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Chapter 345 The End of the Universe is Lying Down

Chapter 345 The End of the Universe is Lying Down


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 345 The end of the universe is lying flat

  At three o’clock in the afternoon, the clouds in the sky of the coastal city that had just rained were fish-scale-shaped, and there was light floating in the gaps between the clouds. It seemed that the weather would be good tomorrow

  At that time, Jiang Qin took Sun Zhi and Deng Yuan to the airport and came to the current promotion station of Zhihu.

  They stayed in Shanghai for three days and in Hangzhou for two and a half days. In the blink of an eye, it was the afternoon of the sixth, and the remaining vacation time was obviously insufficient.

  Before boarding the plane, Jiang Qin also seriously considered whether he should go home to have a look or go to inspect the promotion work of Zhihu.

  To be honest, it was very entangled.

  There are parents and a little cutie at home. Because of the little cutie, I must have no worries about food and drink. It is a good choice to be a dog son at home for a few days and not think about anything.

  It’s strange to say that Jiang Qin recently wanted to go home to have a look whenever he thought of Feng Nanshu living in his own home, sleeping in his own bed, playing on his own computer, watching his own TV, being silly in his own living room, and following his mother in his clothes.

  Perhaps because he had imagined too many such scenes, he had a very weird dream last night.

  On a hot summer afternoon, Feng Nanshu sat on the sofa in his home, blowing the fan, holding a small spoon to scoop ice cream, and then shouted “Mom” to Ms. Yuan Youqin, and said that he was hungry and wanted to eat.

  Jiang Qin woke up with a smile at that time, then sat up, looked at the wall of the hotel in silence for a long time, and thought, is this a nightmare or a sweet dream?

  Nightmare, nightmare, it must be a nightmare.

  At that time, he wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth, lay back in the same posture, and tried to continue the dream to see how bad this nightmare was. As a result, he slept until dawn, and didn’t even dream of a hair. After waking up, he couldn’t help feeling disappointed.

  So, no matter how awesome the boss is, he is not made of iron. They will miss home and hope that there will be warm-hearted people to provide them with emotional value.

  Because the purpose of making money is not to see the numbers in the account increase, but to have endless eating, drinking and fun after financial freedom.

  In other words, the end of the universe is lying flat.

  But after a night of careful consideration, Jiang Qin still chose to go to the ground promotion city.

  The main reason is that Zhihu’s promotion work has always been controlled by him behind the scenes. Although Tan Qing’s internship has made the team’s management and work more standardized, it is not a good thing for the team to be out for a long time.

  Jiang Qin came here this time to stabilize the morale of the troops and to lead them in team building to enhance cohesion.

  In his development plan, Zhihu’s ground promotion work is just an experience for this team, and the ground promotion of group buying six months later is the key time for them to really shine, so the team must not be loose.

  There is a note with the 2009 task list in Jiang Qin’s wallet. Cultivating a professional ground promotion team is one of the key points, so between enjoyment and work, he still chose work this time.


  After leaving the airport, Jiang Qin and the other two got in a taxi and drove along the coastline. Looking at the blue sea and sky not far away, they couldn’t help feeling refreshed.

  ”The air quality in coastal cities is so good. Let’s find a place for team building later. Let’s drink beer and eat clams.”

  ”Okay, boss.”

  Jiang Qin looked out the window, his heart was filled with joy.

  Speaking of which, Zhihu has so far reached the 22nd city, and he, as the boss, has never been to any place it has been to.

  This is the charm of the Internet age. No matter how far apart, an Internet cable can always connect people from all over the world.

  Although the term “global village” is no longer popular, the emergence of the Internet has indeed changed the relationship between time and space, reduced the cost of communication, and shortened the distance of making friends.

  Passing by the mall on the way, Jiang Qin bought some gifts and brought them to the hotel where the ground promotion team was staying to express his condolences to his employees.

  Because it was the National Day holiday, the nearby university was sparsely populated. Everyone was adjusting their pace in the hotel, and by the way, they were studying the next entry strategy under the organization of Tan Qing.

  Seeing the boss coming, everyone expressed a warm welcome.

  The ground promotion team is the former group marketing department. Among them, five are old employees, and seven are new employees who joined after the expansion of recruitment later.

  The new employees had never seen Jiang Qin. They only heard that the boss was a college student from Linchuan, so their eyes were full of curiosity.

  ”Qingqing, long time no see.”

  ”Long time no see, boss. Sister Lanlan said you would come to button my buttons on the 11th, but unfortunately I’m wearing a sweatshirt today. What should I do without buttons?”

