from the dark water surface, you can only see rafts.

  As for what was on the raft, we had to go downstairs and walk up to see it clearly.

  ”It’s so fucking exciting…”

  Looking at the gun barrels that were so close, the cloaked Garbage felt his palms sweating slightly.

  It’s not because he was afraid.

  It’s because of excitement.

  He felt the bloodthirstiness and beast instincts flowing in his veins, and the excitement burning in his amber pupils.

  DNA moved!

  There were only 200 meters left to the headquarters, and the building marked on the VM map had appeared in everyone’s sight.

  After layers of concrete fortifications, it can stand still even in the face of repeated bombardment by heavy artillery and aerial bombs. The nearby ruins were transformed into artillery towers, which can be used for air defense and mutual support.

  At this moment, the Burning Corps was only separated from the headquarters by a wooden fence door.

  ”It’s really hard to attack from the front. The layout here looks simple, but there are at least three fire points on each street. I’m afraid it won’t be possible to push in without a few armored vehicles… The person who deployed the defense here must be an expert.” Lao Bai glanced at the layout around him and was secretly surprised.

  This game company is really full of talented people.

  That kind of big battle is fine, but this kind of small level can also be done with such details.

  There must be many experts in the planning team!

  Stopping in front of the fence gate, the centurion stood in front of the raft and shouted to the sentry post located on the ruins on the right.

  ”Open the door!”

  A head stuck out next to the machine gun placed on the sentry post.

  ”Who are you!”

  The centurion continued to shout.

  ”We are the people of Lord Yanya, and we are here to change guards under the order of the leader!”

  The man standing on the sentry post had a suspicious look in his eyes: “Change guard? How come I haven’t heard of it.” The people on

  duty here are all the guards under the command of Jinya. Unlike the minions they met before, these people are not so easy to fool.

  Noticing that there was something wrong with the rafts floating on the water, the expression on the face of the predator sentry became more and more unfriendly, and the 7mm machine gun in his hand was already pointing towards the water.

  ”Stand there and don’t move. I’ll go and ask Lord Jinya for instructions first!”

  The atmosphere was tense.

  The Centurion standing on the raft had a slightly changed expression, and it looked like he was about to lose his ability to hide.

  Sensing the approaching killing intent, Ye Shi immediately became alert and winked at Fang Chang.

  ”Do it!”

  After a long period of tacit cooperation, Fang Chang immediately understood Ye Shi’s expression, knowing that the other party might have discovered the clue.

  The black cloak slightly raised a corner, and the cold light hidden in the shadow aimed at the machine gunner on the turret.

  The bowstring trembled, and with a “whoosh” sound, the sentry standing next to the machine gun was instantly pierced by an arrow in the head, and fell backwards on his back.

  The sudden change, whether it was Yan Ya’s confidants or the predator sentries standing on the two sides of the building, were all stunned on the spot…

  except for the players on the raft.

  Seeing that Fang Chang had already made a move, Lao Bai no longer concealed himself, and immediately lifted the black cloth covering the raft, picked up the LD-47 hidden underneath, and fired a volley of bullets at the building.


  Gunfire rang out on the water surface. Players standing on the rafts grabbed their weapons. Some of them jumped into the water and pushed the rafts toward the fence gate.


  Quitting, who was carrying a rocket launcher, shouted excitedly, aiming at the fence gate in front and pulling the trigger.

  A puff of white smoke blew the fence gate that blocked the street into pieces.

  Gunfire rang out on the street.

  Forty rafts accelerated forward, passed the wooden debris floating on the water, and headed for the Ya clan’s headquarters at full speed.

  ”Brothers, follow me! The boss is in front!”

  Bullets whizzed around, and Lao Bai, who was pushing the raft forward, shouted loudly.

  ”Whether we can win the MVP depends on this group!”

  ”Ahhh!” Jun Jun, who had been unable to hold back for a long time, lifted his cloak, showed his claws hidden in the dark, and roared to the sky.

  Seeing the death claws rushing towards them like artillery shells, the faces of the predators guarding the turrets all showed fear.

  Death claws!

  How could the New Alliance have a mind interference device? !

  ”Aim at the collar on its neck!” The predator centurion squatting behind the bunker shouted in fear.

  The predator holding the machine gun on the side shouted tremblingly.

  ”Brother, that lizard has no collar on its neck…”

  The centurion’s eyes widened instantly.


