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Chapter 347: Talking about Love in the Boudoir, Caring for Her

Chapter 347: Talking about Love in the Boudoir, Caring for Her


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 347: Talking about the lover in the boudoir, caring for the bride

  The red veil in the bridal chamber was still hanging, and soft voices could be heard from time to time, just like a bewitching beauty cave. The

  spacious bridal bed room had its own unique style and beauty.

  Qiu Buhuan was only wearing a light veil to cover her plump and fair body, and she leaned lazily against the bed rail.

  Luo Xian’er sat wearing a lotus underwear and helped Tan Xiang and Jasmine comb their hair. The two sisters simply lay on the soft pillow, with their arms crossed and supporting their chins. The

  four girls chatted about all sorts of things, the past was turbulent, but the previous awkward atmosphere was less, and there was more warmth and peace.

  However, as they chatted, the topic drifted back to Yang Shifei unconsciously.

  From food, clothing, housing and transportation to life experiences, they talked about everything about “Yang Shifei” as if they knew everything about him, and their tone gradually became more gentle and sweet.


  At this moment, a sound came from inside the big red wedding quilt.

  They all stopped talking, and just in time saw Yue Rui poking her head out of the quilt.

  Moli smiled

  and said, “Is it because she has been cooped up for too long and feels a little hot?” Yue Rui muttered sleepily, “No, I just found a ‘stealing cat’.”

  ”Huh?” Qiu Buhuan and the others exclaimed. When was there someone else in the quilt?

  Just as they thought about this, they saw Yue Rui taking out the magic knife.


  The women on the bed were all startled. The thieving cat, is she?

  Yue Rui said angrily, “She was still in the hands of the bad dragon girl and Shui Li last night, and I don’t know when she climbed onto the bed and hid today.

  She must have taken advantage of our powerlessness to secretly make out with her brother!”


  Luo Xian’er stroked the blade of the magic knife, feeling a little amused and helpless, and said, “You really like your husband, sneaking in late at night.”

  The magic knife hummed twice, as if it frankly admitted its “crime”.

  ”This knife is really obscene.” Jasmine blushed and muttered, “On weekdays, she and her husband are always affectionate, just like a charming little lover, making her husband drool.”

  Tanxiang closed her eyes and snorted coldly, “The master and the servant are the same.”

  Qiu Buhuan smiled and put the magic knife on his legs, “I remember that this knife competed with Shuili a few days ago, and both sides were very jealous.”


  Jasmine thought about it, thinking that swords seemed to be able to change into human shapes, and suddenly said in a strange tone, “Will you marry both the magic knife and Shuili in the future?” As soon as

  these words came out, the women on the bed fell silent, and their expressions became more subtle.

  Only the magic knife trembled slightly, and a faint red glow appeared as if it was shy. This vivid reaction made them laugh and cry.

  ”It’s really hard to say, considering my husband’s taste for both meat and vegetables.”

  Tan Xiang bit her lower lip and said in a low voice, “After all, he can accept our true appearance, so what’s the difference between swords and knives?”

  Buhuan laughed and said, “You are making the right and wrong even more weird.”

  Luo Xian’er’s beautiful eyes moved, looking outside the house and muttering, “But speaking of my husband, isn’t it a bit bad to let him work alone in the kitchen?”

  ”I’ll go and take a look.”

  Yue Rui sat up from the quilt, and the silk slid down her milky white skin and spread out.

  She shook the fluffy cat tail behind her hips and waist, her eyes shining, “It’s just right to help my brother and cook together!”

  ”–Just sit down and eat obediently.”

  At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and a tall figure walked into the bridal chamber.

  Yang Shifei swept away the red gauze, walked to the bed with a rich breakfast, and his face was full of smiles: “There is soup and rice, and some pastries and fruits, you can eat as much as you want.”

  Seeing him bring bowls of hot food to the wooden cabinet beside the bed, Luo Xian’er and others were speechless.

