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Chapter 339: Visitors from all sides, tenderness comes naturally

Chapter 339: Visitors from all sides, tenderness comes naturally


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 339: Guests from all sides, tenderness comes naturally.

  The next afternoon, the Luo Mansion became more and more lively inside and outside, and people came.

  Yang Shifei changed into formal clothes early and personally entertained the guests from all sides.

  ”——Young Master Yang can tie the knot with Her Royal Highness the Princess, it is really a hero and a beauty.”

  Several old court officials showed a gentle smile on their faces, and came forward to congratulate: “You must have a son soon, and let us old bones ask for a cup of full moon wine to drink.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and said: “Thank you for your blessings, please take a seat.”

  The old court officials, merchants and gentry present understood in their hearts, but did not say anything more, and soon sat down in the seats outside the mansion.

  The scale of Her Royal Highness the Princess’s wedding was not large, and it was a great honor to be invited to drink a glass of wedding wine.

  ”——Young Master!”

  Not far away, the little princess waved her hand and ran quickly.

  Yang Shifei looked in the direction of the voice and couldn’t help laughing: “Princess is so anxious, what’s the urgent matter?”

  ”Of course it’s a gift.” The little princess wiped the sweat from her forehead and handed over the gift box in her hand with a smile: “I told you at that time that I would give you a big gift when you get married, and I have always kept it in mind.”

  Yang Shifei took the gift box, clasped his fists and said seriously: “Thank you for your kindness, princess.”

  ”Forget about these polite words~”

  The little princess put her hands on her hips and smiled: “I have heard of your many heroic deeds in the past few months. You have such a skill. Just take good care of Sister Luo and the others in the future.

  As she said, she clenched her little fist and shook it: “However, if Sister Luo is wronged in the future, I will not show mercy and will help her get justice!”

  ”Don’t worry, princess.” Yang Shifei smiled gently: “I can’t bear to make them sad.”

  ”Then… I will go to the backyard to see Sister Luo and the others first?”

  ”Go. “Yang Shifei smiled and said, “If you are greedy, there are still a lot of cakes and fruits in the backyard.”

  ”Got it~”

  The little princess said before leaving, “My father will be here soon, you can just order him around, he will definitely help you to dominate the wedding banquet~”

  Yang Shifei laughed in silence, this little princess is quite considerate.


  A plump and mature figure came quietly and said softly, “You have been standing at the door for a long time, why don’t you go back to the yard and drink some water, I will help you entertain the guests.”

  Yang Shifei looked back at Yunqin, smiled and waved his hand, “How can it be tiring to do such a small thing.” He

  looked at her again and couldn’t help but admire, “Yunniang’s outfit today is really beautiful. ”

  Unlike the loose robes she wore in the past, Yunqin wore a celadon skirt today, which was fitted to her figure and made her look very dignified and elegant. She

  also took off half of her mask, revealing half of her fair and charming face, with a mysterious and extraordinary temperament.

  ”After all, it’s your wedding, so you have to dress up a little and not ruin the festive atmosphere.”

  Yunqin looked indifferent and glanced at the dozen or so banquet tables outside the courtyard: “There are quite a few people coming.”

  Although the tables were far from full, there were already twenty or thirty people sitting sparsely, sipping tea and chatting from time to time.

  ”After all, Xian’er’s identity is here. She is not only the biological sister of Emperor Liang, but also the daughter of the Luo family. All parties in Liang will more or less come upon hearing the news.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and pointed to the inner courtyard: “If acquaintances come, they will naturally have to take a seat in the courtyard.”

  Yunqin nodded slightly: “I’ll go to the kitchen to urge them again. If you meet bad guests outside, remember to call me.”

  ”With Yunniang’s help, I feel much more at ease. ”

  Don’t talk nonsense today.”

  Yunqin glanced and stretched out her hand to help brush off the dust from the corner of her clothes: “Don’t get too tired with us here.”

  She wanted to say something else, but her eyes moved slightly.

