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Chapter 347 Aviation Fuel is a Big Problem

Chapter 347 Aviation Fuel is a Big Problem


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 347 Aviation fuel is a big problem

  Official website forum.

  The members of the Niuma team who logged off early were chatting in the gossip section.

  The reason was that Ye Shi’s reply to the official website announcement was accidentally seen by an acquaintance. In order to defend himself that he was not giving up for nothing, but because the difficulty of the map was designed too outrageously, he opened a post in the gossip section, describing how dangerous the situation was at that time.

  Just when Ye Shi was talking about how thousands of drones surrounded them in the building and how he fought and retreated to cover his teammates’ evacuation, Kuangfeng’s ID suddenly appeared in the post.

  Kuangfeng: “I was just wondering if it would be too boring for you to come down alone, but I didn’t expect you to be on the official website. (Slanting eyes)”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior has turned black: “Hahaha! I knew it was fake!”

  You, Xiaotie: “I expected it! None of these Europeans are reliable!”

  The post was flooded with replies with laughter.

  Although 90% of the people who are spamming on the forum at this time have never entered the game, it does not prevent them from making trouble.

  These damn European emperors!

  Take my spear!

  Of course, Ye Shi ignored the ridicule of the cloud players. With a flick of his index finger, he changed the display settings to “Only view the replies of closed beta players”.

  This is a new feature developed by Brother Guang in the previous versions.

  The world was quiet in an instant.

  Ye Shi pretended that nothing had happened and continued typing.

  ”Fuck?! Kuangfeng? Why did you come down too?”

  Kuangfeng: “After we recovered Luo Yu’s VM, we were going to return along the original route, but when we left the building, we encountered a large number of evolutions…”

  Kuangfeng briefly described the situation at the time.

  Not long after they left the building, dozens of bipedal robots parasitized by slime molds targeted them.

  Although the weapon systems of these robots have been paralyzed, the mutant slime mold has given them new weapons – tentacles.

  Then there are “snails” that use the magnetic levitation car as a snail shell and cross the middle of the road, and “mud monsters” that are uglier than Zach fill the entire alley.

  In comparison, the gnawers and crawlers are simply weak!

  Just like those “slime mold drones”.

  The combat modes of most slime mold fruiting bodies can be summarized as three stages: “rushing to the target”, “close combat”, and “biting the feeding organs”.

  Some evolutions with maternal characteristics can assimilate “heretics” into their own units by injecting spores into the “heretics”.

  Very few alien species rely on “corrosive liquids” or “self-explosion” to damage the target, but these alien species mostly exist in the form of traps and have poor mobility.

  These combat methods may sound primitive, but it is this primitive combat method that has caused great trouble to the team that has penetrated deep into the three ring lines.

  The vitality of slime mold alien species is ridiculously strong, and its HP is more than one zero

  more than that of the player. After integrating with the high-tech products of the prosperous era, those “evolutions” have gained powerful hard protection capabilities and mobility beyond ordinary things.

  This also led to the evolutions being like source warriors, with ridiculous combat power.

  ”…Anyway, we were lucky not to run into any freaks wearing power armor like the Decayed Knights. We immediately rushed to the evacuation point after retrieving the mission items.”

  ”But an accident still happened on the way back. The athletic ability of the intelligence department is indeed a little weak… Well, that’s the basic situation.”

  Compared to Ye Shi’s exaggerated narrative style, the physics professor’s words are still more reliable. However, Kuangfeng only mentioned the specific cause of his death lightly and refused to elaborate.

  Luo Yu: “Oh, that’s too miserable.”

  Ye Shi: “Then your mechanical arm…”

  Kuang Feng: “I asked Fang Chang to cut off my arm.”

  Ye Shi: “Awesome!”

  Although it’s a basic operation, being able to say such words calmly is also very strong in a sense…

  Just then, the ID of Quitting Smoking suddenly appeared

  ”Good guy, you guys have been chatting for hundreds of floors and it’s still okay!”

  Ye Shi: “Damn! How come you, the physical system, came down?” Quitting

  Smoking: “Hey, don’t mention it. I touched the corpse with my hands, but the thing was not cold enough, and it rushed over, and I was directly killed!”

  Kuang Feng: “…”

  Quitting Smoking: “Well, don’t worry… Lao Bai and Fang Chang should be fine, we were not far from the evacuation point at that time.”

  Kuang Feng: “Hey, my requirements are not high… It’s okay if one person can survive.”

  Kuang Feng, who has always been taciturn, couldn’t help but pray for his teammates this time.

