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Chapter 341 The auction with undercurrents!

Chapter 341 The auction with undercurrents!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 341 The auction with undercurrents!


  In the real world, somewhere.

  Looking at the two lines of notice that popped up on the official website, the trader sitting in front of the computer couldn’t help but swear.

  Seeing his colleagues all looking at him, he coughed dryly to cover up his embarrassment and spoke quickly.

  ”Temporary suspension… no more trading.”

  This sentence caused a thousand waves.

  ”Can’t trade?!”

  ”What’s going on?!”

  ”Is there a problem with the funds?”

  ”Why did you fail at such a critical moment!”

  There was an uproar in the office, and the old man sitting at another desk stood up and asked anxiously.

  ”Why can’t I trade? What happened?”

  The trader pushed his chair away, rested his head on the cushion, and pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

  ”The official website explained that the server network fluctuated… In short, you can place or cancel orders now, but you can’t continue to trade.”

  Everyone: “…”

  Network fluctuations are okay.

  This excuse is too bad, right? !

  The servers all over the world are experiencing network fluctuations, and the official website of Wasteland OL will probably not be affected.

  The square-faced man coughed dryly.

  ”… It’s quite like that guy’s style.”

  That guy, of course, refers to A Guang.

  In the past six months, they have collected and sorted out almost every post, every sentence, and even every punctuation mark that A Guang posted on the forum.

  All of this is to avoid missing key information.

  For example, this auction.

  If they ignore this clue and let their competitors buy the technology.

  That would be a big loss!

  Sitting up from his office chair, the trader paused and continued.

  ”However, although the bad news is that the stock is suspended, the good news is that… the auction time has been brought forward to now.”

  Everyone in the office whispered.

  The old man frowned and asked.

  ”Is this good news?”

  ”Of course it is,” the trader said as a matter of course, “We have the first-mover advantage. Although we are not sure about the number of our opponents’ orders and how much our opponents have bought, from the proportion of our trading volume in the transaction volume, our advantage is huge!”

  Hearing this, everyone finally relaxed their brows.

  The old man who had stood up earlier also breathed a sigh of relief and sat back in his chair.

  After the meeting yesterday, he immediately found Academician Liu Yiping of the Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology and consulted in detail about technical issues such as lithium batteries and lithium dendrites.

  In order to understand the twists and turns in this, he took several pages of notes!

  According to Academician Liu Yiping, although there is little hope of solving the problem of lithium dendrites in a short period of time, once this problem can be solved, the impact on the domestic new energy industry and even the national energy strategy will be amazing.

  This time, even Academician Liu, who has always been rigorous, used the exaggerated expression “amazing”.

  Its significance can be imagined!

  In any case, they must win this auction!

  The square-faced man coughed lightly.

  ”Let’s not make this F first… I mean, let’s not say too much first. What are the rules of the auction?”

  The trader touched his nose and stared at the computer screen.

  ”…The rules are the same as those of other auctions. The highest bidder wins, and each bid increase must not be less than 1%. However, since the transaction is completed on the other party’s platform, and the transaction currency is limited to silver coins, the bid cannot exceed the account limit.”

  The number of silver coins held in each account is anonymous, but it is clear to the operator of “Wasteland OL”.

  In other words, it is impossible to falsely report the auction price. The account balance is the upper limit of the bid.

  The square-faced man frowned.

  ”…That means you can’t bid a high price first, you have to wait until the delivery date to collect the balance.”

  The trader nodded.

  ”Yes, according to the rules, the delivery will be carried out immediately after the auction is completed… This is actually good news for us. Our bid only needs to be one ‘minimum bid increase’ higher than the second place to win this auction.”

  The old man asked immediately.

  ”When does the auction start?”

  The trader cast his eyes on the screen.

  ”It has already started!”

  More than just starting.

  The competition among all parties has even entered a white-hot stage!

  An anonymous account first quoted a floor price of 1 million silver coins, and then the second account raised the price to 2 million silver coins without hesitation, and then all parties began to pull in units of 100,000.

