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Chapter 34 We are a serious company

Chapter 34 We are a serious company


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 34 We are a serious company.

  Post text:

  [I admit it! I did have a bad temper! But I can’t blame it. I should blame the talent of “Toxin Intuition”. Anything that is poisonous will glow green in my eyes. It’s really driving my obsessive-compulsive disorder crazy!]

  What the hell?

  Chu Guang was stunned at first, and then he was completely surprised.

  ”Can it be identified directly with the naked eye? Is it so awesome?”

  But what is the judgment rule for “poisonous”? Is there a dosage limit? And what is the trigger mechanism of this talent?

  I don’t understand…

  Chu Guang decided to put aside the things he couldn’t figure out for the time being and continue reading.

  The post continued.

  […According to the task assigned by the manager, I started by picking mushrooms and raspberries in the forest. Relying on the effect of the character’s talent, I can basically identify poisonous berries and mushrooms, so my efficiency is quite high. I picked several plastic buckets and took them back in a short while.]

  [I thought that I had picked everything near the sanatorium, so I wanted to walk a little further away to take a look. Then, as I walked, I came to a place that looked like a parking lot. There were quite a lot of mushrooms there, and I picked quite a few. When I was about to go back, I suddenly saw a very tall and large concrete pipe, which looked a bit like the entrance to a sewer, with a large green light coming out of it! 】

  【I didn’t think too much at the time, and thought that since there were so many mushrooms inside, I might as well go in and take a look. Anyway, I could identify the poisonous ones, so I just didn’t touch them. 】

  【Besides, there weren’t any dangerous monsters around, so I walked over and stuck my head in to take a look… I swear, I really just took a look at that time! 】

  【Then something terrifying happened! 】

  【A piece of meat… I don’t know what kind of meat it was, anyway, it hit me in the face. At that time, I couldn’t breathe at all, and I couldn’t open my eyes. Soon I couldn’t even move. It felt like I was swallowed by something? 】

  【In short, although I didn’t feel any pain, the feeling was really terrible! Almost at the moment I lost consciousness, I suddenly woke up from reality. Everything that happened just now was like a nightmare. 】

  【At first I thought I was offline, so I quickly put on my helmet to reconnect, and then I saw the words “Connection interrupted” written on the helmet, and then it changed to “Restricted login”. No matter how I tried, I couldn’t log in. 】


  It’s really a free gift…

  After reading the post, Chu Guangren was stunned.

  This player is really brave, seriously using his face to explore the bushes. If it were him, he would definitely not dare to do such a thing.

  The netizens under the post were also quite unfriendly.

  Some people have already obtained the closed beta qualification and are just watching the fun, but more are netizens who can’t make an appointment no matter what, and they all condemned this shameful waste.

  You know, the resurrection CD is at least three days!

  This is equivalent to wasting three days of game time!

  What can’t you do with this time?

  Ye Shi: [It’s okay without a head, headless senior sister? (funny)]

  Quit smoking: [What the hell? ! That’s it? That’s it? If you really can’t play well, please donate the game qualification to those in need! Damn! TT】

  Debt Eyes: [You are really rude, isn’t this a free gift? Why don’t you let me do it!]

  Irena: [Keep updating! Tell me in detail how it feels when you are eaten? (Funny)]

  All the good names are taken by dogs: [Now that you put it that way, I have a wrong idea, brother, let me talk for a moment. (Funny)]

  The thread probably started to go astray from here.

  It was originally a good post for help, but in the end no one cared whether her problem was solved.

  In the end, perhaps because the official ignored her and the netizens were too foul-mouthed, the thread slowly turned into a debate between the thread owner and the netizens, who were furious.

  This little player’s mouth is really poisonous, and it is obvious that she is an old troll.

  Chu Guang couldn’t stand it anymore, so he locked her post and sent a private message to her in the background.

  ”Hello, I’m the game planner of Wasteland OL. We have received your feedback. According to the death penalty set by the game, it takes 72 hours to resurrect. Please wait patiently for the resurrection CD to end, and then you can log in to the game again.”