  Not only did it not have a collar, but the lizard also had a heavy steel plate hanging on its chest, and steel claws tied to its hands.

  He rushed through the ruins like a tank that could climb the wall. The predators standing in front of him were like blood bags made of paper, and they could not stop him at all.

  In less than half a minute, a turret had fallen. Not to mention the sound of gunfire and the flashing gun flames, even screams and wails could no longer be heard.

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but be shocked.

  ”Oh my god… Is there really no psychological trauma when playing this character?”

  ”Do you think he has a psychological trauma?” Lao Bai patted his shoulder, “Don’t dawdle, remember your mission, and follow up.”

  Ye Shi nodded, stopped dawdling, and trotted towards the turret with a sniper rifle on his back.

  Then Lao Bai looked at the players behind him.

  ”Attention, all teams!”

  ”Act according to the plan!”

  With excitement flashing in their eyes, the team leaders answered in unison in the communication channel.


  Under the cover of eight team members, two strength players pushed a raft loaded with 200 kilograms of explosives and crashed into the wall of the headquarters.

  At the same time, the remaining 130 players, with 10 people in a team and three to four teams in a group, divided into multiple directions to clear out the looters stationed in the headquarters and surrounded the entire building.

  Yan Ya’s subordinates followed the players to attack and quickly controlled the turret near the headquarters, preventing the thousand-man team from other defense zones from reinforcing here.

  At the same time, an H-1 gunship modified with a twin 37mm gun arrived over the sky of the Four New Districts and entered a hovering state.

  In conjunction with the red smoke bombs thrown by the Burning Corps and the reported coordinates, the two gun barrels suspended in the air immediately unleashed fierce artillery fire on the looters hiding in the ruins.

  The headquarters was filled with flickering fire and explosions, like firecrackers on New Year’s Eve.

  Listening to the gunfire getting closer and closer outside, Jin Ya, who was squatting in the headquarters, finally showed a trace of panic on his face.

  Just at this moment, the door was pushed open.

  He reached out and grabbed the captain of the personal guard who ran in from outside, and shouted at him.

  ”What’s the situation outside?”

  Facing the face that was so black that it turned green, the captain of the personal guard was full of panic on his face and spoke incoherently.

  ”The people of the New, New Alliance… They broke in!”

  Broke in? !

  Jin Ya was anxious and said anxiously and angrily.

  ”How is this possible! I just sent Fox Fang to the frontline for reinforcement, how could it be so soon-”

  ”No, not from the south, those people came in from the west gate, and judging from the gunshots, there must be a thousand of them!” The captain of the guards, who was grabbed by the collar, said in panic, “Commander, now is not the time to talk about this, it’s not safe here anymore, you should retreat!”


  If I remember correctly, that was Rock Fang’s defense zone.

  Jin Ya was stunned at first, and the muscles on his face instantly tightened because of anger.

  It is impossible for nearly a thousand people to sneak here quietly and be discovered, unless someone betrayed him!

  But he didn’t expect that the one who betrayed him was his direct descendant, Yan Ya, who was placed on the western front.

  ”This damn thing! Cowardly coward!” Jin Ya’s

  teeth creaked, and he squeezed out half a sentence from between his teeth, and fiercely threw the captain of the guards’ collar.

  ”Retreat! Take me to the north!”

  The captain of the guards nodded quickly, called on the guards next to him, and escorted Jin Ya to evacuate outside the headquarters.

  The enemy had already killed his headquarters.

  If he didn’t leave now, he would probably have to die here. The signal flares had risen into the sky, and other centurions were leading people to support this side. As long as he could survive tonight, there would be hope…

  Jin Ya made a poisonous oath in his heart that when he caught Yan Ya, he would cut off the traitor’s scalp and make it into insoles.

  Some people walked through the corridor and evacuated towards the back door of the headquarters.

  However, at this moment, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded from one side of the corridor, and flying gravel and billowing smoke rolled in from outside.

  Caught off guard, the four guards staggered and were shot into sieves by the oncoming bullets before they could stand firm.

  Looking at the soldiers entering from the smoke and dust, the captain of the guards was full of fear on his face and had forgotten to shoot.

  They blew up the outer wall of the headquarters!


  ”You are surrounded!”

  Facing the black muzzle of the gun, Jin Ya’s eyes flashed with fear, but soon the fear was replaced by ruthlessness and madness.

