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Chapter 34 This is really off the mark – 69Books

34. Chapter 34 This is really off the mark


Author: Wan Ran Yi Xiao

  Chapter 34 This is really out of the ordinary.

  Such a tough girl who seems to have the attribute of incompatible with family, plus Wen Yulan is not good-looking and is an orphan. Even if she can work ten work points every day in the field, she is indeed not a good candidate for a daughter-in-law.

  So, now four years have passed, Wen Yulan is 19 years old, and still no one has come to propose marriage. No one dares to choose such a daughter-in-law.

  They are afraid that if Wen Yulan is unhappy, Wen Yulan will take an axe and chop you.

  So Wen Yulan’s personality is completely different from her name.

  Such a girl, this little girl, actually said that she is suitable for her, and also said that Wen Yulan likes him.

  This, this is really out of the ordinary.

  Xu Xiangdong had been to Dayu Production Team and met Wen Yulan several times by chance. He really couldn’t imagine what Wen Yulan would like him.

  Moreover, didn’t this little girl just hear that he wanted someone who liked him, and he also liked others.

  But he really didn’t like Wen Yulan.

  Xu Xiangdong had to admit that he still preferred fair-skinned girls with good facial features.

  They didn’t have to be that pretty, but they couldn’t be ugly either.

  But Wen Yulan, in the few impressions Xu Xiangdong had, was dark, darker than him, and sloppier, with hair that almost covered her face.

  Many people said that it was because Wen Yulan was too ugly that she covered her face with her hair.

  Everyone thought Wen Yulan was ugly, so the fact that Wen Yulan was ugly became a fact.

  [Brother, Wen Yulan’s character is so good. She resisted against evil forces so that she wouldn’t be bullied.]

  Xu Xiangdong agreed with this.

  He didn’t think it was bad or unfilial for Wen Yulan to chase her second uncle and second aunt with an axe.

  On the contrary, he admired Wen Yulan’s behavior.

  Good people are bullied, and when facing evil forces, they should resist, otherwise they will be eaten to the bone.

  If Wen Yulan hadn’t resisted at the beginning, she would have been married to the 50-year-old widower.

  [Besides, Wen Yulan is a great beauty.]

  What, Wen Yulan is a great beauty?

  Xu Xiangdong looked at Xu Jinning in surprise, looking the little girl up and down.

  Has the little girl ever seen Wen Yulan? How can Wen Yulan be called beautiful? Could it be that the little girl thinks that she looks good now that she is dark and skinny?

  Xu Xiangdong deeply felt that there was something wrong with the little girl’s aesthetic sense, which must be distorted.

  Xu Xiangdong was deeply worried about the little girl’s future. Could it be that the little girl would also find a dark and skinny man to marry in the future, and think that it would be good-looking? That wouldn’t work.

  Xu Xiangdong felt that he had to find an opportunity to correct the little girl’s distorted aesthetic sense.

  [Brother, Wen Yulan really likes you. She has been silently liking you since you gave her two white flour buns and a coat in the grove five years ago.] Five

  years ago, grove, white flour buns?

  Xu Jinning’s words made Xu Xiangdong fall into memories.

  If the little girl hadn’t mentioned it, he didn’t seem to remember it, but now that it was mentioned, he seemed to remember that there was such an incident.

  Five years ago, he was 14 years old at that time.

  Although he was only 14 years old, he had grown tall and strong at that time, and he could also get 10 work points a day.

  He remembered that day, it was a very cold winter. It was said that many people froze to death that winter.

  At that time, his mother rarely made white flour steamed buns.

  He ate a lot of them at home, and when he left, he took two with him as a snack.

  It was snowing that day, so there was naturally no work to do in the fields. After he had dinner, he went out to hang out because he was bored.

  Because the weather was too cold, no one came out.

  He wandered around, and before he knew it, he arrived at the grove. He

  originally planned to see if there were any pheasants, hares, etc., but it was too cold, and these small animals did not come out.

  After wandering around for a while, the weather was too cold, so he planned to leave.

  Unexpectedly, at this time, he heard a sound.

  He thought it was some small animal, but it turned out to be a person.

  A person wearing thin clothes, with a messy body, dark skin, and hair covering his face. He couldn’t even tell whether this person was a man or a woman. He

  only remembered that she was very small and thin, very cold, and very hungry, and almost lost consciousness. She

  just stretched out her hand to him and said two words: hungry, cold.

  Xu Xiangdong was not the kind of person who would watch someone die without helping.

  He fed the person a steamed bun from his body.

  He also took off his coat and put it on the person.

  Probably because he ate something and felt warmer, the person woke up.