  ”Someone is coming, I won’t disturb you for now.”

  After that, Yunqin turned around and hurried away, disappearing at the corner of the corridor.

  Yang Shifei walked quickly to the outside of the courtyard, and saw a carriage curtain being lifted by a maid, and a beautiful woman in a soft and elegant purple dress walked out.

  He looked at her face carefully and soon smiled brightly: “Aunt, I’m sorry for not welcoming you from afar.”

  The presence of the Luo family also attracted the attention and admiration of many people outside the mansion.


  The beautiful woman in the purple skirt blinked her eyes slightly, covering her lips with some surprise: “You, kid, have really changed a lot in a few months.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and said: “You may have been a little tanned after running around outside for a while.”

  ”It’s because your temperament has become more solid and steady.” The beautiful woman in the purple skirt rolled her eyes and raised a gentle smile: “You look more and more like the head of the family.”

  ”Well, aunt, you are too kind.”

  ”Hehe, you are still a little shy as before.”

  The beautiful woman in the purple skirt smiled softly, stepped forward and took her hand intimately: “You must tell me about your experiences and hearings during this period of time later.”

  ”Of course.”

  Yang Shifei tried his best to ignore the soft touch on his arm, and looked inside the carriage again: “However, there is only you, aunt.”

  ”Your other three aunts are all very busy and can’t get away.” The beautiful woman in the purple skirt showed a bit of shame on her face: “Now the Luo family is also responsible for the important border defense tasks, and we can’t make any mistakes. I hope Shifei won’t blame us.”

  ”It’s a great thought to have the aunt come.”

  Yang Shifei asked curiously, “But the old master has something to do.”

  ”Yes.” The purple-skirted beautiful woman said helplessly, “The old master has been out for many days and can’t come back either.”

  ”What a pity.” Yang Shifei smiled, “I also specially prepared a lot of desserts that the old master likes to eat, and I wanted to honor her. Now I can only serve you wholeheartedly.”

  The purple-skirted beautiful woman covered her lips and chuckled twice, “I’m looking forward to it~”

  She turned her head and urged the maids who were accompanying her to come into the house to help.

  At the same time, another carriage

  arrived in the distance. Yang Shifei was about to go forward to greet him alone, and the purple-skirted beautiful woman followed closely.

  Facing his curious eyes, the aunt said softly, “I’m already very late, and naturally I have to fulfill my duties as an elder. I can’t let you run around alone.”

  ”Thank you, aunt.”

  Yang Shifei and the purple-skirted beautiful woman greeted the guests together, and soon welcomed the two elders of Qianren Bingtan into the house.

  Soon, many leaders and elders of major martial arts sects came, and many neighbors and villagers from East City were invited. When it was

  dusk, the lights were on inside and outside the Luo Mansion, and guests from all sides sat down to drink and chat.

  The maids in the Luo Mansion were so busy that they almost didn’t have time to touch the ground. Dishes and wine were served on the table one after another, and the aroma of cooking smoke filled the air.

  In the bedroom, Yang Shifei changed into a black and red embroidered wedding dress, looked at himself in front of the bronze mirror with a serious face, and took a deep breath.

  Although he said that he was not nervous before, he was still a little nervous now that the wedding was about to take place.

  ”-I seem to have woken up a little late.”

  At this moment, the ethereal voice of a girl came from behind.

  Yang Shifei turned around and saw the long robe on the bed squirming, and the petite fairy mother came out from it.

  He smiled quickly: “The wedding banquet hasn’t started yet, so it’s not too late.”

  The fairy mother sat up on the bed, thoughtfully, and stretched out her hands:

  ”Give me a suitable dress.”

  ”Uh, you want…”

  ”According to the etiquette of mortals, I have to dress appropriately.”

  The fairy mother slowly grew bigger and taller until she turned into a pretty girl, then lifted the wide veil on her head, revealing her beautiful face.

  She blinked her scarlet eyes and said: “Xian’er and the others have their families present, so I will be your elder, how about it?”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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