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Chapter 338 Feng Nanshu: I am the gift

Chapter 338 Feng Nanshu: I am the gift


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 338 Feng Nanshu: I am the gift

  At two o’clock in the afternoon, in Hongrong Home in Jezhou City, Yuan Youqin sat on the sofa, and it was visibly unhappy.

  The quilt that had been taken out early to dry was also thrown on the sofa. The atmosphere was a little solemn, which made Jiang Zhenghong’s action of pouring tea cautious, and he looked a little sneaky.

  Jiang Qin grew up under their noses from childhood to adulthood. Although he lived in the school for a period of time, he would basically go home for lunch at noon. But

  after going to college, his son suddenly left home, and only the couple were left at home. It takes time to get used to it.

  Especially since Jiang Qin became extremely independent since the summer vacation, it seemed that he no longer needed his parents, and even did not need living expenses, which made this process of getting used to it become extremely long.

  A mother worries about her son when he is thousands of miles away. Knowing that he is in school, she can worry less, but he still goes out during the holidays, Yuan Youqin can’t help but feel worried.

  Especially women of this age, their nerves are very sensitive.

  ”Have a cup of tea and calm down. Didn’t he say that he had something important to do?”

  Yuan Youqin took the teacup and took a sip: “I want to see what gift this brat can give me!”

  Jiang Zhenghong looked up at his wife and thought that women are women. Although they appear to be angry on the surface, they are still secretly looking forward to the gift from their son. I just don’t know if I have a gift.

  While they were talking, the door of the Jiang family was suddenly knocked. Before Jiang Zhenghong could react, Yuan Youqin ran to open the door.

  Feng Nanshu was standing outside the door. When she saw Yuan Youqin, she immediately called her aunt sweetly.

  ”Nanshu? Isn’t Jiang Qin not coming back? Why are you here?”

  Feng Nanshu stood obediently and said softly, “Jiang Qin said I was a gift.” Yuan

  Youqin was stunned for a moment, thinking that his son was quite capable, so he was sure that I liked this girl, right? “Come on, come in, don’t stand outside the door.”


  Feng Nanshu walked into the house, opened the shoe cabinet with ease, took out her own slippers and put them on. Even Yuan Youqin felt a little dazed when she saw this scene, as if she really had another daughter.

  Jiang Zhenghong also came over at this time, and heard the soft voice of uncle in his ear, and he immediately understood in his heart.

  Oh, this is what a gift of love is like.

  Yuan Youqin poured a glass of water for Feng Nanshu, patted Jiang Zhenghong and whispered: “Your son is capable. He didn’t come back himself, but sent Nanshu back to coax me.”

  ”No one knows a mother better than her son. He knew you would fall for this. Look, he guessed right, didn’t he? I’m almost laughing at wrinkles, but this brat is too incompetent. Why don’t I have a gift?”

  Jiang Zhenghong was expressing his opinion when Feng Nanshu suddenly took out a CD from his bag: “Uncle, this is a gift from Jiang Qin to you.”

  ”Is there really a gift for me? What’s in it?” Jiang Zhenghong took it and asked curiously.

  ”It’s a handsome big bear.”

  Jiang Zhenghong was stunned for a moment, thinking what a big bear is? A disc from Animal World? I used to like watching it, but this brat didn’t go home and didn’t know to give something valuable. The gifts are weirder than each other.

  Living in a couple’s family for a long time is indeed a bit lonely, and Feng Nanshu’s arrival instantly livened up the atmosphere of the Jiang family.

  Yuan Youqin was originally depressed, but she immediately became energetic. She rushed to the balcony to collect the quilts, decorated Jiang Qin’s room to the way Feng Nanshu liked, and asked her to stay at home for a few days. The

  little rich woman had lived in Jiang Qin’s house for a while, and she was not too restrained this time. No matter where Yuan Youqin went, she followed her in slippers, helped put on the quilt cover, and watered the flowers and plants. The main character was “I am very well-behaved.”

  Yuan Youqin’s depression was mostly cleared away, but she still couldn’t help getting angry when she thought of Jiang Qin not coming back for the holiday.

  ”In fact, it would be better if we get used to this kind of life earlier.”

  Jiang Zhenghong was lying in front of the TV cabinet at this time, with one hand groping around behind it, looking for the power supply of the DVD player that had not been used for a long time, and said a word of comfort.

  Yuan Youqin was puzzled after listening to this: “What’s good about it?”

  ”He is still in college now, and he has winter and summer vacations, so he can stay at home for one or two months every year. But if he goes to work in the future, sometimes he may not even have the chance to come back for the New Year.” ”

  Not coming back for the New Year? The Spring Festival Gala needs him!”

  Jiang Zhenghong touched a plug, pulled it out and took a look, and said at the same time: “Do you remember Brother Cao in our unit? His son is working in another place now. Didn’t he come back for the New Year last year? He also sent his daughter-in-law back to comfort him.”

  Yuan Youqin glanced at him: “Except for comparing Nanshu to a daughter-in-law, the rest of your words are nonsense. If you don’t go home for the New Year, you have even lost your traditional culture.”

  Feng Nanshu sat obediently next to him, with a silly expression, as if he didn’t understand anything, but in fact he was sending out nice guy cards in his heart, the kind of card that sent out several cards in a row.