  ”Brother, that’s a lot of food.”

  Yue Rui blinked as she looked at the table full of delicacies. “Did you make all of this this morning?”

  Yang Shifei smiled and said, “You were all exhausted last night, so you need to make up for it this morning.”

  Hearing this, even Tan Xiang blushed and felt embarrassed.

  According to the elders, sex is always for men to replenish their essence and blood, and they have never been tossed around like them.

  What’s more, they are five women working together, but they are still defeated and defeated again and again.

  ”My husband, you are really hard-working. You cooked for us in the morning.” Luo Xian’er blushed and whispered, “What happened last night, my husband, are you still here?” The

  eldest lady hesitated for a few times, but couldn’t say the next words.

  Even if they have already married, it is inevitable to be shy and embarrassed to mention the wedding night last night in person.

  ”It’s really joyful.”

  Yang Shifei said happily: “It’s a great blessing to have a few ladies to accompany me. Especially–”

  ”Okay, okay!” Qiu Buhuan quickly covered his mouth and said shyly: “Don’t say these embarrassing words, eat breakfast first.”

  ”Okay, it’s just right for everyone to taste my cooking skills.”

  Yang Shifei wanted to hand them the bowls and chopsticks, but seeing that they were inconvenient to wear, he simply picked up the bowls and spoons himself.

  ”Lean on the bed and don’t move, I’ll feed you.”

  ”Husband, husband? What are you doing…”

  ”The ladies are all sore and weak, so I naturally have to take care of them more.”

  Yang Shifei’s smile became more gentle, and he blew the medicinal stew to cool it down a little, and first handed it to Luo Xian’er’s lips: “Xian’er, drink a mouthful of hot soup to moisten your stomach.”

  The eldest lady blushed and held her breath, and her watery eyes blinked repeatedly.

  Just facing Yang Shifei’s gentle gaze, her shyness and uneasiness in her heart slowly calmed down, and she opened her cherry lips slightly and took a sip.

  ”How does it taste?”


  Luo Xian’er covered her lips, blushing and whispering, “My husband’s cooking skills are much better than before.”

  Yang Shifei chuckled, “There must be some improvement.”

  As he said that, he picked up other bowls and spoons and fed Yue Rui and Qiu Buhuan hot soup in turn.

  When Tan Xiang took the spoon and the mellow taste spread in her mouth, she couldn’t help but tremble her eyes and her heart was a little rippled.

  The taste of this soup is very similar to what she usually makes.

  ”My wife has been taking care of my food, clothing and daily life, so naturally I have to learn a lot.” Yang Shifei smiled gently: “Do you like the taste?”


  Tan Xiang responded softly, her eyes a little softer: “My husband is thoughtful.”

  Jasmine on the side smiled and said: “If the world is peaceful in the future, with my husband’s cooking skills, it will be enough to support our whole family~”

  Yue Rui’s cheeks were slightly puffed up after eating, and she said vaguely: “Brother, it’s delicious.”

  ”You’d better swallow it first.” Yang Shifei touched her little face, smiled helplessly: “Don’t choke later.”


  Luo Xian’er took a light bite of the bun, licked her lips and murmured: “You have been busy since early morning until now, have you had breakfast?”

  ”I ate before I came back.” Yang Shifei smiled: “I ate with Aunt Shuang and the others.”

  Yue Rui quietly came closer and sniffed her little nose: “Brother, there is a cold smell on him.”


  Yang Shifei’s smile froze slightly, and sweat broke out on his forehead. This girl’s nose is still so sharp.

  He was about to speak again, but he saw that the ladies in front of him were all silent with strange expressions, and did not blame him.

  ”What are you doing…”

  ”Why bother asking about right and wrong.”

  Qiu Buhuan took a sip of hot soup, his charming face was rosy, and he whispered shyly: “We were tossed like that by you last night, what else can we say.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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