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Chapter 340: The elder sister is like a mother, the fairy wife enters the hall

Chapter 340: The elder sister is like a mother, the fairy wife enters the hall


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 340: The elder sister is like a mother, the fairy wife enters the hall.

  There was a rustling in the bedroom, and the reflection of a beautiful figure changing clothes could be vaguely seen behind the screen.

  Yang Shifei drank a cup of tea and laughed helplessly.

  He didn’t expect that the fairy mother would take the initiative to come out and act as an elder in the family.

  However, this marriage was much more perfect with the presence of the elders of both sides.

  Fortunately, there were many styles and sizes of women’s clothes prepared at home, just enough for the fairy mother to change into.

  ”Shifei, have you changed your clothes?”

  The aunt called softly from outside the house: “The auspicious time is almost here~”

  ”I’ll be there soon!”

  Yang Shifei hurriedly replied, put down the teacup and looked at the screen again: “Fairy mother, you haven’t changed yet?”


  The fairy mother’s grievances were faintly heard from the screen: “These clothes are so troublesome to wear”

  Yang Shifei was stunned and quickly slapped his forehead.

  I almost forgot that the fairy mother was still ignorant of everything in the “mortal world” and sometimes she would fall even when walking.

  Seeing that she always wore the same black robe of flesh and blood, it was obvious that she had never changed into mortal clothes, so naturally she didn’t know how to dress.

  ”Well, put them on one by one slowly, first put on the smallest and thinnest undergarment, and then…”

  Yang Shifei taught her for a few words, and then heard the fairy mother mutter: “It seems a little… not fitting?”


  ”Come in and take a look. Ouch!”

  I vaguely saw the fairy mother staggering and falling outside the screen.

  Yang Shifei subconsciously wanted to reach out to help her, but then he saw her white body with only a few pieces of clothing, and he couldn’t help but be stunned.

  The fairy mother rubbed her red hands and pursed her pink lips: “It hurts.”

  Yang Shifei quickly swept away his distracting thoughts and helped her up from the ground: “Why are you so careless?”

  ”I got caught in the undergarment and didn’t stand firmly.”

  As soon as the fairy mother finished speaking, the underpants half hanging between her waist and legs quickly slipped to the ground, and now she was really naked.

  Yang Shifei’s mouth trembled when he saw it. This figure is indeed more voluptuous than I expected.

  ”Help me change.” Fairy Mother gently pulled her sleeves and looked up, with some hope in her eyes: “I heard outside that it’s about to start, don’t delay.”


  Yang Shifei tried not to look sideways and helped her put on her underwear.

  Fairy Mother also did not move at all, and obediently raised her hands and opened her legs, allowing the cloth to wrap around her body and cover the little white rabbit on her chest.


  Fairy Mother silently looked at Yang Shifei’s face, and felt his hot breath hitting her body.

  She blinked her beautiful eyes and whispered: “Later, what identity should I use to tell outsiders?”

  Yang Shifei paused and smiled awkwardly: “To discuss this topic at this time?”

  ”What’s wrong?” Fairy Mother tilted her head: “What’s wrong?”

  As she said that, she raised her tender right leg very docilely, with a well-proportioned curve and a small and cute foot.

  The scenery between the waist and hips can be said to be unobstructed.

  Yang Shifei could only sneer: “Just think of her as the eldest sister.”

  ”Yes, I’ll remember that.”

  The fairy mother nodded in response, allowing him to help put on her shoes and socks one by one.

  She gently raised her hand and put it on her shoulder, as if leaning forward to snuggle into his arms, and was wrapped in a lining gauze dress.

  The fair and delicate figure added a bit of hazy beauty, which matched her immature and unworldly face, and seemed to have some taboo temptation.

  ”Your breathing is a little fast.” The fairy mother gently stroked her face and blinked: “Do you like my body?”

  Yang Shifei almost coughed: “Now is not the time to tease me.”

  ”I’m not teasing you. Um.”

  Before the fairy mother finished speaking, a skirt was put on her head.

  Yang Shifei helped to smooth out the skirt, fastened the buttons everywhere, and then took out a few exquisite accessories to put on.

  The fairy mother was sitting obediently until her long black hair was flipped out from behind the collar and she was very skilled in making a bun.

  ”Almost done.”

  Yang Shifei took a closer look and nodded in appreciation: “This outfit suits you very well.”


  Another gentle voice came from outside the room, urging: “Are you in trouble? Do you want me to come in and help?”

  ”No, I’ll be out soon!” Yang Shifei hurriedly pulled the fairy mother, and after a few instructions, they walked out of the bedroom together. After

  a while, the eldest aunt crossed her arms and held her chin, looking at the two people in front of her with a strange expression.