  When he left, Xu Xiangdong gave the last remaining white flour steamed bun to the person.

  Because he didn’t have the coat and it was too cold, he didn’t stay for long. He just told the person to go home quickly, and he left.

  The reason why he still remembered this incident was because that day, he lost his coat and was scolded by Zhang Ailian when he went home.

  But then Xu Xiangdong slowly forgot about it.

  If the little girl hadn’t mentioned it today, he would have almost forgotten it.

  Until now, he still doesn’t know who that person is, whether it’s a man or a woman.

  Now, after hearing what the little girl said, could it be that person is Wen Yulan?

  Xu Xiangdong thought about it, and it seemed that there was indeed some resemblance.

  The same black and sloppy.

  However, only he and that person knew about this matter. The little girl had not returned to the Qinghe Production Team at that time, so she definitely didn’t know.

  But she knows it so clearly now.

  Xu Xiangdong felt that this little girl knew a lot of things.

  It was amazing.

  However, Wen Yulan was really not the type he liked, so forget it.

  [If Wen Yulan could marry the eldest brother, maybe she could avoid that death, otherwise…]

  Xu Jinning sighed. Yes, Wen Yulan was also a cannon fodder in this book.

  Listening to her previous story, it was very similar to the setting of the self-reliant and self-reliant heroine, and Wen Yulan’s personality was indeed suitable.

  Unfortunately, Wen Yulan was just a cannon fodder, and she eventually died at the age of 20, which is next year.

  After that, her house was still occupied by her uncle and aunt.

  It can be said that good people don’t live long, but bad people are remembered for thousands of years.

  Xu Xiangdong was stunned.

  Death, does it mean that Wen Yulan will die in the future?

  Although he didn’t like Wen Yulan and didn’t plan to marry Wen Yulan, he didn’t think that Wen Yulan would die.

  Could it be that if she married him, Wen Yulan wouldn’t die?

  Xu Xiangdong pursed his lips and fell into deep thought.

  Finally, he struggled and said to his old mother: “Mom, do you know Wen Yulan from Dayu Production Team?”

  Xu Jinning’s eyes suddenly lit up.

  ”I know.” Zhang Ailian responded.

  ”Or, you can ask the matchmaker to go to Dayu Production Team and ask Wen Yulan if she is willing to see it with me?”

  ”What, you want to see it with Wen Yulan?”

  ”Brother, are you crazy?”

  ”Brother, do you like Wen Yulan’s type?”

  Even Zhang Ailian looked at him with full surprise. Although she didn’t have a bad impression of Wen Yulan, Wen Yulan’s reputation in the neighborhood was indeed not so good.

  (End of this chapter)


After Being Mind-read by the Cannon Fodder Group, the Foolish Beauty Effortlessly Won at Life

After Being Mind-read by the Cannon Fodder Group, the Foolish Beauty Effortlessly Won at Life

Score 3.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Xu Jinning transmigrated and found herself in a fictionalized version of the 1980s from several novels, where she was the fake rich daughter cannon fodder destined to suffer from depression and die three years later. Knowing that this was an unchangeable world, Xu Jinning chose to be indifferent and live one day at a time.

Suddenly, the cannon fodder group from these novels discovered that they could hear Xu Jinning’s inner thoughts!

[“Big sister, your plastic best friend will only deceive you. She’ll even plot to marry you off to an ab*sive man, snatch away your college acceptance letter, and make you die from a miscarriage caused by d*mestic v*olence.”] Xu Fanghua: … After completely falling out with her best friend of over a decade, she turned the tables, pushing her friend towards the ab*sive man and going to college with her acceptance letter.

[“Aunt, they’re going to demolish this house. It’s large, and you’ll get subsidies for several houses. Please don’t sell it.”] Aunt Xu: … Gritting her teeth, she didn’t sell the house. Three months later, they moved into a new house, starting a life of collecting rent.

[“This year, don’t raise pigs. There will be a swine flu outbreak, and you’ll lose money until you cry.”] The director of the poultry factory, who switched to raising chickens and ducks: … While everyone else’s pigs died, only the chickens, ducks, and geese raised in his factory brought in a full pot of wealth.

Xu Jinning realized that she was just casually commenting, but everyone around her was changing, and they were being exceptionally good to her.

Her big sister, who used to dislike her, was now helping her prepare for college. Her second brother took charge of vast lands for her. The director of the poultry factory unexpectedly wanted to acknowledge her as his goddaughter, ensuring she had meat to eat every day. Most shocking of all, her aunt wanted to transfer one of the houses acquired from the demolition into her name, as a gift…

Unconsciously, Xu Jinning found that she seemed to be effortlessly winning at life!


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