  Tan Qing had a neat short haircut and looked much more mature. You couldn’t tell that she was still a college girl who had not graduated. But the moment she saw Jiang Qin, she still naturally revealed a feeling of a girl next door.

  It’s strange to say that almost all the core employees of 208 are older than Jiang Qin, but everyone still regards him as the head of the family, especially the female employees, who seem to be very natural when they act coquettishly.

  ”Stop talking about those exciting topics. Wear a shirt and come to my room in the evening. Let’s talk about work.”

  Tan Qing giggled: “I dare not, I’m afraid the boss lady will break my legs.”

  Jiang Qin couldn’t help laughing: “I didn’t expect Feng Nanshu to be so powerful at such a young age?”

  ”The boss lady is the real god of 208. Oh, by the way, since it’s a holiday, why didn’t the boss lady come with you this time?”

  ”208 doesn’t keep idle people, so I sent her to carry out a secret mission.”

  What Jiang Qin said was true. Feng Nanshu’s secret mission was to disguise herself as a cute gift to maintain their family harmony.

  Tan Qing said, “I heard that after Sister Lanlan left school, Jinrui became your personal secretary?”

  Jiang Qin nodded, “Yes, the girl is pretty good, she is very careful in her work, no wonder Lanlan would recommend her.”

  ”Boss, do you think Sister Lanlan or Jinrui is better?”

  ”Tan Qing, Tan Qing, I’ve said it before, don’t hang out with Sunai, I feel a little bit hot-blooded when I hear you talking now.”

  ”Okay, then how about Brother Dong? How about Lu Feiyu?”

  Perhaps because he was in charge of the cross-city promotion task right after leaving the campus, away from the familiar environment and partners, although Tan Qing didn’t say it, he missed everyone a little bit.

  Jiang Qin also shared with her the situation in school in detail, such as Dong Wenhao’s director career never returned, and Potian Fugui was fat again, and Professor Yan said every day before the holiday that 207 smelled like hot pot, which was actually a reminder that everyone hadn’t eaten hot pot for a long time.

  And Lu Feiyu, since he handed over the tonight’s headlines to him, this guy has finally figured out the shocking style, and he is shocked every day.

  In addition, he also developed derivative titles such as “Scary”, “Shocked”, “Sweating”, and “It turned out to be”. What he said about being a responsible media person is simply nonsense.


  After a brief chat, Jiang Qin asked someone to book a restaurant on the coastline, and then took a taxi with more than a dozen people from the ground promotion team and built a group in the sea breeze.

  ”Everyone, thank you for your hard work in recent times. Although the time is not long, I know that on average each of you has experienced ground promotion in four or five cities, and some old employees have also gone through eight or nine cities.”

  ”So far, we have established more than 50 sub-stations of various sizes, and the number of registered users is also increasing rapidly. As the founder of Zhihu, I want to toast everyone.”

  Jiang Qin picked up the glass and drank it all.

  ”The more advanced cities have been promoted now. For the remaining small cities, don’t spend too much energy. Just organize one or two people on average.”

  ”Zhihu has become a trend now, and online marketing is also being done. After this month, I will give everyone bonuses and let Manager Tan take you out for a trip.”

  ”Uh… a real trip, the kind without any temporary tasks in the middle.”

  Jiang Qin noticed that Tan Qing’s face changed, and immediately added.

  After the dinner, everyone was more familiar with each other, so someone was bold enough to suggest playing billiards, or going to karaoke, or going to the bar for a few hours. Although

  their work tasks were still in a state of urgency, the Lingxiao Palace could not be built in a day, so Jiang Qin readily agreed, but he did not go himself, but chose to go to the beach.

  ”I’m going to the beach and think about the future of the company.”

  Jiang Qin said deeply, then left everyone, went down the stairs, and came to the beach.

  The employees of the ground promotion team looked at the boss’s back as he left, and felt that although the boss was still a student, he really had an unusual maturity and stability.

  Ten minutes later, the mature and steady man came to the footbath at the beach, found a place beside the cement road, cleared the gravel with his hands, sat down, and stared.

  This girl’s feet are so white.

  Hey, she has a boyfriend?

  Jiang Qin looked at a girl in a sweatshirt and shorts washing her snow-white feet under the water, and handed the shoes in her hand to the boy behind her. The corners of his mouth could not help but raise an arc.

  Isn’t this a kind of special day?

  When one day I achieve true freedom, it would be nice to bring Feng Nanshu to the beach to sell slippers. Although I can’t make much money, I will not be short of money by then.

  But if I bring a little rich woman with me, she will definitely not let me look at other people’s feet.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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