  According to public information, before the suspension of the silver coin trading platform, the highest price of silver coins was close to 600!

  The average transaction price on that day was directly raised from 50 to 80!

  According to the average price, these 2 million silver coins are equivalent to 160 million!

  It’s crazy!

  However, everyone sitting in the room knew that compared with the value of the auction item itself, the offer of more than 100 million was probably not even a fraction.

  A painting can be sold for hundreds of millions, let alone this key technology that can change an industry?

  The reason why there is no zero is simply because there are so many chips in the market.

  At present, the total number of players in the game is about 3,000, and each person has an average of 10,000 silver coins in his pocket, which adds up to 30 million.

  Counting a few high-level players who have businesses in the game, doubling the “total amount of currency in circulation” to 60 million is already amazing.

  In addition, there is a large group of cloud players participating in the transaction, diverting a part of the silver coins, and the counterparties hidden in the trading platform are also making moves at the same time.

  Even if they have spent a lot of money to acquire, they can only grab 10% of the chips in one day.

  Don’t think that the number 10% seems small.

  As a non-issuer of the currency, holding 10% of the total circulation of the currency – that is, nearly 6 million silver coins, is already a very aggressive silver buying strategy!

  Hundreds of millions of costs, if in the end you get an electronic greeting card with the words “Thank you for your patronage”, everyone in the room will be held responsible.

  In a sense, their fate has been tied to “Wasteland OL”.

  Although most of them have never played the game…

  Staring at the laptop on his knees, the square-faced man clenched his fists, and sweat seemed to seep out of his palms.

  He is also a closed beta player.

  Brother Guang never cheats his own people.

  He believes that Brother Guang will not cheat him!

  Time passed by minute by minute, and the bidding price quickly rose to 3 million silver coins, and the speed of bidding began to slow down.

  The trader who had been sitting still suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”…4 million should be their limit.”

  ”The increase in price each time must not be less than 1%. As long as we raise the price directly to 4 million, plus the increase of 40,000, we will basically win.”

  As he spoke, his index finger tapped the keyboard and entered a string of numbers.

  After carefully checking the string of zeros, he then pressed Enter.

  It was like a button that stopped time.

  At the moment the quotation was sent, the entire auction window seemed to be paused, and no new quotation popped up.

  Then, the pop-up window that appeared every 3 minutes began to flash.

  【4 million once! 】

  【4 million twice! 】

  【…Deal! 】

  The office, which had been quiet for a full nine minutes, suddenly erupted in excited shouts.

  ”It’s done!”

  ”Hahaha! We won!”

  ”Well done!”

  The square-faced man finally relaxed his eyebrows, and his fists loosened and clenched.

  Even though he was always steady, he couldn’t help but shout along with his colleagues.

  The old man excitedly walked to the side of the trader and leaned in front of the computer.

  ”Where’s the stuff? That membrane…how are they going to send it to me?”

  The auction was won, there was no suspense about that.

  Most players use RMB to trade, so it would be a coincidence if they could lose.

  However, the key now is, where is the thing from the auction?

  The office fell silent.

  The square-faced man suddenly stood up, threw his laptop on the sofa, and walked quickly to the door of the office and opened it.

  The ground was empty, there was nothing.

  Fortunately, there was nothing.

  It was terrifying enough to send the helmet to his doorstep.

  If it could be sent here, it would be too terrible!

  The other people’s reaction was different from his. They all gathered in front of the computer and stared at the screen nervously.

  Soon a line of pop-up windows came over.

  The trader said excitedly.

  ”…The other party has sent us a data transfer request!”

  ”Quick, hurry up and confirm!” The old man urged excitedly, “Don’t click the wrong one!”

  ”I know!”

  It is obviously impossible to click the wrong one.

  Even if the hand holding the mouse shakes, it is impossible to shake the cross in the upper right corner.

  It didn’t take long for the 10G data to be transferred, and the downloaded data was actually a compressed package in rar format.