  Shifei was still handsome and handsome, and the wedding dress was also very suitable. But who is this cute and attractive girl next to him?

  She knew that there was more than one bride in this wedding, but this one

  didn’t seem to be one of those girls?

  ”Don’t misunderstand, aunt.” Yang Shifei coughed twice: “She is my sister whom I met not long ago. She just happened to come to attend the wedding this time.”

  The purple-skirted beautiful woman was stunned: “Shifei, your sister?”

  ”Yes.” The fairy mother took Yang Shifei’s right hand and said calmly: “The elder sister is like a mother, so it’s not good to be absent.”

  Although the aunt was a little confused, it was not the time to get to the bottom of it. She nodded quickly: “In this case, let’s go to the front yard quickly.”

  In front of the Luo Mansion, a middle-aged woman dressed as a farmer was looking back and forth, hesitating whether to come in.

  Many people also noticed her and frowned, wondering which neighbor in the East City could have a relationship with the princess.

  Soon afterwards, three figures walked towards the peasant woman –


  The peasant woman rubbed her eyes and soon showed a happy smile: “Yang boy?!”

  ”It’s me.”

  Yang Shifei showed a hearty smile and stepped forward and bowed: “Aunt Niu, how are you?”

  He was filled with emotion to be able to see his savior who had just come into this world again.

  ”You have really changed a lot!” The peasant woman smiled and said in amazement: “You are worthy of being the good boy I have chosen. Now you have really become so handsome, and you are really a talented person!”

  Yang Shifei said with a smile: “It is also thanks to Aunt Niu’s help that I can have the change I have today.”

  The aunt next to him showed curiosity: “Shifei, I wonder who this lady is…”

  ”She is my lifesaver. I used to call her Aunt Niu.” Yang Shifei hurriedly introduced: “It was also with her recommendation that I was able to come to Dongcheng and meet Xian’er on a blind date. She can be said to be a noble person in my life.”

  The aunt was shocked when she heard the words, and quickly bowed: “Thank you madam for your care.”

  The fairy mother next to her also bowed her head obediently: “Thank you.”

  ”Oh, please don’t be so polite.”

  Aunt Niu helped them up hurriedly: “It was because this boy Yang is likable, diligent and studious that I helped him so much. What’s more, my family has received a lot of help because of him. I should say thank you.”

  Yang Shifei smiled gently: “It couldn’t be better that Aunt can come to the banquet. If Xian’er knew, she would definitely be happy.”

  ”Haha, that girl…”

  Aunt Niu looked at Aunt and Fairy Mother with interest again: “I heard that you were going to marry a few wives, and was wondering which girl could compare with Fairy Girl. Now that I see it with my own eyes, they are indeed two young and tender girls. They are really beautiful!”


  The beautiful woman in purple skirt and Fairy Mother were both stunned.

  Before they could react, Aunt Niu held their hands and said softly, “I’ll bring you some tonics and medicine from the countryside. I promise you can have fun every night and give birth to more big fat kids!”

  ”This, this matter.”

  Aunt’s face gradually turned red, her eyes were shy, and she subconsciously looked at Yang Shifei beside her. Xianmu

  tilted her head and didn’t understand what she heard. Was she going to have a child with Shifei?

  ”Ahem! Aunt, you misunderstood!” Yang Shifei was embarrassed and explained in a low voice: “These two are my elders, one is Xian’er’s aunt, and the other is my eldest sister.”

  ”Ah?” Aunt Niu was stunned and immediately felt ashamed: “I’m sorry, I’m a nagging

  person” “It’s okay, Madam Niu, don’t take it to heart.” The beautiful woman in purple skirt blushed and gently gathered her hair, and softly comforted: “We will be married soon, please take a seat first.”

  After asking Aunt Niu to sit down, Yang Shifei hurried back to the hall with Aunt and Xianmu.


  As if she sensed the gaze, the auntie blinked her beautiful eyes twice, blushed and smiled, “Little rascal, I really don’t take it to heart. Besides, instead of worrying about me now, why not take a look at your real ladies first.”

  As she spoke, a maid soon cleared the way at the far end of the corridor, and several graceful figures slowly walked over.

  Yang Shifei subconsciously looked back and saw Auntie Shuang pulling Xian’er, who was dressed in a wedding dress, along the corridor. The dignified

  wedding gown, bright red as fire, dragged on the ground, like a long waterfall of tassels. The red gauze square scarf on her head, embellished with pearls, jade and gold silk, made her graceful pace even more gorgeous and noble.

  Just by appearing here, everyone in the Luo Mansion immediately held their breath and looked sideways.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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