  Yaya: “Ah? I have to wait for three days… Can it be changed to one day? I can recharge, you tell me how much.”

  Chu Guang: “This is not a matter of money.” Yaya

  : “Can’t you be flexible? Please, planner brother, I really didn’t mean it, just help me. By the way, what is your Penguin account? Can I add it? It’s so troublesome to type here, let’s chat on Penguin. (Poor)”

  Chu Guang: “Rules are rules, I can’t help you with this.”

  Yaya: “Really can’t you be flexible? (Poor)”

  Chu Guang was indifferent and continued to type.

  ”I haven’t finished what I said yet. In addition to the resurrection CD, the first death in the game will also deduct 500 contribution points from the player.”

  Yaya: “Is contribution points also deducted? But, but I don’t have that many…”

  Chu Guang: “The trouble is here. At present, your contribution points are only 30, which come from the collection task. These contribution points are not enough to pay the death penalty.”

  Yaya: “What if it is not enough? (Nervous)”

  Chu Guang: “The current setting will affect the NPC’s evaluation of the player, in other words, it will reduce the favorability.”

  Yaya: “Loss of favorability?! Don’t! QAQ”

  Are you afraid now?

  What were you doing before?

  ”Obviously you don’t realize the seriousness of the problem at all. Imagine that the character you play is responsible for saving civilization. However, as a human elite who went to the surface to support construction, you not only did not create any value, but also caused so much trouble to everyone. Don’t you feel guilty at all?” I

  didn’t even earn 500 free coins, but I wasted a big can of active substances.

  How shameless!

  Yaya: “But, but this is a game…”

  ”Yes, it is a game, but it is not a game for you alone,” Chu Guang typed righteously, “You should have played script-killing games before.”

  Yaya: “Play, played…”

  Chu Guang: “This is equivalent to a 30-person dungeon, 29 people are playing seriously, but there is one person playing around, and he is holding an identity card. You should know how bad this behavior is to other players.”

  In fact, it is not that exaggerated. It’s just a newbie. If he dies, he dies. But Chu Guang feels that if he doesn’t react at all, these players will not remember.

  They must be educated!

  But maybe he said it too harshly, this little player is too thin-skinned, or maybe he has really been cheated when playing script-killing games in real life.

  Yaya, who was sitting in front of the computer, was almost crying because of what he said, and she typed desperately to apologize.

  ”I’m sorry, I’m wrong! It’s my fault! QAQ”

  A series of messages flashed in the chat window, and Chu Guang, who was about to continue typing, felt a little embarrassed.

  Why do I feel like I’m doing PUA?

  Forget it…

  It doesn’t matter.

  Chu Guang: “You don’t have to apologize to me. I’m just explaining the game’s penalty mechanism and why it was set up like this. You can tell other players about it in your post later, and I’ll unlock the post.”

  Chu Guang: “In addition, I have to emphasize again that Wasteland OL is positioned as a hardcore game. At least in the early stages of the game there won’t be too many casual elements, and this is what we decided when we designed the entire game framework. If you really can’t accept the setting, we suggest you change games, or wait for the public beta to be launched and play it when the content is richer.”

  Yaya: “No, I want to play! I’m going to die without a helmet! QAQ”

  Yaya: “Well, planner brother, I have no objection to the death penalty, the… How can I recover the lost favorability? Is it useful to take the initiative to admit mistakes after resurrection? QAQ”

  Chu Guang: “Maybe it’s useful, but it doesn’t mean much. The manager’s AI personality and behavior logic are set to be neutral and lawful. His evaluation is mainly determined by whether the player’s behavior is in line with the overall interests of the shelter. So if you want to make up for it, let him see your hard work and don’t do those mindless things. ”

  Ya Ya: “I know, that… can I make a small suggestion?”

  Chu Guang: “Go ahead.” ”

  Ya Ya: “Can you give some krypton gold gifts in the future? The kind that can increase favorability. I see other games have them, such as Big Nosed Mole Manor… I can buy them with money!”

  Chu Guang typed with a frown on his face.