  Experience and other things don’t matter, but the equipment must not explode.

  Frugality is a common trait of every player of Wasteland OL.

  In fact, it’s not that players don’t want to waste, the key is that they don’t have the conditions.

  For example, mass-produced goods such as the LD-47 assault rifle are fine. If it breaks, just buy another one. However, some weapons with the prefixes of [Rare] or even [Special], if they are dropped, you don’t know where to buy them!

  According to the dog planner, considering the risk of the mission to decide whether to use high-value equipment is also a part of the game.

  The post quickly went off the track.

  Seeing that the T0 combat power of the entire server was so badly abused by the aliens within the three-ring line, the players in the post and the cloud players started a new debate. Is

  the future of the version in “gene enhancement” or “mechanical ascension”…


  Just when the discussion in the post was heated, the two surviving members of the Niu Ma team finally returned to Dawn City under the escort of the edge brother and his teammates.

  This time the harvest is quite amazing.

  The Niu Ma team not only brought back the VM of the missing pilot, the tissue samples of the mutant slime mold within the third ring road of Qingquan City, but also brought back a large number of illustrations and wreckage of the evolutionary bodies!

  Especially the latter.

  Not only can it enrich the setting set of the official website of “Wasteland OL”, so that cloud players can eat more cakes, but it also provides a lot of research materials for the scientific expedition team.

  The wreckage of those evolutionary bodies is like a piece of living fossil.

  They use their bodies to record the form and working method of high-tech products in the prosperous era.

  This is undoubtedly a huge help for the new alliance whose scientific research depends entirely on archaeology!

  Since Yin Fang was repairing fuel rods in Xizhou City and could not come back for the time being, Chu Guang temporarily sent these samples to the medical laboratory and handed them over to Heya for research.

  As for Yin Fang, Chu Guang asked him to help analyze the data of the pilot VM.

  Chu Guang always felt something was wrong with Luo Yu’s crash.

  Especially according to the description of the pilot himself on the forum, he was more convinced of his guess.

  The glider did not crash due to an accident.

  It was shot down by something…

  Without waiting for a long time, Yin Fang quickly completed the analysis of the data.

  He spoke in the communication channel.

  ”You guessed it right, your small plane was indeed shot down, and it was shot down by weapons such as EMP.”

  EMP? !

  The wooden glider?

  Chu Guang’s expression was full of weirdness.

  To be honest.

  The structure of the plane made of mosquitoes is as simple as it can be.

  Except for the battery and a few dashboards, which have a little technical content, the degree of electronicization of the rest of the components is almost close to 0.

  As we all know, without anti-electromagnetic pulse protection, the smaller the electronic device is, the stronger the killing effect of the electromagnetic pulse.

  For those thick “big brother” as thick as a brick and old radios, the effect of electromagnetic pulses is quite limited.

  Not to mention the wooden plane designed by Mosquito.

  ”Are you sure you didn’t see it wrong?”

  ”I’m sure, and I’m very sure. If I can get the data written in the ‘black box’ wrong, I’ve lived in vain for more than 20 years.”

  After a pause, Yin Fang continued, “Although it sounds strange, judging from the data traces of VM, the time of encountering the electromagnetic pulse and the time of the strong impact are almost the same.”

  ”It is reasonable to speculate that the electromagnetic pulse should cause the signal positioning component of VM to fail. Due to the low visibility of the environment, the pilot lost his judgment of the direction and eventually crashed.”

  ”…That makes sense.” Chu Guang’s face was solemn.

  If the cause of the crash was an EMP attack, there are only two possibilities.

  Either it was an evolved body within the Third Ring Road, or the old friend in Boulder City gave him a rocket.

  The latter is unlikely.

  After all, using electromagnetic pulse weapons to attack modern equipment is like using nuclear bombs as fireworks.

  And it may not work.

  But if it is an evolved body…

  Chu Guang really can’t imagine how those mutant slime molds did it.

  Seeing that Chu Guang didn’t speak, Yin Fang continued to talk about his own opinion.

  ”… To be honest, I have a new appreciation for those annoying slime molds. Whether it’s the parasites on Bachi or the power armor and tanks that appeared in the wave, the learning ability and environmental adaptability shown by those slime molds even make me feel…”

  Yin Fang paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about what words to use.

  Chu Guang could probably guess what he wanted to say, but he still asked.

  ”A feeling of what?”

  ”A feeling… that they are more suitable for this planet than us.”

  After a pause, Yin Fang continued in an uncertain tone.