  ”Never! Don’t even think about catching me!”

  ”It’s not up to you!” Fang Chang sneered and pulled the bowstring to aim at his legs.

  However, before the bowstring was fully pulled, gunshots suddenly broke out from the other end of the corridor.

  Caught off guard, the three players fell to the ground in an instant. Fang Chang, who was shot in the arm, rolled on the ground and quickly hid behind the half-collapsed wall.

  Looking at the three bodies falling to the ground, Wu Lun, who was wearing an exoskeleton, curled up a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

  Seeing Wu Lun’s Gold Fang, joy instantly appeared on his twisted face.

  ”Apostle… Apostle, save me!”


  Wu Lun had never seen such a pious expression on this guy’s face.

  ”What a waste… We gave you so much help, but you turned this sure-win battle into such a mess.” Wu Lun looked at him coldly, gestured to the three men beside him, and gritted his teeth and said, “Bring him here.”

  Even if he was unwilling and contemptuous in his heart, the man in front of him was an ally of the church.

  He was just an apostle and had no right to question the decision of the Son of God.

  Now the Fang Clan can barely maintain the front line. Once Gold Fang died or was captured, not only would the looters in the city collapse into a pool of sand, but the clans of the Bone Chewing Tribe would also fall into division.

  By then, not only will the task of recovering the black box be unfinished, but even the church’s plan in the River Valley Province will go bankrupt!

  No matter what, he has to get this idiot out!

  Fierce gunfire broke out in the headquarters.

  The apostles of the Torch Church used exoskeleton equipment and the auxiliary aiming and night vision equipment on the tactical helmet to repel the players who had invaded the headquarters.

  Because it was an infiltration mission, the players did not carry valuable equipment such as light and heavy cavalry exoskeletons, and they left more than a dozen bodies in just two minutes.

  ”Damn… are these guys cheating?!” The old man in the corner, who had two holes in his legs and was squatting in the corner, cursed and changed the magazine.

  ”Where’s the RPG?! Just use the RPG!” The lost newbie on the side shouted loudly.

  Bai Gei, the sniper, was shocked: “Fuck, aren’t we supposed to capture him alive?!”

  ”What’s the point of capturing him alive when he’s about to run away? Just take his body! It won’t make much difference anyway!” The prop master took off the RPG on his back, put it on his shoulder and was about to lean out to fire, but a grenade was thrown behind the bunker.

  Fuck? !

  The four little players were stunned for a moment, and before they could even curse, they were instantly engulfed by the fragments and flames of the explosion.

  In the blink of an eye, four more people were killed.

  At this time, Lao Bai’s voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Fang Chang, what’s going on over there?”


  Looking at the bleeding shoulder, Fang Chang tied a hemostatic bandage and cursed.

  ”There are masters on the other side! I think I saw an exoskeleton… Maybe it’s the group we met in the East District of Qingquan City before!”

  Why bother?

  The entire command center was surrounded by them, and there was an aerial gunboat hovering outside, with two 37mm guns mounted.

  No matter how much resistance there is, it is just a dying struggle.

  However, when he heard about the exoskeleton, Lao Bai’s face changed instantly, and he immediately remembered the previous encounter in the eastern district of Qingquan City.

  If it was that group of people…

  with the current fighting style, I’m afraid it would be difficult to end!

  Not daring to be careless, Lao Bai connected the communication channel to the air gunship without hesitation and requested air support.

  ”… This is the Burning Corps. We are in a little trouble. Apply for a switchblade to clear the area.”

  After a short pause, a concise and clear answer came from the communication channel.

  ”… H-1 air gunship received, the switchblade is on the way, pay attention to your head.”


  After ending the communication, Lao Bai gestured to Kuangfeng and pointed to the entrance on the side.

  The latter immediately understood, took out the headphone-shaped neural connection device from the backpack, and put it on his head.

  At the same time, the H-1 air gunship hovering in the air threw an imperceptible black dot from the cabin.

  Under the cover of night, the black dot rushed towards the ground. When it was about to approach the target area, it opened its six rotors like a switchblade. The

  propeller roared, and the high-speed gliding drone was like an arrow shot from a string, drilling into the concrete wall broken by explosives.

  At this moment, Uren was leading three team members in a fierce battle with the Burning Corps that had entered the building. He was protecting Jin Ya and retreating towards the back door of the headquarters, completely unaware of the approaching danger.