  ”My friend, don’t always think about using money to solve problems. We are a serious company!”

  The person is gone, what’s the use of him asking for money.

  Can he burn it to spend?

  Ya Ya, who was sitting in front of the computer, was stunned, his hands stopped on the keyboard, and his mind didn’t turn around for a while.

  A serious company…

  isn’t it just a scam?

  It’s not serious if you don’t want money…

  After closing the webpage, Chu Guang put aside the matter of this little player for the time being and then logged into his own Penguin account.

  Interestingly, the Niuma Club group was discussing the post on the official website.

  It seems that everyone is still quite concerned about the death penalty in the game.

  Spare someone under the knife: [I’ve played it, to be honest, this game is really awesome, I take back what I said before, I’m convinced! ]

  Ye Ao Nai Wo He: [Fuck, you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, have also been bribed by the dog management? ? ? ]

  (“Ye Ao Nai Wo He” was banned by the administrator for 1 hour.)

  Ye Shi: [The dog is barking again? ]

  Lao Bai: [No bullshit, have you seen the post on the official website? It’s the person who died today. ]

  Ye Shi: [I saw it, the ID is Ya Ya, the one with long legs who is 180 cm tall! The group owner should find a way to get him into the group. (Funny)]

  Lao Bai: [Get out, go by yourself. 】

  Fang Chang: 【After reading the post, I summarized three points: 1. Losing consciousness and dying in the game will cause the connection to be forcibly disconnected. 2. The excessive pain has indeed been removed, which is the same as what I tested before. I have to say that the game officials are very smart! It doesn’t feel unreal at all. If it hurts too much, people will be discouraged. Now it’s just right! But I still say that it would be great if I could adjust it myself. (grin)】

  Ye Shi: 【What else? ? 】

  Kuang Feng: 【Let me add that if you don’t commit suicide, you won’t die. 】

  Fang Chang: 【Correct answer. 】

  Quit smoking: 【I vomited, why can’t I make an appointment, I really want to play! TT】

  Lao Bai: 【Uh, why don’t you ask Brother Guang to play with you? 】

  Quit smoking: 【I have asked him, and he asked me to wait. TT】

  Ye Shi: 【My condolences. 】

  Lao Bai: 【Huh? Not really, did you secretly hack him? This guy does hold a grudge. I saw that he is a Scorpio. 】

  Quit smoking: [No way, how dare I criticize him! I am Brother Guang’s most loyal lick dog, okay! ! ! TT]

  Lao Bai: [That’s strange, I’ll ask for you another day.]

  Fang Chang: [By the way, has the garbage picker level 99 been online?]

  Ye Shi: [I don’t know, can I tag you?]

  Lao Bai: [@Garbage Picker Level 99.]

  Garbage Picker Level 99: [Ahem, what’s up? I’m in the group.]

  Floating in a group is not as interesting as peeking at the screen.

  Besides, it’s hard for him, a newbie who has just joined the group for a few days, to get in a chat with a group of familiar people.

  Fang Chang: [I see that your character is a lizard man. How do you feel when you take off your helmet and return to reality? For example, where there is a sense of disharmony?]

  Chu Guang, who was also peeking at the screen, also became interested when he saw this.

  He was also very curious about what it felt like to be a lizard man entering the game.

  Especially without a small tail and with a big tail, he didn’t know if he would get used to it.

  Garbage Picker Level 99: [Uh… it seems not? It feels pretty good. I have strong athletic ability and quick reaction in the game. There is nothing wrong after I quit the game. However, there is one thing that I am not used to. I always want to eat raw meat in the game. I feel hot all over when I see blood, but it is fine after I take off the helmet. It is very magical. 】

  Fang Chang: [Fuck! Why can’t I choose a female character even if I choose a non-human character! 】

  Kuangfeng: [Ahem, be rational, brother. 】

  Lao Bai: [You make me a little scared. 】

  Fang Chang: [Get lost! I just want to try what it feels like. I am just curious. You know. 】

  Ye Shi: [No, no, no, we don’t understand. 】

  Kuangfeng: [Speaking of which, Ye Shi also picks up garbage. When you two went out hunting with the manager today, did you encounter looters? 】

  Garbage Picker Level 99: [Yes! There were two looters and a domesticated mutant hyena. They were executing a scavenger at the time. When we found him, the man had been killed by the plot! Then we killed the two looters and took their equipment. Fang

  Chang: Tamed? It turns out that alien species can be tamed. I wonder if players will be able to keep pets in the future… I guess this should be a foreshadowing by the official. (Touching his chin)

  Kuangfeng: Did you kill the NPC?

  Garbage Picker Level 99: [Well, the manager ordered the attack… It shouldn’t be considered a violation of the regulations in the Residents’ Handbook, right? I later looked it up and it only stipulates that it is forbidden to attack neutral and friendly NPCs. ]

  Night Ten: [Well, I think those should be wild monsters that spawned, not NPCs, right? But the bleeding effect is… It’s really realistic, I almost thought someone was really dead. ]

  When seeing this, Chu Guang fell into deep thought.

  He had previously speculated whether the world that players see is filtered, and now it seems that this is really possible.

  However, this filter is not necessarily the kind of filter in the beauty camera, but more likely a kind of conceptual blurring.

  Just like the way this device handles pain.

  Pain that exceeds the limit will be blocked by the player’s brain, and sensory impact that exceeds the tolerance range should also be treated with corresponding “emotional blunting”.

  Otherwise, the brain’s “fuse mechanism” is triggered, and the player is directly awakened from the “nightmare”, and the connection is interrupted, right?

  Obviously, these details have been considered by the designer of this device.

  After analyzing this, Chu Guang suddenly felt a little envious.

  When he first came to the wasteland, it took him a long time to overcome these psychological barriers.

  Kuangfeng: [Are they speaking Mandarin?]

  Garbage Picker Level 99: [Their words are very strange, the pronunciation is a bit like Chinese but not Chinese. I can’t understand it anyway. It should be randomly generated by the program.]

  When depicting alien planets or alien worlds, many film and television works or games will have similar settings, creating a “foreign language” by disrupting the normal sound sequence of a paragraph, and some are simply made up.

  For example, the little man who hums in the Sims.

  In the opinion of Garbage Picker Level 99, Wasteland OL should also adopt a similar design. In

  this regard alone, this game is quite realistic.

  Fang Chang: [Well, the arrangement of this plot is actually quite interesting. I feel that it is to remind us of the hidden crisis in this wasteland. Just like the mutant tribe we explored before, the purpose should be to create a sense of crisis.]

  Ye Shi: [Uh, isn’t it a randomly generated plot? 】

  Fang Chang: 【Everything you see is a designed program. There is no real randomness. 】

  Lao Bai: 【I think what Fang Chang said makes sense. It just happened on the day when the new player came online… It feels a bit deliberate. 】

  Fang Chang: 【It can only be regarded as a guess! I think this plot can be understood as that as the scale of the outpost expands and the overall strength of the players improves, the conflicts between the players and other forces and alien species in the wasteland will gradually intensify. And the competition for survival resources and space may be the main theme of the next stage of the game. 】

  Fang Chang: 【Now we can actually start preparing for war! I estimate that if it is fast, the Winter is Coming expansion will end, and the next expansion will be the stronghold conflict. 】

  Kuangfeng: 【Awesome…】

  Garbage Picking Level 99: 【6666, this analysis is good. 】

  Ye Shi: 【Awesome, Brother Fang Chang is in the atmosphere! 】

  Quit Smoking: 【Fuck! I really want to play! TT】

  Then the group members began to exchange the skills of traditional steelmaking and gunpowder making, and Chu Guang in front of the screen was stunned.

  Wow, this guy has considered everything for me that I didn’t even consider in my plan.

  What a talent!

  Chu Guang sighed in his heart, and copied and pasted the content of the brother’s analysis into the document to save it.

  You are all right.

  You are all old knowers.

  If someone asks about it in the future, Chu Guang decided to just explain it like this.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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