  However, the storage format of the data is not important, and the decompression is completed quickly.

  Looking at the pile of information lying in the folder, the people around the computer couldn’t help holding their breath.

  ”…Improved artificial SEI membrane!”

  ”Not only research literature… but also process flow!”

  The old man standing in front of the computer said excitedly.

  ”Quick! Send the information to the Institute of Materials Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technology immediately!”

  The man in the green shirt nodded seriously and said neatly.


  The assistant beside him also took out the turned-off mobile phone in his pocket.

  ”I’ll go outside and call Academician Liu Yiping!”

  The old man said hurriedly.

  ”Let me talk to Academician Liu!”

  ”I just asked him about the lithium dendrite problem yesterday. I can explain it more clearly if I tell him.”

  Because of the 10G of information, the office was busy inside and outside.

  This kind of technology related to the national energy strategy naturally cannot be sent via a network disk or email.

  Not long after, a number of special cars with white license plates left the compound and drove in different directions. At the same

  time, on the other side of the ocean.

  The office of a CIA project team.

  Watching the auction item being taken away by the mysterious buyer, Fick kicked the table with a curse.


  This is the third time he has done this today.

  The table legs were almost broken by his kick, but it still didn’t make him feel angry.

  4 million silver coins!

  Where did such a large bid come from!

  ”The time is too tight, and it just happened to catch up with the temporary suspension… One day, there is no room for operation at all.” The trader sitting in front of the computer looked painful.

  He had been working overtime for almost 24 hours straight, and now he encountered such a bad thing. He was exhausted both physically and mentally.

  The colleague sitting next to him shook his head.

  ”… We have almost bought all the chips in the hands of speculators. No matter how much we raise the price, it is useless without trading volume.”

  ”The battle is over before we have even used up all the bullets… Shit, I have never dealt with such a frustrating market!” The trader said, scratching his head.

  ”The most fucked up thing is that we are not the only ones placing orders in US dollars! Someone is competing with us for chips in the same market!”

  ”Damn it, can’t these bastards wait a little?! We sold it to them in the end! Why are we competing with each other!”

  There was a lot of complaints in the office.

  Working overtime for 24 hours in exchange for such a result, no one could accept it.

  The trader looked at Fick, who was the person in charge of this case.

  ”What should we do now? The auction is over, and we spent a lot of money to buy a bunch of waste paper… Should we sell it when the market opens?”

  Fick’s face was gloomy. He crossed his arms and thought for a long time, and suddenly spoke.

  ”Don’t rush to sell it… This auction may not be the only one.”

  He spent tens of millions of dollars on a pile of waste paper. Even if he had a powerful backstage

  , it couldn’t save him. Not winning this auction was at most a tactical failure.

  If he chose to stop the loss at this time and sell the silver coins in his hand, it would be tantamount to admitting his strategic failure.

  Even if he reduced the economic losses of his sponsors and superiors, it would not save his own career.

  Now he has only one way to go, that is to prove that the string of numbers in the account is not worthless.

  How to prove it?

  It’s very simple.

  As long as the buyer who bought the auction item sends out the “buyer show”.

  Whether it is active or passive, as long as his superiors and sponsors can see that the silver coin can indeed buy good things, and the reason why it didn’t buy it is because the support from the top is not strong enough, he will not be demoted because of a tactical failure, but will get greater support from the headquarters!

  Really valuable things can’t be hidden at all.

  As long as you keep an eye on the relevant news in the industry, you can always find some clues.

  Thinking of this, Fick gradually calmed down and regained his confidence.

  One failure is nothing.

  They still have 3 million silver coins in their account!

  There may be a chance at the next auction.

  ”…But when is the next time? There are no new announcements on that website.” The trader whispered.

  Everyone in the office looked at each other and whispered.

  ”It doesn’t matter when the next time is!”

  Fick raised his voice and interrupted everyone’s whispering.

  ”…The important thing is that we should establish a normalized purchase mechanism for silver coins.”

  ”Not only can we not sell the chips in our hands, but we must continue to buy when the price is right to ensure that we have enough silver coins in our account.”

  ”In this way, when there is such an opportunity next time, we won’t be as busy as we are today!”

  At this point, he changed the subject.

  ”So in the final analysis…the reason for this failure is not that we didn’t make any effort, but that the headquarters didn’t support us enough!

  ”If they had listened to our advice and started buying silver coins a month ago, what happened today would never have happened! ”

  Looking around at everyone in the office, his voice was firm, even fanatical.

  ”Ladies and gentlemen, this is a gift from extraterrestrial civilizations. Those frantic bids are evidence of this. The value behind this is far beyond what money can measure! And we are not the only ones who have discovered this!”

  ”I will immediately write a report, propose it to our headquarters, and seek support from Congress to increase our budget!”

  ”No matter what, we must not fall behind others in this competition! ”

  There was a noisy discussion in the office, and everyone had different expressions on their faces.

  Some people nodded in agreement, while others thought he was crazy.

  He gambled his career or even his entire professional life on something that was not certain at all.

  Not to mention them, even Fick himself felt that he must be crazy!

  Familiar scenes were being played out all over the world.

  Not only intelligence agencies were watching this auction, but also industry giants with related interests.

  These included the darlings of the new energy industry and those giants selling oil and gas.

  Although the transaction price of the auction item was not even as high as a piece of art they had at home, it was very likely to leverage a market of hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars.

  It could even completely change an industry!

  At least they had to find a way to figure out what the auction item was?

  And who took it away? And

  how would they use it?

  Intelligence agencies in various countries were working overtime, as busy as ants on a hot pot.

  Everyone was racking their brains to find a way to investigate the identity of the mysterious buyer.

  And the mysterious buyer was not idle either, and was also working overtime, trying to restore the mysterious film in the laboratory…


  On the other side, the wasteland world.

  The Dawn City Square, decorated with lights and colors, has completely disappeared into the embrace of the night.

  As the clock struck twelve, the stalls serving beer and food closed one after another.

  People who had drunk to their heart’s content walked home arm in arm, while those who had drunk unconscious simply lay on the side of the road, waiting for the guards to drag them into the police station to sober up.

  Just looking at this place, it doesn’t look like a wasteland at all!

  This is simply heaven!

  In the banquet hall not far from the square, the sound of clinking glasses gradually came to an end.

  Looking at the long banquet table that seemed to have been swept by a typhoon, Chu Guang hummed a little song he heard from somewhere, enjoying the afterglow of the end of the banquet.

  And the last bit of good time.

  Just looking at his lazy appearance now, no one could connect him with the “black hand behind the scenes” who stirred up the situation in another world.

  ”Master, the auction is over.” Xiao Qi whispered in his ear.

  Chu Guang replied in a casual tone.

  ”Oh, I see. ”

  After waiting for a long time without any response, Xiao Qi asked curiously.

  ”Huh? Master, aren’t you curious about who finally bought that thing?”

  Chu Guang smiled.

  ”What’s there to be curious about? I know how many silver coins they have in their pockets better than they do themselves.”

  Just kidding.

  Since the Alpha 0.1 version, he has developed the good habit of “checking accounts” in the players’ warehouses.

  Now that it has reached the Beta version, the digital management of the new alliance has been further deepened, and there is no reason to abandon this fine tradition.

  This wave not only directly recovered 4 million silver coins, but also indirectly locked up at least 30 million silver coins of liquidity.

  Only by locking up a part of the excess liquidity can more liquidity be released to industries that need money.

  Otherwise, it will cause inflation. If

  you really can’t understand it, you can think of the silver coins in the pockets of cloud players as fixed deposits without interest.

  The treasury of the new alliance has increased by 4 million silver coins, and the central bank of the alliance has an additional credit balance of 30 million silver coins.

  The former can be used to invest in public utilities, build new settlements, and fill the fiscal deficit caused by the war, while the latter can be loaned to companies that need money to help the supply side expand production.

  Whether it is a player-run company or an NPC-run company.