  ”How long will it take for your reinforcements! Do you expect me to help you block a division with three people?!” Uren grabbed Jin Ya’s collar and shouted loudly.

  ”He, they are already rushing over here, they will probably be here soon!” Jin Ya was also extremely anxious at this moment, and he didn’t care about the man’s rudeness, and said in shock.

  Wu Lun loosened his collar and continued to fire at the corridor behind him.

  After paying more than ten casualties, the offensive of the New Alliance suddenly slowed down, and the pressure suddenly decreased a lot.

  It seems that they don’t have many people…

  Thinking of this, Wu Lun breathed a sigh of relief

  . However, at this moment, a buzzing sound like a swarm of bees came from the darkness, and the omen of crisis suddenly enveloped Wu Lun’s heart.

  After all, he was a man who had seen the world, and he reacted immediately and ordered hurriedly.


  ”Shoot it down!”

  Four rifles fired together, pulling out an orange-yellow net in the dark corridor.

  Three of the six rotors were instantly broken, but the drone that was speeding along the ground still fell in front of their bunker according to inertia.

  Wu Lun’s face changed wildly and he shouted loudly.

  ”Lie down–”

  In the narrow corridor, a fire suddenly exploded.

  The 15 kilograms of high explosives not only blew up the concrete wall, but the scorching air wave even melted the steel.

  The high temperature made the floor scorching hot.

  Fang Chang, who was injured in the shoulder, walked in from behind the damaged wall with a group of players including Jie Yan.

  ”Fuck… this power is too strong.” The muzzle poked the helmet fragments on the ground, and Jie Yan couldn’t help but exclaimed.

  ”It’s a pity that we didn’t catch him alive.”

  After turning out half of the body that was blown to pieces from the ruins, Fang Chang searched for a long time before turning out the head with shoulders under the concrete slag.

  Looking back at the centurion who came in with them, Fang Chang said in a non-standard human language.

  ”Is it this guy?”

  Looking at Jin Ya, who was blown beyond recognition, the centurion held his breath involuntarily and nodded with a stiff neck.

  ”Yes… it’s him.”

  Not to mention that there was only a shoulder and a head left, he would recognize this guy even if he was burned to ashes.

  However, he could never have imagined that the once invincible King of Plunderers and leader of the Bone Chewing Tribe would end up in such a miserable end.

  Looking at the calm man in front of him, the centurion’s Adam’s apple moved, and a trace of deep fear was written in his eyes.

  These guys…

  are completely devils!

  Fortunately, the war is over, and he doesn’t have to meet them on the battlefield…

  Without paying attention to the changes in the NPC’s expression, Jie Yan, holding a submachine gun, walked forward and stared at the half-body for a while.

  ”Tsk, if you want to hang this guy up, you have to make a body for him.”

  ”Then we don’t have to worry about it.”

  Taking the sack from his teammate, Fang Chang stuffed the recyclable parts into it.

  If it were in reality, he would probably be scared to death by what he had in his hand.

  However, “Wasteland OL” is a virtual reality technology based on the principle of dreams. The brain’s defense mechanism and the sensory filter set by the game program directly block excessive stimulation to a considerable extent.

  It’s like seeing zombies in a dream, you won’t be scared awake immediately, unless you are caught up and bitten by the zombies.

  Some brave ones may even wake up after being bitten for a while.

  After collecting the mission materials, Fang Chang clapped his hands and tapped the VM twice.

  ”Golden Fang has been killed… Requesting the next instructions.”

  After a short wait, the familiar voice came from the communication channel.

  ”You did a good job.”

  The administrator continued with a tone of satisfaction and a sense of relief.

  ”Your bravery and loyalty are impressive, and this moment will be recorded in the history of the alliance.”

  At the same time, a series of announcements popped up on the VM screen.

  [Announcement for the whole server: The expansion pack BOSS “Skull Crusher·Golden Fang” has been killed by the “Burning Legion”! 】

  【Server-wide announcement: The expansion “Blades Out” will enter the reward settlement phase within 24 hours. The points earned at that time can be used to redeem expansion-limited rewards, titles, and draws. Players who have not completed tasks, please seize the last minute…】

  【Server-wide announcement: Since the leader of the “Burning Corps” chose to make the achievement public, this achievement will be recorded in the Hall of Fame! 】

  (Thanks to the leader “Ru丶浮生” for the reward!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode