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Chapter 340 Due to server network fluctuations, the silver coin trading platform is temporarily suspended for one day

Chapter 340 Due to server network fluctuations, the silver coin trading platform is temporarily suspended for one day


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 340 Due to server network fluctuations, the silver coin trading platform is temporarily suspended for one day

  . A spacious tent.

  A man in luxurious clothes paced back and forth in the tent, with a serious look on his face, as if he was struggling with something.

  At this time, footsteps were heard outside.

  Hearing the noise, he immediately put on a bright smile on his face and took the initiative to greet the door of the tent.

  Almost at the same time, Chu Guang appeared at the door of the tent.

  ”Xavier! A salesman from the Firestone Group! It’s nice to meet you, respected leader of the alliance!” Xavier introduced himself with enthusiasm and even exaggerated voice, and quietly looked at the man who appeared at the door.

  Just like the rumors, the leader of the new alliance has a pair of obsidian-like deep eyes, handsome and young.

  The most important thing is that I heard that he was born in a shelter.

  This situation is not uncommon in the wasteland. Although most leaders of survivor settlements are native wastelanders, these survivor settlements are rarely very large, and it is rare to have a population of more than 10,000.

  The real big forces, such as enterprises and colleges, even the legions in the west of the continent, and the charlatans in the south of the Death Coast…their origins are more or less related to the shelter.

  However, what surprised him was that this man was actually an awakener.

  What on earth did this guy go through?

  ”Chu Guang, the manager.”

  Chu Guang was not very interested in Xavier’s enthusiasm, and just briefly introduced himself.

  After all, he was an arms dealer who sold weapons to the Bone Chewing Tribe, and it was a coincidence that he was treated well.

  Realizing that he used the wrong title, Xavier looked a little embarrassed.

  However, as a businessman who traveled all over the country, his face was naturally thick, and he quickly adjusted himself.

  ”Sorry, I made an empirical mistake… It’s nice to meet you, the manager of the alliance.”

  Chu Guang looked at him and got straight to the point.

  ”Explain your purpose.”

  Xavier nodded slightly.

  ”Mr. Sigma, the leader of our group, asked me to send you congratulations. Congratulations on winning this war. Xizhou City has ushered in a wise master!”

  Congratulations are fine.

  Losing a big customer, shouldn’t you cry?

  But the war is over, now is the time for development.

  Chu Guang didn’t want to cause trouble, so he didn’t tease his neighbor to the north, but just said with a smile.

  ”Give him my regards too.”

  ”I’ll take your greetings!” Xavier cleared his throat with a sigh of relief and continued, “In addition, in addition to congratulations on the victory, Mr. Sigma told me before he set off that he hoped I could redeem someone from you.” ”


  ”Dillon, the captain of the 210,000th Corps of the Legion!”

  ”You mean that man…” Chu Guang recalled the name, but his expression was a little subtle.

  ”Yes,” Xavier was still trying to persuade him, completely unaware of what was happening, “Anyway, the war is over for you, and you and the Legion have no direct hatred. That man is of no use to you, why not use him for some ransom? We can pay him… 500,000 dinars, what do you think?” 500,000


  It is indeed not a small amount.

  Chu Guang was slightly surprised. He didn’t expect that Dillon was worth so much money to redeem.

  If that guy was still alive, he wouldn’t mind exchanging some ransom, but unfortunately…

  ”I’m afraid I can’t agree to your request.”

  Xavier was stunned, obviously not expecting Chu Guang to refuse, and said anxiously.

  ”Do you think it’s too little? According to the standards of the captain of ten thousand men, this price is already very fair-”

  ”Because he is dead.” Chu Guang interrupted him and said lightly.

  ”Dead?!” Hearing this, Xavier was shocked, and his face changed again and again in an instant.

  Chu Guang didn’t think so.

  ”That’s right, bullets have no eyes on the battlefield, and anything can happen. Isn’t this normal? Since he chose to squat in the same trench with those predators, he should have thought that this day would come.”

  At this point, Chu Guang looked at Xavier with a scrutinizing look, “I’m very curious, why did you redeem him?”

  ”…This is Mr. Sigma’s order, he didn’t tell me more details.” Xavier pretended to be calm, but the nervous expression had betrayed him.

  Obviously, he was not completely unaware.

  Chu Guang smiled lightly, but didn’t continue to embarrass him.

  The other party didn’t want to talk, and it was useless to ask more questions. You couldn’t arrest the envoy and torture him.

  That would be too stupid.

  ”If you came here for Dillon, your trip is doomed to be in vain.”

  Xavier forced a forced smile from his face.

  ”How could it be… I can see you in person, so this trip is not in vain.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Mr. Sigma also told me a third thing. Since the trade route between the north and the south has been restored…”

  ”We hope to sign a trade agreement with you!”


  Outside the tent.

  The rest area of ​​the visiting group.

  Butan went to the nearby construction site and visited the drainage system of Dawn City. After returning, he kept shaking his head.

  ”… There are big problems with their construction plan. It can’t be seen now. According to the summer rainfall in Xizhou City in previous years, it will definitely be ruined by July!”

  ”… It’s not that serious, right? I haven’t heard that the survivor settlement in Xizhou City was flooded before.” Yuan Feng had a hesitant expression on his face.

  They came to visit, not to find fault with other people’s homes. Although he believed in Mr. Boutan’s professional ability in the field of environmental engineering, he did not agree to make things complicated.

  ”Can a settlement of 5,000 or even tens of thousands of people be the same as a settlement of 200 or 300 people? Unless they are going to break the jar and soak it in water.”

  Finally, Boutan couldn’t hold it in any longer, slapped his thigh and stood up.

  ”I’ll go see their managers again! I must explain this to them clearly!”

  For the sake of the great gift, he couldn’t pretend not to see it.

  At worst, he would spend some time to help them redesign a plan!

  Anyway, it’s not very difficult.

  Boutan walked towards the manager’s tent, while the rest of the delegation continued to talk about their discoveries in Dawn City.

  The New Alliance’s production efficiency was indeed amazing, as it could build 1,000 emergency houses in one day.

  However, strong production capacity does not mean advanced productivity.

  Objectively speaking, there are still some problems with the design and safety of those aluminum houses, and the technical content does not seem to be from the shelter.

  There are many mountains near Xizhou City, and the wind is not very strong, so it is okay to use it for a while.

  But over time, the problems will definitely be exposed.

  Everyone was discussing it, but only a certain “mascot” did not participate.

  The energetic Pai was fiddling with the new toy she had just received, and she was having a lot of fun sitting in the barracks.

  She quickly mastered the trick of controlling the drone. She used the tablet she carried with her to compile a simple control program and connected the drone to the VR glasses.

  The thin propeller trembled, and the silver-white ball soared into the sky.

  Looking down at the land of Xizhou City from the perspective of the drone, Pai’s face was full of amazement and surprise.

  ”It’s incredible!”

  Unfortunately, the hummingbird drone has a mediocre endurance. After all, it is as big as a fist, so you can imagine the battery capacity.

  After landing the drone, Pai took off his glasses reluctantly, and a hint of longing appeared in his eyes.

  ”Tianqin, what do you think Dawn City will look like?”

  Tianqin, who was sitting upright on the chair, did not answer, and was as quiet as a wooden man.

  Pai stared at its cloak, and suddenly a trace of curiosity arose in his heart.

  Speaking of which, he had never seen what it looked like.

  When it came out of the huge door, it was wearing this cloak that covered its entire body, and it did not communicate with anyone. It

  obviously has such a nice name…

  Pai asked in a low voice.

  ”Can I take a look?”

  Tianqin did not speak.

  Pai continued in a low voice.

  ”…If you don’t speak, I will take it as your consent.”

  Still no response.

  Mustering up the courage, Pai carefully reached out his hand and gently lifted a corner of the thin cloak.

  Unlike its name, which was named after a star, under the shadow was a face with ordinary features, like a mannequin in a shabby window.

  The only difference was that its eyes moved and stared at her.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  This was the first sentence Tianqin said since leaving the shelter.

  Pai swallowed nervously, shook her head, and quickly retracted her hand.

  Looking at the face covered by the cloak again, she whispered with a guilty conscience.

  ”I’m sorry…”

  Tianqin looked at her, as if confused about something.

  After a moment, it said seriously.

  ”No need to apologize, you didn’t do anything that required an apology.”

  Hearing this, Pai, who was still nervous, breathed a sigh of relief and a happy smile appeared on his face.

  ”I’m glad you’re not angry with me.”


  Tianqin looked at her without saying anything.

  There were more things she didn’t understand…


  On the other side.

  After meeting with the representatives of the Firestone Group, Chu Guang returned to his tent.

  The negotiations with the Firestone Group were not successful.

  Although Chu Guang did not reject the idea of ​​temporarily shelving the conflict, the “trade agreement” offered by the other party made him roll his eyes.

  Zero tariffs, exploration rights and mining rights.

  I’m afraid he is living in a dream!

  These three items alone have exceeded his bottom line, and Chu Guang can’t see any substantial benefits from the many exchange conditions and promises given by the other party.

  To put it bluntly, what can he get by doing business with the Bugera Free State?

  A pile of arms?

  Not only does the New Alliance not lack weapons at all, but there is no war to fight recently.

  The current priority is to convert excess military production capacity to civilian use and ensure the food supply and reserves of the settlement.

  From this perspective, doing business with farmers in the south is obviously better than doing business with arms dealers in the north.

  ”… In this case, let’s talk about the official trade agreement after we have enough trust in each other.” After listening to the other party’s request, Chu Guang directly rejected Xavier’s request with one sentence.

  Xavier didn’t say anything more, and left after expressing his regret.

  Chu Guang could feel that the other party was not sincere about the trade agreement.

  This feeling became more obvious after hearing that Dillon was dead.

  The Fang Clan had been destroyed, and the disintegration of the Bone Chewing Tribe was a matter of time.

  However, there were still too many mysteries on this rotten corpse.

  How could a group of plunderers get the support of the Torch Church and the Legion at the same time?

  There must be some hidden secrets that he didn’t understand.

  Unfortunately, Jin Ya was dead, and Dillon was also dead. He could only find a way to investigate from other prisoners of war…

  The door of the tent.

  Chu Guang happened to see Butan waiting there, so he put away his solemn expression and put on a friendly smile on his face again.

  ”What’s the matter? Friends from Camp 101.”

  The old man didn’t beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

  ”The drainage system of Dawn City needs to be redesigned. According to the current construction plan, it will definitely become a puddle by July!”

  Become a puddle?

  Is it so exaggerated?

  Hearing this, Chu Guang showed a hint of surprise on his face and immediately took it seriously.

  ”Can you tell me more about it?”

  ”I’m here to discuss this with you!”

  Butan told Chu Guang his findings without reservation, including the precipitation in Xizhou City in previous years and the places where the drainage system was not well thought out.

  After listening carefully to his suggestions, Chu Guang calmly sent a task to the chief designer of the alliance [Spare His Life].

  The city planning of the New Alliance is mainly done by the players. Although the design concepts of the 21st century are sufficient for the wasteland, it is inevitable that they will be careless if copied.

  Being able to communicate more with experts in the wasteland will not only be of great benefit to the future development of the New Alliance, but will also definitely help the personal development of the players themselves.

  ”The design of the drainage system really cannot be sloppy! Can you please communicate with our designers about the specific improvement plan?”

  Unexpectedly, Chu Guang attached so much importance to his opinions. In addition to being surprised, Butan’s face was filled with joy, and he immediately patted his chest and promised.

  ”No problem! I’ll stay here for a few days, and I’ll help you think of a way to improve the design plan.”

  There is such a good thing? !

  Chu Guang certainly would not refuse, and immediately said happily.

  ”Great, then trouble you!”

  Butan smiled embarrassedly, “No trouble, it’s a small matter. But I have to trouble you to take care of the visiting delegation!”

  Chu Guang smiled and said, “That’s for sure! Leave it to me!”


  The construction site of Dawn City.

  The construction of the sewer was stopped.

  Squatting on the concrete pier, Daoxialiuren stared at the blueprint in his hand, which was full of circles and dots, scratching his head and head, his scalp almost broken.

  Just now, when he received the task, the manager called him over and introduced him to an old man who was said to be studying environmental engineering.

  At first, Daoxialiuren didn’t take it seriously, just thinking it was a plot.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that as soon as the manager introduced the old man to him, the old man took his blueprint and kept nagging at him.

  VM solved the communication problem.

  Daoxialiuren was immediately unhappy when someone pointed fingers at his blueprint, and immediately argued with the old man.

  However, after arguing for a while, he suddenly began to realize that what the other party said seemed to make some sense.

  And more than a little.

  This is very embarrassing…

  Makabazi, who was passing by, saw it and couldn’t help but get closer with curiosity.

  ”What’s wrong, brother?”

  Daoxialiuren sighed.

  ”I don’t understand…”

  He told Makabazi what happened just now.

  The latter scratched his head and said with a confused look on his face.

  ”In short, it’s… an NPC thinks there’s something wrong with your design? And now the sewer construction has been stopped?”

  ”Yes.” Daoxialiuren nodded honestly.

  Makabazi was shocked.

  ”Damn, what does an NPC know?”

  ”No… this NPC is different from other NPCs, and he has something to say.” Daoxialiuren sighed.

  During the conversation, he even felt like he was back in the classroom.

  Whether it was the design concept or the design idea, the academic level and professional level shown by the other party made him wonder whether the person standing in front of him was an NPC or a “professor” wearing an NPC coat.

  Thinking about it, I really miss it.

  How many years have I been working?

  Although I can’t be called a master in the field of civil engineering and urban planning, and I haven’t worked on the front line for a while, my experience is definitely beyond reproach.

  The more Daoxialiuren thought about it, the more puzzled he became.

  A game company.

  As for making such a small matter so professional?

  Makabazi scratched his head.

  ”What should we do now?”

  He had no idea how to design or construct. In reality, he was not in this line of work. As a strength-oriented person, he only knew how to use great strength to create miracles.

  Anyway, there were so many big guys in this game, so he didn’t need to think so much.

  ”No need to do anything. Just follow his method and make some changes first,” Daoxialiuren sighed, patted his pants and stood up, “Call the foremen of the aid construction team to a meeting.”

  ”There are new work arrangements.”


  The next morning.

  The northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

  Amid the drums of the band and the cheers of the people, the train full of victory and glory drove into the station in the north of Shuguang City with a long whistle.

  People held flower baskets in their hands and threw petals to the train to celebrate the triumph of the soldiers.

  The boys chased each other, laughed and played on the edge of the crowd, played war games, and took turns to play the role of righteous soldiers and evil predators.

  The rumble of the train was just the accompaniment.

  Although the real battlefield was much more cruel than the script they could imagine.

  Most of the girls stood beside their parents, looking at the train with curiosity and longing in their eyes.

  Frost River, standing beside his father, quietly pulled Frost Snow’s sleeve and lowered his voice, saying softly with a curved mouth.

  ”…Do you feel your heartbeat speed up?”

  Frost Snow blushed and glared at her sister, but her eyes did not move away from the train.

  Frost Night, the youngest, blinked, not quite understanding what the eldest and second sisters were discussing.

  The guards of Dawn City formed a long line beside the railway, maintaining order at the scene and keeping the crowd away from the railway to avoid accidents.

  However, even so, it still could not stop the enthusiasm of the residents of Dawn City, which was like the waves of the sea.

  The war is over!

  This is undoubtedly an epic victory!

  Those barbarians who eat raw meat and drink blood can no longer threaten the peace and prosperity of Dawn City.

  Praise the Alliance!

  Praise the administrators!

  Thanks to those expedition warriors, they cut off the evil with the swords in their hands-

  each of them is a hero!

  Standing in the train’s cab, looking at the happy faces outside the window, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile with relief.

  He gently patted the conductor’s seat.

  ”Slow down, let our soldiers enjoy the joy of victory for a while longer.”

  The conductor smiled and nodded.

  ”Okay, sir!”

  The long whistle sounded, and the train slowly slowed down.

  At the same time, the carriages behind were equally lively.

  ”Oh, oh, is this the capital of the new alliance?” Pai pressed her face against the car window, her eyes full of excitement, wishing she could stick her head out.

  Seeing this, Yuan Feng quickly reached out and pulled the restless little girl back, staring at her and scolding her.

  ”Behave yourself! Have you forgotten what your teacher told you? You represent the image of all the residents of Camp 101… Do you want to embarrass everyone?”

  Pai pouted sullenly and glanced at the side secretly.

  ”I’m not the only one like this…”

  Indeed, she is not the only one.

  Compared with the behavior of the players, she is relatively restrained.

  For example, a certain tail not only pressed his face against the car window, but also squeezed his nose out of shape.

  ”My giao! Little fish! Woo woo woo, cute little fish, you must miss your tail so much!”

  Sisi, who was sitting next to him, sighed softly.

  ”Awei, wake up quickly, your little fish is obviously going to greet the manager, right?”

  ”I don’t care! I want to kiss the little fish!” The tail yelled.

  Upon hearing this, the big white bear sitting opposite the two of them was immediately unhappy, and even raised his eyebrows… although it was not obvious.

  ”Shut up! The little fish is obviously mine!”

  Tail was shocked.

  ”Hey! You, a fickle Rourou, are you worthy of Teddy!?”

  ”What the hell is Teddy, don’t pair me up with him randomly!”

  ”Don’t quarrel… or how about one bite each?”

  The cat ears on the top of his head shook uneasily, and Zhimahu tried to appease the noisy man and bear.

  Sisi, who was sitting next to him, sighed and reminded him helplessly.

  ”… I can understand your feelings, but if you go against the wishes of the NPC and plot against the NPC, you will be kicked off the line.”

  At this time, a gentle electronic sound rang in the car.

  It was not human language.

  It was Mandarin.

  ”Hello, dear players. This train is about to arrive at the station. The residents of the New Alliance are welcoming us in triumph. I hope everyone will pay attention to their words and deeds, and don’t be too exaggerated, which will affect the collective image.”

  ”Due to the one-person-one-account mechanism, socially dead accounts cannot be cancelled, so please at least behave like a normal person when playing the plot!”

  Tail immediately moved his face away from the window.

  ”Huh? Was that the planner’s voice just now?”

  Sisi looked at the loudspeaker on the top of the car.

  ”…Who knows.”

  The train arrived at the station.



  And cheers!

  All came like a tide!

  Feeling the warmth coming in the face, the players who walked out of the car couldn’t help but feel a little dazed for a while.

  This feeling is like…

  they are real heroes.

  No, it can’t be said to be like, it should be said that they are!

  They protect a world!

  The sense of honor and spiritual satisfaction that have never been felt in other games sprouted in their hearts like germinating seeds.

  This sense of accomplishment that goes deep into the soul is far from being comparable to a few lines of cold numbers and a few lines of text in the conclusion of the clearance.

  Looking at the flowers that were forced into his hands, the construction site boy and the brick muttered in a daze.

  ”This game is too real…”

  ”Thank you!”

  Irena took the flowers from the little girl with a smile and said thank you politely.

  Watching the blushing girl get into the crowd, he stared at the flowers in his hand and suddenly sniffed curiously.

  In the end, he couldn’t help it, he reached out and picked a flower and threw it into his mouth.


  Does it taste okay?

  The canyon escaped mole standing next to him happened to see this scene and cast a surprised look at Lao Na.

  ”Hey! You don’t even let go of the flowers?”

  Irena said as a matter of course.

  ”What if it can add a buff?”

  How do you know if you don’t try it?

  Isn’t the buff of adding physical fitness to monster meat tested out in this way?

  The mole couldn’t help but complain.

  ”What a ghost buff!”

  This guy must be crazy!

  On the platform of the train station, Chu Guang got off the train surrounded by flowers. He looked at Boss Xia, Xiaoyu, Yu Hu, Old Charlie, Luca and everyone in the crowd, and couldn’t help but smile.

  ”I’m back.”

  ”Congratulations on your triumph, respected manager, we have prepared a banquet to celebrate your victory.” Old Charlie said respectfully.

  ”I’m glad you’re safe.” Looking at the intact Chu Guang, Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief.

  The pale yellow flowers were gathered in her palms, and she was shy and finally didn’t dare to hand them out.

  ”Thank you.”

  Looking at the people who supported him, Chu Guang smiled and nodded.

  Although his hands were almost full, he still reached out and took the flowers from everyone’s hands.

  When we go back, plant them near the sanatorium.

  Looking at the azure armor covered with colorful petals, Xia Yan muttered softly.

  ”Isn’t it hot to wear this iron lump every day? Summer is coming.”

  Chu Guang smiled slightly and said with a little pride.

  ”You don’t understand this. This piece of iron has its own air conditioner. It’s warm in winter and cool in summer. Do you want to try it on?”

  Xia Yan blushed.

  ”You…what are you talking about?”

  Chu Guang: “……?”

  He thought about it, but couldn’t figure out what was wrong with his words.

  It must be the listener who was wrong.

  The triumphal ceremony lasted from early morning to noon

  . The celebration banquet and carnival lasted from noon to night.

  The wine and food consumed today must be tons.

  However, even the frugal old Luca would not say much on this occasion.

  Celebrate for a common victory.

  After tonight, those who gathered together for survival will be more united than yesterday.

  The night gradually deepened.

  The players who were still not satisfied logged off one after another.

  However, the lively atmosphere was far from over, but was brought to the forum of the official website.

  While they were having fun in the game, people outside the game were not idle either. The

  market for silver coins has completely entered a white-hot stage.

  Astronomical purchase orders have emerged one after another, and big money holders who came from nowhere are like crazy, spending money frantically to buy back the silver coins in the hands of players.

  Seeing that the price is increasingly showing signs of losing reason, the game officials finally came forward.

  And issued two announcements in a row.

  [Due to fluctuations in the server network, the silver coin trading platform is temporarily suspended for one day]

  [Special event: The special loot auction event has officially begun! ]

  [(Details link)]

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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