  ”You, woman, just like to sing against me, I won’t argue with you.”

  Jiang Zhenghong plugged in the power supply and pressed the eject button: “This DVD player has been idle for more than two years. I didn’t expect it to still work.”

  As he spoke, he took out the disc in the soft rubber protective cover, stuffed it into the disc tray and sent it in. In less than a second, the picture came out of the TV.

  ”Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Linchuan Business Group·First Stop Marketing Plan Q&A and On-site Signing Conference hosted by the Linchuan Municipal Government…”

  ”Next, please invite Linchuan young entrepreneur and Linchuan Business Group leader Jiang Qin to come on stage to speak for everyone.”


  As the playback progressed, Jiang Zhenghong’s expression gradually began to daze, and he even rubbed his eyes twice. He felt familiar and unfamiliar with Jiang Qin in the picture.

  Damn, no holiday during the Chinese New Year, it seems that my son will not have to go to work at all in the future!

  At the same time, Jiang Qin had already boarded the plane to Shanghai, accompanied by Sun Zhi, the head of the business department of the group buying branch, and Deng Yuan, the head of the marketing department of the group buying branch.

  As a former health product lecturer, Sun Zhi came with him to discuss business, while Deng Yuan, as a participant in the ground promotion team, was temporarily transferred from the ground promotion site this time. She needed to understand Jiang Qin’s layout of the group purchase in advance.

  At around four o’clock in the afternoon, the three people landed in Shanghai. As soon as they left the airport, they saw the people sent by Qin Zhihuan. They were wearing suits and white gloves, holding signs warmly welcoming Mr. Jiang’s visit, and brought three bouquets of flowers with them.

  To be honest, Jiang Qin only notified He Yijun this time, and nominally accompanied He Yijun, but Qin Zhihuan was able to do this, which obviously gave him enough face.

  Fifteen minutes later, Jiang Qin was taken to the Kempinski Hotel, where Qin Zhihuan and He Yijun were already waiting in a banquet hall.

  Abalone, sea cucumber, lobster, sashimi, all kinds of delicacies filled the table, and there was white mist formed by dry ice that kept pouring out. It didn’t matter whether it tasted good or not, but the show was enough.

  ”Mr. Jiang, you have come all the way to Shanghai. You must have worked hard. I offer you a toast.” Qin Zhihuan, as the host, stood up and raised his glass. “Mr.

  Qin, you are too polite. I came here just to join in the fun. It is not hard work.”

  Jiang Qin put away the wine in his glass and moved to He Yijun’s side: “How is it? What do you think?”

  ”I have seen it. It is more reliable than I thought.” He Yijun affirmed.

  Jiang Qin was a little surprised: “You have come to this conclusion. What did you ask me to do?”

  ”You are worse than me. I can’t see it, but maybe you can see it.”

  ”Damn, I didn’t know whether you were praising me or insulting me for a while.”

  Jiang Qin complained, sat up straight, and started to show off his dishes with chopsticks. He slept for a whole afternoon, ate a simple steamed bun and got on the plane. He didn’t eat until now, and he was really a little hungry.

  After finishing the meal, several people exchanged a few words and announced the end of the show. Jiang Qin wiped his mouth and thought there would be some other programs, but he was taken to the suite on the top floor as soon as he left the banquet hall.


  Shouldn’t these businessmen wash their feet after dinner? Have the businessmen in Shanghai already thrown away this excellent traditional culture?

  How can you negotiate a deal without washing your feet?

  Jiang Qin felt that his first impression was indeed correct. Qin Zhihuan was more likely to be an intellectual than a businessman. He didn’t even understand this unspoken rule.

  But the next second, he began to feel lucky that he was not forced to wash his feet, because his father suddenly called.

  In fact, Jiang Qin had been giving his parents a shot of prevention on the matter of doing business. The gifts and red envelopes he gave were also increasing little by little. The main idea was to boil the frog in warm water so that they would not be too surprised.

  He knew his parents. Both of them were honest and decent. They rejected the idea of ​​entrepreneurship more than they agreed with it. He didn’t say it at the beginning because he was afraid that they would not understand.

  But even though he had given them a shot of prevention in advance, the press conference in the disc still shocked Jiang Zhenghong.

  Jiang Qin had no choice but to explain his entire entrepreneurial timeline to them in detail. The other side was silent for a full three minutes before they barely absorbed the information that Boss Jiang said.

  ”No wonder you always say that you work for hundreds of people. It turns out that hundreds of people work for you?” Jiang Zhenghong suddenly realized. Jiang

  Qin coughed: “We are a team, supporting each other and going through ups and downs. They work for me, but in fact, I work for them, but I just earn a little more than them.”


  Jiang Zhenghong was silent for a while: “Let your mother answer the phone. I need time to digest it.”

  Jiang Qin opened his mouth: “Yes, Dad.”

  After he finished speaking, he moved the receiver away from his ear, fearing that his mother’s roar would make him faint. But to her surprise, his mother’s reaction was relatively calm. She just asked him to take care of himself outside and to go home more often when he had time.

  Hey, it seems that the little rich woman really has her mother in her hands. She is simply a cute little beast that swallows anger.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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