  As for those ordinary players whose pockets are emptied, they are not at a loss.

  They can use RMB or US dollars to consume in reality, and work harder to complete tasks to earn silver coins.

  Whether it is the new alliance, the players, or the cloud players who have not participated in the game at all, they have all benefited.

  Because no one loses at all.

  So this wave is of course a win-win situation!

  As for how many times he won, Chu Guang was too lazy to count for the time being. He just wanted to concentrate on enjoying the banquet now.

  I haven’t been so relaxed for a long time.

  Since the announcement of the Northern Expedition two months ago, he has never been idle for a moment.

  Now the taut string in his brain has finally relaxed a little.

  As for the troublesome things.

  I can think about it after tonight.

  Watching the last player staggering away from the banquet, Chu Guang raised his glass to his back.

  ”Enjoy it!”

  ”The honor belongs to you!”

  ”This is the reward you deserve!”

  Don’t blame me for suspending the silver coin trading platform.

  This is to protect you.

  Chu Guang took a sip of the wine in the glass and put it aside.

  If it wasn’t for today being a special day, he wouldn’t drink at all.

  Boss Xia, who loves both food and drinks, has already laid on the table, grinning and giggling.

  Xiaoyu stared at the cake on the plate and ate it in small bites with a happy look on her face.

  Pai, who sat next to her, was not so ladylike. It was

  her first time to eat such a luxurious delicacy, and her mouth was full of cream and chocolate residue. Before she swallowed the food in her mouth, she shouted excitedly.

  ”Oh oh oh! What is this thing! Damn, it’s too delicious!”

  Xiaoyu raised the corner of her mouth slightly proudly.

  ”Cream! And chocolate! Desserts are the specialty of Dawn City!”

  ”What about that, what about that?” Pai, holding a fork, looked at the other plate on the table with sparkling eyes.

  ”That’s the grilled leg of venison… But it’s best not to eat grilled meat with cake, it will be very greasy!”

  Although Xiaoyu was earnestly imparting her experience in tasting delicious food, Pai didn’t listen at all and couldn’t wait to stuff a large piece of cut grilled meat into her mouth. She

  tried hard to swallow the delicious food.

  She touched her slightly bulging belly. Maybe she couldn’t hold it anymore. Pai finally put down the tableware in her hand and leaned back on the chair.

  ”Wow, I don’t understand why you have so many delicious foods!”

  Xiaoyu asked curiously.

  ”Don’t you have any there?”

  When the two of them chatted earlier, she learned that Camp 101 was a place similar to Beth Street.

  However, there was no old mayor who exploited them, but there were many people who were more knowledgeable than Grandpa Charlie. They invented many useful things and lived a peaceful life.

  To be honest, Xiaoyu was a little envious.

  Especially when she heard her say that when they were very young, someone would teach them to write and count, and when they were a little older, they could learn more powerful knowledge.

  That was an experience she had never had before.

  If it weren’t for Brother Chu, she would probably still be worrying about how to carry the heavy iron pot to the stove, and she wouldn’t have learned so much interesting knowledge.

  ”Ah,” Pai sighed when talking about her own home, “although synthetic food is not inedible…but the taste, I advise you not to have too much hope.” ”

  Is it nutritional paste?” Xiaoyu asked curiously.

  ”It’s not nutritional paste…we live a little better than the average survivor settlement, but we can’t say that we are rich in energy and materials.”

  At this point, Pai suddenly thought of the gift that the manager had given them before.

  The truck seemed to be loaded with a lot of delicious food!

  Thinking that everyone in the camp could also share these delicious delicacies, Pai felt like she had eaten honey and was indescribably happy.

  The master was right.

  Sharing with others, even monotonous food will become delicious.

  Not to mention this kind of food!

  Taking a sneak peek at the manager who was leaning on the chair with his eyes closed and almost asleep, Pai made up her mind.

  As a representative of the visiting group, she must sign a beautiful agreement and take it back!

  Let everyone enjoy such delicious food every day!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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