  ”Didn’t you notice? We are doing archaeology, and they are also doing archaeology. Although they use a completely different method from us, they are actually drawing nutrients from our ancestors.”

  ”The first generation of evolution still needs to rely on external objects to strengthen itself. For example, the decayed knight we encountered before, its strength comes from the armor wrapped around it. Although it is a bit difficult to deal with, the number of power armors is limited. If one is solved, one less will be lost.”

  ”However, in the second generation, they no longer need to rely on external objects, but can evolve their own copycat version of “power armor” and reproduce on a large scale… You should know what I mean.”

  Chu Guang said thoughtfully.

  ”You mean “Tyrant”?”

  The name that makes countless wastelanders turn pale.

  In a one-on-one situation, even the awakened will find it difficult. Ordinary 7mm bullets are difficult to cause effective damage to it. Large-caliber light and heavy “cavalry lances” can be used to deal with it at medium and long distances, but there are almost no particularly effective means at close range.

  Yin Fang nodded on the other end of the communication channel.


  According to previous research in the medical laboratory, the tyrant can be seen as two fruiting bodies.

  The fruiting body on the inside is similar in shape to an incompletely developed gnawer, while the fruiting body on the outside is a keratin armor with self-healing function.

  Although the imitation is quite clumsy, many similarities can prove that the Tyrant evolved from the “Decadent Knight”.

  ”…The Tyrant is the most typical example. We can find the relationship between behavior, sociology and biology between the Decadent Knight and the Tyrant.”

  ”This huge ‘hive’ has evolved tens of thousands of evolutions, and used them to realize the division of labor in society. Although their imitation of us is clumsy, it is only now. Historical experience tells us that the development of everything is from immaturity to maturity.”

  ”I dare not even assume what it will be like in a century, and what the third generation of evolution will be like.”

  ”Unlike the mutants who gave up being human, they are becoming us, assimilating us, and trying to replace us.”

  Yin Fang sighed softly.

  ”This is the most chilling…”


  Dawn City Industrial Zone, Goblin Technology Factory.

  Mosquito, who was sitting on a pile of parts and blackboards, and his four self-taught “apprentices”, were still losing their hair for the tasks assigned to them by the managers.

  If you want to break the speed limit, you must first solve the problem of the engine.

  The most ideal situation is to go directly to the turbojet.

  However, even the simplest turbojet must include the compressor, combustion chamber and turbine.

  The operating temperature of fan blades and compressor blades is not harsh, and A3 aluminum alloy can be used directly, but turbine blades have to be more particular.

  The operating temperature of thousands of degrees will greatly reduce the strength of steel and titanium, so nickel can only be chosen.

  However, even single-crystal nickel alloys face the risk of melting in a high-temperature working environment, so tiny internal channels and holes are usually cast in the blades.

  This is a complex process that not only has extremely demanding requirements on the material itself, but also on the casting process.

  Fortunately, Factory No. 81 said that it could help think of a way to solve the problem of engine blades.

  It is unrealistic to make the MiG engine, but it is still possible to make the MiG’s grandfather – “Ta183”.

  A sufficient number of long-endurance jet missiles – or jet aircraft, can at least give the New Alliance a slight advantage in the air.

  The help of friendly companies is undoubtedly a good thing for Goblin Technology.

  If the blades can be made, the troubles they encounter in the turbojet engine can be reduced by at least half.


  Mosquito has not had time to be happy, and immediately realized a problem more serious than the engine.

  They have no fuel!

  There are many aerospace fuels to choose from in reality.

  However, this is a wasteland.

  The New Alliance’s oil is mainly produced by Kamm tree plantations, but this biomass oil is too “light” and lacks highly branched isoalkanes.

  It is no problem to use it as an industrial raw material, after all, the New Alliance’s industry does not have a demanding demand for isoalkanes. As for processing it into ordinary fuel, it is acceptable. After all, even if this thing is not processed, it can be lit with an atomizer.

  However, aviation fuel is not so easy to fool.

  The most critical component of aviation kerosene is multi-branched isoparaffins, followed by a series of issues such as sulfur content and impurities.

  Even if the requirements for fuel calorific value and density are reduced, there is no process for refining biomass oil into aviation fuel.

  Because there is no such species as “Kamu tree” in reality, there is no place to copy homework.

  Biomass oil itself belongs to the frontier field of energy conservation and emission reduction research. Although there are numerous “phased results” and PPTs, I have never heard of any company that can use oil crops to replace oil fields and solve the problems of carbon emissions and industrial raw materials at the same time.

  Oil grown from the ground?

  There is such a good thing? !

  If this thing really exists in reality.

  The whole world will go crazy!

  Just when everyone was racking their brains and couldn’t come up with a solution, Zhuihun suddenly broke the silence.

  ”How about… let’s try solid fuel? For example, burning coal?”

  Duming, who was sitting next to him, suddenly lit up.

  ”Are you talking about Lippisch P13A?”

  Shashen said excitedly.

  ”Awesome brother! I’ve seen that thing!”

  Although it was in the game.

  The quarrel-prevention man sitting nearby shook his head and picked up the chalk from the ground.

  ”Stop talking nonsense, isn’t that a ramjet engine?”

  As he said that, he simply drew a structural diagram on the blank space on the blackboard, which seemed to be simpler than a turbojet.

  But it was only a little bit.

  ”So far, this thing is still a concept. Although it has been dug up and studied again and has been touted as a breakthrough point for N-times-sonic aircraft, the problem of thermal barriers has not been solved. In addition, the insufficient calorific value of the fuel is also a big problem. As for the P13A… that thing is just a blueprint machine. It has never been used in the battlefield. It is a mystery whether it has been made or not.”

  Mosquito looked at him strangely.

  ”Don’t you work in a drone factory?”

  The quarrel-prevention man smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Hehe, it’s just a hobby… What does it matter? Your family also runs a furniture factory.” Mosquito said hurriedly.

  ”I really run a furniture factory!” The quarrel-prevention


  laughed and said.

  ”I didn’t say you didn’t.”

  Although the problem was still not solved, the atmosphere of the discussion was finally lively.

  Everyone was talking about their ideas, even if many of them were unrealistic, but it was better than watching time pass in silence.

  Just then, there was a knock at the door.

  Mosquito got up and walked over to open the door, but the person standing at the door was an NPC guard.

  Seeing the black uniform, Mosquito was stunned for a moment, and a human couplet came out of his mouth subconsciously.

  ”It wasn’t us.”

  The guard was also stunned and said in confusion.

  ”What…it wasn’t you?”

  Noticing the confused expression on the guard’s face, Mosquito immediately realized that he had misunderstood, so he coughed awkwardly.

  ”Nothing…I’m used to it, hehe.”

  Every time the guard came to the door, it was not good, either something exploded or something burned.

  He was almost reflexive.

  The guard stared at Mosquito suspiciously for a while, but didn’t say anything, and handed over the package in his hand in a businesslike manner.

  ”Someone asked me to bring this package to you.”

  ”Package for me? Who?” Mosquito took the package in confusion.

  ”A little girl, about this tall… with blonde hair. She didn’t leave her name, but told me to deliver this package to Goblin Technology.” As he spoke, the guard gestured with his hand to roughly measure her height, about 1.56 meters.

  Mosquito immediately guessed who it was and said in a daze.

  ”Oh, that Pai? Thanks!”

  ”You’re welcome.”

  After the package was delivered, the guard didn’t stay here for long. After completing the task assigned by the manager, he left.

  The door closed.

  Mosquito carried the package and proudly returned to his disciples.

  A gift from the NPC!

  Of course, you have to show off at this time!

  The four animals really found what he had in his hand. The God of Death came over first and asked curiously.

  ”What are you holding?”

  Mosquito chuckled.

  ”Do you remember the little girl yesterday?”

  Chasing Soul said in surprise.


  Mosquito proudly shook the package in his hand.

  ”A gift for me.”

  When everyone heard this, they were stunned at first, and then shocked.

  ”What the hell?”

  ”You beast!”

  Mosquito rolled his eyes.

  ”Get lost! How vulgar! Can’t you just admire my profound knowledge and want to be my disciple?” The God of Death retched

  . “I vomited

  . ”

  Not wanting to bother with this guy, Mosquito opened the package.

  However, when he saw what was inside, he was stunned.

  There was a glass bottle filled with transparent liquid in the package.

  After taking it in his hand and examining it for a while, Mosquito was a little confused.

  ”What the hell is this?”

  Zhuihun rolled his eyes.

  ”Aren’t you knowledgeable?”

  ”The NPC gave it, it should be a task item… How about you drink a sip?” The one who persuaded him said.

  To be honest, Mosquito really had this plan.

  But he had to smell it before drinking it.

  However, when he unscrewed the bottle cap and just put his nose close to it, the stench that penetrated into his nostrils instantly twisted his eyebrows into a ball.


  What is so smelly!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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